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Thanks all of you! It was an ordeal for sure!

Cindy I was just getting ready to tell Ashley the same thing, mice WILL chew the foam, Steel wool is the way to go to close those gaps. It sounds like you have an infestation, and it will take awhile, but once you get things under control you can stay on top of it, and it will not be a problem. We live on the last row of homes, so behind our house is nothing but open land. And we are in an area rife with the kangaroo mouse----the little critter that made hantavirus famous! We make sure EVERY kind of food we have---from dog food to our food is in some sort of container---plastic tupperware kind of things. We keep DCon out----we do not have small children in the garage area---and that is where they would come in first. We only recently got this dog, so now we moved all the DCon off the floor into the higher shelves. We keep it in our outbuildings.

Only thing I have had to use mousetraps for of late was to keep the neighbors cat off of my lawn furniture!!! LOL

Rick give the dog a bath tonight! We had to wait til her stitches were safe to get wet. She sat in the shower without issue whatsoever!!!! When he finished bathing her he got in the shower himself, scrubbed it down then took his own shower, and she sat and whined to get back in the entire time!!! The lab in her coming out I guess, the love of water!

One more week of early voting, then I have a precinct on election day, and I will be done for awhile!! They have to get the election wrapped before I can go in to update the cards we are getting. Lots of address changes.....things like that. It would be easy, but about every 5th one, is reservation, and they have these moronic addresses like 1/2 mile east of the Gorman store. Or .2 miles northwest of the Beclabito chapter house. Then I have to go to the books and find the landmark, and figure out what "town" and precinct they will fall in. It makes it take 20 times as long!

Will be glad for it to be over this time. It is difficult with Kinsey in the morning, and I am ready for my normal routine to be back! Meanwhile the check in the bank was nice. I will go do my Christmas shopping for the kids in Lousiana this next couple of weeks so we can take it to Texas with us. Think I have the kids figured out, what I want to buy----not so much the parents!!! I went to Sams Club, saw the Lincoln Logs I wanted for Connor---$50 bucks!!! WOW! I know they were more reasonably priced back in the day or we would not have had them!!! LOL

Well I am heading to bed, 5 comes awful damn early!

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Jason comes in and goes "Hey there little buddy". I looked at him and said "Really??? You're going to talk to it.

LOL! That would be me. Talkin' to the darn thing while trying to figure out how to get it out of the house!

Kat, what a bloody mess last night! Poor Rick!!! I'm sure he'll get over his embarrassment.

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Okay...make that 4 mice tonight!!!!!! I went into our bathroom, and saw one in our bath tub. Our bath tub is sunken into the floor. So he was trapped. Jason comes in and goes "Hey there little buddy". I looked at him and said "Really??? You're going to talk to it. Please get it out of here!" I learned that mice can swim. He got it into a solo cup and flushed it down the toilet. We weren't sure what to do with it. Needless to say...I was going to take a relaxing bath tonight, but not anymore. Even though I did clean the tub, I just can't make myself take a bath. So a shower it is. Then I went back into the laundry room. There was another one on another glue trap. DH went outside to the dryer vent. The flap wasn't closing. so he fixed that. Hopefully since the flap is closed now, they won't come back in. I'm getting fed up with these mice. 4 mice in one night? That's got to be a record. I have mouse problem, my old cat would play with them and let them go, I ended up with an exterminator for 3 years. They started coming back this year but my 2 new cats kill them, so I hope things won't get as out of control. But for the ones you see, there are some you don't.

I would not have taken a bath either - GOOD LUCK

Off to watch Dexter...

Thanks all of you! It was an ordeal for sure! Glad all is well-

Cindy I was just getting ready to tell Ashley the same thing, mice WILL chew the foam, Steel wool is the way to go to close those gaps. It sounds like you have an infestation, and it will take awhile, but once you get things under control you can stay on top of it, and it will not be a problem. We live on the last row of homes, so behind our house is nothing but open land. And we are in an area rife with the kangaroo mouse----the little critter that made hantavirus famous! We make sure EVERY kind of food we have---from dog food to our food is in some sort of container---plastic tupperware kind of things. We keep DCon out----we do not have small children in the garage area---and that is where they would come in first. We only recently got this dog, so now we moved all the DCon off the floor into the higher shelves. We keep it in our outbuildings.

Kat - I do the same thing, they came in my basement up to my pantry so now I just keep canned/jar food in there and all my other stuff goes in an upper cabinet and cat food and chocolate always go in plastic containers. Yes, they LOVE chocolate. Maybe your little dog will keep them away?

Only thing I have had to use mousetraps for of late was to keep the neighbors cat off of my lawn furniture!!! LOL


Well I am heading to bed, 5 comes awful damn early! sure does - I get up at 4 these days, I just can't get going when it is thi cold. I try to start showering at night

Good morning all

well running late. Have 10 minutes to get it together and out the door

My site was on the news last night and this am, I'll try to find a link and post it later. DD was upset we didn't go to open house. I didn't think she would be interested at all. When she saw it on the news, she said she now understands why I'm tired when I get home. LOL

Have a great day

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Thanks for the advice!!! DH gets up at 5:30 to go to work. I get up this morning, walk into the bathroom. There's another one in my bathtub!!!!!!!!!! It's still alive. I call DH, and he is having phone issues. So I took the sticky pad and dropped it on the mouse, and put it in a plastic bag and took it to the trash. When I open the outside trash can, one of the mice we caught last night is still alive on a trap looking at me. We've now caught 5 mice in 12 hours. Let me vent and break this down for you......We've caught a total of 6 mice in the house, 2 in the garage from rat poisoning, and 3 or 4 in our pool skimmer. That's all been within a month, maybe a little longer. My dad said "Don't call Orkin. They'll think you're crazy for getting upset. They'll probably make you house of the month for catching so many mice." Thanks Dad! lol Well, off to get ready so I can buy more glue traps to catch our new house mates.

Have a great day yall!!!

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Mike was peeking over my shoulder the other day and wanted to know what was up with "wantitbad" my screen name. Do you guys know if I can change that?

At one point, I did want it bad...the surgery that is. Now it just sounds....kinda yucky :huh2:.

LOLZ!!! That made me laugh!!

Plain-ya scared? come out come out wherever you are...

Yes. You ladies scare me.

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Oh whatevah, Trey!!!!!!!!

Hi y'all!

Busy day here. I forgot that I was going to change my user name...thanks for the reminder, lol. We'll see if it gets approved!

Tracy, It wasn't my jeep that you saw :huh2: .

Sheesh, Jenn...I complain about getting up at 5:30 am. I can't imagine getting up at 4:00 am. I am not at all a morning person!!! I am one of those fools that has to set and reset my alarm multiple times. Don't even get me started about the fact that it is already set one hour ahead, lol.

Ashley, good luck on the rodent issue. I think that would have ruined my bath too. There just ain't enough bleach in the world...lol.

Have a good one,


Edited by AngelaW

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We scare Trey....then all is as it should be.

Today was MONDAY!!! Through and through!!! The election officials made a judgement call back pre primary to eliminate some clerical work, with a simple change of a click on the computer---in the case of a spoiled ballot. Well months later, they now caught a man trying to vote twice, and see where without dilligent employees----lol---ok without experienced employees, it could happen! So in other words, employees working one day---election day, without all the daily seeing of these issues, might let them vote!!! They have been goign nuts at work all day! Then a woman got mad because she would not give me her birth year, because "ur secretary of state is a crook and does not need that information" she says. I explain to her,#1 she cannot talk like that in a polling place and #2 we ALREADY have the info, she just has to confirm it as a way of identifying herself, as we are not allowed by state law this time to demand a picture ID. She stormed out went to the clerk complaining. Then another man come in with a candidate advertising hat on---and when ask to remove it and put it where it could not be seen, got pissy because he was "2 years old and damn well able to dress himself". He too had voter issues, he was sent an absentee ballot so was sent to the clerks office. Ay yi yi ---glad to be home! One more week, and I am DONE, at least with the public! They are not all nice to me like Terri was!!!

It is blowing hard and raining, and cold here today, so glad I put a pot of Beans on to cook when I left---make some cornbread and calling it dinner. It is one of Rick's favorites, so it is all good!

Ashley I would not fear being thought the person with the most mice, that is not excessive if they found an entrance and with the weather changing.

I have a friend who lives down the road from me, he house sits with its back to the alley, and on the other side of the alley sits the feed store. They have grain, and hay and all sorts of goodies stored out there, but also have cats, and poison, so the mice seek her house as a safe haven, and she catches tons of them. I would be freaked out, but she takes it all in stride.

The way my dog chases the laser, and loves to pounce on it, or anything moving quickly, I think a mouse would be a goner!!

One of the secretary's at Ricks work went down and adopted my dogs brother! They are neutering him today and she gets him tomorrow. She said when she went in, he was very docile and easy to settle down, and obeyed simple commands. She and her husband wanted a dog, but not a puppy, she did not want to try to train one. They told her this guy was housebroke----which ours was so hope she has as good of luck. We decided after she gets him settled in to meet in Farmington, I guess they have a dog park---I didn't even know that!!! Anyway Rick said he would like to get them together to see how they act! LOL

Well my neighbor called and all thoughts I had are gone! Will check in later, going to go build a fire!

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How funny Angela---your name change went through, but it still shows you in the room under the wantitbad name at the bottom of my screen.......you are multipersonalitied!!!

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LOL....probably more than you know, Kat!!

Most likely because I was still here editing! I copied Tracy and just used my name to keep it simple.

Man...I don't know if I could keep my cool around a bunch of folks like that!

Edited by AngelaW

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How funny Angela---your name change went through, but it still shows you in the room under the wantitbad name at the bottom of my screen.......you are multipersonalitied!!!

I think her name should be Angelawantsitbad, heeheehee....

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When beginning the roller derby thing, my DD was figuring out a name for herself, we laughed ourselves senseless!

The obvious Simpsons lead in...

AmandaHug&Kiss led to

Amandajumphisbones to



They went on for ever!!! any sentence you can begin with A man to........

Then she changed to Amandamonium (pandamonium).......and it was denied.

So she now has a picture of a woman with a big ol black eye, and her name is Eye Candi Mandi....and under the picture it says "I'll dot your eye". Both the "i's" look like shiners. Silly girls!

She has yet to regain use of her shoulder enough to be released to skate......

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Now we have no excuse for forgetting Angleas' name :huh2:

I had to bake Cookies today for Macys gir scouts halloween party tomorrow. Talk about a TEST. I ate about 4. For ME, that is good. So, I adjusted what I ate for supper and I think all will be OK. (except for the carbs :) ) I am going to hide them until tomorrow.

I will take a pic of macys batman (batgirl, excuse me) costume. Her party tomorrow will be a good practice run for halloween night. I think her mask may be a little too big. If it is, I will just paint her face black on halloween and spray her hair black.

Oh, guess what?! I asked dh to call his dad and step mom to see if we could visit sooner than christmas that way Christmas would not be too ackward. He called, talked to his dad a while. Hung up not knowing when we would ever get together because they are busy, yada yada yada. I told him "watch, Cindy (his stepmom) will make it happen quick. As soon as I said that, dh phone rang. It was Cindy asking if Sunday was OK for us. LOL I am glad she is anxious to put the past in the past. I just hope the rest of the family doesn't treat me like dirt. I am not really one to bite my tongue....but some of you know that already :biggrin:

Have a fantastic day friends. :huh2:

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Angela, glad you got to change your name.

Kat, what a day! Yuck! People are just awful! That would be fun to get the canine sibs together!

Ashley, I know you will be thrilled when the mice problem gets resolved.

Jenn, a link would be great.

Trey, Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!

Tracy, sorry about the cookie baking! Hope the family visit goes well.

Hmm, forgot what I was going to say. Well, that sucks! LOL!

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Oh Lordy, Trey. I'm gonna pass on that one!

Tracy, I am anxious to see Macy's costume...it sounds cool!!

I am trying my hand at butternut squash. I've never made it before (or eaten it).

Wish me luck! BBL...


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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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