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Debbie, I think we should Thank You for hanging with us. You are truly a blessing to this group.

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quick check in

Tracy - you go girl

Debbie - that was so touching. Thank you!

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Awwww, how awesome was that??!! Thank YOU Debbie~ the others are right, we feel you a blessing to our group.

Many here have been in other groups, other tight knit groups that have imploded, exploded or just fizzled.....and at the time it might have seemed horrid, but it must have been meant to be, for here we are!

Today was a busy ass long day! I am tired, not even wanting to think of what to cook for dinner, or build a fire or anything. Would like it to just be done! However, Rick has yet to make it home, and as good of a dog as Izzy is......cooking and fire building are talents she has not exposed to us. So guess I am IT....ugh

Looking forward to Tuesday being over and life being normal again.

Rick says he is not concerned over his hernia, and it has been there so he just let it go. Me, if we don't hear something as far as the plan for a surgeon to see him within the week, I will be calling back. Thus far the Dr.'s there have been awesome, so hope it continues.

Woke up at 3 again this morning....I went to bed early---I think the newspaper being delivered is what is waking me. Between the thud of it being thrown (tho usually barely a whisper it is a little paper) the delivery person turns around in the neighbors drive, and her lights flash across our wall then---which makes Izzy sit up and take notice and her tags jingle which wakes me.......so either I will get used to it and begin to sleep through it, or learn to live on less sleep!!! 3 AM, I have had enough sleep that I am not easily falling back to sleep, but yet I lay there for long enough and I get tired, then it is time to really get up at 5. It is only 2 hours, but it is messing with me. This time of day---5 ish, I am ready for a nap.....which doesn't work!!! Maybe when work ends I can get back to feeling normal!

Suzie, hope you feel better really soon. How is Darrell feeling?

It cracks me up how this being a weight loss board, EVERYTHING should pertain to that .... including Trey's tattoos-----his sleeve!!!! LOL

I have issues with tattoos to a point. My ex husband had both arms sleeved, and his entire back done. His arms were very macabre. Lots of skulls and a grim reaper, dark things.....his back was incredible! His back was shoulder blade to shoulder blade, nape of neck to waist, was one giant lions head. detail in the eyes, was almost freaky. In the lions mane the hair was made into sections....and each section was an individual womans face, or torso, or part of her hair. So hard to describe, and the detail was amazing. But he was a horribly mean man. And he hit me, a lot, and worse, and something about an arm full of tattoos as it moves, makes my heart jump to this day.........stupid I know

company bbl

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Deb, that was awesome! This is the one thread that I check daily (usually). I love all the people here, and I think it is great that our group keeps growing. :thumbup:

Kat, it isn't stupid that it makes you jump. Hell, going through that probably left you with PSD. It sounds like you were living in hell.

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I need some advice. There's a friend of our family, who has been a friend for around 15 years. He works for my mom as a maintenance man and his wife works for me at my shoe store. Lee (the guy) has a big hatred for my husband. His hatred started when DH and I were going to get a divorce. Well, now that DH and I have worked things out (and are still working at things), Lee really can't stand him. Here's the problem. We have mutual friends. These friends are the friends that we go rock crawling with. Lee has known them for years too (but doesn't rock crawl). The Bacon's (the friends I'm talking about) have an annual Halloween party. Of course we were invited (they are also my family), and Lee and his wife have been invited. Of course, there will be drinking. I know for a fact that Lee will be drunk. I'm terrified that Lee (he is in his mid thirties) is going to come up to DH and try to start trouble. DH and I may have a drink or two, but we are not the type to get drunk. I don't want problems because my mom loves Lee and his family (Lee's mom cleans my mom's house). And Lee's wife is an awesome employee. I don't want problems at all!!! I know that the other people there will stop Lee if he does try to start anything. But I also know my hubby. He will tell Lee to mind his own f**king business. UGHHH!!!!! Help!!! DH promised we wouldn't stay long because we are going to Dollywood the next day.

I hope yall followed that. lol So what do I do?? I agree it's non of Lee's business. And knowing me, I will step in and tell him the same thing. I'm actually nervous about going...Help!!!!

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Ashley, that is a sticky situation. If you really want to go to the party, y'all could do as your dh says, and not stay long. Go to the party to make your appearance and see your friends and leave before anyone has had too much to drink.

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Yay tracy!!!!!

Thank you! :thumbup:

Good job, Tracy!!!! Gracias :wink5:

I am ready to go home!! Zach has an away game tonight (a little over an hour away) so Mike and I are going to the bayhouse to light a little fire in the pit (in more ways than one? :blush: lol!!!) and enjoy the peace and our *finally freaking here* cold front!

Have a good one!


ummmm, you so nasty! :lol2: :wink3:

Congrats, Tracy!!!!!!!! I'm too afraid to step on my scale. I feel like life has gotten in the way of my weight loss. I really have got to get back to eating right. The sooner the better, trust me! Glad you are sticking with us!

I feel accomplished today. I've made tea, boiled the chicken for my chicken casserole tonight. I've swept and mopped. I feel like I constantly sweep because of our Boxer shedding. lol And I've finished my Christmas list of what we're buying everyone for Christmas, all except DH's step dad and my sister & her husband. yummm...chicken casserole:tt1:

Okay..enough of my pointless stuff. lol I'm going to finish cleaning. :)


Not doing too much better today. But I did manage to get in a take a shower. At least I smell better. Thank goodness, I could smell ya from here! :tt2:

Tracy, congrats on the -3lbs. How exciting. Thank you

A nice bunch of women, one really cool guy.

I would read, never write, though I longed to say hi.

So I took a deep breath, and i started to post.

Of all of the threads, this one welcomed me most.

You opened your arms, and you opened your hearts;

You widened the circle, drew me in from the start.

I'm not the best bandster that you'll ever meet.

You wouldn't look twice if we passed on the street;

But I'm here and you listen. I feel I belong.

Your support of each other, and me, make me strong.

Ashley, Shar, Terri, Kat 8 17,

Jenn, Michelle, Tracy, our thread starter Queen!

Suziecat, Cindy, and Angela too,

And then there is Plain--I would not forget you.

Thank you all so much for the wonderful way

You let newcomers know they are welcome to stay.

There really aren't words with which I can express

How fantastic you are--you all are the best!


This is hands down the sweetest thing I have ever read. We are lucky to have you! Thanks for this! I am going to print it out and put in in a frame!


quick check in

Tracy - you go girl I know, right?! :woot:

Debbie - that was so touching. Thank you!

Awwww, how awesome was that??!! Thank YOU Debbie~ the others are right, we feel you a blessing to our group.

Many here have been in other groups, other tight knit groups that have imploded, exploded or just fizzled.....Really? :lol::tt2: Probably like some over~opinionated witch that ruined it for everyone. :blush: lol, gotta love her though and at the time it might have seemed horrid, but it must have been meant to be, for here we are! and I would not have it any other way. :smile2:

Today was a busy ass long day! I am tired, not even wanting to think of what to cook for dinner, or build a fire or anything. Would like it to just be done! However, Rick has yet to make it home, and as good of a dog as Izzy is......cooking and fire building are talents she has not exposed to us. So guess I am IT....ugh supposed to actually reach the 40s here tonight :tt1:

Looking forward to Tuesday being over and life being normal again.

Rick says he is not concerned over his hernia, and it has been there so he just let it go. Me, if we don't hear something as far as the plan for a surgeon to see him within the week, I will be calling back. Thus far the Dr.'s there have been awesome, so hope it continues. :thumbup:

It cracks me up how this being a weight loss board, EVERYTHING should pertain to that .... including Trey's tattoos-----his sleeve!!!! LOL lol, good point! and wtf is a sleeve tat?

And he hit me, a lot, and worse, and something about an arm full of tattoos as it moves, makes my heart jump to this day.........stupid I know you have dealt with more crap in your life! You are truly the strongest woman I know. (next to my mom of course)

company bbl

Deb, that was awesome! This is the one thread that I check daily (usually). I love all the people here, and I think it is great that our group keeps growing. :smile2: we can really tell our group is growing when we can remember who all said what...lol. That is why this is a huge multipost!

Kat, it isn't stupid that it makes you jump. Hell, going through that probably left you with PSD. It sounds like you were living in hell. She is truly amazing.

I need some advice. There's a friend of our family, who has been a friend for around 15 years. He works for my mom as a maintenance man and his wife works for me at my shoe store. Lee (the guy) has a big hatred for my husband. His hatred started when DH and I were going to get a divorce. Well, now that DH and I have worked things out (and are still working at things), Lee really can't stand him. Here's the problem. We have mutual friends. These friends are the friends that we go rock crawling with. Lee has known them for years too (but doesn't rock crawl). The Bacon's (the friends I'm talking about) have an annual Halloween party. Of course we were invited (they are also my family), and Lee and his wife have been invited. Of course, there will be drinking. I know for a fact that Lee will be drunk. I'm terrified that Lee (he is in his mid thirties) is going to come up to DH and try to start trouble. DH and I may have a drink or two, but we are not the type to get drunk. I don't want problems because my mom loves Lee and his family (Lee's mom cleans my mom's house). And Lee's wife is an awesome employee. I don't want problems at all!!! I know that the other people there will stop Lee if he does try to start anything. But I also know my hubby. He will tell Lee to mind his own f**king business. UGHHH!!!!! Help!!! DH promised we wouldn't stay long because we are going to Dollywood the next day.

His wife has prob told him to keep his mouth shut. Just try not to go around him and if he starts getting really drunk, leave fast! Good luck!

Hi everyone!! Sorry for the MEGA multi post but i can not remember what people say to save my life! I had a good day today. Started with the weight loss, the weather was beautiful, had lunch with dh. Life is good.

sleep well friends. :Yawn:

Oh...SHAR, I am so glad you are not obsessing over any mistake you may have made with food. We are human after all. :thumbup:

Edited by TracyK

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A nice bunch of women, one really cool guy.

I would read, never write, though I longed to say hi.

So I took a deep breath, and i started to post.

Of all of the threads, this one welcomed me most.

You opened your arms, and you opened your hearts;

You widened the circle, drew me in from the start.

I'm not the best bandster that you'll ever meet.

You wouldn't look twice if we passed on the street;

But I'm here and you listen. I feel I belong.

Your support of each other, and me, make me strong.

Ashley, Shar, Terri, Kat 8 17,

Jenn, Michelle, Tracy, our thread starter Queen!

Suziecat, Cindy, and Angela too,

And then there is Plain--I would not forget you.

Thank you all so much for the wonderful way

You let newcomers know they are welcome to stay.

There really aren't words with which I can express

How fantastic you are--you all are the best!


*wipes tear* :thumbup:

I just don't know what i want on my wrist, and how big, even if I work in construction industry, I still was a banker and always had to be Professional.

Yeah, That's why I have to content myself with half of a sleeve. I have to keep things hidden in a scrub top

I am ready to go home!! Zach has an away game tonight (a little over an hour away) so Mike and I are going to the bayhouse to light a little fire in the pit (in more ways than one? :thumbup: lol!!!) and enjoy the peace and our *finally freaking here* cold front!

Angela, are you implying y'all only have sex during cold weather? LOL

Many here have been in other groups, other tight knit groups that have imploded, exploded or just fizzled.....

Dude, that is an understatement!!! :thumbup::biggrin:

It cracks me up how this being a weight loss board, EVERYTHING should pertain to that .... including Trey's tattoos-----his sleeve!!!!

That made me laugh too....how "sleeve" always comes up as a hyperlink...

something about an arm full of tattoos as it moves, makes my heart jump to this day...

Shhhhh....don't spread this around, but I'm a bit of a Teddy Bear. I wouldn't want my rep as a badass to suffer.

Ashley, that is a sticky situation. If you really want to go to the party, y'all could do as your dh says, and not stay long. Go to the party to make your appearance and see your friends and leave before anyone has had too much to drink.

I would beg off the party with the "leave early for Dollywood" explanation.

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crzytchr....I hope that is what we do. I will probably be pushing for that! lol

Tracy...my mom has told Lee to keep his mouth shut. And I am agreeing with you that his wife probably has too. At least I hope! lol

Plain...that's a good idea too!!

Thanks for the advice!! I would talk to Jacque (Lee's wife...my employee) about it, but she doesn't work anymore this week. Hopefully he's not stupid enough to try to start trouble with his boss's son-in-law. But alcohol makes you do stupid stuff.

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Thanks for the advice!! I would talk to Jacque (Lee's wife...my employee) about it, but she doesn't work anymore this week. Hopefully he's not stupid enough to try to start trouble with his boss's son-in-law. But alcohol makes you do stupid stuff.

Especially tequila. This is just what I have heard...not any first hand experience. :thumbup: :thumbup:

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I just finished eating 4 crackers and some 7up, now heading to bed. I have to work tomorrow so I'm hoping I wake up feeling a whole lot better.


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Well Suzanne is one good stomach virus closer to goal it sounds like if she is gorging on her crackers!! Poor you Suz---feel better!

Ashley, I would discuss it with the friend having the party---let her know why I was skipping out so she knows the combo is not good. Does the guy have a thing for you? Know too much about your difficulties?

It is a hard place for everyone to be in. I know we spoke up at one time in regards to our son in law's Mom wanting to have our DD followed when we went to Denver to her Uncles funeral. Speaking out against him worked against us----he is her husband, but we are not fans......it has definitely caused tension. And that is with NO alcohol.

What does your husband say about it? Is he aware he is so disliked?

I would skip it all together.

A sleeve Tat is what it is referred to when the arm, or the majority of it is tattood. In Trey's case it would be upper arm.

And Trey, I meant no offense if you choose to cover the arm---it is just something that triggers me. If that arm moving, and I smell chorizo at the same time, watch out buddy!!!

Yeah Cindy---I spoke with the Victim Impact Panel locally for several years trying to get our Domestic Violence Laws made more severe. It helped for awhile, then out of the blue one day I realized a part of me relived the worst times in my life everytime I saw the pictures, and the story was told. It was told in a way to arouse sympathies, and anger to try to get the laws revamped---not sensationalized, but a guts and glory---in your face---kind of thing. But I suddenly wanted to finish the story----the I WON part of the story. I quit reliving it monthly, and focused on the I WON part of it.

It was a whole new feeling---I WON. He went to prison, and I went on to have a happy, full life---I WON!

Well off to bed, I will probably be up at 3 again!!! I am freezing! I have on a sweatshirt, and long jammie pants---Rick is roasting in a tshirt and shorts, and poor Izzy is laying on the tile kitchen floor, panting. I guess I fed the fire too well.....oops!

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I wish I could figure out how to do the multiple quotes the way y'all do!

Thank you all for the kind words. I wrote that today in about an hour. It took me that long because I was writing between phone calls at work.

Plain, if you're wiping away a tear, your cover is blown, you're just a big ol' teddy bear! :lol!:

Tracie, good for you. Congratulations! Maybe some of your good behavior will rub off on me. I ate a bunch--and I do mean a bunch, of M&M's peanuts today. I feel like a freakin' failure--well, I know I am. The good news is that even though I feel like a piece of shit I still keep trying. Guess that's hope.


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Tracie, good for you. Congratulations! Maybe some of your good behavior will rub off on me. I ate a bunch--and I do mean a bunch, of M&M's peanuts today. I feel like a freakin' failure--well, I know I am. The good news is that even though I feel like a piece of shit I still keep trying. Guess that's hope.


No, no, no...do not be hard on yourself. We have no failures on this thread. Just don't get around M&Ms anymore! Those little guys are evil! (easier said than done, huh?) We can do this! Have a great day and think positive.

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I am on a serious wave of weight loss but I am gonna ride it as long as i can. Can you believe I am down again this morning?! :thumbup::thumbup:

This is exactly the boost in my brain I needed to do this for the long haul.

I hope everyone has a fantastic day! TGIF!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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