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OMG Tracy!!! Pivotal Move? It not only made you really strong, it unlocked brain cells!!! THAT was the wording I was searching for yesterday, and it escaped me!!! Must have to give up chocolate for that knowledge!!!

Another night of crappy sleep. I go to bed, and toss and turn til 2 or 3 AM---then sleep fitfully. So today I am going to have a headache.....but no caffeine...see if that helps. I guess I could drink a glass of tea this morning, regular tea, to avoid the headache, then nothing else caffeinated. Something has to give. My SIL tells me it is my age. Love that sentiment! Grrrrrr LOL

Anyway, this morning I am exhausted, and sleepy. But I refuse to sleep at all until bedtime. I HAVE to reset this internal clock!

The wind is blowing HARD today! And I have to go into town. Several things I need to do, that I forget when I am trying to get my Mom taken care of and all the things she needs to do done. It is chilly too. So gonna wear long jeans, and a ponytail, and tuff it out!

Michelle, hope you are feeling ok, today might be a hard one. I had a surgeon tell me that the 3rd day following a surgery is usually the hardest, as all the internal anesthesia has worn off, and all the muscle aches are in action. He said if you can deal with the 3rd day it should improve from there. Will be thinking of you!

Suzanne....I hear ya on the achy muscles. Something about gymnastics (aka falling in the yard) at my advanced age (previously mentioned) makes my muscles ache too!!! I cannot do Aleve, and try not to take anything before bed. I tend to reflux if I do.

Rick told me last night, he wants to take me to do something this weekend---what would I like to do? I have no clue! The weather is supposed to be yucky---windy and rainy. Nothing jumps out at me, no movies I am dying to see, some would be ok. But nothing big. He even offered to take me to the dinner theater in Durango. But it was fun the one time, but not my thing really, especially since now we know no one in it.

Connor is supposed to have a game tonight. We will see.....poor kids, they need a dust mask to go with their baseball uniform.

Found out yesterday, that Rick's work is not likely to sponsor our team this year.....that bites. No softball.

Well if I am going to town, and going to get my stuff done so I can go have lunch with my husband, I better get it in gear.

Will talk to y'all later.

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Hubby and I just got home. We went and checked out some restaurants. It's my job to find a place for our annual Women's Ministry dinner. So I went and checked out about 5 places, came home and picked hubby up and we went and checked out a few more. We finished up at SidePockets and ate appetizers and played about 3 pool games. We always have some much fun doing stuff like that.

Kat, the winds here today are getting up to 45mph. A storm is headed this way and supposed to hit in the morning. Just in time for me to go to work. Great. It's too windy to do anything outside.

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There's a new housing addition not to far from us and tonight hubby, sis and bil an I went over there to pick up slate rock to do some landscaping in the backyard. It is so beautiful here this evening and we had a good time. Bil took his RC and ran it while we loaded the truck. It was fun to watch him with that little car. It can get up to 45 mph.

So now I have a truck loaded with rock. It is supposed to storm tomorrow so we will leave the rocks in the truck for now. This weekend we will back it in to the backyard and unload all of it. I'm excited to have gotten this much done.

Took a benadryl a little while ago so I hope I sleep pretty good tonight. Not sure why the last 2 nights I haven't slept real good.

I hope everyone had a great day.

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Hmmmm.....Starting to get that lonesome feeling.

Where is everyone???????

Home from work and it's pouring down rain. Really dark here and so much lightning and thunder. Scaryyyyy.

Looks like a day were I will be able to get caught up on stuff I have recorded. I put some chicken on to boil and I think I will make some chicken salad for sandwichs for dinner.< /span>

Still haven't heard back from the Doc's. So still not sure when my surgery is going to be.

Hope everyone is doing good.

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Suzanne, you are not alone.....everytime I get ready to post, the phone rings!!

Now I am heading out the door, will be back and post!!!

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Hi ya'll...i have been sitting in the bathroom, with a trash can in my hand....NEVER had it both ways before. I have been sick since 1 AM. I am feeling a tad better. Macy is going out of town for the weekend so i can recouperate and not worry she will get whatever it is i have.

I will ttyl...

PS...this may kickstart the scale, no? LOL I wish i was one stomach virus away from goal again...this would have been it!

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Poor Tracy, make sure you keep yourself hydrated.

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Rainy cool day here today so I have actually done nothing but watch TV and play on the computer this afternoon.

I wasn't lazy all day, I did work and then went and looked at an apartment with my sis. Made some chicken noodle Soup, mopped the kitchen floor and a few other little things.

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Oh Tracy! You poor thing!! I haven't been that sick in YEARS!! I don't ever care to get that sick again. It's awful!!

DD had a wonderful time! Came home so tired that every little thing made her cry! She wants to do it again! Whether it's here or there, we have to be prepared for someone being up almost all night! DD kept getting up and finally just ended up going to sleep w/R at about 4! I would have done the same with hers so it's all good!

Suzanne, I love storms like that but only if I can be at home! I hate driving in those!

Kat, guess you still haven't been able to get back to post!

Got a letter from my dad. Long story there. But he's buying a house. Still doesn't get him any closer to me tho! It's like a 2 day trip to go see him. Can't just throw a weekend in there and take off. Irritating but I am happy for him. He likes projects so now he'll have one!

Have a great evening!

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Hi, just now getting home, and back to my computer!

Awww Tracy, so sorry you are so sick!!! YUCK!!! Are you running fever? If not I would wonder about food poisoning. Usually if it is going both ways with no other real symptoms, such as body aches, and fever...it is something to wonder about.

Hope it passes quickly!

Michelle, glad to see you posting, and doing so well!!! DD is going to be a veteran at overnights soon!! LOL It is a hard thing to let them go like that!

Suzie, which sister is moving? I spent the day running like crazy, and had plans much like yours, to just kick back, read my book, and do nothing... HAH!!!

Was a BUSY day!

Let's see, I slept in, then went to town, picked up Kinsey's pics, had lunch with Rick and did some Walmart shopping ---bought 3 shirts for $3.00 each!

Went to a meeting here in Aztec, took a half hour or so....

Then I stopped at Rick's folks on my way home, give his Dad a haircut, then went to my folks, and let Mom pick some pictures out. Come home, met Rick as he was pulling up. So we brought in some wood---it is COLD here again, actually saw snowflakes in the air, but none made it to the ground today! Supposed to freeze hard again tonight, we kissed any fruit goodbye, the trees are all bloomed, and now froze....does not hurt my feelings to be honest!!! LOL 2 days ago we were in the 80's, and now snow in the air again!

So, then we met up with Becky & Gary to have dinner and watch some warm up runs with the horses. We ate at the restaurant at the local casino, which is where the horse track is, then we gambled for awhile! Becky won the most---she come out $113.00 ahead, I was next with $50.00. Rick lost $10.00 and Gary lost $27.00. LOL We would have stayed longer, and enjoyed it, but the smoke runs us out every time.

Rick got a call while we were out, and he has to work tomorrow. Makes me unhappy, but whatcha gonna do about it??? So we went to the grocery store, got some things to make a lunch for him, and come home.

My meeting today was about a temporary job. Looks like I will be working for the next month. Start Tuesday morning, and will work the month of May.

The little town we live in is the County Seat. So all the County offices are local. NM has early voting. I will be working the early voting for the month. I am working from 7 AM to 1:30 PM. I won't leave til an hour and a half after Rick leaves, and will be home long before him.....so other than the 2 Saturday mornings I will be working---he works one of them---he won't even know I am gone. The money is decent, and I thought it would make a nice addition to our stash for Sturgis. We are also going to Yellowstone in July, so $$$ is always beneficial!

I will enjoy it. My Dad worked for the County for 25 years, retired there---many of his friends are still there, and many others I know from watching their kids for years! So it is a nice place to be, and I think it is a wise move for me, in case I want to pursue a job there in the future---with the County I mean. So......for a month I will be working again.

I have lots of reasons for doing it, and none I could really come up with for not doing it!!!

I am running into a little bind at the end of the month, I was going to take my parents to Colorado for my cousins graduation. He has been accepted into the Air Force Academy---only the 3rd from the area in Colorado he is from to be accepted, the other 2 nominated him. One is a senator, and the other a retired astronaut! So he graduates over Memorial Weekend, and I was taking my folks. I think Manda is going to be able to take them. So it will all work out ok. If she can't, Rick said he would skip the rally he was going to go to, and he would take them.....

I have a toothache...makes me unhappy! Very back molar on the bottom left side.

Going to go brush, and see if it will ease at all.

See ya tomorrow!

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Just skimmed posts...sorry.

At least this morning it isn't both ends, just one. I thought it was over but my coffee went straight through, so....

I am SO sore this morning from throwing up so much. My back and ribs are KILLING me.

I am going to go get the prescription the dr called in (refilled) for me yesterday. Can't hurt to have them handy.

Have a great day everyone!

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Oh Tracy, Honey, I am so sorry! At least it's stopped on one end. Let's hope it stays that way! Get better soon.


Well, this is the best loss I've had in MONTHS!!!!

Last Saturday before the "cleanse" I weighed 193.7. This AM, after the cleanse, surgery, no exercise, etc., I weighed 188.5!!! That's a 5.2lb loss!

I am so hoping to keep it. I just got my appetite back but I'm trying to be mindful of stopping when I'm not hungry anymore. Eating little bits instead of big bits. And this AM, DH decided to make a package of cinnamon rolls. Well, I am going to have my yogurt first and then if I want and can, I will eat a roll. Or part of one. Luckily they are the small ones and not the gigantor ones that you can buy now!

Another beautiful day today. Hoping it's a little warmer than yesterday. Tho it seems I have my own heating system going on, just not reliable and can't be used at will! LOL! Last night I would swear it was like 80 in the house. I was comfy tho sweating just a little. Looked and it was only 72! Too funny! Rest of the family is enjoying it b/c I don't have the wood stove cranking out the heat! :thumbup:

I asked DH if he would take his next shift off too. I'm feeling okay tho a little fragile. I'm worried about doing too much. Every Thursday PM we pick up a box of organic veggies from a farm near us. The box is at least 20lbs and large. I'm afraid of trying to pick it up on Thursday! I know I'll be fine for sure the following week but I need him for one more shift. It'll also be a huge help with DD. She takes so much energy!

Well, off to eat my yogurt and check out a couple of other sites I'm on. Have a beautiful day no matter what you decide to do!


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Tracy, I hope you get to feeling better soon.

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Good Morning Girls. I'm up and trying to get my butt moving. I need to get to the grocery store and get some stuff for my sis. She called yesterday and said she needed milk and a few other things. I wanna go get that done because there are some things I want to do around the outside today.

Kat, my sis lives in a studio apartment in a Senior Citizens Apartment building. You have to be 62 years of age to move in there. She was 53 when she moved in but she is mentaly disabled and that made her eligible. The lady next to her moved out about a montha go to a nursing home and her one bedroom apartment is available. We went over to look at it and she is going to tell them that she would like to move into it. It is really nice and I think she will be happier with a bedroom. Now if we can only get her lazy butt kids to help get her moved and not be left to me to do it like the last time.

Sun is shining but we had a lot of rain lately. I think we wil let the yard dry out one more day before we try to mow. But I do have all of that landscape rock I need to get moved to the backyard and put in it's placed. We also want to put a tree up next to our fence on the one neighbors side. They stand on their deck and can see us in the pool and always want to know if the little one can come over to swim. She now has a new boy-toy that we are not real fond of and really prefer to not get involved with that situation. So we are thinking of putting in a Red Bud tree that will fill in that area. Hubby wasn't wanting too but the more he thinks about it, he thinks it will be a good idea.

Tracy, you out of the bathroom yet? Hope you are feeling better.

Jenn Honey, Check in when you can, we miss you.

Michelle, I can't get over how you are bounceing back. That's wonderful. But still don't over do it.

Hi Cindy, Irene, Laura and all of our others that haven't checked in for a long time.

Make it a good one.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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