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Thanks ladies, for your support and for making me feel like it's all right to vent.

Suzie, I hope you and Daryl --hope I spelled it right--get badges. You certainly deserve them after three years!

Angela, I love the suggestions you gave Kat. guess that makes me a big kid! :grouphug:

Tracy congratulations on your seventh day! I feel like my eating wasn't so much out of control today. I made good meal choices, but I had a Peanut Butter cookie! And thank you for what you said about talent. :smile:

Plain, where are you?

Michelle, hope you're all right.

Kat, I always love reading your posts. I can picture everything. Sorry you had to rewash the sheets!

Jenn, hope you're resting!

Shar, hope you're not working too hard!

If I missed anybody, slap me! LOL!

buenos Noches!


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I did miss two people! Terri and NeenorNina, how are you?

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Hey everybody, well I went to the doc yesterday and I had only lost .3 lbs. This is the lowest loss I've had since getting my band (3/22/10). I was a little disappointed with myself, but I'm not beating myself up. I know what I need to do, now I just have to do. Enough said!

Tracy- I became an LPN in 1993 and RN in 2002. I worked in Oncology for 4 yrs. Now I work in CCU. Being a nurse is not what you do it is who you are. I can't imagine doing anything else.

Hope everyone is doing well and welcome to all the newbies.

Shar :smile:

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Suzie...you guys should stand your ground! Three years? That is plenty enough time to establish some trust.

I did get my fill today (thanks, Tracy!). I had gained 9 lbs. since my last visit. I was shocked that he put 1.2 in my 4cc band. I was experiencing GERD at 1.5 (I believe), so we will see how this goes. Easy does it..I am good at 1.5 in my 4cc band

One thing's for sure. I HATE dropping $120.00 a visit. HATE IT! Mine is $200 which is why it has been over a year since my last visit - I can't wait until my insurance kicks in next month

He told me a couple of things that I pondered tonight. I was telling him that the fill prices for us went from $30.00 to $120.00 and that I almost wished I had gotten the by-pass at this point. He told me that his most successful patients (with the LAP-BAND®®®) were the ones that had only had 1-2 fills total (ever!!). Wow. You lost a bunch of weight and really - that is what it is there for, to put you back on track when needed right - I know by-pss is good for some people but I am still not convinced that it is nutritionally good. Please don't get me wrong, I have tons of friends who have done it, but I know my nutrition deficiencies and we absorb properly, ya know???

Hmmm...probably those that kept their head in the game...learned the value of good food (bowing to Kat) and did not rely on their band to do all the work. Ya think? yup, but people are not perfect and we are banded for the tool, and help when we need it

Confession: What happened?? I was that way for the first 6-10 months. After that I got lazy...and learned to cheat. Then I wanted my band to do all the work for me. I was in a dangerous cycle of swelling my band too tight and then getting unfills and later going back in for fills and starting over. I have probably done this 2-3 times now :).

Well, you know this now - so you should know your happy spot and look how much it will cost now to go back for fill/unfill

Truthfully...even though I still needed to loose 30 lbs. at the time, I was happy with where I was at...proud to have lost the 60+ pounds that I did. I just got too comfortable. Period.

I'm frustrated and fed up with myself. The money spent, the time away from my job....something's gotta give. I have walked at the park every day this week. I had two slim fast today (liquids for fill) and then some Soup for dinner. I am praying this is a new start and that I can begin to think about what I am eating and why. Like Kat said, if you are limited to how much you can eat...make the food you are putting in your pouch count. AMEN

Another thing he told me (and please don't shoot the messenger...it took me by surprise too) was that he no longer does lap bands Monday-Friday. He now does mostly by-pass surgeries with his band patients being done on Friday's only. My doctor is one of the top two band doctors in Houston. My dr is one of biggest Dr's in NY too - and he has ony ever done banding 1 day a week, an infact he puts you through the ringer and will not do it unless he feels it will work for you and you are the right person, he loves it because you have to work, but doesn't want to waste time. A friend of mine was banded and it didn't work, she continued to eat bad stuff and could never feel her fill - he didn't want her to get banded in the first place, and you will never guess - she now has by-pass and has lost a ton of weight. But that is her - and again, he didn't think she would be successful with the band - but, like you said "his successful patients" so that is good he is not just banding anyone

Why is that? My first thought (again...don't shoot) was that the band might be phasing out. That by-pass is becoming the new (now that it has been revised) tool. I hope that is not the case. I still love my band...I just need to prove it. Nope not phasing out, I think dr's are being smarter and not just doing it to make money

So, that is my rant (and long post...'cause you love 'em, right??). I say I think you are doing great, and I have 30 to lose, lets kick ass and take names later... what do you say - I'm going to get back to 1.5 in November and lets just do it! Look at Tracy leading the example, lets join her??? what do you say

Have a good one,


Hey everybody, well I went to the doc yesterday and I had only lost .3 lbs. This is the lowest loss I've had since getting my band (3/22/10). I was a little disappointed with myself, but I'm not beating myself up. I know what I need to do, now I just have to do. Enough said! Don't get discouraged! I remember my first plateau - about same time, think about how great you are doing

Tracy- I became an LPN in 1993 and RN in 2002. I worked in Oncology for 4 yrs. Now I work in CCU. Being a nurse is not what you do it is who you are. I can't imagine doing anything else. my mom is oncology nurse - god bless you!

Hope everyone is doing well and welcome to all the newbies.

Shar :)

Well - now I'm way late, I'll finish posting when I get home later -- I hope you all have a great day

Kat - I love halloween - i just got invited to great party so maybe i'll go

Tracy - I'm so proud of you!

Suzanne, Debbie, Cindy, Michelle and all I've missed


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Cindy-have you had success in staying away from the PB pumpkins??? I have, but then again, I do not even LOOK towards them in the store, LOL

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Good morning everyone~

Got on the scales this morning and I have lost 7 pounds :biggrin: I'll take it! That is a pound a day. I know the weight loss will slow down but I like the -1 per day thing! lol I need to make a new signature because that -11 had gotten regained but this is a new day, right? Now....it is time for the start of week #2.

Angela~I am at 1.2 in a 4 cc and it is fine for me right now. You can do this. WE have a great support system here. :)

Jenn-OK, challenge time, lets do it girlie! We got this. I am so proud of you!

I will do more personals to everyone later but for now I have to make sure macy is getting ready for school.

:) eat right, drink Water, and walk more than necessary! Have a great day everyone!

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Tracy congrats on the weight loss! :)

Shar :)

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Tracy, how exciting. I will keep you in my prayers and pray that you have continued success. I hope you are very proud of yourself.

Off to go mow.

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Hey y'all~

Home from work, and the grocery store. Kinsey is out of school early today, so I picked her up and my Moms, and we headed to Safeway. When I pulled up to park I noticed the ambulance and firetruck---figured someone fell inside or something. But I park in the north 40---so I make myself walk! Anyway as we approached the store, there was a small truck---like a Nissan size--drove through the front doors! The front of our store has 2 sets of double automatic doors separated by a metal and glass partition about 3 feet wide. He almost perfectly drove into the center. Took out the support columns, doors broke, glass headers broke, HUGE plate windows in the front of the store alcove broke. But all in all, the damage was less than it could have been, and he was not injured badly. He was coming down the lane in front, and a car backed out, he was going to swerve around it and brake, and must have hit the gas instead. I feel so badly for him. He runs an Auto Unlock company from that truck. He come in to vote and was saying how slow things were, and now this!

Anyway....we finally got it, did our shopping, then got stuck inside while the removed the truck!

Now we come home, made a big salad, and I am sitting! I need to finish laundry.

Angela---I agree with pretty much everything you said!! EXCEPT that I have the food thing figured. I do KNOW those things, and honestly TRY----but fail easily as much as I succeed.

If I consider only those right here with me in my area I know that are banded, your thoughts concerning success with few fills is spot on. My niece and a friends husband, and myself, have all had maximum 2 fills, and we are all plugging along and feel it to be a success. Then my SIL, other niece and 2 friends who are banded, have all done the over fill, and unfills and refilled numerous times---and have met with much less success over all. Not sure what it is, or why. Now I feel like if you were to gradually continue to fill the success would remain, but wonder about the possibility of extra Gruehlin production maybe when the stomach is put under the undo stress of an overfill. Just thinking out loud----er typing while thinking....eh you know what I mean!

I believe that banding IS falling out of favor due to a "newer" less work, less upkeep surgery being available. As well as the ability to obtain nutrition without food has improved drastically over the years---even the last few since some of us were banded.

As patients -- band patients-- we ARE much needier than bypass or sleeve patients. I think in the beginning that was a plus to the Dr's in terms of $$$ but it has become more of a challenge and headache to them.

There are patients like my SIL and niece who self fill, and have problems, and when they do, they bad mouth the band, and the Dr. cannot show it as a success rate, it falls in his failure rate, and it is not a failure of either the band or the Dr. It is a patient failure.

I really believe the band can be successful---I also think it takes help----some manner of banding your brain. We have one another. Thank God we have one another! I have no access to other support groups---and that would help---without y'all for support, I have no idea honestly what I would do. You understand my "different" needs, my concerns, by hopes, my fears.

To anyone else, when I said my stomach was sour and upset, they would have a "so what attitude" but y'all get it. You understand the "what ifs". If there are bandsters out there, and there has to be, I mean how many of us have support groups other than here, without anyone to "share" with---I have serious doubt they would find success. This is just IMHO.

The one thing that sold me on the band, and is still the only WLS that can say that, is that if I happen to react adversley, it is reversible.

My surgeon explained to me the need to properly place the band---or it does not affect the nerves it needs to, and I have to wonder if many cases are due to that not happening. There is no visual way of knowing if it is or not. In my case it dealt with my hunger almost instantly----others say it has never helped with their hunger. Obviously if I am not hungry, I am going to have better results than another who has had no help with hunger control.

Well Debbie, here is my newest long post!!!!! Blame it on Angela---there ya go, another reason to take aim at her!!! LOL BBL

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Angela, I find after all is said and done, that I have done the best for me. I love my band and will never have it removed. I did a lot of research going into this and my decidion was not made lightly. It was a good year of research and meetings and appointments and talking with a lot of people to finally decide that the Band was for me.

I know several people that have had the by-pass and did successfully lost the weight. However they were operated on years ago when the Doc did the surgery and sent them home with no follow up. They were not taught how to eat properly and had no support. So they eventually gained most of their weight back. One lady I know even went back to Weight Watchers to loose the weight again.

My Doc is very well know in this whole region. He is very supportive in many ways. He offers nutrition classes, support group meetings, exercise classes and so much more, all at his expense. He treats us like royalty but he also treats us like we should be. He knows that we have struggled for years with our weight and that we know what we are supposed to be doing. That we know we should not be overeating, eating the wrong foods, not exercising et. etc.

There have been times that I have even thought to myself, if I had made the right choice. It doesn't take long for me to remind myself that I did. It took over 40 years for me to pack this on and I know it's not going to take me 40 years to take off, but it can take me awhile. I don't want to drop it lickety split. To me that is not healthy and can undermine weight loss. I will take my time with the band, we are friends now.

I agree with Kat in that if I ever needed to have it reversed, I can. I can't if I had the by-pass. The Band comes with it's own problems. Constipation being my major one. It certainly doesn't have the problems that by-pass people have when they choose the wrong foods to eat. Constant diahrrea, horrid gas. I know I shouldn't be eating anything with sugar in it, but I can. By-pass people pay dearly for indulging in a little treat.

And one of the best things like about it is if I start to not lose weight or even gain, I can go in for a fill. Once by-pass-ed, that's it. You stretch your stomach back out, well I'm not sure what they can do for that. Not sure if you can have another by-pass.

I too have learned to cheat. I too have also wondered why my Band doesn't just loose the weight for me. I walked into this knowing that I had to do my share of work. I have become lax in this also.

If a persons head is not in the game when they have the Band, what make them think that it will be in the game when they have the By-pass.

These are just my thoughts and I hope that I haven't stepped on anyone's toes. I'm gonna quit second guessing my decision and get back to basics and follow the orders I was given in the hospital. I have done tremendous so far and have a more to go. I will make it, maybe not tomorrow or the next day. But my day is coming, the one where I'm finally happy with myself and comfortable.

Change of topic now......

I finally got my surgery date. Now just waiting for the hospital to call me to do the pre-op. It might be awhile for that. My surgery is Nov. 18th. I told Darrell that I was sorry but it looked like we would be having Protein Shakes for Thanksgiving dinner. I have to have a complete unfill on the 15th and it will be six weeks before I can have any put back in. I don't need prayers for the surgery, I need them for the unfill. LOL.

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There may be something to the magical 2 fills. I have had exactly 2 fills and each one was only 1cc and I have a big band. Every time I think I may need to return to get a small fill, I realize it is really just my overeating and not the band not being tight enough. My band works just fine, it is my big mouth that opens. Still, I started to slowly lose again and even made it to 100lbs down, so I can't really complain.

Tracy, you are doing an awesome job! I am attempting to stay away from the pumpkins, but the little buggers call my name sometimes. The last time I bought a pack I was in Target. I walked into the Starbucks in there, one of my favorites, and shared with all the barristas. They were happy to get them and it meant I couldn't eat them all myself!

Michelle, I hope you are having some good days now.

Suzie, I am sorry your Thanksgiving is being derailed, but happy your surgery is finally scheduled. I had my Christmas messed up 2 years ago when I had surgery 3 days before. It isn't fun.

Shar, just find happiness that you are still moving downward. It will pick back up again, I am sure. I went months and months without any loss at all. In 2 1/2 years I have hit more than one big plateau, but I got through them, and so will you.

Angela, love, love, love the kitty litter cake link. I have made the dirt cake many times and people always love it, but I have never seen anyone do kitty litter!

Parent conferences are tomorrow and I scheduled all 40 parents!!! I have back to back conferences from 8:40-3:30. Wish me luck!

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I'm baaaack!!

I agree, I have seen the kitty litter cake and even eaten it! I think I will look around at candy and try to come up with something easier to serve than cake, but maybe cupcakes, with skeletons in dirt graves or something.....

They made ghost suckers in preschool, so figure they might again.

We used to put hands in the punch too, I have a friend with a Halloween birthday, so much fun!!!

We use the food service clear gloves, and put a candy corn in the end of each finger, then fill them with popped, popcorn, add a spider ring, tie it closed. Simple, but kind of boring.

Kinsey is taking a nap on the couch---and Izzy will not move from in front of it...she is on guard duty!

Cindy---I am so amazed all the families scheduled! How wonderful! Kinsey's conference is tomorrow.

You know I can be honest, and say I very likely looked down my nose at people having WLS years ago. Now I would not discount any form of it, and would not say I wouldn't revise if something happen to my band (heaven forbid). I KNOW what a battle it is, and I know how much healthier I feel now from then. I would do whatever I needed to in order to maintain the health aspect, not to mention to vanity side of weight loss.

I am working Saturday, from 10-2. But on the good side, I get to wear jeans the next 2 days!

Speaking of clothes, I better go deal with laundry!!!

I ate a salad earlier, so no need to worry about dinner, Rick won't be home, and I am already fed!TV night----Greys!

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So, I was watching on the news "The Miracle at the Mine" and kept wondering why they were flying the flag of Texas right in front. So I went to Flags of the world and saw that the state flag of Texas and the National flag of Chili are almost identical. Who knew.

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There may be something to the magical 2 fills. I have had exactly 2 fills and each one was only 1cc and I have a big band. Every time I think I may need to return to get a small fill, I realize it is really just my overeating and not the band not being tight enough. My band works just fine, it is my big mouth that opens. Still, I started to slowly lose again and even made it to 100lbs down, so I can't really complain.

I came to the realization that the band is not failing me, I am failing the band.

Tracy, you are doing an awesome job! I am attempting to stay away from the pumpkins, but the little buggers call my name sometimes. The last time I bought a pack I was in Target. I walked into the Starbucks in there, one of my favorites, and shared with all the barristas. They were happy to get them and it meant I couldn't eat them all myself! Thank you ma'am!!! Sharing with the workers and not taking any home? That is GREAT and I bet that the baristas LOVED you!! :)

Michelle, I hope you are having some good days now.

Suzie, I am sorry your Thanksgiving is being derailed, but happy your surgery is finally scheduled. I had my Christmas messed up 2 years ago when I had surgery 3 days before. It isn't fun.

Shar, just find happiness that you are still moving downward. It will pick back up again, I am sure. I went months and months without any loss at all. In 2 1/2 years I have hit more than one big plateau, but I got through them, and so will you.

Angela, love, love, love the kitty litter cake link. I have made the dirt cake many times and people always love it, but I have never seen anyone do kitty litter! I have seen one and I could not bring myself to eat it, LOL The mini tootsie rolls looked too real for me! I have never tried dirt cake (I dont think)

Parent conferences are tomorrow and I scheduled all 40 parents!!! I have back to back conferences from 8:40-3:30. Wish me luck!

Good Luck!!!

Edited by TracyK

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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