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Just got back from woodcutting. Whew! I'm whooped! Got a full load! Short bed truck w/stake sides, so the wood is up to the tippy top!! It's a good, solid 1/2 cord+. Just need a few more loads like that and we'll be all set for the winter!

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The guy who does our firewood stopped by Sunday. His truck died on him. So this Saturday, hubby and I are taking our truck out to his place and pick up the wood. I told hubby we had to do it this weekend or next, after that I'm out of commission.

Very busy today. I worked and as I was leaving my Boss informed me that I was working this evening. I don't know how that happened. I checked the schedule at least 4 times and I swear my name was not there. So I go pick my sis up to take her to Wal-Mart. While there a co-worker texted me about her working tonight. I called her back and she said she was working. I told her I saw my name on the schedule. We can't figure out what is going on. Anyway she worked and I was happy. So I leave the store with my sis and take her to lunch and then home. I called my friend and then drove to meet her at costco.< /span>

We went to a consignment store that specializes in larger sizes. I actually got 2 tops in a 2X. It was a lot of fun and we were there for about 45 minutes trying things on. We went back to Costco where her car was getting tires fixed. We walked around and sampled a few things. I think we ended up spending about $35.00. It was a lot of fun.

Drove home and picked hubby and we went and voted. So glad that is over with. I spent a few hours putting away all the Halloween stuff and putting out the Thanksgiving stuff. Washed my Flannel Sheets and put them on my bed. Fixed dinner for hubby and got me some yogurt.

Now I'm chillin........Gonna watch the boob tube for awhile.

Oh, and I think I might have a stress fracture in right foot. I guess I better call the Doc and see if I can get in. Just what I need.

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Hi everybody, I don't know what's going, but I have been barfing a lot. I'm going back on full liquids for a few days. I had my last fill 4 weeks ago, so I don't I don't know why all of sudden things are getting stuck. I may give my doc a call in am.

Today I oriented on the Oncology unit, worked Oncology for years 2002-2006. It was nice, it is all outpatient. The unit I worked on previously was all inpatient.

Hope everyone has a nice evening. :)


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Cindy, pics please! How sweet of your students!!

I hope your son gets the help that he needs. Sad stuff there...

Debbie, I had that kind of day today too. I deal with a lot of drivers that do not speak English very well. While I am normally tolerant...it wasn't happening today. I can appreciate when they make an effort, and I will normally help them as best as I can, but to walk them through the procedure over and over again because they won't try?? *sigh* Sadly, I know a lot of them have been doing this for months if not years...so ya know? Put a little effort into learning the basics of English (enough to get your job done!). Sorry if I offended anyone...just venting.

Kat...did you survive? I hope wherever you are they are serving you huge margarita's...or your beverage of choice!

Shar...liquids for sure. It sounds like you got something stuck and are in a "cycle". I hate that!

Tracy, tiramisu...man, that is good stuff. Good for you to pass it on to Frank. Willpower...I wish I had some!!

Hi to everyone I missed. I am a bit on the pooped side and not thinking clearly (no margarita's involved...I swear!).

I am sooooo glad the elections are over with. I am sick of all the political commercials!!!

On a positive note, my dad is running for county judge again (small town, Arkansas) so I am crossing my fingers for him! (Yep, Plain...I pass right through your little town on my way up North....59 North, that is!)

Have a good one!


Edited by AngelaW

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Hey all

quick check in to let you all know I'm alive

completely exhausted but here. just getting in from drill, having a drink and going to bed

night all -

i'll catch up tomorrow

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Hi everybody, I don't know what's going, but I have been barfing a lot. I'm going back on full liquids for a few days. I had my last fill 4 weeks ago, so I don't I don't know why all of sudden things are getting stuck. I may give my doc a call in am.

Today I oriented on the Oncology unit, worked Oncology for years 2002-2006. It was nice, it is all outpatient. The unit I worked on previously was all inpatient.

Hope everyone has a nice evening. :rolleyes:


Yeah, do the liquids, but a few doses of liquid ibuprofen always helps me too.

I hope you feel better soon!

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Angela, it is the same hair, just less frizzy. I was uncertain about getting the keratin treatment and then today we had what is our usual, although we haven't seen it in a while, yucky, all-day rainy, humid Louisiana weather. Uh, my head was a frizzball. So, I plan on calling tomorrow and maybe getting the mini keratin thingy done Thursday. If I like it, I will invest in the more expensive thing after Christmas.

Posting a pic of my hair and then one of my friend Mary and I when I picked her up for the reunion.



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I'm home, and I survived!!! Been home about an hour. It takes about an hour to an hour and a half to finalize everything, even when you have your numbers come out PERFECT!!!!

I could not have ask for it to have balanced any better!

I had a good group of women working with me, and it could have been a disaster!

One of the older women, is actually the mother in law now, to Rick's ex!!! And her great grandson is the nephew of another worker, where the couple is divorced----but it was not an issue. I think she thinks Rick's ex is a flake too!!! LOL

The day passed pretty quickly, I had no problems from my watcher, the challenger never showed, the exit poll people stayed for maybe 20 minutes, and maintained the distance I ask for.

We had a huge amount of provisional ballots, and oddball stuff, but I handled it ok, and we balanced!!!

I wanted to do a Happy Dance!!!

Shar, I agree, liquids----try some pineapple juice. As well as the liquid Motrin. If you have something stuck, that is inhibiting things passing, the juice sometimes helps, and it encourages your body to secrete other things that help in digestion. the Motrin will aid in the swelling.

Cindy, I feel so bad for your son. When my DD was born she had 6 Grandma's and 4 Grandpa's all within a 14 mile radius! She was well loved. But the down side to that is that she lived through a lot of loss at a young age. She was very close to most of them, and truly mourned. My maternal Grandpa lived 3 houses down from us, and he took her to and from school each day---they would go get ice cream, or run to the store, they were very close. We lost him when she was 12---she was heartbroke. One day about 2 weeks after, I come home from the store, she had stayed here, and she was laying in bed crying. I ask what was wrong, and she sobs "Grandpa died" I thought she was having a delayed reaction, then she finally tells me, her Dad called and tells her over the phone, without knowing she was all alone, that her other Grandpa had died, we had been there that very morning to see him! He had been in an assisted living facility, and we saw him twice a week. She learned to bake so she could take him goodies!

So in 2 weeks, she lost 2 Grandpa's. She now has my folks left is all---she has lost all the others.

I know how it is watching them hurt, I send you big hugs, and hope your son copes well.

Tracy----sorry for the bloat and all that jazz! But forking over the tiramisu----way to go!!! He can have mine too......since I am not a coffee fan, it is not my thing!!!

Michelle, I am so glad all our wood is in.....now that this job is behind me, I feel like I can sit back and enjoy the holidays to come, and just get past winter again!!! LOL. If it is going to come, then come on and get it over with!!!

So Suzie , you think someone is trying to get someone else in trouble over the schedule thing? That is wierd. glad you didn't have to work tho.

Think the 5K did your foot in? Get it checked!!!

Debbie, I worked for an answering service back in the day, before cell phones etc. A full switchboard, it was a challenge, and I was always amazed by people!!!

Angela....was going to say something.....got up to close the damper on the stove, and lost my thoughts completely!!!!

Well.....that tells me it is time to call it. Not only are the polls closed, my eyes are fixing to be too!!!

Thanks for the good thoughts today! Hugs to all of you, see you tomorrow!

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Angela, it is the same hair, just less frizzy. I was uncertain about getting the keratin treatment and then today we had what is our usual, although we haven't seen it in a while, yucky, all-day rainy, humid Louisiana weather. Uh, my head was a frizzball. So, I plan on calling tomorrow and maybe getting the mini keratin thingy done Thursday. If I like it, I will invest in the more expensive thing after Christmas.

Posting a pic of my hair and then one of my friend Mary and I when I picked her up for the reunion.

I want to get the keratin treatment. But I don't know if I can go 3 days without washing my hair. And you have to use their Shampoo and conditioner, and before you get into a pool, you have to spray your hair with another one of their products. I don't mind all that, it's the not washing my hair for 3 days. lol And you can't tuck it behind your ear, pull it up, get it wet or nothing. lol I think I would feel so so dirty.

Back in July, DH and I moved into a new house. When we did, the former owner did not address the propane tank being full with us. She bought the propane back in April, and was making payments on it. Well, she stopped paying the bill when we moved in, without telling us. So the propane company calls me and says "I don't know who needs to pay this." So I called my real estate agent (who has known my family since before I was born). She goes back to the contract, and takes it to 2 brokers in her company. They all say that it is the former owner's responsibility because she did not have the propane pro-rated. Well, now the former owner is saying that she was witnesses that we talked about it. And if there's one thing that gets me mad, it's when people make me out to be a liar. Well, we didn't talk about it. The balance on her account is $591.00. I called my trustee (who is an attorney too), and he says I'm not responsible. Even the propane company says I'm not responsible. So I'm just waiting to get a letter from an attorney. But for what it's going to cost her to get an attorney, she could pay the bill that everyone is saying she's responsible for. Ughhhh....this woman is killing me. Sorry just had to vent.

I found out that my brother and his wife are pregnant. I'm very excited for them, even though his wife and I do not get along at all.

Well, this morning that keratin treatment would be great. I still need to go flat Iron my hair before work. DH and I are cooking steaks tonight (still need to go put them in the Dale's sauce..can't forget!!).

Have a great day yall!!!

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Tracie, good for you. Congratulations! Maybe some of your good behavior will rub off on me. I ate a bunch--and I do mean a bunch, of M&M's peanuts today. I feel like a freakin' failure--well, I know I am. The good news is that even though I feel like a piece of shit I still keep trying. Guess that's hope.

Hush that kind of talk woman!! That slap threat-thing is still on the table, ya know....

As my shift was ending I could feel something start to move. Ok, I know. TMI-but my poor bathroom took the brunt of it, but I sure do feel a whole heck of a lot better. Whatever was in me is dead and gone now.

Suze, that me LOL @ work!!

So now that she has clarification, she is done and next time she's calling the cops. HE is trying to have contact with her and pushing to see what he can get away with.

Good that she can see his behaviour for what it really is.

Whats done is done and today is a new day.

It's true. And keep riding that wave, Tracy.

Ya remember when I was working with my friend who does tree service/logging? That is who I'm going with - so just friends but we are going themed together, which I have never done, so it will be fun with no worry or pressure.

I have a hilarious / sad story about a "no-pressure" date. Hope yours works out better!!:rolleyes:

We live in the country now so no trick or treaters.

Me too, Shar. There are LOTS of coyotes, though. Makes for a cool Halloween vibe.

I am tired, the reunion went well and I believe I was the only sober person in the building.

That sounds like an AWESOME reunion, then!!

Is Plain still tricking or treating????

Kind of. Except now that the holiday is over, they call it "begging" again. Stoopid court injunction.

On a positive note, my dad is running for county judge again (small town, Arkansas) so I am crossing my fingers for him! (Yep, Plain...I pass right through your little town on my way up North....59 North, that is!)

That is the only decent passage out o' Houston. Is the small town near my neck o' the woods? If so, I just might know him. That would be a weird small-world event. I already found out once that I was mutual friends with somebody from this board. Weird.

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Tracy, congratulations on that excellent willpower.:thumbup: Giving away a desert is something I have done in a while. I should probably start doing it again.:unsure:

I have to admit, if it were really good...I would have never given it away. I did learn a lesson though!

Just got back from woodcutting. Whew! I'm whooped! Got a full load! Short bed truck w/stake sides, so the wood is up to the tippy top!! It's a good, solid 1/2 cord+. Just need a few more loads like that and we'll be all set for the winter!

Sounds like serious exercise to me! :scared2:

Hi everybody, I don't know what's going, but I have been barfing a lot. I'm going back on full liquids for a few days. I had my last fill 4 weeks ago, so I don't I don't know why all of sudden things are getting stuck. I may give my doc a call in am.

Hope everyone has a nice evening. :wub:


Are you stressed? Stress can cause the band to swell....trust me! :blink:

Debbie, I had that kind of day today too. I deal with a lot of drivers that do not speak English very well. While I am normally tolerant...it wasn't happening today. I can appreciate when they make an effort, and I will normally help them as best as I can, but to walk them through the procedure over and over again because they won't try?? *sigh* Sadly, I know a lot of them have been doing this for months if not years...so ya know? Put a little effort into learning the basics of English (enough to get your job done!). No truer words have ever been spoken.

Kat...did you survive? I hope wherever you are they are serving you huge margarita's...or your beverage of choice!

Shar...liquids for sure. It sounds like you got something stuck and are in a "cycle". I hate that!

Tracy, tiramisu...man, that is good stuff. Good for you to pass it on to Frank. Willpower...I wish I had some!! I have never had a bad tiramisu, until that day. Thank you Jesus! :lol:

Hi to everyone I missed. I am a bit on the pooped side and not thinking clearly (no margarita's involved...I swear!). even more reason to have one!

I am sooooo glad the elections are over with. I am sick of all the political commercials!!!

I 2nd that!

Hey all

quick check in to let you all know I'm alive

completely exhausted but here. just getting in from drill, having a drink and going to bed

night all -

i'll catch up tomorrow

Hi Jenn...are you taking care of yourself? How are you doing with your eating? If I have to be a good girl, so do you! :tt2:

I'm home, and I survived!!! Been home about an hour. It takes about an hour to an hour and a half to finalize everything, even when you have your numbers come out PERFECT!!!! :thumbup: AWESOME

Tracy----sorry for the bloat and all that jazz! But forking over the tiramisu----way to go!!! He can have mine too......since I am not a coffee fan, it is not my thing!!! I LOVE me some coffee!! The bloat as of this morning (as well as the other problem) is history. Now if I can get through aunt flow without killing dh, all will be good. :wink2:Well.....that tells me it is time to call it. Not only are the polls closed, my eyes are fixing to be too!!!

Thanks for the good thoughts today! Hugs to all of you, see you tomorrow!

Glad you made it through election season unscathed!

:seeya: Hello everyone!!! We had the kids over last night (stepson & stepdaughter). They will spend the night again tonight. It is nice to have them here. Macy really enjoys it when they are here so I let her miss her girlscout meeting last night.

Just a rainy day expected here today which is fine with me...I wanna go curl up and get back in bed anyway (cramps). Sorry Trey, TMI for the male poster in the pack but...oh well :rolleyes:

Take care of yourselves today and make healthy choices! :)

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If the election results would get done and over, it would be a glorious morning!!! No more explaining the ballot, and holding my tongue!!!! LMAO

I got to put Kinsey on the bus. Not too sure I won't have to go get her at school, she has a cold, was feeling pretty rotten, but I gave her some cold medicine, hope it helps her. When I say "poor little snot" I mean it literally....her nose is running, but she had no fever and was put out at the thought of staying home.....hope for the best!

Gotta get my house cleaned back up---I brought halloween stuff in, and it is still sitting on the couch! I don't have much in the way of Thanksgiving decoration. I have lots of scarecrows---so they stay out further into the fall than Halloween. But the pumpkins....the jack o lantern ones are either in the bellies of the deer or going back in the shed! We tossed the carved ones out for the deer, and they made short work of them.

I come home yesterday and my DaVinci syrups had come in....so having some excellent flavored capuccino this morning. Nice fire going. I thought seriously about going back to bed....but now with not working, I can keep Rick's hours again. So if he has to go to bed early, this way I will be back on his schedule.

I am taking suggestions for dinner.....gimme some new ideas....I feel like we have the same things over and over!!!

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Cindy. I like your hair both ways. My younger sister has a head full of spiral curls. They go almost half way down her back. I would love to have her hair and she would give anything to trade with me.

Just called and made an appointment with the podiatrist for tomorrow. Need to find out what is going on with my foot.

Not a busy day for me except to work at the Hospital this evening.

I had the most wildest dream last night and I really think they need to make it in to a movie. I wish I could figure out how to write it all down.

Make it a good day.

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Just found out my dad lost his re-election by 12 votes. That really bites. I am understanding that they don't have to have a run off either. :rolleyes:

I guess he will go back to work at the police department.

Ah, well...upwards and onwards...

Kat...I am thinking meat loaf for my crew but I think you just did that so I am no help!

Have a good one,


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