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:( Hi SuzyT. You are a foster parent? I didn't know that. How have your experiences been so far or is this your first?

Jenn-i will call you. If the school doesn't test her soon I know I will just go have it done somewhere. Patience is NOT my middle name....but you prob know that about me. LOL

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Hey Girls, I just spoke to Suzie---gonna go with one with ie and one with y for separation here!!!

Suzie got a call from her Dr. this morning, she had not heard on her upper GI so she thought all was well, then she spoke to them and they said the Dr. needs to see her. We all know how scary hearing that can be! She did speak to the office and found out the test shows a hiatal hernia. I told her about my experiences with mine, and if any of you have any experience, or knowledge, please share it with her!

She had an existing appt. and they could not get her in any sooner, so she will go in a month---on April 5th.

I feel like if it is "just" a hiatal hernia and he is willing to wait a month to see her, it is not horrible scary news! Thank You God!!

Anyway she said she is off to work, and ask me to let you know.

It was SOOOO good to talk to her!!! Hoping some of her mojo worked its way through the phone lines to me!!! LOL

Suzy---I read on FB where you were getting a foster daughter---but to be totally honest, I had not connected your FB name to SuzyT!!! The bells and whistles started going off as soon as I read foster daughter!! I am such a dummy!!!

I have watched your posts there, and feel like you will be a wonderful step for this girl. You have an upbeat attitude, while still being level headed.

I am sure there will be a huge adjustment period for both of you, please feel free to come in here and post your concerns, successes, set backs etc. without feeling judged. I personally have huge respect for you doing this.

If you want to speak to someone who has done this their entire lives, and need any kind of guidance, just let me know and I can hook you up with my Aunt. Just be advised, if you talk to her on the phone, she sounds funny---just like Tracy here, she is a true Texan!!!

Gotta go, supposed to be out cutting FIL's hair 20 minutes ago. LOL See ya!

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WE'VE GOT A DOG!!!!!!!

Okay, well not yet but DD and I are driving up tomorrow to get him. They are doing a hold on him b/c of distance. They normally do not do holds.

Lets see if I can link this:

Adopt a Mastiff: Monk A022696: Petfinder

They gushed about him and said he is a doll. And his pics don't do him justice!!! I am pretty sure he is a mix and that part of that is a Tibetin Mastiff. He's not all English Mastiff that's for sure. EMs aren't shaggy and TMs are shaggier! If THAT makes any sense at all!!!

I'm going to try to get us on the road early. I've got an almost 4 hour drive, one way, I'm guessing. Not sure. Going to be at least 3 hours.

Going to switch trucks in the AM with DH. I am not going to try to get an 85 lb dog in my jacked up truck! At least til I know if he can do it himself. DH's truck is a standard 4x so he'll be able to just hop in.

DD is so excited!!!

So anyway.

Got up this AM and needed to get the application in for the dog. DD is sick and it snowed 6 inches last night so she didn't make it to school! I got the truck unburied and we headed to the office to fax the app. Figured I'd eat when we got home. Ran errands, got home got a phone call from them about the dog only to find out that we were noted as behind on Dakota's licensing! Yikes!

I had to drive an hour to get to the office, pay up on Dakota, then drove home, still hadn't eaten. Got back in to town, got a collar for the new dog at the feed store, went and picked up our organic veggie box then came home. Found a message saying all was good, he's ours, she put a hold on him and she'll see me tomorrow! By the time I sat down with food (Amy's Organic Baked Beans) it was almost 6!!! And I couldn't eat very much.

So. I'm exhausted. Got a blazing Migraine. And I'm so excited I almost can't stand myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, last night we didn't put DD down til 9! And there was NO drama!!!! Looks like 8 might be too early now. She's just not tired! She was up before 8 this AM. Go figure!

Tonight I plan on going to bed as soon as I've got her tucked in!

So. I will try to get online tomorrow night if I can. We'll see what happens when we get home! Take care. Pray for me and I'll talk to y'all as soon as I can!!

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Jenn, thanks. Definitely look at Petfinder.com. It's easy to narrow down your search to your area.

Kat, thanks for the news on Suzanne. That must have totally flipped her out! Continued prayers for her.

Hi everyone!


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Good Morning Girls. I have a few minutes before I have to head off to work once again. I was really busy all day yesterday and did ask Kat to post for me.

It was so cool talking to her, wish it could have been longer. But I just needed to hear from someone who had gone thru this before. I've heard of people having it, just hadn't talked to anyone and didn't know what to expect. Now it's a wait and see what the Doc has to recommend thing. Surgery or treat it with meds. I told Hubby if I have to have surgery that I will ask him if he can put a new Band in, this one doesn't seem to be working (lmao). If he does want surgery I'll have to wait and see what they are going to do about my lung first.

Bust day again today so I might not be on till later this evening.

Michelle, congrats on the dog. How exciting. Becareful on your drive.

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Good morning everyone!

Michelle-congrats on the beautiful addition to your family!! I want a dog so bad but we are in a house with a no pets rule. :huh2:

Suzie-i will continue to keep you in my prayers. I agree withg Kat...if the dr is willing to wait so long to address it, it must not be too serious, right?! I know that has to be a little comforting. (((hugs)))

I can not remember everything I read so I do not mean to ignore anyone.

Kat-I can not imagine not having some kind of organization at a child b-day party. I'll bet it was a ZOO with all the screamin' kids runnin' around on a sugar buzz. :sad: lol

So it looks like I might get paid today after all. I asked if she was going to pay me and she said yes and then this morning she said she would cash her check before she picks up the kids. Today is more than likey my last day. Can I get an Amen?! I woke up in so much pain this morning from my lower back, right hip, all the way down the back of my right thigh to my knee. :w00t: I want to take a pain pill & muscle relaxer but it is too early in the day for a buzz, lol. I will take some tylenol first and see if that helps without bringing out the big guns.

Tomorrow we are going to coushatta to spend the night and play a little. I was able to get a free room and we eat for free there AND they have a gas station that we can fill up our tank using our points. PLUS I am going to the gift shop and spend some comp points :smile2:. It is a win-win situation.

What is everyone doing this weekend? Have a great day!!

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Well, I feel like Gia and I are settling in a little. She had a great day at school yesterday.

We went and had dinner with a friend of mine last night so that was nice. She is testing me a little -- more at night than in the morning before school. Last night she asked if she could wear eyeshadow to school. I said no. She didn't bring it up this morning. She wanted to wear her favorite shorts to school and grabbed them this morning, but I told her she probably should wear long pants because it was cold this morning 32'. She put the jeans on without argument.

We go to court on Tuesday and she wants to go with me. Her dad will be there for the hearing as well. This is the inital hearing to discuss if Mark will be doing anything to get her back. I don't think she wants to go back, but we'll see. Then Mark and I will talk without Gia (it's a shared parenting meeting) to see what he can tell me about what works with parenting her. Not sure that what he was doing was working, since she is scared to death of him and is living here..... The social workers will be there as well.

I told her we would Celebrate her birthday and mine tomorrow. Hers was in January and mine in February. She wants to get her ears re-pierced -- they grew back together and her dad said she could. So that's one of the birthday presents. I think I'm going to get her some drawing paper and pencils. She mentioned last night that she likes to draw.

My hair person cannot see her until next weekend, but she seemed ok with that. Her step mother had cut her hair very short and truthfully, she looks like a boy. :smile2: It really bothers her. Her hair has been like this for a little while though so another week won't kill her. The earrings will help her look a little more like a girl too.

Gotta work on the bedtime routine, she was still awake at 11:45 last night. I told her from now on no more caffeine after dinner. And I'm going to have to channel SuperNanny or something. She does not like to go to bed.

Off to call a recruiter about a job. He called late yesterday afternoon after we left to meet my friend.

Have a great day!!


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Good morning everyone!!! And a good morning it is! I got a call from Rick, and they are tearing down, and headed home tonight! Boss man there said these guys need to get home, now make it happen! The crew Rick went down with had been in Texas for 3 weeks, went home overnight, then to Colorado, and they wanted to go home, it has been one night in over 5 weeks! One has a 8 week old baby---he won't even recognize her! And another has a baby with a due date of yesterday! Still hanging in there tho. So they are packing it in, which takes probably 6 hours, it is 3 hours to location and back to the yard, to wash it all down before hitting the hiway, so late today they will head out for the 9 hour drive home! BUT---he IS coming home, at least for a little while!!! I am HAPPY!!!

Suzie it was great talking to you too!!!

Suzy, it sounds like Gia is being pretty good for what she went through. sleeping might not feel safe yet. You lose control when you sleep, thoughts come to mind you can't hide from, and even people do horrid things to you. I am sure as she relaxes, that too will adjust. The no caffeine thing makes sense too.

Lucky for her, short and spiky "dos" are still an ok thing for girls. and yes, the earrings will help. My neighbors daughter is 11 and she is all into soccer, plays year round. She is half hispanic and half white. Their son is super blonde and blue eyed, and the daughter is dark haired and dark eyed!! Anyway they keep her hair about an inch and a half long max! They have it spiked all over, and the tips bleached! I heard about it at first from my nosy neighbor that they had bleached Sarahs hair. I thought no way she is only 11---but they had, just the tips. It really looks cute on her. She used spray on the tips on Halloween, and on Valentines day in orange then in hot pink. I bet she does green for St. Patricks Day! She comes from a VERY academic background, both grandparents, and Dad teach, Mom subs and drives a bus. So apparantly she fits in---they would know better than me!

When my daughters were in later junior high, the in thing was to shave the bottom half of your hair. So when you put it in a pony tail, it showed. I refused to let them do it! Well Manda, Abbey never let hers get long enough. Then I saw this show-- might have been an Oprah or something and they were talking about teens and the ways they rebel. It was shown as one of the silent rebellions, is what they called it, where it could be shown off, or hidden, as needed. So I relented! Not shaved, but shorn VERY close. And we had rules. She could wear it to school in a ponytail. But when we went to dinner, or to see the grandparents etc. The hair went down and stayed down. It worked wonders. She cut it twice, and the novelty wore off, and then we moved on to the pierced tongue!!! It never ends!! STILL!!!

I praise you for being willing to take on this age. She is so needy still, and does not want to be. Good Luck to both of you, you remain in my prayers.

Tracy, glad you are happy about being done babysitting. I was thinking about taking in a baby! I know a girl who has a new baby she is needing someone to watch. But I know if I got her now, I would have her forever, because one on one with a baby, she would worm into my heart!!!

I already have extras that way. One of them (Megan) will be staying the weekend with us, a week from now.

Well, I agreed to go to town with the neighbor. I do not want to. Plain and simple. Sounds mean, but I don't. She is physically handicapped---she has most joints fused, and moves with difficulty. She needs new shoes. I am not going because she wants my company---she needs help. And she is desperate for companionship. If it would without incident I would not have issue. She wanted to go to lunch before, so we went. Half way through lunch she began telling me how much it meant to her to go and started crying....fairly loudly and obviously. I know it is going to happen again today. She wants to take me out to thank us for doing their lawn, and shoveling their walks while her husband has fought his cancer.

I do not want to be mean, but the outbursts are embarrassing! AND---last time she ran over me several times with the damn cart thingy!!!

OK, I am finished ranting. I am going. It is the right thing to do, she is lonely, and needs help. It could be me someday. Wish me luck girls!!!

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Good morning everyone!

Kat-how was lunch with your neighbor? I really hope it went well!!

suzyt-how was the meeting with the job recruiter? Get Gia some lip gloss...that will help with the girl look and maybe even help her self esteem.

Well everyone, we are packing to go to Louisiana. I will check back in when we get home. Wish us luck!!


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Good Morning

Suzanne ((hugs)) I second what Tracy said

Kat - So glad Rick is coming home

Michelle - what an awesome dog!

SuzyT - how touching, brought happy tears to my eyes. When you have such good happy kids in your life you tend to forget there are kids out there that are really in bad places.

Tracy - what you up to? How is Macy? I have not seen my friend, she has cheer competition this week so cancelled on me.

I found a ranch I want to go to this summer or for a weekend, it is up north in the mountains, about 1 hr away, but is beautiful, kind of expensive for me but not really, they have a couples weekend no kids for $450, 2 nights, food, horseback riding and a bunch of other stuff. I didn't think that was horrible. I love horseback riding, have not done it in about 20 years, and was so huge was embarrassed to even ask if i could.

Thurs, my sister gave me a $200 gift card for my bday. Between sisters and made me promise not to tell. I have been wanting western boots for a long long time and well $150 later, i got the best boots ever! I took the other $50 and went to old navy and got a bunch of cami's and a tshirt for st patty's day, and a skirt, $15! I just paid $30 for one wish i knew they were going to be on sale. Anyway, I got a size 10 non stretch thinking that I'll be able to wear it soon... I sucked it up and put it on.. Holy Crap it fit perfectly! I almost cried. I think i might go back and get a size 8 in one or 2 since I'm on my mission and I love them, $15 is a great price! I'll wear them all summer with a tank and flip flops or now with boots!

I am listening to CMT, I love Zac Brown, man I wish I could go on the cruise in September. I might have to take a trip to PA to see them in Concert. I'm waiting for our summer concert schedule to come out then i'm planning a trip.

Oh, So my mom gave me $1000 of her tax return because she felt horrible about mine, she is so nice like that. Anyway the only deal was I had to get the elliptical I was going to get because she knows I drive to the Y just for that. So last night I ordered it! I am painting my laundry room before it gets here so I won't have to move it to paint later. It will be perfect in there, enough room, I always keep an ac in there and it is not in the way. I'm putting a small, kitchen size tv on the wall in there and off I go. I've been to the gym every day this week and I'm going to go for a 2mile walk after I wake up and skip the gym. My right leg has had several huge purple baseball size bruises and for some reason the muscle around them is burning on the elliptical so I figured I'd walk the weekend for a break. Plus it is sunny and 45 out!

OK enough ramble. Have a great day

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ProForm Crosswalk 8.0 @ ProForm.com

there is the monster. It is a good one. The Arc Trainer I really wanted was $2500 and that was not new! This is a close 2nd

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Hey Girls. Hope everyone is having a great weekend. I know I am. Even with as busy as I have been.

I took out some hamburger meat and we are going to grill this afternoon. It's supposed to get up into the low 50's. Oh My. Right now I'm trying to get all my housework done so I can get out with the kitties later. We need to enjoy the day because rain is on it's way.

I went over to my neighbors yesterday and spent about 5 hours over there. We ended up watching the movie "The Hangover". It was hysterical. I've been trying to spend some time with her, she's going thru a deression right now. Having severe husband problems. She just needs a girlfriends shoulder to cry on.

One of the girls at work traded my thursday for her tuesday. Yes, now I will have a 5 day weekend. What will I do with myself?????

Sometime today I need to get a little more work done on the quilts. I have 2 weeks to get them done before I have to turn them in.

Hope everyone is having a good time.

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Hi ladies!

Just real quick as I'm waiting for the next... whatever to happen!!

Okay, his name is Reggie. That's what the shelter had named him, the owners that brought him back had named him Monk. Ewww!

Reggie is such a better fit! He's learning his name b/c I'm saying it often! LOL!

We've already broken a lamp shade, he's shredded a couple of stuffed dog toys and he's torn a hole in the down throw I had on my side of the bed (b/c I'm always so cold!). So far so good!

He's about a year and still very much a puppy. He is so flippin' cute. I'll try to post some pics later. I haven't even had a chance to get the camera out yet.

This AM while I was trying to put Dakota out on her lead line, so she can be outside and have some peace, he barreled through me and took off! I was freaking out! He was BOUNCING!!!! He went up the hill and peed, then ran to the back of the house to take a look, ran to the front porch then ran back to me and into the kitchen. All the time Dakota is loose and waiting for me to hook her up! YIKES!!! :)

It all worked out but only b/c there were no deer around. He wants to chase them. So, I got VERY lucky this AM. We are going to have to break down and build a fence. He needs to be able to run. I haven't taken him on a walk yet. He's a handful with NO manners. I'm afraid if he sees something he'll be gone. I need to get a choke chain/leash combo while I'm training him. He's so big, I can just grab his collar!!!

We had a great trip. He's a fantastic car rider. Just lays down and goes to sleep. It's great!

DD actually wore HIM out yesterday with all of the playing!!! Too funny! He is very gentle with her and already looks for her when he can't find her. I think we have mutual puppy love! LOL!

Okay, I've gotta get. So far, so good. No I've just gotta get him trained! :smile2:

Talk to y'all later!!

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Good morning~

Not lots of time right now, I have no idea what the rest of the day holds for us. It is rainy. Yuck!!!

Was paying a bill a minute ago, and come across my renewal notice on my Redbook magazine. I have a free subscription to give to a friend for renewing mine....anyone want it? Let me know. I am going to order mine anyway.

Had dinner with my inlaws, and son and his family last night. Was not what I had planned, but Connor was so excited to show Papa what he could do on his skateboard, we could not refuse!

This boy turned 4 on the 3rd. He has NEVER had any form of skateboard before. He can already turn it upside down on his toes, and jump, flipping the board upright, and land on it with both feet, balanced! He can go across the room, and get both feet on and balance. And he can rock it from toe down to wheelie, and balance through it all! He has learned all this on the carpet. We know he is in for a shock on concrete, but at least he is getting the general balance idea down. He had no clue on balancing a month ago on roller skates, so this is a huge step! He also got a bicycle for his birthday, and the road is dry enough, he has learned to ride it, and he is his Papa all over again, he is a daredevil!! He just learned, and all he is concerned with at this point is SPEED!! LOL

He was so proud to show off for Rick!

Rick is trying to tell me I can go look at some puppies they had listed in the paper.....border collies, which is what I want, except part of me wants an indoor dog for more company, and I cannot have the fur....allergies cause my asthma to kick in. So if I get an indoor dog it has to have hair not fur. But I love border collies, they are so smart, and have a natural aptitude around the horses and cattle......but not gonna go look, I will bring home one!!! LOL

Glad Reggie is making a good fit with you Michelle!

Off to watch some Lock up, and decide what today holds----maybe a movie, nice and relaxing!

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hello all

just really sitting down for the first time in days. Been absolutely beautiful here, so went for a 5 mile walk yest and 2 today and went to the gym and did weights. Spent most of the day with the doors open to let some fresh air in and cleaned my back room and living rooms, I mean spring cleaned, moved furniture, cleaned windows, dusted, ya know the stuff you do in spring.

I'm completely exhausted, going to give ds a bath and and then maybe take one myself and do the same.

Itsn't this great Suzanne, maybe you will get a nice few days off and enjoy

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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