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I was miffed Friday night to discover at 12:45 am Gia had closed her door and was watching TV. I told her that I wanted her door open at all times and to turn the TV off and go to bed. (I'd fallen asleep around 11pm). So then I was thinking what to do? I decided that bedtime is now 10 pm on school nights and 11 pm on weekend nights and that means lights out, no TV, nothing! She hadn't had any bedtime at all before so I was testing out 10 pm -- thought I would have less of a revolt on my hands. She slept until 8 am this morning after telling me that she always wakes up at 6 am. I think she may have stayed up later and gotten up earlier because of a noisy house with 5 other people!!

We had a good day Saturday!! We celebrated our birthdays. We got up, had cinnamon rolls (well, one each), went to the mall, got Gia's ears pierced, got some accessories to help with the looking like a girl thing, got some stick-on decorations to put on her wall so it is her room not all my decorations, got home met some neighbor kids, ate lunch, had neighbors over for birthday cake, played with neighbor kids, I cooked dinner (was very rare before Gia, will have to be a daily activity now) and we both loved it! I modeled it after a meal I've had at the Olive Garden. Breaded chicken patty, gnocchi Pasta, Fettuccini sauce and broccoli. Went for a walk around the neighborhood and then just chilled. I came upstairs at 11 pm to tell Gia that it was bedtime and she was snoring with the TV on -- turned it off, laughing to myself. She was not happy with the new bedtimes but I told her that she was a young person and needed lots of sleep. And then she falls asleep early!! Ha, ha!

We got her stuff from her dad's house today, the social worker went to get it. She's glad to have her PSP again. I'm glad 'cause maybe it will keep her off the internet. I know it's still a game, but she cannot chat or find things she shouldn't on it..... I have blocked the internet on her login, but I still worry she's gonna find stuff she shouldn't.

We went to look at the kittens at Petsmart today and while Gia was in playing with the kittens, the volunteer from the pet shelter said "Your daughter listens to you really well. And she really likes those kittens! I said that she was a foster daughter that had just arrived at my house this week. The lady said that she thought she needed a pet of her own and that she would pay the adoption fee of $150. She also gave me $40 for the food, litter box, food bowl, bed, etc. So we now have a 9 month old kitten (Cali soon to be Cookie) in addition to my two cats (Bailey and Wesley) that will be 7 years old next week. I am crazy -- certifiable!!

We never made it to Sports Authority to see what bike she might like in a few months. Maybe we should have gone there to see if there was a fairy godmother to pay for bicycles!!

We just got home from visiting a friend that we saw a movie with Friday night. Valerie was in my foster parent class and Essence is a girl they are thinking of adopting. She and her brother live in different foster homes right now, but they would be adopted together. Essy is 10 and she and Gia had fun, so I called to see if they would want to play some board games. And so as soon as we got home, Gia played with Cali for a little while -- she's thinking the kitten should be getting used to her new home a little faster than she is......the poor thing pooed and peed all over when we first got her here. I'm not sure if the ride or just nerves upset her. She seems better now. But now Gia asked to go see the neighbor girl, Emma who is 8. I am really liking that she likes to play with younger kids. As opposed to kids her sister's age (17).

She had eyeliner in the box that we got from her dad. She needs a pencil sharpener to sharpen it back up and I keep telling her I don't have one. She does not need eyeliner at 12!!!

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I like the name Reggie better than Monk also. Good luck with him.

We grilled out and it was wonderful. I did some yard work, hubby got the Harley out and let it run for a little bit. We took doggie for a walk and than went and sat with the neighbor for about an hour.

Now it's time to get ready for the Oscars.

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Hi Ladies! Just real quick b/c I need to get DD in bed but wanted to share a couple of pics of Reggie and DD.



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Good morning friends~!!

Michelle-what great pics! Thanks for sharing! I agree with Suzanne, Reggie is alot better than Monk.

suzyt-a kitten for Gia...what a nice thing for the lady to do! There are good people in the world, right?! That is awesome! Glad she is settling in well :angry:

Kat-I'll bet seeing Conner on a skateboard is the cutest thing ever! So he took to it well? That is great!

Suzanne-I meant to tape the oscars & forgot :biggrin: Glad to hear Sandra Bullock won. She is one of my favs (so is Meryl Streep tho, lol)

Jenn-how wonderful that your mom did that! My mom would have too. Dont hurt yourself on that eliptical...it looks like an emergency room visit to me! LOL

Everyone...we had the BEST time at the casino. I won and won and won but my dh did not win as much as me so the money I was winning kept us playing on their dime. I LOVE it when that happens.

Today is my first day without the babies. I feel like a bird let out of a cage! lol The lady DID pay me, so that was GREAT! My dh brought me to Swarovsky and we bought the ring I have been wanting. It is SO pretty. Gaudy, but beautiful. I love a little bit gaudy! lol I will take a pic and put it on here.

Have a great day ladies!

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Morning all

quick check in

Tracy, that is why I spent 700 on one, because I had specific requirements so I felt safe, and that one is similar to the one I use at the Y... and on that happy note, I thought I was slacking last week building back up, well, I just did my 6 mile walk in 1hr 15mins where i was doing it every day and took me 1hr 45 mins.. GO ME

Ok off for Breakfast, shower and some running.

more later

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Morning all

quick check in

Tracy, that is why I spent 700 on one, because I had specific requirements so I felt safe, and that one is similar to the one I use at the Y... and on that happy note, I thought I was slacking last week building back up, well, I just did my 6 mile walk in 1hr 15mins where i was doing it every day and took me 1hr 45 mins.. GO ME

Ok off for breakfast, shower and some running.

more later

I was talking about an emergency room visit for ME if I used it cause I would have heart failure, lol :biggrin:

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LOL that is funny! Slow and steady ... slow and steady

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Good Morning~

Michelle the pics are too cute! The dog looks like he has been there forever!! DD is adorable!

Rick is back to work. Things are going down there finally. They ARE making them a sattelite office from the Grand Junction Colorado office -- which is ok in theory, but it is a 6 hour drive away in good weather! Anyway because of that ALL the highest level people, everyone from the facility manager, HR, all dept. managers, everything got either transferred out, laid off, or bumped back to the previous position. So Ricks direct boss, that never does a thing, has been bumped back and is now on equal ground with Rick. His boss had promoted one of his cronies, to a position above Rick and the other guy he has job shared with for years, without proper education or work requirements, so he was bumped too. So that puts 4 of them in the position, and they are not going to allow 4 of them to stay. Rick is prepared to go to the Ethics committee if he is the one laid off. He has seniority over the guy he likes that he has worked with so long, but he is Native American, just like the boss. And then the one guy has not got the job requirements for the position he is in! So......if push comes to shove he will shove back. We desperately need 3 more months, for the insurance.

So....anxious, nervous, and stressed over the job again.

I have plans to be using my eliptical, for shorter periods of time, half in the morning, and half in the evening.

The other thing I want to do, is find a GOOD yoga video. Something I can do in the day.....it is quiet here, I need something for stress relief, and am told Yoga is the way to go. Anyone have any recommendations?

Goal is to get the rest of my "regained" weight off before we begin these long motorcycle trips! I know I can do it---just need to actually DO it! LOL

Rick is in the mood to help me more....he wants to get back in shape as well. But he is so irritating, he can drop and do 50 sit ups, or do lots of push ups, and then whine about being out of shape. I would kill myself doing either!!!

Walking weather is back pretty much, so I plan on that, plus, the eliptical, and finding some work out things I can do at home.....unless he gets laid off, I will NOT do them in front of anyone, I am totally uncoordinated!!!

My Mom is having her gall bladder out on Wed. MIL just had hers out, hoping it is not contagious. The pain I had AT my band, went away, then come back yesterday. Not sure what it is connected to. Trying to figure it out. I did nothing to pull anything yesterday.

Tracy, glad you had a good time!! Sounds fun! I look forward to seeing your ring. I love jewelry! I don't wear as much as I like, because of the kids, I have to watch my wedding rings even, the marquise cut of my diamond, is sharp and dangerous. It was of course one of those live and learn lessons!!!

Well, I am off to do my few minutes on the eliptical--and I do mean few, I make it about 10 and have spaghetti legs!!!

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Good morning everyone!!

Yesterday with no kids and just my dh was a breath of fresh air :thumbup: My back is still killing me and so is my shoulder but in time I think I will feel alot better. If not then its off to the dr I go!

Kat-I am so sorry that you all are having to worry about Ricks job. I will pray pray pray! Let me get my camera right now and take a pic of my ring. otherwise I will forget all about it....


Edited by TracyK

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If you can not tell, it is purple, pink, amber/brownish and clear crystals. I LOVE IT. Amythest is my birthstone. It is an every once in a while ring. I am so paranoid of losing a stone!!

Have a great day everyone!!!!!!!!!! :thumbup:

Suzanne-how is WW going?

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good morning my friends

just got back in from my 6 mile walk, it was social hour so took me 2 hrs, but a nice morning... although my legs are killing me from stopping and going.

Hope you all have a good day, it is beautiful out ther... spring has arrived :)

Trying to eat as healthy as I can, but heck, its my bday and I slipped big time yesterday and know I get strawberry cake friday night :) my favorite

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OK, Jenn, I have your birthday down as the 12th--am I screwed up with someone else? It isn't the 12th yet is it? I am sooo confused!!!

No takers on the magazine? I am mailing my subscription renewal today---so let me know!

Tracy, I like your ring! I know I totally enjoy time with my husband uninterupted! We don't always go and do something, but it is nice anyway.

We kept Kinsey last night while Manda went to a meeting with the skating rink people about the derby league. She is getting so big, and talks about so many things that surprise me! So adult!

She is concerned because 2 of her friends have loose or already lost teeth, and she has not! It has already started! Comparing herself to others! We tried to tell her it will happen when HER body is ready! She will not ever remember that I know!!

Supposed to go to lunch with my friend today, will call her in a bit, maybe she got lucky and is sleeping in! My MIL called me and woke me up. Then right after she hung up, the glass guy called. I have a mobile company coming to repair a rock chip I picked up yesterday. He will be here between 12 and 5. I told him make it more towards 5!!! LOL He wants my business he will!

Well, no answer at Maries......dunno what my day holds I guess!!! Will check in later!

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Quick check in. I've got lots of work today with a deadline. Blech!

It's quiet right now. Just me and the dogs and they're out on the deck! :)

Dakota actually PLAYED with Reggie this AM! Too funny!

Shout outs later! Love ya guys!

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Hey there. I have a few minutes before I have to take dinner out of the oven. Still trying to get used to dinner this early but so far it is working out for me. No more rolaids at night.

Tracy, I love the ring. I wish I could wear stuff like that. I see so many pretty things out there. I just have to chubby fingers to carry it off. As far as WW goes, at weigh-in in monday I was down 6.4 pounds. Not bad for my first week. We'll see what the next week brings. Not starting off to good.

Kat, Hope you get a lunch date. I too will keep Rick and his job in my prayers.

Michelle, Your DD is so cute and Reggie looks like he is a lot of fun. I hope you guys are settleing in.

Jenn, did you say that you walked 6 miles? Holy Crap. I so look forward to the day I can do that. You are my inspiration.

Where have Cindy, Irene, and Kelly been hiding????

A rainy day here and a little on the cool side. Make me want to take a nap. But I'll stay up and just go to bed early tonight.

Hope everyone is having a good day.

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Went to lunch, was nice, caught up with Marie. Spent awhile on the phone with my BFF Becky, she just got back from her families home in TX, had all sorts of drama with a pill addicted SIL. Then got my windshield repaired. Then took Dad my laptop---his computer died, fought to get it online....finally got it, got ready to leave, only to discover I had locked my keys in the car!!! Bad enough, add to it, I had parked in the drive behind my parents, effectively blocking both their car and truck in!!! We were all stuck! Rick is at work--where 50% of the workforce will be gone by Monday! So I called my brother, and he brought me up here, I got my spare and got my car. Felt like such a dummy!!!

NOw I have a fire going, and dinner cooking....gonna go change out of my jeans, into my lounging pants, and be comfy!!!

See y'all in the morning. Pray for our job situation PLEASE!!!

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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