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It turned out to be a really nice day here. I'm holding out hope for an early spring.

I had a Junk Day. That's what I have eaten all day. Sis came up for dinner and asked about the oranges on the counter, wanted to know if I had tried one yet. Ummm, can't eat something healthy if your full of junk. Good thing I'm thinking of joining WW's tomorrow.

Hope everyone had a good weekend.

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I am so ready for the pool. Mine has so much wet heavy snow I'm going to try to get some off tomorrow.

Lazy weekend, going to put Dylan to bed and soak in nthe tub

I'm meeting my sister at the gym, I'm back on track, she was bigger than me and is down to a size 8 from 22 in less than a year. she claims it is because low rise and she has no leggs or butt, but still it took me almost 3 years to get from a 24 to 12 and I worked my ass off at times for that. I need to get my last 20 off NOW

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Jenn, I've heard them say that the last 10-15 is the hardest to lose. Hopefully it won't be for you. You seems to have a good track record of losing good. i just hope you find that gumption again.

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Jenn, I've heard them say that the last 10-15 is the hardest to lose. Hopefully it won't be for you. You seems to have a good track record of losing good. i just hope you find that gumption again.

How about the last 20-25 lol

I have to, I can't stand myself and really not going to be able to hav tt until next fall at earliest, working hard on getting a job

I am finding it more because I want to run that 5k in May and running out of time to train. Hey if the BL PEOPLE

can do it so can I right?

Night all, took pain pill and I'm losing it quickly

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:biggrin: HiYa Jane!!! Glad you did a drive by post! Take care of yourself, ok? Love ya!

Kat-I hear ya about not letting the fun pass me by. I'm not, it is just really not my 'thing'. I would rather go to thrift stores and old towns squares or take a small weekend getaway. That is my idea of fun instead of being in an overly crowded space with a bunch of screaming idiots. lol I'll buy the CD. NOW...if it were someone that I absolutely LOVE, I would do it but these are preformers that I like the music but not enough to buy a ticket (unless it were a small intimate setting, like with Tim McGraw, lol)

Jenn-I think you have lost your weight the right way. I wish I would have done it that way too. Stay focused & strong....you will do it.

Suzanne-i ate like a fool yesterday. But here lately that is an everyday thing for me. Today is a new day. I have never been to weight watchers...maybe I should try it.

Cindy-it is refreshing to see someone as dedicated at their job as you are. Hang tough!

I have an appointment today for a conference with Macys teacher. I hope she can give me some clarity about how macy is doing in her schoolwork.

Have a great day everyone!

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Aww Jane, sorry I missed you!!! Cuz I really do...MISS YOU I mean!!! Come back and see us soon!

Was a very boring, weekend. I got nothing accomplished really! I did read the book Manda brought me. Talked to Rick for quite awhile last night. Looks like it will be another week or more. Sucks so bad!! Once this ne crew gets there, if the room is still as it is, I am gonna go see him! Will have to see how it works out.

Spent part of Sat. night playing games, and chatting with Cindy, that was fun.

Nothing on the agenda yet today. Of course I have not spoke to anyone yet to find out!! I need to wrap Connors gifts.....his birthday is Wed. Party tomorrow night. My son only gets his daughter from his first marriage on Tuesday nights, so they planned his party around that.

He went over to my MIL's computer (that has been in her LR for 4 years and never used!) and pulled out the keyboard and started typing. She ask what he was doing, and he told her he was telling everyone he wanted a skateboard for his birthday. She ask him who he thought would get him a skateboard, and he thought for a second and decided Santa would!

It was at this time my MIL decided she should tell Connor that his Papa bought him a skateboard. Which is true. We did go buy it together, before he left, knowing he might miss the party. We bought a Spiderman skateboard, and a Spiderman helmet, and the elbow, knee and wrist pads. She did not want Rick left out of the credit, when I walked in with a skateboard. Because I am not even going to attempt to wrap it or bag it now. I have NEVER tried to take any credit away from him, and he was furious! But it is a done deal, she already told him. So he keeps calling me wanting to talk to Papa.

So.....Papa bought him fun stuff, Granny bought him clothes. It really doesn't matter to me for that. But he has had his heart set on a skateboard for over a month. I wanted to see his face when he saw he got one.....and now he is expecting it, so the excitement is not going to be the same. She loves doing these kind of things.

And now Ricks sisters want us to join the entire family for a trip to Yellowstone. I really, truly do love his family. But we already take his parents along to TX so they can see family. I told his sister, yes we would go as long as one of them, made arrangements this year to do the Fall trip to TX so we didn't have to spend 3 of 4 weeks vacation with his parents. I told her I did not marry a Mama's baby, and hate after this many years to have one! I want some time with my husband! We already planned one trip to be taking the middle grandkids to Denver.....leaving us a flex week, and nothing more. Irritates the hell out of me, if you couldn't tell.

Suzie, I too hope Spring rushes on in!!! It was nice being outside this weekend. I walked around wondering what to do!!! The list is endless!!

I hope you totally enjoy your concert!

Tracy, I too love hitting the 2nd hand shops, of course I have a lot of old country items in my home, everything here is old---me too!!

Jenn, Michelle, Cindy, whever else my brain give out on me(!) have a great week, will talk to you soon!

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Hey Girls.

Kat, that has to be frustrating. But like you said, the damage is done. I was just go in with a big smile on my face and keep telling him that Papa and you love him and want him to have a great day.

I've had a really productive day. Went to work, to the bank, to WW's. Home, mopped the kitchen floor. Made a salad for lunch. Hubby and I drove to the Mall to get a few things. Now home finishing up watching the closing Ceremonies. In about an hour I'll be headed next door to go chat with the neighbor. Than I have class tonight.

WW's was ok. There wasn't anyone there that I knew, but when I was there before it was on a Tuesday. It will take a little getting used to this new leader. She is pretty funny though. Hubby wanted to know if I was still on a mission to lose 50 pounds by the time we leave for Calif. Ummm, yes. That should put me under my brothers weight. Wow, won't that be cool for me. I've never been smaller than him.

Hope all is well with everyone.

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Good morning....

This is gonna be a quick post but I hope to post more later today and do some personals.

At the parent Teacher conference I was told that they are going to test Macy for dyslexia. Anybody know anything about that? I am being watched by my 1st grader now so I need to get off here.....I will talk to ya'll later.

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Good Morning all

Well, yesterday I started back to the Y, then drank 1/2 bottle of wine and ate like a pig. Productive right?

Suzanne - you are my motivation to get my lazy butt up and moving, thanks!

Tracy - I don't know much about it, but my son has dysfractia, which is switching of a couple of letters and sounds which is his big issues with speaking, I just found out another one of my friends has dyslexia and she is retired military and is a strong successful person.

Well, I'm sitting her applying for a couple jobs, making some phone calls and copies for my military function, just signed up for another safety class, going to shower and do a little running - I'm looking to have a job lined up by time I go to court on 3/19!

I think spring is on its way here - going to be in the high 30's mid 40's for the next week! snow will be gone by time St Patty's parade is here, yipee!

hey everyone, sorry I've been slacking on posting, have not had my puter on much but i am going to check in at some point every day.

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:thumbup: Hi again!!

Here are a couple of examples...with numbers they are turned around the wrong way AND when she is writing 21, 22, 23, 24 she writes them like this 12, 22, 32, 42. And yesterday when she was reading a book she saw the word 'floor' but the word was actually 'roof'. When her teacher asked her what the word started with she said F. She writes almost all of her letters backwards as well...mainly when they are lower case. Lots of trouble with b and d and g and j.

Knowing all of this it made my OTHER decision valid, and that was to give 2 week notice to the woman I babysit for. I am going to miss them so much and the mom is upset with me, but I figured she would be. I still want to remain friends with her but I dont know how hard she is taking it. I HAVE TO put me & my family first. Macy needs my attention. I was fussing at her daily and then I realized she has really had to adjust to sharing me with these other 2 kids and it is not fair to her. My relationship with my dh was suffering as well. We could not do the things we were used to doing. Then, to top it off, I have been in so much pain. Raising/keeping little kids is physically tiring. I have had to start taking pain pills just about daily and I do not want to do that anymore. I want to be able to refocus on me as well as my family. Macy needs me more now than ever. I am glad that I will be able to have my time with her again.

Sorry for rambling...lol

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:thumbup: Hi again!!

Here are a couple of examples...with numbers they are turned around the wrong way AND when she is writing 21, 22, 23, 24 she writes them like this 12, 22, 32, 42. And yesterday when she was reading a book she saw the word 'floor' but the word was actually 'roof'. When her teacher asked her what the word started with she said F. She writes almost all of her letters backwards as well...mainly when they are lower case. Lots of trouble with b and d and g and j.

Knowing all of this it made my OTHER decision valid, and that was to give 2 week notice to the woman I babysit for. I am going to miss them so much and the mom is upset with me, but I figured she would be. I still want to remain friends with her but I dont know how hard she is taking it. I HAVE TO put me & my family first. Macy needs my attention. I was fussing at her daily and then I realized she has really had to adjust to sharing me with these other 2 kids and it is not fair to her. My relationship with my dh was suffering as well. We could not do the things we were used to doing. Then, to top it off, I have been in so much pain. Raising/keeping little kids is physically tiring. I have had to start taking pain pills just about daily and I do not want to do that anymore. I want to be able to refocus on me as well as my family. Macy needs me more now than ever. I am glad that I will be able to have my time with her again.

Sorry for rambling...lol

Tracy - in some ways kind of sounds like Dylan. I am suppose to have Margarita night later and my friend is Dylan's old therapist, Do you mind if I share and ask her what she thinks? Is this new or just in a school now that pays attention? Macy is the young one in the class right? Dyan works very hard and goes to speech/reading classes 3 times a week, but he always wrote his numbers backwards and when he is tired, he makes very simple mistakes - not to make light of it, but it may be as much emotional as well as physical. By emotional, I mean having to share you. I think you made a great choice! Love ya, let me know what you think, Kerry is amazing at what she does.:thumbup:

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YEs JENN....let me know what she says....and thank you!

I just got this on an e-mail and thought I would share it here:

Handbook For 2010

> * * * * * * * * * * *

> * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

> Health:

> 1. Drink plenty of Water.< /p>

> 2.

> Eat Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner

> like a beggar.

> 3. Eat more foods that grow on

> trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in

> plants..

> 4. Live

> with the 3 E's -- Energy, Enthusiasm and Empathy

> 5. Make time to pray.

> 6.

> Play more games

> 7. Read more books than you did in 2009.

> 8. Sit in silence

> for at least 10 minutes each day

> 9. sleep for 7 hours.

> 10. Take a 10-30

> minutes walk daily. And while you walk, smile.


> Personality:

> 11. Don't

> compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey

> is all about.

> 12.

> Don't have negative thoughts or things you cannot

> control. Instead invest

> your energy in the

> positive present moment.

> 13. Don't over do. Keep your limits.

> 14. Don't

> take yourself so seriously. No one else does.

> 15. Don't waste your precious

> energy on gossip.

> 16. Dream more while you are awake

> 17. Envy is a waste

> of time. You already have all you need...

> 18. Forget issues of the past.

> Don't remind your partner with His/her mistakes

> of the past. That will

> ruin your present happiness.

> 19. Life is too short to waste time hating

> anyone. Don't hate others.

> 20. Make peace with your past so it won't spoil

> the present.

> 21. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.

> 22.

> Realize that life is a school and you are here to

> learn. Problems are

> simply part of the

> curriculum that appear and fade away

> like algebra class but the lessons you learn will last

> a lifetime.

> 23. Smile and laugh

> more.

> 24. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to

> disagree...


> Society:

> 25. Call your family often.

> 26. Each day give

> something good to others.

> 27. Forgive everyone for everything.. .

> 28.

> Spend time with people over the age of 70 & under the

> age of 6.

> 29. Try

> to make at least three people smile each day.

> 30. What other people think of

> you is none of your business.

> 31. Your job won't take care of you when you

> are sick. Your friends will. Stay in

> touch


> Life:

> 32.

> Do the right thing!

> 33. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or


> joyful.

> 34. GOD heals everything.

> 35. However good or bad a situation is,

> it will change...

> 36. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show

> up.

> 37. The best is yet to come..

> 38. When you awake alive in the morning,

> thank GOD for it.

> 39. Your Inner most is always happy. So, be

> happy.


> Last but not the least:

> 40. Please Forward this to everyone you

> care about, I just did.


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That is good Tracy

I will let you know, I'm running way late now, but applied for jobs and got stuff done, but have to shower and be out of here and make copies in an hour. LOL


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Tracy, I don't know that much about it but I do know that Tom Cruise and Cher also suffer from it. You would be amzaed at the amount of people that have some form of it. I don't blame you for giving your 2 week notice. Macy does need your attention. It will be interesting to find out what the therapist recomends for her. Praying for you guys.

Sitting here trying not to fall asleep. owever I will be taking a nap soo. BIL and I didn't go to the movies last week so we are going this evening. It's gonna be a long day. Guess I'll get up and get my work done so I can nappy for a few.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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