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I wonder if the mom is going to pay me on my last day of babysitting. Have a feeling I may get the shaft...

This is why daycares want the money in advance....

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That's so sad but I bet your right. I wouldn't count on that check but if you get it, think of it as a bonus.

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Hey Girls~

Tracy, dyslexia has multiple forms, and many levels of severity. It can be mild, where they transpose certain letters or combinations of letters or numbers---or one and not the other. Or it can be very severe, and everything be reversed or jumbled, or anywhere in between!

My niece, (who is now well over 30) was struggling as she learned to write her name in Kinder. and one day when my SIL was cleaning up the bedroom she looked in the mirror, and there lay Lisa's paper, with her name looking perfect---in the mirror. So she started paying attention, and back then they did not test like they do now, it was much more unique, and difficult to find help for, but she was diagnosed, and had some sp ed. classes to help her overcome the differences in how she saw and worked. She is now a teacher herself---and writes just like you and I.

On the other end of the spectrum, lies my husband. He is dyslexic, and transposes numbers the worst.

He was not diagnosed until he was an adult, and our son was being checked---his is even milder than Ricks. Rick has SERIOUS problems copying things. To look back and forth and try to write what he sees causes him problems. Taking a keyboarding class was the best thing he did, he can type much better than write it. And he still does the old hunt and peck typing, but the letters fall in order better for him.

It HAS affected his job choices. It HAS affected the job he has! Keep in mind in addition to this he is double color blind. Reds, browns, blues and greens ALL give him problems. So anything electrical was out due to that----wire colors must match!!!

He has always struggled with math problems, passing HS algebra with help and making a D!! The MAIN reason he chose not to go on to college then, and hit the oilfield, was the math. He hated it. He struggled to read comfortably.

Then when his son went into preschool at the screening, Rick could not help him, he himself failed all the screenings!!! So the same school nurse we had, referred his son for further testing, and found a Dr. for Rick to see. He went, took the tests, and found he does have that along with his vision problems, that send the signals to the brain with errors. He was blinded in one eye with a piece of metal years ago. It is not completely without sight, it is 20/500 in that eye which is legally blind, but can be corrected with lenses--but that confuses the brain to have such disparity in the eyes. So when you added it all together, he was depriving his brain of the information needed is how they explained it to him. They sent him to a class at the college -- was not cheap, so get it dealt with now through the school!!! They give him tips, and taught him all kinds of ways to cope with the problems. There are no magic cures, and much of it is just learning to compensate. And a HUGE part of Rick's was just being told he was NOT dumb. He went from there, on to college, and got his degree, because he knew he could, and knew he could ask for help if he needed it, because he had a legitimate reason to ask for it.

It will benefit all of you to find out the exact problems now, and learn to work with them. She will be so much better off.

If there is one near you, our Boys and Girls club, offers special help for learning disabilities, and the cost for the club for the year is $10.00.

I know YOU want to help her, but often times, they learn better from others!! However, I do think if the kids you are keeping are causing the family problems, then quitting is the right thing.

As for your money.....yeah, I would wonder! And yes you are right, that is why it is paid up front and whether the child shows up or not.

Was supposed to go to lunch with Marie, but had to cancel. Speaking of kids, I have Kinsey. I am not sure why.....Manda is sick, not sure why she isn't in school, some sort of closure. Manda is going in for a swab test to see if she has Mononucleosis----she has been sick for a month, takes her antibiotics, feels better for 3 days, and wham is back down with sore throat and swollen glands again!

Got everything ready for Connors birthday party tonight. Should be nice and noisy. They are doing it at Burger King, in the play area. He chose a cake with motorcycles! He belongs to his Daddy and his Papa.

Kinsey is being a brat!! She is playing the DS and designing clothes, and won't let me turn her girl into a hoochie mama!!! LOL

Gonna go play.

Tracy--maybe PM Cindy! She teaches, in an older grouping, but she does a lot of sp. ed. inclusion, and much of that is from learning issues. She would be by far the best info you could get in this room I am betting!! Sure hope the boy she was worried about is settling in, and feeling as accepted as she wants him too.

Keep us posted. If they want her to do some work at home, let me know what level---I have all the books I bought for Lyndzie. Would be glad to send them to you.

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Tracy, it is actually refreshing to see them actually want to screen her for dyslexia. In Louisiana, they rarely want to label a child with dyslexia, since once they are labeled, many services have to be given. It makes me so angry I could just scream! Make sure you stay on top of it from the beginning of the screening to the actual referral. If she does that much transposing of letters and numbers, I would expect the screening to warrant a full referral for testing. If it doesn't, you may want to consider independent testing. If your insurance doesn't cover it, you may be able to contact a university to do it for a reduced fee. I know here in Baton Rouge, it is done at LSU for a reduced amount. If she is found to have dyslexia, there are many things they can try with her to help her compensate for it. One of brightest students I have ever taught was extremely dyslexic. He was a math and science whiz, but he didn't read very well and he couldn't write at all. Let me know what they find out.

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Tracy, it is actually refreshing to see them actually want to screen her for dyslexia. In Louisiana, they rarely want to label a child with dyslexia, since once they are labeled, many services have to be given. It makes me so angry I could just scream! Make sure you stay on top of it from the beginning of the screening to the actual referral. If she does that much transposing of letters and numbers, I would expect the screening to warrant a full referral for testing. If it doesn't, you may want to consider independent testing. If your insurance doesn't cover it, you may be able to contact a university to do it for a reduced fee. I know here in Baton Rouge, it is done at LSU for a reduced amount. If she is found to have dyslexia, there are many things they can try with her to help her compensate for it. One of brightest students I have ever taught was extremely dyslexic. He was a math and science whiz, but he didn't read very well and he couldn't write at all. Let me know what they find out.

Funny you say that. Macy excels in math & science (so far anyways, lol) Thanks for the advice. I need to find out where they do independent testing. I will check over at San Jacinto College. It is sad that Louisiana brushes these problems under the rug.

Thank you so much for the advice!

Kat-thank you too... :)

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Good Morning Girls. The sun is shining like crazy today and it is supposed to get up to 43 degrees. Yippieeeeeee. Above the 40's mark. Doesn't take much to make me happy.

Last night BIL and I went to see Avatar in IMax 3D. I loved it more the second time. It was awesome. I have never seen a movie in IMax. So this morning I wake up with a headache. Go figure. I think it was the glasses that caused it. But we so enjoyed the whole experience.

Hubby and I just got back from the gym and I took a quick shower and than started the laundry. I have alot of little things I need to get done today. And it's our night to work at the hospital.

Tracy, I wish I had info for you to help you out with Macy. But here is my contribution. I will keep her in my prayers and also you and Frank. Keep your chin up and a smile on your face.

Kat, when is Rick coming home????

I'll check in soon.

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Tracy, I wish I had info for you to help you out with Macy. But here is my contribution. I will keep her in my prayers and also you and Frank.

This is the best of all :) Thank you!

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We are hoping, not planning on it, but hoping he comes home this weekend. I am SO ready for him to be here! I may never sleep normally again!!! LOL It has become my schedule to be awake until 2 AM then sleep til 8:30 AM---cannot break the cycle, it does not matter when I go to bed, I am awake until my body totally gives out.

We had Connors birthday party last night. What chaos. The place was not big enough, she had probably 40 people show up, lots of exes! He comes from a divorce, she comes from both divorce, and being raised by her grandma as opposed to Mom, so has multiple families. Now everyone gets along, there is not an issue there, it is just sheer numbers!! My sons kids had 5 grandmas there, and in the boys cases, one was missing, and in my granddaughters (Ally) case 2 were missing!

She come in with 2 huge boxes of cupcakes, and just let kids go wild, no organization of any sort.

Poor Manda has a sinus infection, and was in that room with screaming kids! She was better than I would have been, I offered to bring Kinsey home if she wanted to go, but she stuck it out.

He loved his skateboard---he hid it under the table so the kids wouldn't mess with it!! LOL

All my grandchildren are mobile now. Corvin is not just walking, but running, and Garrick can crawl with the best of 'em now!!!

Today I am going to take my Moms dog over to the groomer, and have dinner with my parents. They opened a new place in town, we are going to go try it.

Will check in later....everyone make it a good day!

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Hi everyone!

Tracy, best wishes and lots of prayers for you and Macy.

Cindy, good to see you. How's the new boy doing in class?

Suzanne, you are so busy it makes ME tired! LOL!

Jenn, best wishes with the job application process.

Kat, dumb MIL but so glad you're grandson loved his gifts! Prayers that Rick gets to come home this weekend.


Well, ladies, I'm on the tail of a new dog. He's in Southern CA and he's an English Mastiff/St. Bernard mix. He looks more mastiff tho. He's adorable. I sent them the application last night. I've been in contact with 2 of the girls from the rescue group. We'll see what happens.

Only way we wouldn't be allowed to have him is the fenced yard issue. We don't have one. Our dogs aren't allowed outside without us and without leashes. We've got too many critters around. Deer that live on the property, several squirrels/nests. A pack of Coyotes that live in the draw near the pond below us. A female mountain lion and bears that come through periodically.

So if y'all could pray that this works out well, if it's supposed too. I'm all for God's will, tho mine gets in the way sometimes! I'd appreciate it! Thank you!!

Off to take DD and DDog for a short walk. We'll get the mail at the top of the road and hurry back. Wind is up and a storm is blowing in.

Talk to ya later!

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Hey ladies -- some of you know me: Kat, Michelle, Tracy, Suzanne, Jenn.....

Michelle, you said you wanted to know when I got a foster child. I'm getting a 12 yr old girl today. Her dad called DSS and asked them to take her. She's been in a shelter for 2 weeks. It's crazy.

Gia (the 12 yo) was living with her dad, an older brother @18 and an older sister @17. The dad has a GF with a son @19. The GF's son and the dad's daughter are sharing a bedroom, as are the dad and GF of course. The GF cut Gia's hair all off. Dad called DSS because 'if she doesn't leave she will get hurt (physically)'. Nice.

Her Grandma (dad's mom) will be contacted to see if she will take custody and as of yet doesn't know the situation. She was here for Christmas, but they had the daughter sleep elsewhere during that time. But Grandma lives in Arizona and arrangements can take 6+ months now that she is in the system and they have to approve the Grandma.

The social worker says Gia is a good kid but is left to her own devices too much because everyone else is self sufficient.

This will be an adjustment for us both -- I have never had kids and to jump in at 12. Yikes!!

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Oh Suzanne, what a great gift you could be for that poor girl. What a blessing you can also be to her. Good luck to you and I will certainly keep all of you in my prayers.

Michelle. That dog sounds beautiful. Keeping my fingers crossed that it all works out for you guys. Sounds like he would fit right in.

Did a little running around and now sitting here trying to get some lunch down. Than we will be off for our shift at the hospital.

I'll check in tonight on you guys..

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Kat, that is too funny about Connor hiding the skateboard. Sounds like he had an awesome time.

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Suzanne, I'm so glad you posted to give me an update! How exciting! BOTH of you are going to have huge adjustments. Don't stress too much about it. Make sure you keep the communication lines open with her. Let her know the rules and ask if she has any questions or concerns. Let her know that if she needs anything or wants to talk or be loft alone, etc. that she is free to talk with you. Tell her you want to know these things and it's better to verbally let you know so you can make changes if they are reasonable and need to be made. You'll do fine. Let your heart and you instincts lead. You won't go wrong.

Suzanne, are you having trouble eating? I am getting stuck once in awhile and it's baffling! I've been on liquids since lunch yesterday. It's so weird. It's not all the time and it's stuff I don't normally have a problem with. Crazy!

Well, I went on Petfinders and saw another dog. He's adorable too! He is at a kill shelter tho so we are waiting word from them if we can have him (different county) and do we need to go on Friday or can we wait for Michael to be home and go Monday. I called them and left a message as well as emailed them!

Seems we are all set for the one down south. They will need to do a home check before we go and they do a week's trial period before finalizing. The only problem with him is that it's a 6-8 hour drive ONE WAY for us, depending on WHERE he is down there. It would be a very long 2 day trip. So we are in limbo right now. We'll see what happens.


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Funny you say that. Macy excels in math & science (so far anyways, lol) Thanks for the advice. I need to find out where they do independent testing. I will check over at San Jacinto College. It is sad that Louisiana brushes these problems under the rug.

Thank you so much for the advice!

Kat-thank you too... :(

Tracy - talk to the school. They way it works in NY, once school age services run with them. Call me?! too long to type but know what I have to do, when he was little it was county. School services are good, Dylan does speech 3 x's a week and was doing reading the same amount, and it is in groups of kids with needs so it doesn't isolate them. Dylan did summer speech with school too, and it is a service with school so unlike when he was county, they don't run our insurance anymore.

I'm on Protein Shakes as of today, have been to the gym all week and feeling good, hope to lose a lb or 2 while I'm at it.

Ok off to clean, I am getting a jump on spring cleaning.

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good luck with the dog. I am searching for a berenese mountain dog but not ready until the summer at least.

ok i'm really off

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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