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OK, quick post then off to bed!

Spent the evening out at inlaws with BIL & SIL in. Both parents see Dr.'s in the next 2 days, so the Denver sister and brother come down for the appointments---glad they do, but the insinuation that no one here can get things done or understand irritates the hell out of me!

Rick is feeling better, the cough Syrup is what he needed. He is back to work today, but in the shop so it is all good.

I am having hard time filling positions in my precinct for election day. I have to have equal numbers of people from both parties, and that is proving difficult. People just don't want involved.....

Tracy--I am told the movie did not follow the book in detail, but whatever you do, you should read the book. I read it, did not see it....might decided to watch it.

I had not watched the Boy In The Striped Pajamas until last week----have you all seen it? I know I am WAAAAYYY behind with it! LOL

Angela, I love trips like that. Once many years ago, 2 friends and I took our combined 7 kids and went to Phoenix, on to California, to do the Disney, Sea World, beach thing, we took them into Mexico (mush safer than it is today) then home through Las Vegas, and by the Grand Canyon. We had a Blast!! Like you we had 2 vans---and CB radios---it was so much fun. We had stopped at a 7/11 to go to the bathroom, and it was taking too long for little 2 year old Jilly, and she couldn't hold it....trailing to the bathroom are little poop balls. My 15 year olds, (DD and friend) and the little ones siblings were crying they laughed so hard.

The other Mom and I hid in the van!!! When what should catch my eye, but these vanity type license plates in the store....and naturally one says "Shit Happens". I had to. We bought it and had it sitting on her steering wheel when she come out very red faced!!! She did clean up after her DD!!!

Vacations can be such fun. Rick is a GREAT vacationer---if I want to stop he has no issue. We have seen Gator farms, and curio shops all over!!

Well I am going to bed----5 comes way too early.

One more week, and my life will be my own again pretty much! Will tell you about my other work later.

Everyone take care....stay cool, or warm, or dry.....at least stay safe!!!

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Hi. Very late post. It's 10:30 here. We haven't been home since 8:45 this morning! We took DD to preschool and stayed to help and brought cupcakes for everyone to Celebrate her b-day (tomorrow). Then as soon as we were done there, headed to Fresno. What a very LONG day!

Got home to find only ONE dog on the deck, not THREE! DH books it into the house to see what's going on, only to find the girls in the house!!!!! WTH!!!! Nothing in the house has been gone thru or appears to be missing and there is easy stuff to take if they wanted. Called the sheriff's dept anyway and a deputy came out.

We aren't sure what happened. Only things we can think of are:

1. Dakota was barking too much and a neighbor climbed over the locked gate on the 2nd story deck and let the girls in the house.

2. The bedroom door wasn't latched somehow and the girls got in the house and then one of them leaned against the door and shut it.

3. (My idea and WAY farfetched) Someone let the girls in the house to steal Reggie and couldn't figure out how to get him off the deck! LOL!

My other thought is someone started to come in to rob the place and got interrupted and left. The girls would have stayed in the house and Reggie would have followed them back out but I don't think anyone would stop to shut the door. Also, if you saw 3 dogs, 1 a huge 90lb'er, would you seriously come in that way? NO! I'd leave those damn things on their own and break a window at ground level on the other side of the house!

Anyway, part of reporting it was/is in case there is a trend started/ing in the neighborhood. Also, 2 years ago, about this time of year, our car and one truck were burglarized in our driveway, while we were home! So now we lock them. But there was a trend and so it was important for the cops to know about it. Also, if we do find something is gone or happened later, they already know about it and we just open a case file at that point. And if we have to report it to insurance, we have a paper trail.

So. I'm exhausted and a little achy but otherwise fine. Well, a little freaked out too but that's getting better.

Off to a couple of other sites then off to bed.

I hope y'all have a wonderful Wednesday!

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Oh I'm so pissed. I wrote out a big huge post and it didn't go thru. I commented on a few things that were posted and I think God got even with me for what I had wrote.

I'm to tired right now to redo it so i will do that in the morning. Maybe have a better frame of mind by then.

Sweet dreams.

OH OH OH...you know me, I wanted the unedited version! lol Hope you had a great nights sleep.< /span>

Hi. Very late post. It's 10:30 here. We haven't been home since 8:45 this morning! We took DD to preschool and stayed to help and brought cupcakes for everyone to Celebrate her b-day (tomorrow). Then as soon as we were done there, headed to Fresno. What a very LONG day!

Got home to find only ONE dog on the deck, not THREE! DH books it into the house to see what's going on, only to find the girls in the house!!!!! WTH!!!! Nothing in the house has been gone thru or appears to be missing and there is easy stuff to take if they wanted. Called the sheriff's dept anyway and a deputy came out.

We aren't sure what happened. Only things we can think of are:

1. Dakota was barking too much and a neighbor climbed over the locked gate on the 2nd story deck and let the girls in the house.

2. The bedroom door wasn't latched somehow and the girls got in the house and then one of them leaned against the door and shut it.

3. (My idea and WAY farfetched) Someone let the girls in the house to steal Reggie and couldn't figure out how to get him off the deck! LOL!

My other thought is someone started to come in to rob the place and got interrupted and left. The girls would have stayed in the house and Reggie would have followed them back out but I don't think anyone would stop to shut the door. Also, if you saw 3 dogs, 1 a huge 90lb'er, would you seriously come in that way? NO! I'd leave those damn things on their own and break a window at ground level on the other side of the house!

Anyway, part of reporting it was/is in case there is a trend started/ing in the neighborhood. Also, 2 years ago, about this time of year, our car and one truck were burglarized in our driveway, while we were home! So now we lock them. But there was a trend and so it was important for the cops to know about it. Also, if we do find something is gone or happened later, they already know about it and we just open a case file at that point. And if we have to report it to insurance, we have a paper trail.

So. I'm exhausted and a little achy but otherwise fine. Well, a little freaked out too but that's getting better.

Off to a couple of other sites then off to bed.

I hope y'all have a wonderful Wednesday!

OK, so this would freak me out. I am a scaredy cat....I wonder what happened. Tell dd happy birthday from me. Even though she has no clue who i am, tell her anyway please :wink5:

Everyone-Good morning friends! Again this morning my hip is in excruciating pain. My knee is hurting too but not near as bad as my hip. The other day my lower back was hurting so I was laying on the bed (dressed) and asked dh to take my feet and raise them as high as he could. When he bent me practically in half, feet over my head, i could feel those muscles stretch...oh my goodness, it felt wonderful!!

Macy has an awards ceremony at 9 this morning. She is getting an award for (get this) excellent behavior! :blink: So now, I know she is split personality, lol. Not that she is BAD but....:smile2:. Funny how kids act different for their parents than they do for other people. I am very proud of her. :laugh:

Frank is working extra at work for the next month but at least he is off today to go to the ceremony.

How is everyone this morning? Have a fantastic day and treat yourselves kind!

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Hey guys.

I'm going to try and repost but tone it down a little. I was just in a place that it hit me all wrong and I should not have tried to comment on it at the time. I am calmed down a little right now but I still have the same feelings.

I take offense when people tell me what a good person I am and how they are amazed at how well I take care of my family. To me it is my Cross to bear. That is exactly how I look at it. That this is my punishment for being a not so kind person. Don't get me wrong, I'm not an evil person. I'm just not a very good Christian. But right now I am at my wits end with the older sis and the younger one is close to being there. I'm tired of being the one in charge and responsible. I want to be able to have my time and take care of myself right now. This health issue I have going is very nerve wracking to me and I'm doing my best to deal with it. But when I have both of them coming at me with their health problems and all the other crap they have going, I just want to yell at them to stop. Stop, do you not know how to call your own doctor? Do you not know how to do your own shopping? Laundry, insurance, cat box, dishes, meals, etc.... Maybe I would rather spend that 5 minutes I'm sitting in the car waiting on you to take you somewhere with my Hubby. Maybe I would like to go out to eat with my Hubby instead of leaving him to go do your laundry because you don't feel like going downstairs to the laundry room. I'm tired of hearing how much you hurt all the time when you do nothing but sit in a chair all day. You should try being my shoes for a day. Try feeling what it's like to carry and extra 200 pounds around on your bones and still doing all the things I do. I mow, I walk your dog, I grocery shop for you and on and on.

So, yes I will be there when you need a ride home from the hospital, I will be there when you need someone to listen to you, I will just be there. But don't take advantage of me. Be respectful of my time and what little time I have to share with my Hubby. Don't act like I am your personnal care taker and boss me around. Because when you do that I will utter under my breath a few choice words and if you by chance hear it, don't be shocked.

That is why I am not a nice person, a kind person or anything else. I can't seem to do things and just do them because it is the right thing to do. I do them and then have resent. I do, do and do and then look back and think, "Who's gonna Do for me". How selfish is that? Horrible. I know it and I'm working on it. Some day I will be at peace with it. Just not right now.

Pet Peeve. I Hate, Hate, Hate when people do NOT say good bye when they hang up the phone. That is so totally rude and I Hate it. So if you start to hang up without saying it and I catch you, don't be suprised if you hear me call you a name. Maybe that will teach you next time to be more respectful.

This is in no means directed at any of you here. I am just so very very glad that I have all of you and that you guys are more than willing to listen to me rant. Sometimes I need to let it out and I know poor Hubby is tired of listening to me. He never tells me that, I just feel bad that he gets the brunt of a lot of it.

Tomorrow is my appointment with the 2 surgeons so you can imagine where my head is right now. An maybe that is why all of this is going on im my head. Just major stress.

Now I'm going to apologize to all of you. I am truly sorry if I have said anything to offend any of you. I really am sorry. Dealing with Mentally handicapped people is very trying and I do a lot of tongue biting. So bear with me and I will try to be better in the future.

Now it's off to fix lunch, change into our scrubs and head to the hospital. I'll check in later this evening.

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So I do my Rant, go and get a bowl of Breyer's Peanut Butter cup ice cream and feeling pretty good. I may just make it thru this. Then the phone rings and the sister is at it again.

Capital "B". and I mean that.

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Suzanne-i have a question. DO YOU have to do it all? And if so, why? What would happen if you weren't around anymore? I am quite sure that things would still get done and appointments would be made. Give yourself a break. You have enough on your plate don't you? The stress alone is enough to drive you to an early grave. Your health is just as important.

Just tell them you can not do it anymore. What is the worse case scenario? and can you handle the consequences of it?

You do not need to apologize. We are your friends. :smile2:

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NOTHING in your post offended me Suzie, except the feeling you had to aplogize to us! We are here to support one another through good and bad, and even when we are not perfect. On the old thread, sometimes it DID feel like I was being judged for having a crappy attitude, or not being grateful enough for what I DO have....but that is what I love about this thread, and you girls, I feel accepted. Period. I do not have to put on airs, or feel worried what might be thought if I say something about my family. I can complain and still know that everyone of you still realizes I love them wholeheartedly and want nothing bad to happen to them, but I can still resent, and complain...and be down right mad and at times. I feel like I can be honest with you about my son, and the ambivalence I am having with them moving. Loving him, and being so upset with him all at the same moment. The lack of judgement I have found here is rare to find.

And Suzie, you DO deserve the praise we give you, I could care less if you did it because you were being highly paid, and mumbled under your breath all day long about it!!! The point is---no one is holding you at gunpoint to make you comply, and you DO IT. You are a normal, living, breathing human being....you are not a Saint. To think you should WANT to wait on people hand and foot is silly---of course you resent it....I do, and in your situation I would too, and I honestly would not probably do all you do! I too deal with a mentally challenged sibling, and I lose it frequently with him! And I have my parents to help with him still.

So while we will give you the right to feel the way you do....we too have the right to feel like you ARE an amazing sister to them, and that whether you mutter obscenities or what, they are still so very lucky to have you.

Hope your appointment today goes well.....report in soon! I see you on, maybe we are typing at the same time.

Well MIL's biopsy come back --- cancer free.......so back to square one. The mass is growing, now there is talk of a fungus maybe.....they are doing a PET scan next week, and will possibly biopsy again, just to double check----this is so crazy. She seems again almost disappointed. I believe it is because her other 2 kids become VERY attentive when the news is not good. Sad they don't see the correllation.

Work was steady---makes it go by quickly. I am quite tired of repeating the same thing over and over---I bet I say it in my sleep!!!

We are having a mexican food fiesta at MIL's tonight, I am making pappas, mexican potato casserole stuff---and taking tortillas. They make the enchiladas---cheating ones, they are good, but I wish they had just had me make real ones!

I will try to check in when I get home tonight---gotta go cook.

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Oh, Suzie. You are judging yourself too harshly. It sounds like they need to hear you call them out every now and then and be reminded that what you are doing is out of love and not obligation.

I second what Kat and Tracy both said and want to add that if your health starts to fail, then nobody wins. You have to come first. Take care of yourself and know that your are loved.

...That's what attracted me to this group. The love and support I witnessed here through good and bad...I am equally glad to be able to call you friends.

I am relieved to hear your MIL does not have cancer, Kat. I know you are still without answers and I hope they find them soon.

Enjoy your dinner! Do you share your recipes? I am a terrible cook (although by the looks of it, nobody is starving here) and I love to try new things. I think I read before that you cook a lot with green chilis?

You cracked me up with the "poop ball" story and the liscense plate. That is how we roll too...nothing is off limits for a laugh!

Tracy, how was the awards show? Macy is such a cutie. We had a Choir program and awards show last night for Zach. It's such a joy to watch the little ones beaming with pride when they get their awards. They had a "most likely to fall off the choir risers" award...sooooo glad Zach didn't get that one. LOL!

Michelle...HOLY COW! I would have been in a motel room somewhere. That would scare the hell out of me. I am OCD when it comes to locking doors and double checking them. To come home and find my dogs inside??? I hope you find answers too and they are not in the form of a break-in.

Bethany, go ahead and send that bossy "B" over. Grrr....I do not like controlling people. Glad you could remove yourself before doing her physical harm!

I am home sick today. I got up at 6:30 am, ran to the donut shop for Zach's school project (he was a police officer in a mock trial. He required a badge and told me that he wanted a box of donuts because that's what police eat...lol!) and ran him to school. When I got to work, I started feeling light-headed and hot, almost feverish. I don't know what came over me. I slept for about 3 hours this afternoon and feel a little better...just still not right.

I hope everyone has a great evening. I think I am going to go hold the couch down.


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Ahh!! Didn't finish...

Suzie, I will be thinking about you tomorrow. Take a deep breath and keep your chin up.

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Oh!! I did it again...

Tracy...careful having your husband lift your feet over your head like that! :smile2: :laugh:....might cause somebody to be late to work!! LOL!!!!!!!!!

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Oh!! I did it again...

Tracy...careful having your husband lift your feet over your head like that! :smile2: :blink:....might cause somebody to be late to work!! LOL!!!!!!!!!


So, when we having coffee? Do you work M-F?

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Suzie, you have every right to complain and nothing you said offended me. I really do wish you would let them try to deal with their problems themselves, at least for now. You MUST take care of yourself. Come vent here. Venting is healthy and it helps us to feel a little better sometimes.

Angela: love the donut comment! Kids are so funny.

Kat: that is great news about your MIL..you are ALSO someone who needs to put herself first, dangit.

Reading all this brought back a memory from high school. I was the one everyone turned to if they had a problem. I was a good listener and gave good advice. One night I realized that I had problems, too, damnit, and I had NO ONE I could talk to about it. It sucked! I was too busy saving everyone else to realize that I had issues building up. Dang, I may have just saved myself some money on therapy. Thanks, y'all. This has helped me stop and think.

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Home from our shift at the hospital. I just love going there, we have a great time with the girls.

When I got there I had to go to my sisters room. They were discharging her today. I had the hardest time getting one of her kids to come and get her and take her home. Finally the youngest came and got her. I'll have to get up in the morning to go get her prescriptions and take them over. She's on antibiotics for her sore throat and instructions to eat even though she doesn't feel good. She's not to let her blood sugar drop like that again. That's what caused her stay at the hospital.

I really wish her kids would step up and help out more but they won't. The oldest told me the other day that he really doesn't want to talk to her more than two times a month. The daughter only comes around when she needs something and you guys know what problems we have had with the youngest son.

I'm home with my feet up for just a little bit. I'm going to go in and sit on the side of the tub and shave my legs. It's pool season now and by tomorrow afternoon I will be in my suit and if the Water is warm enough, I will be in the pool. I am so looking forward to it.

Angela, Years ago we rented a Motor Home and took my parents on a weeks vacation to Oconomowoc Wisconsin. For weeks my dad had studied the map and how to get there. My dad was one of the smartest men I have ever meet. Anyway, later in the day I finally talked my dad and my hubby into letting me drive this huge 32 foot rig. So I'm in the driver seat and I ask my dad for directions. I can see him sitting at the table in the kitchen and he reaches up and turns the light on, grabs his glasses and puts them on, picks up the map. Unfolds it and looks it over. He then tells me to go about 3 miles and take hwy ## for 4 miles till we get to the next city. He folds the map up, takes his glasses off and reaches up and turns the light off. I drive for about 2 1/2 miles and ask my dad what highway was I supposed to take. He reaches up and turns the light on, grabs his glasses and puts them on, unfolds the map and tells me to take hwy ##. So I do what he says and I drive for about 3 miles and then I ask him what the name of the town is that we will be coming up too. He reaches up and turns the light on...........You get the story. I was just busting up. My mom finally caught on to what I was doing. I had so much fun with him on that trip.

Tracy, your little mini-me cracks me up. I love the pictures you post. But it probably is a good thing that she got her dads temper and demeanor.

Kat, that was the best news and I let out a woot when I read your post. What a relief for all of you. I hope your dinner tonight was a joyous one.

Now if I can just get a good nights sleep without 500 different things running thru my mind. I will try to post as soon as I can after my appointment. If I can't get home right away I will text Tracy and she can post for me. I do hope that I can get some vicodin from him. I'm tired of my ass hurting. I love saying that to my hubby, and then I ask him to kiss it and make it feel better.

Did that just turn your stomachs?????

I love you guys and thanks for helping me get thru this hurdle in my life. I know it will all turn out ok, it's just getting thru it.

Hugs to all of you and I will say and extra prayer for all of you that God keeps you all safe.

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Hi Guys

Let me start by apologizing to Suzie.......I really meant what I said in the most sincere way and am sorry if I hit a nerve. You really have to understand that what you have explained regarding your feelings towards your sisters is absolutely normal...we may even be a little worried about ya if you didn't complain. I truly admire people who do for others day in and day out with very little reward. I am by nature a selfish person. I was raised a spoiled brat..youngest and only girl in the family and my dad's side of family. I have a wonderful mom who sounds so much like you and while I don't tell her often enough how much I appreciate her I do admire her and those like her. But please remember that you have to be #1 especially right now until you get some answers regarding your health. My mom was in your exact position with her siblings regarding the care of their mom (my grandma) and she finally had to let everyone know that she could no longer carry the full load and they needed to take some of the responsibility and they did...and she has learned that if she doesn't speak up everyone else just assumes that she is fine with doing everything. She has also learned that as long as the overall outcome is reached it does not necessarily need to be done the way she would do it. Hang in there...I will be thinking about you and sending my positive vibes your way tomorrow. Ooh yeah and I so agree with you on the hang up without saying goodbye. I will call back with major "tude" and then hang up without saying anything...yeah I know 2 wrongs don't make a right but damn it feels good to show them what it feels like.

Tracy-I soooo miss my son at that age..when moms are the most important person in their life. Just wait till she talks on the phone to her first boy, wears makeup, drives a vehicle......okay you see where I am going. I don't know what it is like to have a daughter but I can tell by your posts that she's a pretty special girl.

Kat-That is awsome news about your MIL. Hopefully the Dr's can figure out what is going on and take care of it ASAP so that things can return to normal (or at least as close to) for you and Rick......it will make your upcoming vacation more enjoyable and relaxing.

Angelia-I hope you feel better soon. I wonder if you have a touch of the flu? I tell ya.....I need to have the whole work up on me done...I pretty much feel like crap on a daily basis..just run down, no energy. Gosh could it be the crap I eat;)

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Not to gross you guys out but here is my story for tonight.

I don't shave my legs during the winter time. I know, gross, eewwwwww. I'm not very hairy and I have very light colored hair, so it's easy to get away with it. Now to on to what I wanted to tell you guys. I just went in and shaved my legs so I can put my bathng suit on tomorrow. I got some new stuff from Avon. It's Skin so Soft Shaving Gel. I really like it. The other stuff I like is a foam and even though it does a good job it just seemed to be easier and do a better job with this gel.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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