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I had a fantastic Birthday - thank you for all your well wishes!

Went this morning to the omputer shop and they plugged me in to a new cord and they had 1 in stock... so obviously you all see it worked.

I am just flying by because I am getting ready to go back to work! I am going to be safety coordinator for a specific job site, will be there for 1-2 years and then will be moved to another site if I prove my worthiness, and it is with my brother-in-law so I will work extra hard to kick ass because of that!

I have a safety class tomorrow, one on either thurs or next tuesday, and another on the 22nd and may 3... so I'll be busy and runing like crazy! BUT MY DREAM JOB!

I'll continue to get my certs and next year can start taking state test for training instructor!

go me!

I'll be back to catch up later

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So glad to hear all the good news Jenn!!! Looks like all the wishes for a great year ahead, are already coming true!!!

Keep us up on what all is going on, I know it will take awhile to get a routine, but we want in on all the changes!!!

This time change kills me. I can't go to sleep until late as it is, so it makes me sleep in til it seems half the day is gone!!!

Went and did some grocery shopping, think I am set for the week. Almost got in a fight --a going to jail kind of fight for me!!! I was walking in, walking behind a man on crutches, with a boot cast on his left leg. We just entered the cross walk into the grocery store when this car comes flying up, swerves around this guy and just goes! There is a STOP sign!! So big mouth me, I yell "Hey Moron, can't you read?" The windows are down, it is lunch hour, and there are 3 high school boys in the car. What he did to his tranny I don't know but he stood that car on it's nose he stopped so fast, and come flying out of the car at me!! Cussing a blue streak! The man on the crutches tells him, "if you lay one hand on her I will wrap this crutch around your head"! He is yelling at me to mind my own F'n business. I told him, ya know if you can't read the stop sign, maybe you shoulda stayed at school! One of the other kids kept telling him "Brad come on, lets go, Brad come on" So I looked over, he is in my face, calling me names, and yelling, causing a HUGE scene. I kept telling him to get out of my face and to slow down. I was repeating it when the manager come out, while the manager was trying to talk this kid into calming down, a couple of the employees, placed shopping carts in his path of leaving, and before I realized they had done that, a cop showed up. They took statements of what happen, from the man on the crutches (whose name I now know, and know he fell on the ice and broke his ankle!) and myself, and told us we were free to go....he told the kid it sounded like he owed us an apology, and the kid told the cop F that--the bit*h has a loud mouth! He was rude, but he was right, I do!!! Unfortunately now I have to worry about any repercussions, and I do not think before I yell!!!

So I left the store, and ran to the Sonic!! As I was waiting to pull back into traffic after getting my drink, this guy---late 20's or so, rode by on a bike---he had his hands both in his pockets, and was riding a 10 sp. mountain type bike, hands free. He was in my guess, half keeping his hands warm, and half showing off!!! So he waves to me and rides on, putting his hand back in his pocket. I waited til it was clear and pulled out....just up the road, I passed him, and it made me nervous---if he fell, he would fall right into or under my car! And there is mud and clumps of mud and ice everywhere, the road debris following these storms is bad! He sailed right on through the red light, never looking for cars....and a truck was turning left, just missed him! Still hands free. I have to pass him again, so I changed lanes. Next light, he sails through again, and about half way through, I have no idea what he hit, but he went down and skidded into the curb---if it had not been in a wide open intersection, he would have fallen into traffic!!! When he hit the ground he had not even managed to get his hands out of his coat pocket! A man got out to help him, I didn't. He made me angry!!! I could have been the one to run him over, through no fault of my own! But I'd have to live with it! Moron! Again!!

So I come home. Not a good day for me to be out and about!!! I am idiot enough alone without exposing myself to all the others out today!!! LOL

Come home, made a salad, 3 times bigger than I will ever be able to eat! LOL

So sitting here snacking away at it!

Anyone wanna go get in trouble with me????

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Jenn, I am so excited for you. What a great thing to hear. I hope all goes well for you and that this is a wonderful beginning to a long career.

Kat, I was once like you. My sister would get on me about it saying that some time someone is going to pull a gun on me. It may have stopped me from speaking my mind but doesn't stop me from giving the ugly stares. It must work, I see people back off or stop what they were doing.

I got to work at 6am and sat there for over 2 hours before anyone showed up. I was texting another co-worker and was telling her I was thinking about going out and standing on the curb with a box of donuts and try to entice people to come in. I was even thinking about calling hubby and having him come in to work out so I could show my boss that at least one person came in. So about 8:30 I finally had a full house, just in time for my boss to come in. It's not my fault that people are not coming in. I just don't want her to change our hours.

I have class tonight and than will be headed right to bed. I have to be at work again at 6am. and than a short trip to Wal-Mart.

Hope you are having a great day, even you Kat.

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That's how I feel getting up early in the morning. What is wrong?

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Good morning all

just a quick check in, going to drink some coffee and head out for my last few morning walks. I'll have my elliptical and walk my butt off at my site, so i'll just walk on weekends.

Kat - what a day... sign me up i'll get in trouble with you

Tracy - how are ya sister? how nice i'll have money when you get here :wub:

Suzanne - thanks for such kind words - and that makes for a long night, hope today is better. It is going to be 58-60 here all week, how nice right?

Cindy, michelle - howdy

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Kat-your post sounded like ME....one day I will have the cops called on me. I can not stand rude morons! LOL I wanna go get in trouble with ya! :tongue2:

Jenn-congrats on the job sista! I am so happy for you!

Suzanne-you ok hun?

Sorry I did not log on yesterday. Just so busy doing stuff with dh and dd. I knew if I did not log on right now I would miss today too! busy busy busy.

We watched Law Abiding Citizen yesterday. It is a new release on DVD and I really liked it. A little bloody but good!

Have a great day everyone! :wub:

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Yeah, I'm ok. I woke up at 4:30 when my alarm went off and I laid there for a few seconds and was afraid that I might fall back to sleep. So I got up and got into my early morning routine. It's just that I have a really hectic week with working some double shifts, taking sister to Doc appointments and to top it off I have to go to a funeral tomorrow.

It's a long story but a cousin of mine has been on life support for a long time and they decided Saturday to turn everything off. She lasted 5 minutes and then was gone.

I have been every week to the hospital to see her for the last 2 months. She fell down a flight of stairs and fell thru the railing and landed 10 feet down in to the living room. She broke 3 vertebrate in her neck, collar bone, ribs hip and thumb. All on her right side. The side she landed on. It was a dominoe effect with her. Once one thing started to fail than something else would go wrong. She fought long and hard to get back and was making a good stride but suffered another set back due to some blood thinners. She went down hill from there. She was only 49 years old. I'm going to miss her terribly but not those trips to the hospital.

That side of my Family is all Irish. So her funeral being on St. Patrick's Day is going to be strange but I imagine, knowing my family, that there will be a huge celebration afterwards. There will be a lot of toasting and singing.

Now I off to work again. These double shifts make for a long day.

Hope everyone is having a good day.

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Awwww Suzie, I am so sorry, I seem to remember you telling us about her accident....is that right?

I think you are probably right, the Irish funeral on St. Paddy's will be a combo of mourning, and celebrating, but that is how Irish wakes are---and if your cousin had any of it in her, she would want the life she had celebrated. It is a terrible shame it was cut so short tho.

Rick and I had a friend who fell from the ledge at his apartment, when taking out the trash one night. He fell 3 stories, and no one knew, a woman walking her dog found him the next morning. He was very well known in our school. He was really friendly, and an amazing athlete, but his biggest claim to fame in our small school, was that he was the only black student. He was adopted, and he had a hard time with dating. All the parents liked him fine, but did not want him dating their daughters! It was never an issue for me, he was in the IN crowd and I was not!!!

I am reading a series of books all set in Ireland, and what little has been said of the funerals, tho, I think you are going to be expecting the right thing. They are innterweaved novels by Maeve Binchy.

I was nauseated all day yesterday. My stomach was just yucky no matter what I ate. Lost my lunch, and should have went to liquids, but didn't....ended up losing my dinner too, and was freaked out to find blood. I behaved then. Nothing more by mouth for 12 hours, then on to liquids I am. They are settling well, my stomach has lost the "puky" feeling. Will stick to liquids, and will move on to Soup for supper, and then soft tomorrow. I know better!!!

My husband was wigging out! He had that massive GI bleed, and he was trying to haul me off to the ER. I told him it was not a lot, and I am not on blood thinners like he was (which is what almost killed him), and if I threw up more, I would gladly go. I did not. I slept well. Got up, was NOT hungry in any way, so did not eat. Finally decided I should drink some, so been doing that.

I have regained 3 pounds----maybe this will MAKE me get on it and pay attention to the right way to eat again.

I had salad for lunch yesterday, and that is hard to digest anyway, and with my stomach being upset, it was a bad choice.

When will I learn?????

Well I am off to put up a few Easter decorations.....I feel like I am totally slacking off!!

Again Suzie, I am so sorry for your loss...

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Hey y'all~

Quick request for prayers for my MIL, and the family. She got her cat scan and blood results and all in today, and was immediately summoned to the Dr.'s office. Looks like cancer began in her liver, and has metastisized into her lungs.

Family is trying to process this tonight. FIL is freaking out, and he wants to be taken to Texas so he can just stay there out of the way.....yeah nice job of being supportive....grrrrr I know he is just upset, but c'mon!

Anyway, we meet with an oncologist on Friday, and will go from there, the PCP acted like with her age, there is little choice of doing anything. But he is an ass in my opinion anyway.

Prayers appreciated as always....thanks my friends!

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Oh Kat, your MIL will be in my prayers. I will also keep the rest of the family there and wish for them guidance in how to deal and accept what is happening. It's so hard to know how to act when you recieve news like that. I remember being stunned when the Doc called us about our Father's cancer. Keep your heart and minds open.

Thank you for the kind words. I look forward to celebrating her life with the rest of the family.

I'll be gone for most of the day tomorrow. I'll try to check in when I can.

Jenn. I'm so proud of you and extremely happy about your new job.

I wonder how Gia is still adjusting to her new life.

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Happy Saint Patrick's Day to You.

Today is my nephew Luke's 30th. Birthday. Gosh, to be 30 again. lol.

Raining here but I hope it clears up later for the funeral. First I have to go get my Sis and take her to a Doc's appointment. Than I will come home and get dressed in Greens. The Obit asked for everyone to wear their green today.

I cooked my Corned Beef yesterday. I don't make cabbage because I can't stand the smell of it. Yucky. But I love Corned Beef.

Have a good day and I'll check in later.

Prayers to all who are in need of them.

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Family is coming in from Denver, and I am off to help my MIL get another bedroom cleaned.

I'll check in when I can. Probably late and early. They made my MIL an appt. with the oncologist today, then changed it to a different Dr. on Monday, said he would be better suited for what this is.

My SIL is going to be mad, she is headed in for the appt. tomorrow. Because you know, my SIL here and I cannot go to the Dr. with MIL it HAS to be her, she has a medical background. She works for the insurance company! I am being so hateful! I guess it is anger and nowhere to go with it, so everyone gets their share!!!

Son turned down his job with this happening. He is so impetuous. I did not want him to go, but just wish for once in his life, he would think something through without just jumping......too much to hope for I believe.

The girls handled it better, than he did. They do not live next door either.

I better get going. Would prefer to be here today yacking at y'all.

Thanks for the prayers!

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Suzanne-I am so sorry for your loss. 49 is so young! How was the funeral? I hope it did not rain.

Kat-prayers going out for you & your family. I am glad your son turned down the job. I hate that he puts you on that roller coaster of emotion. Tell him I said to stop it! LOL

Jenn-I am so glad for your job! I can 'hear' your smile when you type now. I love it!

suzyt-how are things with you?

Cindy-any more going on with your class? Has the disruption come to an end?

Everyone-I have been thinking about working part time somewhere. If for mothing else just to get me out of the house a few times a week. I dunno. Ho-hum, lol.

Have a great night ladies :cursing:

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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