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Have you tried the new Planters Almonds and Cashews called Flavor Grove? We have a friend who drives for Frito Lay, and he gives us lots of things, there were some of them in the last box....mmmmmmm

NO!!! And I do not want to find anything else I like to eat! lol I am fine with my 28 almonds :thumbup:

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TESTING IS OVER!!!!! Thankfully. Unfortunately, my 15 year old is very ill with a stomach virus...sitting on the toilet with a bowl... not good. At one point he was sleeping on the floor in the bathroom. After the sickness stopped, he started with body aches and a fever over 102. So, I left school early and brought him to the doc. He said it should just be a stomach virus, but could turn out to be the "flu". I have to watch him for the whole sore throat, chest pains stuff.

Trey, you do seem to still be the king of the multiquote. I am extremely jealous. I am multiquote challenged.:thumbup: Congratulations on nearing your goal!

Kat, I hope everything gets better with your son. I know it can't be easy.

Ugh, just finished doing mine and my daughter's taxes. Why did I wait until now? I have NO CLUE. Jeez...I just suck right now. Oh, and I still have more goldfish at school. I am giving the students the rest of those little suckers tomorrow. No more crackers in the classroom! I am retaining Water like a camel.:unsure:

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LOL, glad the testing is over Cindy!

Tracy, the almonds and cashews are not bad ones for you, I just checked and the serving size is like yours 28 almonds.....they just have flavors....chipotle, sea salt and cracked pepper, or sea salt and olive oil....they are good, but I have a feeling they will be expensive.

Speaking of nuts, I have a question for y'all....maybe I ask you before. Have any of you ever seen a cashew in a shell? My granddaughter ask me at Christmas. We were putting nuts in the shell in a bowl, and I was showing her what was in each one, and she kept asking for the ones she likes....which are the cashews, and macadamias......

Well I saw macadamias in Hawaii, but have never in all my years seen a cashew in a shell!!

We went to practice. Was so good to see the boys. We saw Connor at my inlaws the other day but had not seen the baby in awhile.

Then we went to dinner, and I must say....I married the greatest guy in the world.

All this going on, and he tries to tell me what standing beside him means to him. Reduced me to tears in the restaurant! Whata guy!!!

We have another couple of guys riding to Sturgis with us. One of them used to work for Rick. His Dad went to school a year or 2 ahead of Rick and I, he died from brain cancer almost 20 years ago. So the kid, kind of put Rick in the Dad position, calls him about big purchases, and job changes etc. When Rick had the bleed, and they thought he would not make it, the poor kid (who is not a little boy---tall and close to 300 pounds I'd guess), stood in the ICU and cried like a baby. Holding onto me and sobbing "not again" . He was soooo happy Rick was ok! He bought his first bike (at a special price) from Rick. He married Barbie. Seriously, she looked like Malibu Barbie! She moved like her too, in case moving suddenly would mess up her hair!!! They divorced, and he married an older woman!! She is really nice. But he and his brother in law---wifes brother are riding up with us. I am so happy! They just have to ride BEHIND me....his bike is LOUD! They added the Scorpions and someone else, I forget who to the concert line up.....will have to look.

It is hot in our house, but by morning it will be cold again! These temp changes are unreal!

Michelle so glad you spoke with your Mom, makes her being ok more real!!

Cindy, why didn't they just do a flu test on your son, so he could start the meds if it is? The swab up the nose is anything but pleasant, but it can determine whether the meds are needed, they are most effective if begun in the first 24-36 hours. Poor, poor kid, I feel so bad for him. Hope he is better soon, and that he doesn't "share".....

OK Well I am out of here......DH has been watching the news, and is finally finished!!!

See ya tomorrow!

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Up and getting ready for work. I ached all night long but did manage to get some good sleep. I guess mowing for 5 hours will do that to you.

After work I have a funeral to attend. Sad story but he was one of those guys that you just feel blessed to have known. He fought a good battle his whole life.

Kat, cashew shells are very poisonous from what I hear. I too have never seen one.

Have a great day everyone.

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Good morning everyone!

Kat-how sweet that Rick acknowleges you. That is a rare thing for a man. You are right, he is a keeper! I have seen the different flavors you are talking about. I like the taste of the nuts though. Why try to improve on greatness? lol

Cindy-oh i feel so sorry for ds! Poor thing. I sure hope he feels better soon. I hope it does not spread to anyone else in your house. Goldfish are good, right? I had to start getting the little packages for macy. For some reason I wont open those.

Suzanne-mow for 5 hours? I would be in the hospital! I did not know cashew shells are poison! Come to think of it...i have never seen a shell either.

Michelle-isnt it strange to type out what you are feeling and find that others can 'feel ya'. That is why this site is so important to me...i know you all can relate. I have been going through so much that my therapy is typing it. Thank you for giving me some validation :thumbup:

Jenn-i sure miss you. (if you even get to read this)

SuzyT-how are things with you? How is Gia?

Trey-sorry to hear that you have been going through so much stress in your personal life. My friends after 20 years are getting divorced too. Must be in the Water. What part of TX are you in? I am right by Houston.

This is my morning ramble about myself, skip if you feel the urge...lol

Everyone-I did not weigh this morning either. I am just following my insticts on that one! I am having a tougher time mentally this time losing because I am trying to get back where I just was and I have some kind of problem with it. I know when I lost weight before it came off on an average of 2 pounds per week but my GOD it seems like it takes so long. I am more impatient this time. I realize what is happening...it is all a mind thing with me so I am trying to talk to myself and calm myself when I feel the impatience coming. It isn't easy.

Yesterday was a mentally hard day for me. All i thought about was food..food...food. Head hunger in the worst way. I hate days like that.

Have a great day everyone. (((hugs)))

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Tracy, I try very hard not to weigh myself to often. I retain Water very fast and I would just drive myself crazy with the up and down. So I weigh Monday mornings and usually again on Friday. I do it on Friday beacuse then I know how to eat over the weekend. For some reason this time around I'm not into the weight loss number as I have been before. I'm just enjoying knowing I'm losing beacuse first, I feel better and second my clothes are really hanging on me now. I'm not paying so much attention to the numbers.

Kat, I like those moments when my husband takes my breath away by doing or saying something little. No big grand gesture, a little pat on the butt, a pinkie squeeze, a wink, a woot woot. Those are the things I can store away in my memories and pull them out when I need a little lift. I hope that both of you will have the time of your lives in Sturgis.

Jenn, HUGS.

Drew, So glad you are here and feeling like a part of our little group. We always need one more here.

I did the wal-mart thing this morning. ughhhh. But I made it out with out chewing someones head off. It's a good day.

Trying to decide if I want to do a pedi today or wait till monday, hmmmmm.

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OK, I',m home and drunk. Dang neighbor.

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OK, I',m home and drunk. Dang neighbor.

You know you LOVE it.:thumbup:

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Oh great, now my head hurts this morning. ugghhh.

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Good morning!

Suzanne...want a margarita? lol

I think I am finding out that even if we go out to eat mexican food that it doesnt matter that I am cutting portion size....I will not lose weight eating that food. SO, plan B, no eating mexican food. I knew that already, I guess I needed a confirmation. Maybe, just MAYBE I have not lost anymore weight because I have bathroom issues (tmi, i know). I feel so bloated! I will fix that problem!

I have been putting out applications. I do not remember how much of our probs I have posted on here due to dsd moving back home but it has kind of strapped us money wise. We are waiting to see if we are approved for a debt consolidation loan and that would make my life alot easier! Maybe even enable me to stay home with Macy. I am not against working but I HATE that i feel like it is being forced on me. I resent it. Anyway...

Have a great day everyone!

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Tracy, I understand what you are saying. I cannot tell you how thrilled we are that CS ends for us in 2 months. In this particular case it is not the money that is the big deal. Yeah it is a helluva chunk of change I will gladly keep for ourselves again, but it is the emotional stress of knowing they are still in our lives. It will be good to be rid of it all. The emotional weight is far more enticing than the financial. There was however a time that due to a change in legal status, we had to pay maintenance, until we got back into court, and it was hitting us for over $1100.00 a month. Added to our legal fees, to retain the attorney. On top of mortgage, a car payment, and standard bills. We also had credit card debt, because each time we go to court we have to go to Denver to do it! Time off work, unpaid, and travel expenses....it was killing us!

I HAD to work to keep things afloat. Now it would be easy to say I resented it because it was not my kid.....but lol Rick could say the same thing!!! LOL

When we got back into court, they reversed the maintenance, and we went back to just CS. But it put us in to years of struggle, and it is a hard thing to deal with. She sat at home, raising that child---we did not have the luxury. She sat in a home that had over $80K put as a down payment, because the courts awarded her the home.....it was hard for me to help support her, because to be honest I despise the woman. And it was hard for Rick, because he felt such guilt over me having to do it!

On a good note.....it was worth it. It pulled us together as a team. It was US against her. It showed her we had something together that she could not destroy. The frame of mind, took awhile to acheive, but, it was worth the effort. We had a file we kept everything in in regards to the court junk through the years. We referred to it as our "sink the bitch" file. We did not prevail in the broad sense of the word. She still gets money we don't feel she is entitled to. But she did not break us....emotionally nor financially. And THAT was her goal. So we won.

That is how we look at it.

We are not heartless, the girl has had a hard life we are sure in the years since Rick was outcast. But....she too played a part in it.

We are offering to continue her insurance if she is going to college---we'll see if we even get a response. She has some pre existing needs that she will not be able to cover otherwise.

Rick is out fixing his Dads pump. Not sure how long that will take. Got the house clean, and just waiting for him. Chose not to go out there and wait.

Suzanne, hope you had a GREAT time with your neighbor!!!

We went to dinner yesterday with Becky & Gary, then hit opening ceremonies, in the wind and cold.

We did not stay til all the kids left the field. And they never even told Connor we were there.

Rick talked to him at his Moms last night on the phone and he was surprised to know we were there.

grrrrrr should not be surprised I guess.

Off to unload the dishwasher, then the kitchen is DONE! Already mopped. I feel so efficient!!! LOL

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Home from work and just resting for a few. I need to get my housework done also.

Neighbor and I had a date to do Pedi's and margaritas yesterday. But I had a funeral to go to and wasn't able to make it for the Pedi. I'll probably do that Monday. Anyway we met at the mexican restaurant and share a plate of chicken nachos and before we knew it we had drank 2 margi's a piece. That's my limit without having a des-driver. We gabbed for a couple of hours and then headed home. I was so tired from the whole week that it didn't take long for me to fall asleep in the computer room for about an hour. Got up and 2 hours later I was back in bed.

Beautiful day here to day so I'm gonna go out and enjoy it.

Hope all are having a great weekend.

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Hey Y'all!

Was outside most of the day. Finished moving the rest of the one bale of straw. Looking at the other one and I just did not want to haul all of that pitchfork by pitchfork! So, I got behind, under, in front of and moved that sucker by myself til it was out of the way enough to get the kennels set up tomorrow!

We're running out of time. DH comes home tomorrow and we've got a BIG storm coming in Mon PM thru Tues, then he's giving a training class Wed PM and then it's back to work. He comes home again the day before my surgery! Gotta get those things set up tomorrow. We can work on it more probably Mon AM but the storms have been coming in sooner than "they" say so we don't want to take any chances.

Kennels aren't going where we want them but there's a wood shed w/wood in the way and now the garden is in the way again too. So temporarily the kennels will go to the front of the side yard instead of the back.

Wouldn't have had to move the garden again except now we need THREE kennels instead of TWO. Once the side yard is all fenced in, I won't have to fence in the garden. Deer aren't going to try to jump a 6ft fence that tends to have dogs in it!

Anyway, I'm pooped out!! Have a great night!

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Michelle, I sure could use some of your gumption. I have some work that needs to be done around the pool. I keep saying that every year and I never get it done.

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Good Sunday Morning Everyone.

I'll be in and out all day long. Lots of yardwork and housework to do.

Make it a good one.

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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