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Ear still hurts. Looking like another doc visit in my very near future. :thumbup: Darnit!

Suz, when I broke my leg in HS, my dad stuck a garbage bag over my leg and Duct Taped it! Seriously! Never got it wet and I wore it for 8 weeks [cast, not the bag]! Worked great! Another idea to use other than the Duct Tape would be painter's tape. Don't know how it sticks to skin but it'd be Water proof!

Debbie, good for you on the minus 1 lb! Good job!

Kat, hope your pain goes away soon. Not good!

Hi Jen, try to sleep, 'kay?

Watching Chronicles of Riddick. Vin Diesel is saying there is a sequel in the works! Yay!

When we saw Mega Mind yesterday, there was a trailer for a new Kung Fu Panda! To be out next summer! WhooHoo!

Have a great night!

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Good morning all

quick check in. so much going on and so little time..

trying to finish my coffee and heading out the door. Wish i had internet at work so I could function, and check in with a good post.

Have a great day all

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Thanks Suzanne!! :(

Congrats on the -1 Debbie. That is great to hear!

Kat-way to go on VINE. I almost cried with you. I know how worried you were and now the worry can be put to rest. Congrats. Yes, I still have you, Jenn & Suzannes address.

Angela-running/walking and spending time with your son. Priceless!

Michelle-I want to go see megamind. Did you like it?

Cindy-I would be relieved that the supervisors were done too. Now you can just teach. :thumbup:

Jenn-So Dylans b-day was a success I take it?! Take care of yourself. Hang in there, its hump day.

Ashley-I hope that is the end of your LEE problems. What size shoe do you wear? When you get tired of your old ones you can send them to me :wink5: :lol2:

Hugs & kisses to everyone. I hope you all have a great day. Take care of yourselves and eat healthy.

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Good morning!!! I cooked one of mine and DH's favorite meals last night. Chili Pasta Skillet. Yes, I still eat pasta, just not as much. (I feel like pasta and rice is such a taboo topic here. lol) It's so good!! And it definitely hit the spot! I'm making chicken casserole and veggies tonight. I'm dying for some good lean protein! lol I think I may have DH grill some steaks this week to get my fix.

Tracy...I hope this is the end of my Lee problem too! It's wearing me out! I hate petty drama. To me, there's not point in it! I wear a size 9 or 9.5. It depends on how the shoe is made, but I mostly wear a 9. I didn't get the shoe that I posted a picture of. I changed my mind.

I went by the store yesterday to talk to Jacque about "holiday hours" during the week. A girl was trying on a shoe, and the zipper broke on her foot, and Jacque said they almost couldn't get the zipper off. I about died. They did get the shoe off, thankfully! Now I hope the company will replace the shoe.

Well, I guess I should start getting ready for work soon! I'll check in later! Have a great day!!!

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Good Morning~

Lets hope it is!!! LOL

Pasta is not a taboo subject with me, I eat it--actually fairly frequently. I just cannot eat much of it at all. Seriously---1/4 of a cup will do me! And I am with an unfilled band! something about what little restriction I have, it sits, then I am guessing absorbs stomach fluids, and swells. I used to be able to eat huge plates of pasta----and be hungry again before bed! Now, I can eat a small, small amount, and not want to eat again the remainder of the day because it is not a comfortable full feeling. I have to chew VERY well, it does not mush like you would expect Pasta to.

Rice is easier for me, IF I have like soy sauce, or something like that on it. Spanish rice is usually still too dry, and plain fried rice the same.

Potatoes---mashed are great, baked are great, fried are iffy, and french fries are hard! Again, it takes less of them than ever to fill me.

I tend to avoid these things only because they keep me from getting any sort of nutrition at all, because they fill me so.

I was cautious of the high GI foods prior to banding because I was what they were deeming pre diabetic---my #'s were getting up there. They put me on Metformin for awhile, but after banding it was not needed.

I am going to my meeting today---not tonight. They are offering it several times through the day. So, will be able to go to dinner with Rick afterall.

Looks like we will be heading to Phoenix Friday. We had our friend go check out the truck we are interested in, he took it to a mechanic friend. They agree it is a good buy----and in sound shape. It is used. But we just want something comfortable to take the folks back and forth to TX with, that we can still haul things with. The van is super comfortable, but......we HATE towing a trailer with it, it is not made for that, and the tranny is getting old, our cars have tons of miles!

We want to try a truck of this type before committing to making payments or something. I will add a link, if it will take.

The guy is holding it for us to get there. Gluttons for punishment, Phoenix is 6.5 hours away, so a 13 hr drive. Then 12 the next day to TX.

Manda should speak to her boss today. My Mom is in tears, because she wants me to go, hates making my life hard----she keeps saying she would do anything to see the boys, she wants me to go. I am so torn. My stomach is in an uproar. Oh well, it will go the way it is supposed to I told her.

Time to change the laundry!!!


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Pasta is not taboo with me either. But I don't eat a lot of it either. I'm one of those ones that really don't have a problem with any food. The other day at lunch, my friend got stuck on her salad. She said iceberg is ok but when she gets into the fancy lettuces that's when she has problems.

Kat, that is such a hard decision to make. If you stay with your Mom, how soon will it be before you can go see the boys?

Tracy, would you be willing to share the Christmas card list with me?????

Jenn, I sure wish we could get a long post from you. It's been such a long time since we've had a good update.

Cindy, I would be a nervous wreck having some one watch me. I've always hated having my bosses to close to me when I work. Not that I'm hiding anything, just makes me nervous.

Michelle, I'm thinking very seriously about doing the bag thing. Especially the morning of my surgery because it will be a few days before I will be able to get back in. I'll have the stitches on my stomach and won't be able to get those wet. Years ago when I went thru that horrible 6 months of in and out of the hospital for treatments, I got real good at doing sponge baths. I have it down real good and can get in and out real fast. I would just rather be in a shower.

So far today I have done my house work, washed a few blankets, baked cupcakes for the hospital tonight, made some caramel rolls for hubby for Breakfast. Now I'm relaxing and eating my bowl of oatmeal. Think I may go over to the thrift store after while.

Hi Plain.

Make it a good day.

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Hey ya'll!

Busy busy here! This should be our last week(end) of "busy-ness" and then things will get somewhat back to normal. Thank you, Jesus!

Kat...I hope you still get to come to TX. What a dilemma :thumbup: . I haven't heard any talk about all of us getting together still or not?

I am on vacation from the 19th-29th. I am stoked!! We have a lot of family and friends coming in so it should be lots of fun.

We too did the trash bag covering of wounds, lol! Zach's arm was a big one. A little different than trying to cover a leg that you need to stand on, but it does get the job done.

Speaking of which, and in case I forget to mention it before I leave, please keep Zach in your prayers on the 23rd. He goes in for what I pray (I HAVE said this before...lol) is his last surgery on that arm injury from last year. His arm looks amazing...but the inside of his arm (where the damage was) still has a little bit of skin graft that has to be removed. No big deal, but still...another surgery.

Anyhow, getting out of here...I am excited about the country music awards tonight so I want to have dinner ready and have my butt parked on the couch by seven! HA!!

Have a good one!


OH!! I will pm my addy to you Tracy!

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Well, DH's snoring has made us sleep in separate beds for the past 4 nights. I even got those Breathe Right strips. They didn't work. Any suggestions????

Maybe a sleep study. Of course, I am a little biased.

Plain, I miss you when you aren't here too. :thumbup:

Don't you roll your eyes at me, young lady!!

Gonna go pout now......

You're allowed!!

Plain, I miss you too!

Peer pressure gotcha, eh? :(

Hi Plain.

Hi Suze.

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Angela....I'm praying this is Zach's last surgery!! And for a quick recovery!!!

Plain...he is wanting to do a sleep test. It's just a matter of him going to the doctor after work so he can get referred to the sleep center in Chattanooga.

My mom has found some lumps in her breast. She went to her OBGYN and he sent her for a mammogram and an ultrasound. They are now waiting for the place in Knoxville to send her last mammogram, so they can compare. Thankfully breast cancer doesn't run in our family. So please pray that this is nothing serious!!!!

I've got the casserole in the oven, just waiting for it be finished while DH is in the garage working on the buggy. I must say, I make a good chicken casserole, so I'm looking forward to dinner. I'm trying to talk DH into going to the murder mystery dinner that is in downtown Chattanooga. I think it would be so much fun!!

I've got a long day tomorrow. I'm rearranging my store and decorating it for Christmas. I'm so ready to put my decorations at my house. lol I know it's not even Thanksgiving yet, but I love Christmas time!!

How was everybody's day?

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I know I have talked a lot about Zach's arm so I came home and tried to find a pic so you could see. Let's see if this works or not...

They are slowly removing the skin graft as his skin stretches to tolerate it.



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Tracy...I hope this is the end of my Lee problem too! It's wearing me out! I hate petty drama. To me, there's not point in it! I wear a size 9 or 9.5. It depends on how the shoe is made, but I mostly wear a 9. I didn't get the shoe that I posted a picture of. I changed my mind.

Darn...I am an 8 or maybe 8.5. Oh well, was worth a shot! :rolleyes2:

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Angela-ouch! I'll bet he is tired of the surgeries too, huh? Thx for the addy. When you wanna get together and have coffee or a drink?

Pasta....I eat it too, just not much. Same for bread & rice.

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Hello all

So much going on here, I have tried to catch up, I'm just exhauted, it has been so cold here and I don't have much work so I'm bored out of my mine, yet freezing cold... so I come home from work, take the longest hot shower in the world, or that my hot Water tank will hold, and go to class or drill.

I just found out tonight that the new manager is leaving to go to another job, and the old manager is taking control of this huge project I put together... and tomorrow when they announce who will be in charge again, I am pretty sure I will be making a deal with the company that has tried to recruit me for 2 months. I will not ever work for her ever again.

So class is going well, and drill is good, cliimbed on a roof full gear last night. I need to walk in the pants, hard to move with short legs

I'm swollen and puffy and don't know why,

have a fill appt on the 18th

check out my Facebook - I posted a pic of me and my dd Alexandra. I so love her, and my son but i dont have that pic up

so that is is, just spending time getting ready for finals and sleeping, which I should be doing now

oh... and Kev - begging me back, and the more i don't have time for him the more he is getting what he did to me all those years.. I am not making him wait for that reason, but I'm glad he is getting it.

Off to bed, hope all is well with everyone

hugs and kissed

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Good morning all

quick check in. so much going on and so little time..

trying to finish my coffee and heading out the door. Wish i had internet at work so I could function, and check in with a good post.

Have a great day all

Morning! You have a good day too.

Thanks Suzanne!! :huggie:

Congrats on the -1 Debbie. That is great to hear!

Kat-way to go on VINE. I almost cried with you. I know how worried you were and now the worry can be put to rest. Congrats. Yes, I still have you, Jenn & Suzannes address.

Angela-running/walking and spending time with your son. Priceless!

Michelle-I want to go see megamind. Did you like it?

Cindy-I would be relieved that the supervisors were done too. Now you can just teach. :rolleyes2:

Jenn-So Dylans b-day was a success I take it?! Take care of yourself. Hang in there, its hump day.

Ashley-I hope that is the end of your LEE problems. What size shoe do you wear? When you get tired of your old ones you can send them to me :wink5: :lol2:

Hugs & kisses to everyone. I hope you all have a great day. Take care of yourselves and eat healthy.

Like Mega Mind a lot. Very cute.

Good morning!!! I cooked one of mine and DH's favorite meals last night. Chili Pasta Skillet. Yes, I still eat pasta, just not as much. (I feel like pasta and rice is such a taboo topic here. lol) It's so good!! And it definitely hit the spot! I'm making chicken casserole and veggies tonight. I'm dying for some good lean protein! lol I think I may have DH grill some steaks this week to get my fix.

Tracy...I hope this is the end of my Lee problem too! It's wearing me out! I hate petty drama. To me, there's not point in it! I wear a size 9 or 9.5. It depends on how the shoe is made, but I mostly wear a 9. I didn't get the shoe that I posted a picture of. I changed my mind.

I went by the store yesterday to talk to Jacque about "holiday hours" during the week. A girl was trying on a shoe, and the zipper broke on her foot, and Jacque said they almost couldn't get the zipper off. I about died. They did get the shoe off, thankfully! Now I hope the company will replace the shoe.

Well, I guess I should start getting ready for work soon! I'll check in later! Have a great day!!!

Your dinners last night and tonight sound SO good! Would you mind sharing the recipes? I love to cook!

I eat everything. Only thing I have any sort of issue w/is meat. Especially pork. No matter how moist, it seems, steak and pork I have to chew forever!

Bummer about the shoe but thank goodness it came off! Yikes!

Good Morning~

Lets hope it is!!! LOL

Pasta is not a taboo subject with me, I eat it--actually fairly frequently. I just cannot eat much of it at all. Seriously---1/4 of a cup will do me! And I am with an unfilled band! something about what little restriction I have, it sits, then I am guessing absorbs stomach fluids, and swells. I used to be able to eat huge plates of pasta----and be hungry again before bed! Now, I can eat a small, small amount, and not want to eat again the remainder of the day because it is not a comfortable full feeling. I have to chew VERY well, it does not mush like you would expect pasta to.

Rice is easier for me, IF I have like soy sauce, or something like that on it. Spanish rice is usually still too dry, and plain fried rice the same.

Potatoes---mashed are great, baked are great, fried are iffy, and french fries are hard! Again, it takes less of them than ever to fill me.

I tend to avoid these things only because they keep me from getting any sort of nutrition at all, because they fill me so.

I was cautious of the high GI foods prior to banding because I was what they were deeming pre diabetic---my #'s were getting up there. They put me on Metformin for awhile, but after banding it was not needed.

I am going to my meeting today---not tonight. They are offering it several times through the day. So, will be able to go to dinner with Rick afterall.

Looks like we will be heading to Phoenix Friday. We had our friend go check out the truck we are interested in, he took it to a mechanic friend. They agree it is a good buy----and in sound shape. It is used. But we just want something comfortable to take the folks back and forth to TX with, that we can still haul things with. The van is super comfortable, but......we HATE towing a trailer with it, it is not made for that, and the tranny is getting old, our cars have tons of miles!

We want to try a truck of this type before committing to making payments or something. I will add a link, if it will take.

The guy is holding it for us to get there. Gluttons for punishment, Phoenix is 6.5 hours away, so a 13 hr drive. Then 12 the next day to TX.

Manda should speak to her boss today. My Mom is in tears, because she wants me to go, hates making my life hard----she keeps saying she would do anything to see the boys, she wants me to go. I am so torn. My stomach is in an uproar. Oh well, it will go the way it is supposed to I told her.

Time to change the laundry!!!


How was your meeting today? Happy Anniversary! I've got our 23rd coming up!

Good luck on the truck buying! I love my truck!

My opinion only, of course. I totally understand about wanting to be w/your mom. I would too! BUT if this whole thing is stressing her out and making her cry, then maybe you should listen to her and go. SUCH a hard decision!!! Hopefully Manda can get some time off. I know that would help relieve your mind at least a little. I'll add you w/this situation to my prayers, Kat. Lots of hugs.

Oh and did you ILs make it to Texas?


Pasta is not taboo with me either. But I don't eat a lot of it either. I'm one of those ones that really don't have a problem with any food. The other day at lunch, my friend got stuck on her salad. She said iceberg is ok but when she gets into the fancy lettuces that's when she has problems.

Kat, that is such a hard decision to make. If you stay with your Mom, how soon will it be before you can go see the boys?

Tracy, would you be willing to share the Christmas card list with me?????

Jenn, I sure wish we could get a long post from you. It's been such a long time since we've had a good update.

Cindy, I would be a nervous wreck having some one watch me. I've always hated having my bosses to close to me when I work. Not that I'm hiding anything, just makes me nervous.

Michelle, I'm thinking very seriously about doing the bag thing. Especially the morning of my surgery because it will be a few days before I will be able to get back in. I'll have the stitches on my stomach and won't be able to get those wet. Years ago when I went thru that horrible 6 months of in and out of the hospital for treatments, I got real good at doing sponge baths. I have it down real good and can get in and out real fast. I would just rather be in a shower.

So far today I have done my house work, washed a few blankets, baked cupcakes for the hospital tonight, made some caramel rolls for hubby for breakfast. Now I'm relaxing and eating my bowl of oatmeal. Think I may go over to the thrift store after while.

Hi Plain.

Make it a good day.

Go for it, Suz! I know you can manage. Shoot! You've been working in the yard and cleaning the house!

Hey ya'll!

Busy busy here! This should be our last week(end) of "busy-ness" and then things will get somewhat back to normal. Thank you, Jesus!

Kat...I hope you still get to come to TX. What a dilemma :( . I haven't heard any talk about all of us getting together still or not?

I am on vacation from the 19th-29th. I am stoked!! We have a lot of family and friends coming in so it should be lots of fun.

We too did the trash bag covering of wounds, lol! Zach's arm was a big one. A little different than trying to cover a leg that you need to stand on, but it does get the job done.

Speaking of which, and in case I forget to mention it before I leave, please keep Zach in your prayers on the 23rd. He goes in for what I pray (I HAVE said this before...lol) is his last surgery on that arm injury from last year. His arm looks amazing...but the inside of his arm (where the damage was) still has a little bit of skin graft that has to be removed. No big deal, but still...another surgery.

Anyhow, getting out of here...I am excited about the country music awards tonight so I want to have dinner ready and have my butt parked on the couch by seven! HA!!

Have a good one!


OH!! I will pm my addy to you Tracy!

Lots of prayers to Zach! And you! He sure seems to be taking the whole thing in stride!

Maybe a sleep study. Of course, I am a little biased.

No worries. It's a good suggestion. And you are only sharing your thoughts and expertise.

Don't you roll your eyes at me, young lady!!

~But, but, but! LOL!

You're allowed!!


Peer pressure gotcha, eh? :blush:

~Me? Peer pressure! LOL! Sounded good at the time! :w00t:

Hi Suze.

Angela....I'm praying this is Zach's last surgery!! And for a quick recovery!!!

Plain...he is wanting to do a sleep test. It's just a matter of him going to the doctor after work so he can get referred to the sleep center in Chattanooga.

My mom has found some lumps in her breast. She went to her OBGYN and he sent her for a mammogram and an ultrasound. They are now waiting for the place in Knoxville to send her last mammogram, so they can compare. Thankfully breast cancer doesn't run in our family. So please pray that this is nothing serious!!!!

I've got the casserole in the oven, just waiting for it be finished while DH is in the garage working on the buggy. I must say, I make a good chicken casserole, so I'm looking forward to dinner. I'm trying to talk DH into going to the murder mystery dinner that is in downtown Chattanooga. I think it would be so much fun!!

I've got a long day tomorrow. I'm rearranging my store and decorating it for Christmas. I'm so ready to put my decorations at my house. lol I know it's not even Thanksgiving yet, but I love Christmas time!!

How was everybody's day?

Lots of prayers to your mom. Hate to say that a lot of cases have no family history. I don't even like telling you that, just want you think about that and not be shocked if that's what comes back. Well, you will be anyway but...

Prayers too that it's cysts or something else easy.

I do a green bean casserole that I replace half the Beans with chicken. Very good and filling!

Have fun at the shop! A lot of work but it'll be great once you're done.

I know I have talked a lot about Zach's arm so I came home and tried to find a pic so you could see. Let's see if this works or not...


They are slowly removing the skin graft as his skin stretches to tolerate it.


Poor kid!

Hello all

So much going on here, I have tried to catch up, I'm just exhauted, it has been so cold here and I don't have much work so I'm bored out of my mine, yet freezing cold... so I come home from work, take the longest hot shower in the world, or that my hot Water tank will hold, and go to class or drill.

I just found out tonight that the new manager is leaving to go to another job, and the old manager is taking control of this huge project I put together... and tomorrow when they announce who will be in charge again, I am pretty sure I will be making a deal with the company that has tried to recruit me for 2 months. I will not ever work for her ever again.

So class is going well, and drill is good, cliimbed on a roof full gear last night. I need to walk in the pants, hard to move with short legs

I'm swollen and puffy and don't know why,

have a fill appt on the 18th

check out my Facebook - I posted a pic of me and my dd Alexandra. I so love her, and my son but i dont have that pic up

so that is is, just spending time getting ready for finals and sleeping, which I should be doing now

oh... and Kev - begging me back, and the more i don't have time for him the more he is getting what he did to me all those years.. I am not making him wait for that reason, but I'm glad he is getting it.

Off to bed, hope all is well with everyone

hugs and kissed

Well, heck, it's good to hear from you! :eek:

Sucks about the manager thing. Best wishes on the new job stuff.

Are you still enjoying all the training you're doing?


Ear is really bad. Headed to the doc in the afternoon tomorrow. I also want to find out what the x-ray about the ankle says. I need to stop at the church office and sign some checks so I'm going to raid our medical equipment closet and grab a cane. :frown:

I'm trying not to panic about DisneyLand and I'm going no matter how much it hurts but I'd like to be having fun not worried about dragging every one down with me. Taking the cane for sure and pain meds.

We are all booked for our trip next month. SO excited!!! Can't wait to show DD all about it! One of the moms at preschool offered her a princess dress. I need to find out if she has Sleeping Beauty. DD is all about the PINK right now! She doesn't care about the princess, she wants the pink dress! LOL!!!

Have a great night!

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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