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Tracy, I'm very proud of you for making it one day. That is exactly how I'm going to approach this. One day at a time. Maybe even one hour at a time. No more looking to tomorrow, I need to get thru today first. So far so good.

It's raining, well really misting and supposed to all day. Guess I won't get my walking in. I did workout this morning, so that will help.

Cindy, I love the new pic. Back years ago I hated to have my picture took. Because I didn't like looking at what I looked like. Now I'm searching for pics of me then. Cause I'm so amazed at what a difference 200 pounds makes. I still don't like to have my picture taken but now it's doesn't bother me as much any more. Actually I'm getting used to it.

I feel like a nap coming on.

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Can someone come here immediatly???????????

I need help. I just made a homemade Apple Cake with walnuts. It's in the oven baking right now. Am I out of my freaky head????????

This is going to be a great test for me. A few pieces will stay here but I'm going to take the rest of it into work at the hospital.

Still, I'm crazy.

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I am happy for you Tracy. I need some of your mojo right now.

I feel you, Suzie. I made pumpkin muffins this weekend. If I could reach around and kick my own ass I would.

...I have a fill appointment on Wednesday. I have gained a total of 25 lbs. from my lowest weight.

What is it about food? ? I mean, I feel like I have control when it comes to any other decisions I make. I am disgusted with myself :laugh:.


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Angela, About 21 years ago I quit smoking. I mean I just walked away from them. I guess it helped that I was really sick and in the hospital for 2 weeks. But when I got out, I never picked up another cigarette. I so wish I could quit shoveling food into my mouth as easy as it was for me to quit smoking. I find control over aome other stuff in my life, I just struggle with the food issue.

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I definitely struggle with making good choices, and probably fail as much or more than I make right. BUT.....I consciously think about the type of food I am eating now, and I am more knowledgable about how food reacts when I eat it---the carb /blood sugar issue for instance. So I am at least thinking about it, which is more than I ever did before. I did diets before, but more of a "fad" thing than a common sense one. I TRIED being informed, but the weight is so much slower going away that way than it was with some new fad, that I always abandoned that thought quicker!!!

Once I was banded, I tried to imagine the size of my pouch, and to think about filling it with healthy stuff as opposed to filling it with junk.

I lost tons, and tons of hair post banding, and I thought it was poor diet, so I was seriously learning everything I could about healthy eating when one can only eat small portions! In the end, the Hair loss stopped, but I had gained tremendous amounts of information on how my body worked with the food it took in!

Sometimes I have to bargain with myself---tell myself 2 more bites of veggies and I can have some ice cream for desert....and often times the 2 bites fills me to where I cannot eat the ice cream! Usually not, but it is 2 more bites of healthy vs. the 2 extra bites of ice cream!!! LOL

Suzie, to have lost 200 pounds is such a huge accomplishment, especially when you have been through so many stressful situations in that time. You may not be on the losing fast track, but you have plugged along, only gaining when you were unfilled for surgery---and even then keeping it to a minimum----you have done soooo well!

You work out at work, and away from work, I just want to commend you on your continued efforts, and your continued efforts to keep us slackers motivated!!!! LOL, we are so glad you are here!!!

Tracy, you are doing it!!! Every day, every choice is helping. Helping your body, and helping your emotions---by knowing you are doing the right thing. You go girl!!! Big giant hugs!!!

Cindy---my granddaughter has her first parent teacher conference this Friday. My DD said she is afraid she may get the "talks to much" thing!!! I have to laugh! I got my share of them over her Mom!!

Kinsey lost her first tooth last night. We ordered a pillow off of Etsy, for her to hang on her doorknob with the tooth. she sleeps so wild, we knew the tooth would never be found! When she got the pillow it come with some letters you could download, and print for your child from the toothfairy, and also a little bag of irridescent and silver , extra fine glitter...or "fairy dust" so Manda tucked her money and letter into the pocket on the pillow, and sprinkled the fairy dust by the door and she said she was totally excited! Such fun.

I did not sleep well last night. I am surprised anyone around me did either!!! My stomach is all icky again! And I don't smell pretty! TMI I know, but yuck!!! Feel better today, but sticking to a totally bland diet. Used to be I would eat rice, and it would settle my stomach. These days I can eat about 1/4 cup of rice, and I am full, it keeps swelling I think after I eat it! LOL Just glad it is feeling better.

Rick is in the field so not sure when he will be home. Guess I better go dig in the freezer for something to make for dinner, so it will be ready when he does get home. Will talk to y'all later!

Oh yeah----Michelle, did you ever hear anything from the hardware store????

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Thank you Kat, Your words are very kind and I guess I needed to hear that. I know how far I have come and am extremely proud of it. But as you saw, I still have a ways to go. I'm hoping to lose another 75 pounds at least. So I do get down on myself and berate myself. But sometimes I feel that that is what I need to do to get it thru my head that I need to get this done. I know at this point that if I never loose another pound, I'm still happy. Just this summer being at Disneyland with my husband and being able to ride the rides was huge for me. Things like that happening are what make me smile and do keep me going.

Just got a call from the Docs office. Looks like I will be having my surgery the second week of Nov. I'll let you guys know tomorrwo what day. We are waitng on the Insurance to let us know what hospital. 2 days before I have to have all the Fluid taken out of my band and it will be 6 weeks before they put any back in. Holy Cow. I know I can, I know I can, I know I can make it thru the 6 weeks. The nurse did tell me that they got approval for revision or replacement. That way if he got in there and saw something wrong with my band that he can go ahead and fix it and not have to do surgery over again. As much as I would like to have a new band, if this one is not broke then don't fix it.

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Can someone come here immediatly???????????

I need help. I just made a homemade Apple Cake with walnuts. It's in the oven baking right now. Am I out of my freaky head???????? Yep :thumbup:

This is going to be a great test for me. A few pieces will stay here but I'm going to take the rest of it into work at the hospital. I hope you are strong....That would make me buckle i think....especially if it were ala mode!!!

Still, I'm crazy.


I am happy for you Tracy. I need some of your mojo right now. I wish I could give you some too....I would in a heartbeat!

I feel you, Suzie. I made pumpkin muffins this weekend. If I could reach around and kick my own ass I would. Come on over...i'll kick it fer ya! :tt2:

...I have a fill appointment on Wednesday. I have gained a total of 25 lbs. from my lowest weight. Good for you! We can do this!!

What is it about food? ? I mean, I feel like I have control when it comes to any other decisions I make. I am disgusted with myself :mad:. Whats in the past is just that, the past. Leave it there and move on :)

By the way, i grabbed some of the lysol wipes on sale....thanks for the tips!


Angela, About 21 years ago I quit smoking. I mean I just walked away from them. I guess it helped that I was really sick and in the hospital for 2 weeks. But when I got out, I never picked up another cigarette. I so wish I could quit shoveling food into my mouth as easy as it was for me to quit smoking. I hear ya! You knew me when I quit. I took the Chantix and it worked wonders! I wish they had a pill like that to make me not want ice cream and chocolate. :laugh: I find control over aome other stuff in my life, I just struggle with the food issue.

Once I was banded, I tried to imagine the size of my pouch, and to think about filling it with healthy stuff as opposed to filling it with junk. That is what i am doing again. I did it before, i will do it again, right?!

I lost tons, and tons of hair post banding, and I thought it was poor diet, (me too)so I was seriously learning everything I could about healthy eating when one can only eat small portions! In the end, the Hair loss stopped, (mine did too) but I had gained tremendous amounts of information on how my body worked with the food it took in!

Sometimes I have to bargain with myself---tell myself 2 more bites of veggies and I can have some ice cream for desert....and often times the 2 bites fills me to where I cannot eat the ice cream! See...this is my problem, I eat and eat and eat full or not. That is why it is best if i just not have it in the house. I have switched to SF popsicles. Usually not, but it is 2 more bites of healthy vs. the 2 extra bites of ice cream!!! LOL

Suzie, to have lost 200 pounds is such a huge accomplishment, especially when you have been through so many stressful situations in that time. You may not be on the losing fast track, but you have plugged along, only gaining when you were unfilled for surgery---and even then keeping it to a minimum----you have done soooo well!

You work out at work, and away from work, I just want to commend you on your continued efforts, and your continued efforts to keep us slackers motivated!!!! LOL, we are so glad you are here!!! Amen!!

Tracy, you are doing it!!! Every day, every choice is helping. Helping your body, and helping your emotions---by knowing you are doing the right thing. You go girl!!! Big giant hugs!!! Thank you girl!

Kinsey lost her first tooth last night. We ordered a pillow off of Etsy, for her to hang on her doorknob with the tooth. she sleeps so wild, we knew the tooth would never be found! When she got the pillow it come with some letters you could download, and print for your child from the toothfairy, and also a little bag of irridescent and silver , extra fine glitter...or "fairy dust" so Manda tucked her money and letter into the pocket on the pillow, and sprinkled the fairy dust by the door and she said she was totally excited! Such fun.

Awwww, how cool!

This is the story of how I got my mojo back. First of all the show The Biggest Loser has always been an inspiration. This time, there is a guy on there that was really close with his mother. Last year (i think it was just last year) his mom passed away from things related to her obesity.....she was 51. I got to thinking...51 is only 7 years older than me. Then I got to thinking, hmmm, macy is 7 years old, so if that were ME that passed away at 51, macy would only be 14 years old. Talk about a slap in the face, punch in the gut reality check. Then I went back in time in my mind as to why I had the band put in to begin with. I had it done to be healthy and for my daughter to be proud of me instead of having kids make fun of her mom and her having to defend me to them. Kids have it rough enough these days....she doesn't need for ME to add to it, ya know?!

Today I was talking to my mother on the phone and i told her how i thought it is kinda funny how people always say something about how GREAT you are doing when the weight is coming off but not a SOUL says anything when the weight starts coming back on. SO...I asked her to talk to me about my weightloss when she calls...keep me honest and on the right path. I need someone to keep me accountable. I wish you would all do it too. ASK me....'how is it going Tracy'....lol. I am such a nerd, LOL. I keep thinking that maybe if someone would have said something while i was gaining, (even though I already knew i was gaining)....it would have reminded me that people ARE noticing. Did that make any sense at all?

Another thing I am going to do when I get back to the smaller sizes is I am going to buy button & zip jeans instead of elastic waist. You may not believe this but I wore 12/14 stretch jeans from 190 all the way back up to 250. THAT is how much they stretched! SO, therefore it made my denial easier. I have realized alot lately, and I am so glad I did.

I believe in the power of prayer and that is another thing i have started doing on a daily basis. Praying for strength, praying for courage and praying for wisdom to make the right choices. I owe it to my daughter and to my husband to be around for a long long time....so I am going to do MY part to make sure that happens.

I love you all. :) Thank you for being here for me.

Sorry for the essay....

Edited by TracyK

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LOL :thumbup:

Good morning everyone~another day has come and gone and I did a great job with my eating again. I am proud of myself. :laugh:

Hope you all have a fantastic day!!!

Awesome job, Tracy!!!

Angela, About 21 years ago I quit smoking. I mean I just walked away from them. I guess it helped that I was really sick and in the hospital for 2 weeks. But when I got out, I never picked up another cigarette. I so wish I could quit shoveling food into my mouth as easy as it was for me to quit smoking. I find control over aome other stuff in my life, I just struggle with the food issue.

Yeah, I smoked for 14 years and I quit about 14 years ago. it was easy enough since I had to make the decision to smoke or breathe. Doing both wasn't working since my asthma reappeared and I had bronchitis on top of it. Cigarettes we can choose to have or not, food we must have daily...sucks!

I did not sleep well last night. I am surprised anyone around me did either!!! My stomach is all icky again! And I don't smell pretty! TMI I know, but yuck!!! Feel better today, but sticking to a totally bland diet. Used to be I would eat rice, and it would settle my stomach. These days I can eat about 1/4 cup of rice, and I am full, it keeps swelling I think after I eat it! LOL Just glad it is feeling better.

Kat, this has been going on for a week or so, hasn't it? Have you called a doc?

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Tracy, :) You make me so proud to call you my friend. My promise to you is that I will be more forthcoming to you and tell you not only what I want to tell you, but what I should be telling you. :tt2: :thumbup:

Ok, time for a group hug :)

WTG, Tracy.:laugh:

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I had a good eating day but I will admit that I did have a 2 inch by 2 inch piece of cake. No icing. So that is my treat for the day.

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I had a good eating day but I will admit that I did have a 2 inch by 2 inch piece of cake. No icing. So that is my treat for the day.

Icing is the bad stuff. That little piece of cake satisfied you and probably kept you from eating a whole bunch of other junk. So it's all good!

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Oh, and thanks, guys about my pic! Y'all are the greatest!

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Hi all

quick fly by post. Just in from fd monthly meeting and going to bed, I'm working a long hard day tomorrow. Work at 6:30 home about 5 fd drill at 7 then back to work until midnight or so

going to be a long day

Tracy - I'm so proud of you

Suzanne - You have come a long way and what great accomplishments this year

I lost all thoughts - I'm off to bed

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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