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Morning Guys.

I hope everyone had a great weekend. I know I did.

Now it's back to work. I have a real light schedule this week. Yay.

My neighbor brought her daughter over last night and I ended up leaving with them and walking thru the neighborhood. We had such a good time. Then we came back to my house so Bret could pass out candy. They stayed till 9pm and then headed home. Hubby had duty till we got back. Ended up having around 38 kids come by. Not bad but I still have a lot of candy left over. Guess I'll send it over to the nephews.

Have a good one.

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Good morning everyone~

We had a great time at the in-laws yesterday. Apologies were made, a few tears shed, then good times. We are invited to have Thanksgiving with them. We will probably take them up on it instead of going to my sisters house. My mom would only be there for an hour or so anyway, so she said it was OK with her. YES, I checked with my mom first, lol. But she is 70 and I would never do anything to hurt her. She is my best friend.

One of dh brothers showed up and since we have seen them, they have had a son now that is 3 that macy has never met. They were fast friends.

Grocery shopping today, then who knows. Hopefully nothing. My entire body aches today.

For any baseball fans out there...Andy Pettite is a major league pitcher for the Yankees (was an astro for a few years too), he was at the fall festival last night and we got to meet him. He lives here in the same town I live and his father in law is the pastor for the church that had the fall festival, so he was there of course. Pretty neat.

Have a great day everyone. Make good healthy choices and walk further than necessary. :thumbup:

PS, thanks to everyone for encouraging me.

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Sitting here waiting for the bus.....a day of normal! Then tomorrow....I am dreading it more than I can tell you!

We had at least 162 trick or treaters.....I give to that many, but Rick caught a few, and the kids here gave some out---but between Megan and I (we were the only ones counting!) we had 162. Was a fun night. I almost let things get to me, and then thought twice about it, and had a good time anyway.

My best friend Becky is having issues with menopause (she is 48), and all she really cares about is sleeping. Gary come and borrowed our woodsplitter, and said that yes they would be here, so I cooked accordingly---the 2 of them and the kids....then she decided to stay home in her jammies, and watch the game in bed. I almost let it piss me off! She has flaked on me a lot lately---well on everyone really. I told her I think she is depressed, her only response is that she knows, so I told her she needs to talk to her Dr., she agrees then doesn't go. Well last week she finally went to the Dr. who suggested a diet change, and several natural hormones, as well as a book to her.....which are all good ideas, but hello.....she is not even interested in reading it, and has no desire to change how she eats. She needs her attitude changed, then perhaps she could do it naturally, but not the way she is now.

So.....I am just going to keep bugging her, but I am also sadly going to have to quit depending on her too. For friendship I mean, it is becoming very one sided. I know friendship, like marriage takes both parties wanting it to continue, and she kind of acts like she really doesn't care---she acts that way about EVERYTHING. But she also has times where the old Becky shows through.

Very mixed feelings over it. Sorry to unload.

Manda, and her friends showed up with all the kids, and Megan and her buddies showed up---she and a friend stayed, the others just popped in and out.

A guy down the road, makes a haunted house each year. Nothing real serious, the kids were all fine with it, until a guy sit up from where he was "dead" from a woodcutting accident, and come at Manda's legs with a chainsaw (no chain obviously)----at which point Kinsey got MAD! Turned and yelled at him to leave her Mommy alone! He wants Manda to bring her back today in the light and let him show her what it is like in the light, and show her he was only playing haunted house, he would never hurt her Mommy! LOL

I have fresh homemade Cookies, and chex mix calling my name. Think I will take them to the polling place tomorrow, maybe the workers and all will eat it up. Rick is back in the field, so will be gone a lot. he swapped weeks with another guy so we can get to TX in a few weeks, and not put any of them out. I think he should quit worrying about it, none of the others worry about puttin him out.

He was off Friday----did my Dad's timing belt, and other belts, all kinds of work on his truck.

Saturday he actually got to go riding for awhile.

Sunday, we run in to the grocery store, and when we come home, the neighbor who has been fighting the throat cancer---was out trying to get under his car to change the starter. He still has a feeding tube in his stomach---so of course Rick went and changed the starter----which I know was the right thing to do, but I wish he really had some time off.

He was shrugging it off, telling me as long as the political ads were on, I wasn't getting time off either!!!

Tomorrow, I have been told I have both poll watchers ( usually candidate or party reps---making phone calls to get voters out), a poll challenger ( will be challenging any issues with registration, those who hesitate with physical address etc.) and an exit poll taker, who I have to make sure stays 50 feet from the building.

The challenger should be easy for me, because my precinct is in the city. It is county roads, and reservation physical addresses that get messy!

It isn't like we don't have enough to do or enough responsibility....we have to deal with that crap!

Going to go get my keys to the fire station today, and try to get the ok to set tables up tonight, it is too rushed in the morning, and I want to be up and ready for a line.

We had a full 20% turnout in person early voting! Probably another 5% in absentee. They figure in person usually matches the early....so it could be busy!

Took some pics of my ladybug, will try to get them posted either here or on FB---FB is just so much easier!!!! LOL

Keep strong everyone, get rid of the candy!!!! LOL

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Good morning!

It sounds like everyone had a great weekend. We probably had around 60-70 trick-or-treaters. Way more than I expected! Luckly I was prepared. I just thought with it being a Sunday night that we would not see as many as usual.

We had one little boy...I swear he had an attention issue (not funny at all for the parents I imagine) but he was a doll!! He kept trying to charge across the street and the daddy had to grab him by the back of the neck (costume). He was gabbing a mile a minute the whole time. I would guess he was 4 or 5 years old. Anyhow, Mike and I were sitting out in the lawn with my mesh light-up pumpkin and Zachary's carved pumpkin handing out candy. He was facinated with the mesh pumpkin's lights changing colors and kept picking it up and twirling it around. Then he moved on to Zach's pumpkin...ooh-ing and ahh-ing. The little booger then leaned into the carving and blew the candle out! THEN while dad was fussing at him, he ran to our door and rang the doorbell. HELLO??? LOL...we were sitting right there. I couldn't stop laughing. He was just so cute and soooo animated! He never stopped moving!!

Guess you had to be there!!! Too cute.

I feel sleep deprived too...I am ready for time change on Sunday!!



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We had one trick or treater, and I didn't have any candy. I told them to come back in about 10 minutes and I would have some. Well, the variety bags were gone. I spent $20 on Milky Ways and Snickers. Guess what? They didn't come back, and we didn't have anymore! I have this whole big bowl of candy. Ugh! Maybe I will take them to the store, or have DH take them to work. I do not need them in this house. lol

I got some news about my dad that I'm very shocked by. All I can say is that my psychologist is in for a load when I see him again. Bad part is, everybody in my town knows who my family is. Thankfully he's not allowed to say anything! I swear, if it's not one thing, it's another.

I found a new favorite meal. There's a place about 5 minutes from our house called Beef O'Brady's. It's a grilled chicken wrap. It was to die for, and DH loved his wings, so we will be going back!! Whoo!! We've already planned another date night to Kanpai! Yess!!!

Have a great day!!!

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Kat, my sister suffers with depression, or should I say that we all suffer from her depression. Seriously, we make arraingments and appointments and she ends up canceling because she is too tired. She complains all the time that she never gets to see her granddaughter. Well, they call to bring her oveer and she is too tired or not in the mood. Ok, don't be griping then. It gets real annoying with her and we have come to expect it when we have to deal with her.

They called to do my pre-op this morning. She wanted to know when I coulld come in. I told her that we always did it over thephone and she told me that I would have to come in so they could do blood work. Ughhh. So a week from Thursday I go do that. They e-mailed me all the paperwork to have filled out to bring in. I'll be really glad when this one is over. 2 surgeries in one year is enough. I know I shouldn't complain, especially when there are people that have 10 to 15 surgeries in a year. At least I get to get pampered for a few days.

My friend that was helping me get ready for my 5K called and wanted to know if I wanted to go walking with her again. I told her that the 5K was over with, that I didn't need to walk anymore. LOL. yeah right. So I just got back a little while ago from walking in 40 degree weather. Good thing I took some kleenex with me. The cold makes my nose run like crazy.

Is Plain still tricking or treating????

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Suzie, I will be glad when you get it over and done with, get on with being well! This should be simpler than the last one, I would think....but I don't have an MD anywhere before or after my name!!!

Angela I love the kids that have personality. Our cutest was a little boy about the same age, dressed as Woody, and he stood there after I give him his candy, and his Dad said to him "Aiden come on", the little boy tells him "wait" then he looks at me, sweet as can be and asks me "can I pet your dog" I told him sure if his Daddy didn't mind. He come up, and I let Izzy to the door, and she nuzzled him, and he giggled and she licked him (worst habit the dog has). Dad was telling us his wife's sister was brutally mauled by some malamutes when she was young and she is deathly afraid of dogs and refuses to have one, and the boy loves them. I am standing there talking to his Dad with the door open and his Dad kind of snickers, and when I look down he has sat on the step into the house and is just thrilled with Izzy's head in his lap! We let them enjoy one another for a few minutes, and talked about how nice the weather was, and the haunted house down the road, whether he went to school with any of my kids----odds and ends while Aiden enjoyed Izzy! Finally Dad convinced him there was more candy to be had!

Was hard not to invite him back for dog time! Mom would not approve I am sure!

Got my shopping done, my keys to the polling place, my election bag, should be good to go.....pray for good results for me, no craziness, no problems with watchers, and such.

Kinsey is having problems is school, she writes her last name first, and entirely backwards---every last bit of it. and we get it circled with a big question mark like "what is this" from her teacher, I don't think she has even realized the letters Kinsey keeps attempting to put in front of her name is her last name backwards. Manda is going in tomorrow to ask about it, and find out if testing her is in order. It makes me sad to see her struggle so. Other things, she is soaring with. Sight words---she nails, over and over and over. Phonics words, not so much......

Well I am making a meatloaf, so Rick can have sandwiches this week, so I better get a move on!

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Kat-sorry about Becky. I know how you feel...it is sad when a friendship becomes one sided.

Remember when i was having trouble with macy last year and she got tested for dyslexia? She did not have it and with age (and alot of work) has started doing thing the correct way. Still have a few issues, but loads better.

Have a good night everyone :thumbup:

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Good morning everyone~

We had a great time at the in-laws yesterday. Apologies were made, a few tears shed, then good times. We are invited to have Thanksgiving with them. We will probably take them up on it instead of going to my sisters house. My mom would only be there for an hour or so anyway, so she said it was OK with her. YES, I checked with my mom first, lol. But she is 70 and I would never do anything to hurt her. She is my best friend.

One of dh brothers showed up and since we have seen them, they have had a son now that is 3 that macy has never met. They were fast friends.

I am so glad it went well. I was hoping it would!

My best friend Becky is having issues with menopause (she is 48), and all she really cares about is sleeping. Gary come and borrowed our woodsplitter, and said that yes they would be here, so I cooked accordingly---the 2 of them and the kids....then she decided to stay home in her jammies, and watch the game in bed. I almost let it piss me off! She has flaked on me a lot lately---well on everyone really. I told her I think she is depressed, her only response is that she knows, so I told her she needs to talk to her Dr., she agrees then doesn't go. Well last week she finally went to the Dr. who suggested a diet change, and several natural hormones, as well as a book to her.....which are all good ideas, but hello.....she is not even interested in reading it, and has no desire to change how she eats. She needs her attitude changed, then perhaps she could do it naturally, but not the way she is now.

So.....I am just going to keep bugging her, but I am also sadly going to have to quit depending on her too. For friendship I mean, it is becoming very one sided. I know friendship, like marriage takes both parties wanting it to continue, and she kind of acts like she really doesn't care---she acts that way about EVERYTHING. But she also has times where the old Becky shows through.

Very mixed feelings over it. Sorry to unload.

My mom's friend went through that, meaning the not wanting to be around others and being just down all of the time after she started menopause. It lasted about a year and when it passed, they jumped right back into their friendship. She was just down because she felt she was too young to start going through it and it depressed her. Hopefully your friend will be able to move on from it soon.

We had one little boy...I swear he had an attention issue (not funny at all for the parents I imagine) but he was a doll!! He kept trying to charge across the street and the daddy had to grab him by the back of the neck (costume). He was gabbing a mile a minute the whole time. I would guess he was 4 or 5 years old. Anyhow, Mike and I were sitting out in the lawn with my mesh light-up pumpkin and Zachary's carved pumpkin handing out candy. He was facinated with the mesh pumpkin's lights changing colors and kept picking it up and twirling it around. Then he moved on to Zach's pumpkin...ooh-ing and ahh-ing. The little booger then leaned into the carving and blew the candle out! THEN while dad was fussing at him, he ran to our door and rang the doorbell. HELLO??? LOL...we were sitting right there. I couldn't stop laughing. He was just so cute and soooo animated! He never stopped moving!!

I think I teach that kid... well, actually, a few came to school today completely hyped up on sugar. One was holding his book upside down and didn't realize it. His little eyes were darting back and forth and finally he crashed from the sugar rush around 9:30. I requested that he not consume any more candy before school.:thumbup:

Well, my son had a mini meltdown last night. All the stress from my mom getting worse just finally got to him. I wanted him to talk to a therapist for a while now and he wouldn't so now tomorrow I am taking him to his pediatrician first so she will convince him to talk and then I am taking him to the counselor. I don't want this to overwhelm him. He is worried about my mom and my dad who is trying to care for her. I hate how this affects my children. I feel so bad for them.

I will probably have my meltdown during Thanksgiving. My body usually allows me to function for work, but then when there is a holiday and down time, I get really ill.

I plan on going to the gym this week so I can start relieving my stress.

Oh, but my partner teacher told me all my second period students think I am prettier than ever. I had my hair cut/trimmed Saturday for the reunion and they blowed it out, so it isn't its usually wavy, slightly frizzy mess. I was trying to convince myself that I didn't need to get the keratin treatment, since it costs so much, but now I am rethinking it. Everyone commented on how nice my hair looks. I may actually get it done tomorrow, if time permits.

Have a wonderful night and tomorrow, my dears.

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Awww cindy I am so sorry that your son is so sad. I can imagine how it must hurt you as well. I hope that you can get him some counceling. My prayers are with you all.

I want curly hair and you are thingking going straight. I wish we could trade! I wish I could get a wig or some extensions. :)

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Good morning everyone~

I am so cranky and bloated and other things (like something i need Fiber to cure). And then to top it off, aunt flow hasn't reared her ugly head yet. There is ZERO chance of me getting on the scales right now because that would just add sadness to my list of boohoo's. That is my pity party for myself today.

Yesterday I had a piece of store bakery bought tiramisu (my favorite dessert) and the good news is, it did not live up to my expectations so I gave it to dh. Thank you God.

I hope all of you have a great day. :)

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Tracy, congratulations on that excellent willpower.:) Giving away a desert is something I have done in a while. I should probably start doing it again.:hi:

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I am on a serious wave of weight loss but I am gonna ride it as long as i can. Can you believe I am down again this morning?! /QUOTE] WOO HOOO Tracy!! That's great! So glad to hear your day with the inlaws went well. Family is everything (well most of the time lol)
Yup, I'm feeling good now.
yay! so glad to see that you are doing better!

Debbie peanut M&Ms are my downfall. I LOVE them. I used to eat several (3 or 4) HUGE handfuls every night. I still eat them every night now, only now I get 10 out (yes I count them lol) and I eat them ONE at a time instead of two (yes 2 of the SAME color each and every time lol) at a time. Don't beat yourself up, just come up with a different plan. My plan of 10 is working for now :hi:

Kat so glad today is your last day. I bet it's nuts out there! And I'll be SOOO glad not to have to watch anymore political commercials and answer anymore phone calls. I had FIVE last night. We've both already voted for crying out loud! Call me for lunch!

No trick or treaters at my house. Kinda nice living out :sad: So I didn't buy any candy that will be talking to me! Sometimes the only way to shut it up is to eat it!!

This 3rd fill seems to be doing well. I've had to slow down just a tad more, but still seem to be able to eat the same amount. My next fill is the week after Thanksgiving, she wanted to schedule the day before...... hello???? all day driving to and from Albuquerque when I have a TON to do at home? don't think so lol. Plus who wants mushies for Thanksgiving????

Work is driving me crazy. Our employees are all early-mid 20s and it's like running a freakn daycare around here sometimes. there is one that you have to CONSTANTLY watch. And of course he's the one that thinks he is perfect. Go figure..... Hopefully DH will be back this afternoon, they don't screw around when he is here. I guess I need to learn to be meaner huh?

Hopefully I'll go to Phoenix this weekend to help DD move and take her dogs to her. woo hooo!!! 2 less dogs at my house :) can't wait.

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Hi all,

I'm playing hooky today. Asked my office manager if I could take a day off because people were starting to get on my nerves. Switchboard work can be tiring, and I never realized that until I started working one. There are ten lines and we get several hundred calls a day. We've often had to count them. There are some that are really rewarding. People call for themselves or a relative or friend who's losing their sight, and lots of times they're crying because they feel like the world's coming to an end. I try to spend time with those people, because I can tell them that I've traveled alone, to England twice by myself, and to New York, and Georgia to perform with friends, not to mention Hawaii, San Francisco, St. Louis. When they hear those things it gives them hope, and that's what makes my job so enjoyable. They learn that they can live alone and be independent. They can have lives again. . Sometimes they'll even come in and ask for me, or they'll call back and do the same thing.

It's the repetitious calls, people calling for their husbands and wives, kids calling for their parents, staff members calling to ask for extensions that they should look up themselves--that kind of shit that drives me nuts. I found myself telling someone to get a directory yesterday, so I knew it was time for mme to keep my butt at home.

Sorry for the vent.

I'm going to do some exercising this afternoon, weight resistance, and then go on the treadmill. That ought to help me get out some aggression!

My roomy Ariane is making Beans today. She loves to cook, and I'm happy to let her. When I lived alone I did it, and still do occasionally, but since she likes it more than I do :shrugh:

Hope everybody is having a good day.


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Terri, my friend Ariane and I sometimes split the small bags of M&M's. It usually comes out to about eleven, and she takes all the green ones! I don't care! LOL! I just have to stay away from my coworker when he brings in those biig bags from costco. I managed to do that yesterday. Yay for me!

I also know what you mean about voting. I'll be soo glad when this is all over, because I too am sick of all the advertising. I hate the mud slinging!

Probably won't be as glad as Kat, though! :)


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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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