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Cindy I cannot imagine, hours staring at nothing....I am pretty good at day dreaming too!!! LOL

I am thinking really seriously about checking in with my Dr. tomorrow to see about another round, just so it does not get bad again....today I feel like someone hit me with a Mack truck.

Took the truck in, took them 2.5 hours, sitting in a nice comfy chair, with my pop and my book.....and my reading glasses at home! grrrrr I managed, but it was a struggle!! LOL

Went from there to Albertsons to get some things we needed, they were out of stock.....ad broke this morning, c'mon!

So go up to pay, I cannot find my debit card! I call Rick and tell him to look in the van....meanwhile I am searching for the keys to see if I left it in the truck. In the process, I find my debit, but no keys---they are locked in the truck! He come over opened the truck for me, and I come home. I am EXHAUSTED. Like I have run a marathon or something----all I did was sit and wait.

Rick and I tried the new KFC double chicken thing. 2 chicken breast patties, with bacon and cheese inside. Was good, but 3-4 bites and I was done. VERY dense, and filled me up quick. ON the good side, I have not had any cravings for anything all day---pure Protein, no carbs. Think I'd learn that lesson!!!

Well off to play with Miss Kinsey, and find something to call dinner.......nothing is even remotely sounding good!

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Yeah, it is pretty bad. Until they are through with the test, no reading a book, no working on grades, no computers and cell phones are locked in the car...it is awful. Luckily this is only one week out of the year.

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Hi everyone!

I read everybodys post...i really did....but...*sigh* Sometimes I hate this medication i take. I can't remember SQUAT! lol I walk around aimlessly sometimes trying to remember what I got up for.

Cindy-i think i have my head straight now. I will come here for the daily reminder that I am here for a purpose other than friends :thumbs_down:

Kat-I can not remember wth i was going to say to you. lol

I still love ya though!

Michelle-ummm...:thumbup: :thumbup:

OK, LOL....if I can not remember what I was going to say to all of you I am just gonna leave....so THERE :Dancing_wub:


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Hey Tracy, we are going to be in San Antonio the 2nd week of June it looks like. Do you know where we went for the river float? Rick would like to go, and I am not sure, but I think I might be able to dredge up enough bravery to try it again.....maybe!

Anyway----will solidify details as it gets closer.

In laws class reunion is the 2nd weekend in June.....I think it is Fathers Day----which would be about right, so I would not get to see my Dad, and the girls would not get to see Rick. Hopefully son and family will be in LA by then, so he is not emotionally slapped by that...you know what I mean.

So Tracy, you have an extra bedroom now, you could turn it into a gym room! Put down an exercise mat, and leave thigns out!!! I have a couple of machines with nowhere to put them.....I soooo wish I had an extra room....

We did pizza for dinner. I took the sausage off of Kinsey's----she knows it used to be a pig! She had no idea about the pepperoni! She loved the salad. Ate enough salad so I don't worry too much about her diet. She loves tofu-----and is telling me how good it is! But Manda still feeds her some meat, and actually took her and let her have sushi the other night, she just ate a salad---said it was harder than any steak she has passed up!!! Dummy!

She is SUPER impressionable, always has been. She is on a major health kick. It has made a difference in Kinsey....even I can see it. She is not allowing her red meat, and doing everything in her power to keep her away from artificial sweeteners, red food dye, and high fructose corn Syrup. She will sit still, and write her full name, and have a calm conversation with you. It might be her age, and just her maturing, but Manda thinks it is all related. This was her pediatricians recommendations, she said they are the culprits many times. Small bodies metabolize them quickly and suffer from spikes and lows related to the sugars, and many kids stomachs cannot properly digest red meat, and it actually begins rotting in their systems! EEWWW!!! Anyway, she seems better....Manda is happy. Guess that is all that matters.

She is so small, I was worried, that if her diet was modified, she would lose weight. Not an issue, she eats plenty!!!

For her school placement, she is in the 31st percentile for height. Head measurment, she is in the 38th percentile, and in weight....she did not make the chart! Scrawny!!! She weighs just over 30 pounds maybe. Is over 5 and still in a full 5 point harness carseat without issue!!! She needs a size 4-5 in length, but her shorts in infant sizes still fit her! Hilarious. Poor thing is gonna be like her Granny and belong to the "No Assatol" Tribe.....

Well off to visit with my sweetie!

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Welcome Trey.

Tracy, Hubby and I walk around the house like that ll the time. But with us, it's called "Old Age". Hubby cracks me up when he comes out from the back of the house and walks out to the kitchen. Then he goes back and then comes back out again cussing at himself that he hates when he goes to a room to do something and leaves without doing it. We find ourselves doing that more often.

I called the Band Doc this morning to see about setting up my surgery. The nurse said she would talk to him about taking the gallbladder out also. I think I'll ask if he can do a little titty lift, lol.

Cindy, I probably wouldn't have any cuticles left or something I could find to dig at. It's good that it's only 1 week a year.

Busy night at the hospital tonight. We like it that way, makes time pass faster.

Tomorrow is our really big day. It's our first time this year to cut the grass at our Church. It usually takes us about 6 hours to do all of the work. And than my class is making their Confirmation tomorrow night, so i'll have to come home and shower and clean in time to go to that. I have had so much fun with those kids.

Kat, hopefully the kids moving will let them figure out for themselves just which direction they want to take their lives in. I hope it is a real eye opener for them and that they know that they have a family that really does care for them and love them.

Tracy, I also watch Ruby. The part where they talk about everyone having something in their past that they use food to mask it with, well, I'm not so sure about that. All my life I have been heavy, when I was younger it wasn't too bad but after I got married was when I really put the weight on. I have racked my brain trying to figure out what happened to me at such an early age to have caused me to do this to myself. I have not one single complaint about my childhood, ok I take that back. I wish I had grown up in an era where they taught you to eat everything on your plate. Don't leave the table till your plate is empty. That's my biggest hurdle right now. I take 5 bites of my dinner and can't walk away from it because I still have 4 bites left. Other than that there is nothing that happened to me that would cause me to eat beyond belief. I JUST LOVE FOOD.

I'm gonna finish American Idol and then head to bed. I may not be on tomorrow. I'll check in when I can.

Hugs to all of you.

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Hey Trey, long time no see--here or on FB. Figured your schedule changed permanently.

Let us know how you are doing!!!

I'm ok! My schedule remains very erratic (2 nights / week in the sleep lab, 2 days / week doing echocardiograms). Weight wise, I'm less than 8 lbs from my initial goal....so there's some good news.

Trey....I am Tracy

Hi Tracy. I think I can remember that particular name, LOL. I don't know if I'm a friend of Kat's. It's probably more appropriate to say I'm a creepy stalker of Kat's.

Yes Tracy, Trey used to be here on LBT usually from work, he has a wife and family, and working odd hours (nights) he kept his screen time to a minimum. He was a fellow Mod Squad member (moderator) and he got caught up in a worse blow out than the Violets had by far. In our "posting just to post" room, there were many, many divas.....and some seriously STRONG personalities. And when another moderator made some personal issues into a public matter, it blew sky high! Sadly there were a group of these women who took EVERYONE to task for something, and Trey stood up for what he believed, and they did everything in their power to eviscerate him. They were banned, and tried to take it all to FB....and amazingly once you refuse to friend them there, I believe they have mostly dissappeared....finally. In the meantime tho, we lost a really good group of people and support. And many accusations were made, and stuff that were simply not true. Personally I miss his wit, and insight....as well as that of a few others in that old room.

Ok, confession time here, Kat. My wife left me (out of the blue, I might add....no problems, fights....everything seemed to be great) in January. It was emotionally devestating, and I still haven't really recovered, but I'm doing better now.

Trey!!!!! I am SO happy to see you!!!!!! Even if it is a drive-by post! Hugs to you and the family and that wonderful TUG of yours!!!

Heartfire! How's it going? See my above post, but at least I have my kids and good ol' Tug!! LOL. I'm going to peek at your pics!

Welcome Trey.

Hey thanks, Suziecat!

Bonus message for the "old school" crowd - Clearly, I'm still the king of multiquote!!

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Good morning everyone!

Just a quickie....got lots of errands to run today.

scale is still stuck but at least it is not going up. I would like to think it is just deciding to go down and has not figured out how much yet...lol. Thats ok, it can take its time :thumbup: (as long as its not TOO long)

I got a text back from Jenn saying she misses us too and she is SO tired!

I will post later today. Have a GREAT one!

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Kat-was it Rockin' K where we left from in New Braunfels? I want to go again some day...that was a BLAST!

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Well Tracy--Rockin K-----think June!! LOL Thank you, I know somewhere I might have had that info, but it would have required some serious digging!

Don't stress about your scale.....remember how it worked.....stuck, then a pound or 2.....it is ok, just hang in there, you are doing so well!!! First week is closing in isn't it?

Wow Trey! Not sure what to say to that shocking bit of news! I would see where she would comment on your FB entries, or on your blog....and it was never like they were problematic. She left the kids with you? It is hard to keep up with my own feelings, and what it going on in my life, I try to stay on page with Rick, but I know I miss the boat sometimes. I am so sorry it happened to you. There may come a day it explains itself, and then again you may never know.....hey maybe she just figured out she would never stand up to your greatness!!! jk

Hang in there, you are almost to goal--VERY cool! It takes awhile, but life will settle back down and you will find yourself adapted to a new normal. (((hugs)))

I am expecting a call from my Mom wanting me to take her to do some shopping for a weekend party. Other than that, I am doing the exciting laundry today!!! Wooohooo!!!

Lots on my mind today---off to mull things over.

Hey Cindy you are just sitting there---think about things for me!!!

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OH MY GOSH!!! I just took all THREE dogs for a walk!!! We didn't go too far b/c well, I wasn't sure how it would GO and my lungs are still clearing out so I didn't want a set back.

The walk went GREAT!!! I was so shocked at how well it went! Thank goodness Dakota isn't hyper on a leash. She just hung out and went with the flow. Poor Reggie and Paige are not sure what to do when a car drives by. They both spook but I just kept walking and made them go thru the experience. They did great.

Thought I would need my inhaler when we got back but I haven't needed it! Very pleased about that.

~Cindy, I'm sorry you are so bored. Almost done tho! Hang in there.

~Trey, I'm fine. Crazy around here. DD is almost 4! I'm having a Hysterectomy in little more than a week and couldn't be more thrilled! I am so sorry about your wife walking out on you! That is just WRONG!!! Thrilled that you're almost to goal! Glad the kids and Tug are doing so well. I'm on FB now, friend me!

~Suzanne, have fun today!

~Kat, I sure wish I could help some how but I know I can't. Hang in there!

~Hi Tracy! Tell Jenn hi and I miss her! Don't worry about the scale. YOU are moving in the right direction. That's all that matters!!!

Okay, ? for y'all! How much does all my female insides weigh? I wanna know how much weight I'm gonna lose with surgery! LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!

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Well Michelle, sad to say you will likely come home a good 10 pounds heavier than when you went! But soon all the fluids will leave, and you should find yourself normal again, and possibly a couple pounds lighter!! Wouldn't it be great to just come home and weigh 15 pounds less!!!

But with the IV, and the tissue shock, the fluids will cause a gain....but it is temporary.

Made a trek to the Post office, we are trying to title a bike out of CA, and they needed a signature we missed, so back they sent it!! So it is on its way again, but other than that, it appeared to be good, so soon we should have a title. Then I see DH spending money like crazy again.

I unlike Michelle, ended up having to hit the inhaler in the grocery store---I could not quit coughing, and get a decent breath.

Come home, and DIL was just hanging up on my answering machine. Wanting to know if we are coming to practice. I told her we would be there for the last few minutes....Rick does work, and after all this, I am not willing to go down there with everyone on my own. When my innocent Dad got drug into it, and now everyone wants to blame Manda--screw it. I will be pleasant, and no more. Son owes a lot of apologies, and he is not man enough to give them in my opinion. He would rather leave messages and talk like his psycho Mom. She always refers the the grandkids as the "babies" said in this purse your lips kind of way....and he tells Rick on the message...."don't take it out on my babies" he has NEVER in all the years referred to them as "his babies"--his boys or his kids, and yes the baby in regards to the baby, but NEVER "the babies" . Rick said it was like talking to the psycho bitch all over again, flash back 25 years, threaten to take away the kids, and then accuse you of abandoning the babies.....he is not thrilled, but we so badly want to see the kids.

My temper is a little short today, probably not a great day for me to go alone. But that is my choice, based more on not wanting to get into it, nor wanting to visit with any of them, and also not wanting to sit in the wind, when I am having problems breathing.

Pheeeeew..........thank you for letting me vent. That phone call irritated me. Acting like we were the ones making a choice not to come......and then having to pull words from her like pulling teeth. Grrrrrrrrr

Soooo glad you are all here!!!!

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Hi Kat, yep, I figure it'll be much like the banding as far as all that goes. YUCK!!! Took me TWO weeks to lose that crap! Hoping it'll go faster this time. <sigh> Would be so nice to lose like 5lbs with this surgery. Would make up a little for all the pain and irritation it's caused me over the years! LOL!!!

Vent away, vent away! We're here for you!


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Got home from pushing a lawn mower for 5 hours and the girl on the evening shift texted and wanted to know if I could work for her tonight. I could barely make it up the stairs let alone be in a fitness center for 4 hours. I couldn't do it anyway, my class is making it's Confirmation tonight and I need to be there.

Michelle. I was huge when I had my surgery and being on a diet was not in my vocabulary at the time. I gained I bet at least 25 pounds in the 6 months following my surgery. But I ran into complications and was home bound for those 6 months. It was a free for all with the eating. Just follow your band rules and you should do just fine.

Didn't hear from my Band Doc today.

Poor Jenn. I hope she will be able to get some rest this weekend.

Tracy, You have been down this road before and you know what you need to do to make it thru it. You will make it. Don't let the stress of the DD and DH interfere with your journey.

Kat, man-o-man. Don't know what to say to you and all your family drama. Just know that I am thinking of you.

Cindy??? 1 more day???

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Have you tried the new Planters Almonds and Cashews called Flavor Grove? We have a friend who drives for Frito Lay, and he gives us lots of things, there were some of them in the last box....mmmmmmm

It really isn't any new drama Suzanne, it is like yours....ongoing. And some days, or even some minutes of some days I let it get to me....when I shouldn't. But I am so glad I have you guys to unload on, I don't say these things to Rick, or to anyone else. They always remained thoughts only, and ate away at me. Now I let it go, and no one is hurt by my outbursts! A lesson I think we all know who could learn from!!! LOL Most of what I complain to you guys about is worthless nonsense. Not worth the time I let it get to me. As for MIL, she has been this way forever--intensifies with age, but I should not be surprised! And with DS, I know all we can do is let it go....let whatever is going to happen with him happen. It is heartbreaking, so I dwell on it.

Gotta go to practice~~~

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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