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Macy woke up at 1 AM with 101.5 fever (which is better than it had been before) and I gave her some tylenol and a wash cloth for her head and some cough medicine.

This morning at 7 when she woke up, she had no fever...

:blushing: YAY!!!

Cindy-the dr gave her amoxil and said that after she takes it for 24 hours that her strep will no longer be contagious. I hope that she feels better soon. She has fall fling tomorrow at school and she does not want to miss it. As long as her fever stays gone and she feels up to it, she will get to go. I am praying it works out. I would hate for her to miss it!

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Hi Suzie and crzytchr! Thanks for the welcome!

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Head/neck is killing me again today! Changed pillows, think I need to try another one! UGH!

Foot doc later this afternoon in the city. DD and I will run a couple of errands while we're down there.

Welcome StrangeDZ! Glad you joined us! Do you mind sharing a little about yourself? I'm married, almost 23 years; 4 1/2 yr old DD; 3 dogs; live in the mtns; just diagnosed w/Lupus this summer and have spurs in my left foot/ankle [hence the foot doc appt today]; been banded 2 years and have regained about 20lbs b/c of the lack of exercise and stress this summer/fall, gotta work on it, but still in a better place than I was before surgery. Me in a nutshell! :blushing:

Tracy, glad to hear about Kat's mom. Thank you. Poor Macy, sure hope she's better soon! I'm sorry about your family "stuff." Lots of hugs!

Angela, what a mess re: Zach's surgery. I'm sure he'll be glad to get it done tho. Hang in there. Hugs!

Ashley, you poor thing! Prayers that your computer is easily fixed and all your info is still there. Yikes! :w00t:

Suz, thinking of you today. Lots of prayers and hugs!

Hi to everyone!!!

Have a great day!

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Sure. I'm 42 and had my surgery in April of 2008. I live with my two teenage daughters; who keep me on my toes! My oldest is 17 and plays volleyball, is in chorus, and is the school mascot, Herbie the Hornet. My 15 year old is a varsity cheerleader. I'm an active member in the cheer booster club and spend most of my time supporting the above activities.

Now about my band life... I fight it every day. I've got 8.25ccs in a 10cc band. About a month ago, I had a fill of .50 and discovered that after losing 13 lbs in 2 weeks, I was too tight. I couldnt get much liquid in and got full after about an 1/8th cup of food. I went for an unfill and they took out .25cc. Now I am too loose! I can eat about a cup of food and have the urge to eat CONSTANTLY (a little confession... I'm eating a Reese's Buttercup as I type! :blushing:) I've gained 4 pounds since my unfill. ugh. ...but it's all on me. If I could stay away from the chocolate and cheetos, i'd be much better off, right?? :w00t: My doc will be back in town towards the end of January, so I will go back for a little fill and hope that does the trick.

I suffer from chronic depression and had my meds under control for the last 5 years UNTIL... they started making me puke. Violently. and because of the restriction, I cant physically puke, so I would get the dry heaves BAD. OMG, that was horrible. We tried everything, including anti nausea pills, but nothing helped. We had to slowly wean me off of them and are now trying other anti depression meds. Zoloft made me puke too, so I have been on Lexapro for about a week. It doesnt seem to make me sick, so I'm hoping it will help with the depression... Think good thoughts for me.

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Sure. I'm 42 and had my surgery in April of 2008. I live with my two teenage daughters; who keep me on my toes! My oldest is 17 and plays volleyball, is in chorus, and is the school mascot, Herbie the Hornet. My 15 year old is a varsity cheerleader. I'm an active member in the cheer booster club and spend most of my time supporting the above activities.

Now about my band life... I fight it every day. I've got 8.25ccs in a 10cc band. About a month ago, I had a fill of .50 and discovered that after losing 13 lbs in 2 weeks, I was too tight. I couldnt get much liquid in and got full after about an 1/8th cup of food. I went for an unfill and they took out .25cc. Now I am too loose! I can eat about a cup of food and have the urge to eat CONSTANTLY (a little confession... I'm eating a Reese's Buttercup as I type! :blushing:) I've gained 4 pounds since my unfill. ugh. ...but it's all on me. If I could stay away from the chocolate and cheetos, i'd be much better off, right?? :w00t: My doc will be back in town towards the end of January, so I will go back for a little fill and hope that does the trick.

I suffer from chronic depression and had my meds under control for the last 5 years UNTIL... they started making me puke. Violently. and because of the restriction, I cant physically puke, so I would get the dry heaves BAD. OMG, that was horrible. We tried everything, including anti nausea pills, but nothing helped. We had to slowly wean me off of them and are now trying other anti depression meds. Zoloft made me puke too, so I have been on Lexapro for about a week. It doesnt seem to make me sick, so I'm hoping it will help with the depression... Think good thoughts for me.


good luck with the Lexapro - that is what they started me on and I gained 20lbs in a month! I have not been on Wellburtin for over a year, and i can feel emotions but can deal with them. I couldn't do that either with Lexapro.

Very nice to have you with us!

I'm sitting her sipping my broth. I got my fill today they were not going to give it to me, because I blew off a ton of appts and have not been there since Dec. I told her I called and asked to cancel all my appts because no insurance and that they were scheduled in Dec. So she gave me fill, when she unfilled me i almost shit.. (sorry) I was still at 1.5 from last year... then why can i eat like a horse..?

she gave me .5cc so I'm at 2cc, and since I gained a scary 14lbs and was down 10 from 11mos ago. that sucks, but I'm going to get those 14+lbs off quickly. She told me i can eat regular on day 3, she doesn't know me very well... How about I'm on Clear Liquids for at least 3 days if not longer if I can do it.

I promised I would be model bandster - so I have nutrition appointment on 12/13 so lets see how much i can lose.

the scary thing is my bp was very high, scared me high and my pulse was too...my pulse is down to normal range and i don't have a bp cuff here

my broth is going right down too, could my accident moved stuff in me when my ribs got hit?

well enough thinking out loud

Tracy - how is Macy feeling? did her fever break???

Dylan threw up all over the place in school... there is nasty stuff out there

Hi everyone - I am so very tired, I might go lie down with ds

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Sure. I'm 42 and had my surgery in April of 2008. I live with my two teenage daughters; who keep me on my toes! My oldest is 17 and plays volleyball, is in chorus, and is the school mascot, Herbie the Hornet. My 15 year old is a varsity cheerleader. I'm an active member in the cheer booster club and spend most of my time supporting the above activities. Hi there. I am Tracy and I am 44 and was banded April 2007. I have been married for almost 8 years, have a 7 year old daughter and a stepdaughter that is 16 and a stepson that is 11.

Now about my band life... I fight it every day. I've got 8.25ccs in a 10cc band. About a month ago, I had a fill of .50 and discovered that after losing 13 lbs in 2 weeks, I was too tight. I couldnt get much liquid in and got full after about an 1/8th cup of food. I went for an unfill and they took out .25cc. Now I am too loose! I can eat about a cup of food and have the urge to eat CONSTANTLY (a little confession... I'm eating a Reese's Buttercup as I type! :blushing:) I've gained 4 pounds since my unfill. ugh. ...but it's all on me. If I could stay away from the chocolate and cheetos, i'd be much better off, right?? :) My doc will be back in town towards the end of January, so I will go back for a little fill and hope that does the trick. To keep my band story short and sweet, I lost all but 4 pounds to my goal weight, quit smoking, gained all of it back plus an extra 15 pounds and now I am on round 2 of my band journey. Basically your Lapband Poster child of what NOT to do. :sneaky: But I have quit beating myself up over it and I have lost 15 pounds on my new journey.

I suffer from chronic depression and had my meds under control for the last 5 years UNTIL... they started making me puke. Violently. and because of the restriction, I cant physically puke, so I would get the dry heaves BAD. OMG, that was horrible. We tried everything, including anti nausea pills, but nothing helped. We had to slowly wean me off of them and are now trying other anti depression meds. Zoloft made me puke too, so I have been on Lexapro for about a week. It doesnt seem to make me sick, so I'm hoping it will help with the depression... Think good thoughts for me.

What medication were you on? Had you taken them all 5 years then all the sudden they made you throw up? I take venlafaxine and then at night i take trazadone to sleep.< /span>

Glad that you posted! Stick around and talk to us. We DO like new people :w00t:

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I'm sitting her sipping my broth. I got my fill today they were not going to give it to me, because I blew off a ton of appts and have not been there since Dec. I told her I called and asked to cancel all my appts because no insurance and that they were scheduled in Dec. So she gave me fill, when she unfilled me i almost shit.. (sorry) I was still at 1.5 from last year... then why can i eat like a horse..? because after you lose weight everything about you gets smaller, therefore, the band gets looser. Take me for example, I did not get a fill because I got so fat again that it felt like I got a fill when really in reality, I grew into the size of my band. When I lose again, I will have to get a fill. Get it? :blushing:

she gave me .5cc so I'm at 2cc, and since I gained a scary 14lbs and was down 10 from 11mos ago. that sucks, but I'm going to get those 14+lbs off quickly. She told me i can eat regular on day 3, she doesn't know me very well... How about I'm on clear liquids for at least 3 days if not longer if I can do it.

I promised I would be model bandster - so I have nutrition appointment on 12/13 so lets see how much i can lose.

the scary thing is my bp was very high, scared me high and my pulse was too...my pulse is down to normal range and i don't have a bp cuff here

my broth is going right down too, could my accident moved stuff in me when my ribs got hit?

well enough thinking out loud

Tracy - how is Macy feeling? did her fever break??? Went back up to 102.5 and her tonsils are WAY swollen with ulcers all over them. :w00t:

Dylan threw up all over the place in school... there is nasty stuff out there Poor thing...i hope he feels better soon.

Hi everyone - I am so very tired, I might go lie down with ds

Is he running a fever?

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Macys fever went back up to 102.5 this afternoon and her tonsils have ulcers on them and are swollen. They look to only have 1/4 inch gap. poor baby thinks her throat is gonna close up. Please pray for my girl!

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What medication were you on? Had you taken them all 5 years then all the sudden they made you throw up? I take venlafaxine and then at night i take trazadone to sleep.< /span>

Glad that you posted! Stick around and talk to us. We DO like new people :blushing:

I was taking the generic for Elavil (Amitriptyline) at 150 mgs at bedtime and about 15 minutes after I would feel like I was gonna die! They weren't getting stuck (I cut them and mashed them and took them with food... nothing helped). I finally decided to cut the dose slowly and am now able to keep down 50 mgs without feeling sick to my stomach. It's not enough help tho. I definitely need something else to help with the blues. My surgeon and primary docs are at a loss. I've been taking trazadone at bedtime now to help sleep. We cant understand why after all these years, my pills are making me sick to my stomach. There is no medical reason for it, other than my chemistry must have changed... who knows...

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I was taking the generic for Elavil (Amitriptyline) at 150 mgs at bedtime and about 15 minutes after I would feel like I was gonna die! They weren't getting stuck (I cut them and mashed them and took them with food... nothing helped). I finally decided to cut the dose slowly and am now able to keep down 50 mgs without feeling sick to my stomach. It's not enough help tho. I definitely need something else to help with the blues. My surgeon and primary docs are at a loss. I've been taking trazadone at bedtime now to help sleep. We cant understand why after all these years, my pills are making me sick to my stomach. There is no medical reason for it, other than my chemistry must have changed... who knows...

Whoa...that is really strange!

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Macys fever went back up to 102.5 this afternoon and her tonsils have ulcers on them and are swollen. They look to only have 1/4 inch gap. poor baby thinks her throat is gonna close up. Please pray for my girl!

That is what happened when I had strep. Take her to get a shot. I had to have an antibiotic shot and a steroid shot because my throat was so swollen from the strep getting worse and it got that bad while on an oral antibiotic. It seems to be some weird strain of strep that is resistant. I was sick for 5 days with it. I felt better after the 3rd day after the two shots.

Edited by crzytchr

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Tracy...I hope she feels better soon!!!

Well, I had one of my mom's employees come try to fix my computer. He did everything he could think of. He called the computer company that fixes their computers. He did everything he told him. All of my files are still there. I had 2 severe trojans in my operating system. My computer is headed to the computer company. They will probably have to clone all of my files, strip off my hard drive, and basically re-install everything! At least my files are there. And I pray that the computer guy doesn't lose my files!! So, we are manually figuring out how much the sales are. And I can't take credit cards because I don't have my computer. I'm hoping to get it back Monday.

Hi StrangeDz!!! I'm Ashley! I'm 22, and I was banded December 2009. I've been married a year. No children yet but we are trying! I have 2 dogs- a Boxer and a Yorkie. I'm fairly new to the thread too! Everybody is so nice here!! I hope you stick around!!

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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