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HI Ashley~ I'm Michelle and live near Yosemite National Park. Literally have to drive thru my town to get to one of the gates. Married nearly 23 years to my firefighting husband, 1 DD who is 4 and three dogs. Our oldest dog was a fire station rescue. She was running and ended up at the station and eventually our house. Dakota is 10 now and has arthritic hips. :biggrin: She's part chow and ? and just under 40lbs. The newest additions came late winter this year. Reggie is our big boy at over 100lbs. He's mastiff/golden retriever and is beautiful as well as a big goof. He was rescued from a shelter up north of us in March. He's about 1 1/2 years old. Paige is also a fire station dog. Someone dumped her late 1 night when the temps were plummeting and we were expecting snow. She found her way to DH's station. That was a Thursday in April. By Monday we had a 3rd dog! She's a little over a year old. Very short haired, we're guessing some sort of cattle dog and maybe a little shepherd? She likes to nudge your ankles w/her nose. She's about 40lbs as well.

My daughter is the bright shinning star of my life. We had infertility "issues" and eventually adopted. We were Blessed with our beautiful baby girl and brought her home from the hospital when she was 2 days old. She may not be my biological child but she is definitely mine! LOL!!! She is a lot like me and that is very scary! LOL!! We do tend to butt heads b/c of that. People think I'm joking when I say she had an attitude at 2 MONTHS old! :wink2: She knows what she wants and is determined. If I can get her to adult-hood, she's going to be a very strong woman and very sure of herself. Part of me can't wait for her to grow up to see who she is going to be but of course, every milestone makes me want to slow time down a bit. :scared2:

I'm a stay at home mom. Worked for our church for 12 years and have been doing the books from home the last few of those. This is my last month with the church as I am able now to turn everything over to the new secretary.

So, that me in a nutshell, I guess. Welcome to you!!

Plain, speaking of our four-legged loves, how's Tug?

Suz, I am so proud of your for going after a 5k!

We still have way too many flies in my house for comfort! YUCK!!!! Actually one is WAY too many! LOL!!

Kat, we get the grasshopper swarms here periodically and that is just awful! AND they are the same color as the carpet [light dirt color - tan] and as you walk they are just coming out of the carpet. YUCK!! Driving and the roads are covered so you get the lovely crunching sound and THEN you're also dodging squirrels b/c they're trying to eat the grasshoppers!!!!! YUCK!

Waiting for a call from the doctor. Looks like DD has pink eye. Last night, copious amounts of gunk was coming out of her eye. Today, once we got it open and cleaned up, no gunk but still REALLY red and VERY swollen. Now the other eye looks like it might be starting. Her doc is on vacation this week so we're waiting for a cover doc to call us but they're in the city. Hoping they'll just call something in for her, otherwise, it's a trip down the hill. And she's going to miss the b-day party tomorrow. Poor baby started crying when I told her she couldn't go. She was SO excited!!!

Hope y'all have a great day!!

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Michelle, until you get the eye drops try warm saline compresses, ---- warm---almost hot, salt Water, soak a washrag and let it lie on her eye---it will also help to loosen the gunk come morning.

Simalson puts out an OTC pink eye relief----it is for itch and gunk relief only, it is not antibiotic.

bbl.....headed shopping!

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Hi folks~

I am so hungry i could eat the arm of this couch if it had the right seasonings on it. :wink2:

I made spaghetti for supper this evening and I used ground turkey instead of beef. I ate about a cup and my tummy is PO'd at me big time. RAWRRRR :biggrin: Hear it roaring? Must mean I am doing something right. GOD, I hope so.

Have a great night everyone.

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Trey - you up to speed now? :wink2: Thinking about it, I'm sure that is part of why I'm in class 3 nights a week and drill 1, keeps me out of trouble and hopefully hang with a different crew and stay away from that crazy life i was living

Yup, I think I have it now.

I was just thinking that if Trey came up here and stalked me, I would probably come in first place in the 5K. Think it might work?????

You'd be a 5K machine, but your stress level would be through the roof.

Midday check in because I am craving chocolate. Luckily we have NONE in the house

Here's a weird tidbit...when I have a craving for something, I drink a huge glass of skim milk. It works (for me, anyway). I'm also a big fan of this brand of Greek yoghurt where you can mix in a flavor (honey is da best). 0 grams fat and mega Protein for both the skim milk and the yoghurt. Hey wait.....now I sound like some dairy freak.....

Plain, speaking of our four-legged loves, how's Tug?

Michelle, Tug passed away earlier this year (and so did my puggle.....Puggle was struck by a car and Tug died of natural causes). I'm sure I was quite a sight, hand digging a grave for a 200 lb dog while blubbering like a big baby!!! When I say 2010 has been an Uber-shitty year for me......well, that's a bit of an understatement.

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Here's a weird tidbit...when I have a craving for something, I drink a huge glass of skim milk. It works (for me, anyway). I'm also a big fan of this brand of Greek yoghurt where you can mix in a flavor (honey is da best). 0 grams fat and mega Protein for both the skim milk and the yoghurt. Hey wait.....now I sound like some dairy freak.....

Really?...i need to try the milk thing. I have heard about greek yogurt from the biggest loser....need to try that too. Thanks for the ideas and no you did not sound like a dairy freak.

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Tracy, try some Jello sugar free dark chocolate pudding. It always takes care of my sudden choco craving.

Shar :w00t:

That is my favorite flavor too! It has been my stand-by for chocolate cravings since I was first banded.

Hey yall! I guess since I've never posted in this thread before I should introduce myself.

I'm Ashley from Cleveland, TN! I've been married to my husband for a little over a year. We had a very very rough 1st year of marriage, but I decided to give him one last chance. And things have been AMAZING! I go to school full time (but I'm taking this semester off), majoring in Business: General Management. I am also going to get my MBA. And to top it off, I own my own ladies shoe boutique, which I love! I have 2 wonderful dogs: a Boxer and a Yorkie. They are our children...that is until we have our first little one (which we are trying for).

Thanks for letting me join in on the conversation!!!

Hello, Ashley and welcome.

I am Cindy, and I live near Baton Rouge. I have been married almost 20 years and have 3 kids. 27 year old stepdaughter who has blessed me with 3 granddaughters; 18 year old daughter and 16 year old son. I teach 4th grade math and science in one of the top school districts in my state and I love my job! I work 50-55 hours a week, but it is worth it. My daughter is attending LSU and majoring in business management. It didn't take her long to decide she didn't want to be a big girl any more. :w00t: Actually, I think it was at the end of the first week. Most kids can't wait to leave home, and I think mine would never leave if given a choice.:thumbup:

Well ladies and Trey, I am tired. Today was district walk-through day. It is when a lot of people from all over the district come in to evaluate the instruction and overall effectiveness of our school. We always do what we are supposed to do, but it is stressful anyway. My kids were great and were doing exactly what they were supposed to do. I love them. They are awesome.

Oh, but one day last week, a few of my darling Hispanic girls were sitting by me after lunch and they were discussing that their moms were getting them hightlights when they turn 14. I told them I thought that wasn't such a good idea since their hair was so beautiful naturally. Alexa turns to me and asks "Your hair is so beautiful. Do you highlight it?" I answer, "no, hun. I only have a few gray hairs that I call natural highlights. Marisol, looks and says "Oh, yeah, I see a lot of them!" GRRRRRRRRRR. I love Marisol, and she gives the most amazing hugs ever, but I admit to thinking a not so nice word about her for a split second.:unsure:

Have a lovely evening, dear friends.

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OMG Trey---it truly has been a shitty year for you. I am so terribly sorry for your loss of your dogs. My heart finally healed enough from the loss of mine to get a new fur child. Izzy is (why do I always want to type Izzy iz....?) settling in really well, someone worked with her a lot! She is housebroke, leash trained, stays off the furniture, loves other dogs, and thinks cats are fun things to chase, but it is with a wagging tail! She sits and shakes on command.

We found out last night she has a brother, still up for adoption in Farmington---a town 12 miles away. He looks just like her! I was not planning on 1 dog this size let alone 2, but not sure I can keep my husband from bringing home the other! LOL I will cope with it if it happens. I know they would be happy. Anyway she is a "boxador" 1/2 boxer and 1/2 labrador.

So far it has been a wonderful time with her.

Ashley sorry about the delay in introducing myself. I am Kat---banded in 2006. Got to goal weight, regained during a trying time, and have about 30 to go again!

I am married to Rick, happily no less! Together we have 3 kids, and 6 grandkids. We live in the NW corner of New Mexico, about 12 miles from the Colorado border. We are about 50 miles from the 4 corners. Our DD's live locally, and our son moved to Louisiana last summer taking 2 of my grandsons with them.....sad, sad time.

I am currently working, for early voting, following election, I will again be a housewife.

OMG guys it is hailing HARD---HUGE! gonna shut down bbl

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she is a "boxador" 1/2 boxer and 1/2 labrador.

LOL!! I hope she has the energy of a boxer and the temperament of the lab and not vice-versa!!

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yes she does Trey. She is actually addicted to chasing the laser light, she is hilarious. This last weekend my 5 year old granddaughter spent the night, and they were inseperable, they rolled on the floor in a blanket, and played for hours, she is as gentle as can be.

Fate intervened when she chose us!

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Hi everybody,

Suzie, you can always ask me anything--you all can, and it's perfectly OK.

I do have a mouse but I don't use it. I have certain key commands, one of them is enter, which is just like clicking on something, so that lets me get to whatever I want. Does that make sense? If not, let me know.

Ashley, it's my turn to tell you a little about myself. My name is Debbie. I live in southern California with a friend I've known since we were kids. I'm totally blind and work at an organization for the blind and visually impaired. I'm the switchboard operator.

I'm also a pianist and have recorded one original CD and a few others, a couple solo and some with singers. I volunteer twice a month at the hospital where I got my band.

I'm still trying to figure out Facebook, y'all. I spent my whole--well almost whole--lunch hour at the computer in the back room of my department. Either there's a lot going on, or I'm really stupid! My money's on the second one. Hahaha!!

Everybody have a good night!


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I'm still trying to figure out Facebook, y'all. I spent my whole--well almost whole--lunch hour at the computer in the back room of my department. Either there's a lot going on, or I'm really stupid! My money's on the second one. Hahaha!!

Oooooh....you'd lose that bet! Facebook is extremely complicated...to the point of being visually chaotic. It's a website geared to people with ADD. :w00t:

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Michelle, Tug passed away earlier this year (and so did my puggle.....Puggle was struck by a car and Tug died of natural causes). I'm sure I was quite a sight, hand digging a grave for a 200 lb dog while blubbering like a big baby!!! When I say 2010 has been an Uber-shitty year for me......well, that's a bit of an understatement.

Oh Trey, I am soooo sorry! I'm a cryin' right there with you. I know how much Tug meant to you and all that he did FOR you. Geez, what an awful year! Lots of good thoughts and best wishes for a much better 2011. Hugs Babe!!!

Debbie, you're not stupid! Facebook is something else! I'm still getting used to it.

Cindy, out of the mouths of babes, right? UGH! Glad the walk-thru went well.

We were able to have an Rx called in so we didn't have to drive the hour, each way, to the city. Much relieved about that! Both eyes are totally infected. Warm, wet washcloths and the eye drops are helping. Poor baby is miserable tho. We don't have anything going for the next few days and it's supposed to rain so we'll just hunker down and hang out. She went to sleep fairly quickly tonight.

I had pinkeye in both eyes in HS so I know how awful it is. I've also been able to help her a little tho b/c of that too. Telling her that in the morning, her eyes are going to be glued shut and to just wake mama and I'll get her a cloth and help her. She did great this AM but she still had one good eye. We'll see what happens in the morning with BOTH eyes glued shut. I talked about it again tonight so she knows what to expect in the morning.

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Telling her that in the morning, her eyes are going to be glued shut and to just wake mama and I'll get her a cloth and help her. She did great this AM but she still had one good eye. We'll see what happens in the morning with BOTH eyes glued shut. I talked about it again tonight so she knows what to expect in the morning.

Poor baby. Here's hoping she doesn't panic too bad...

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Trey~i know how much it hurts to lose a pet (family member actually). I am so sorry you have had a bad 2010. The good news is it is almost over!

hi everyone~i only lost half a pound and that tells me one thing, i am not doing something right. I am trying to just get over it and keep on but it SUCKS.


I need to weigh more than I am like i did before. It kept me honest about what I am doing.

Have a good day friends...

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Good morning all

I called in late this am :w00t:

George just left for his meeting, we had nice night, dinner and movie and coffee and Breakfast. I'm going to get my fd physical this am since I was going to be late.

Tracy - 1/2lb is better than gaining - I'm afraid to hop on the scale

I hope everyone is doing well.

Off to shower - to the dr - then to work

have a great day

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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