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Random post: I went to the Texas state fair this weekend. Let me share something.......there is nothing like going to a state fair to boost your self esteem. :)

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I agree with you Plain. One more thing I like about going- People don't look at me like the lady that should be in the tent for the worlds fattest lady. lol.

Chimney sweep just left. Bring on the snow and cold now, oh wait....Kat, can we borrow some wood????

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Hi all

Tracy - lol don't stress yourself... I'll be stressed enough for the both of us. DS's BDay is 11/7 and I don't even have a clue what we are doing

Suzanne - You are good, I look up mine every fall and start a fire... LOL Tried it out last night.. how nice

Plain - how nice, our state fair is 5 hours away

Kat - how are you feeling

Well, off to get ready for class...

Have a wonderful

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Good Afternoon!

Plain...would that be because you rode all the rides :) or were the hot chicks checking you out???? LOL. (wait... was I the only one who read it that way??).

Thanks for the pics Cindy and Jenn! Love them...you are both beautiful ladies!

Kat, sorry about your tummy. Yuck on the rotten egg burps. Those are the worst!

Suzie...they just re-did our Walmart a couple of months ago. I hate it!!!! Our pet stuff is now near the yogurt/butter/pudding stuff in the cold asle. I think it belongs back by the garden department! I still get lost in there (but I seem to find Tracy alright!).

Fixing to get off of here and pick up Zach...bbl.


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Plain - how nice, our state fair is 5 hours away

You. Must. Go.

Plain...would that be because you rode all the rides :unsure: or were the hot chicks checking you out???? LOL. (wait... was I the only one who read it that way??)

I don't think any chicks, hot or not-so-hot, were checking me out. Part of that is because I wore a weird wig all around the fair. Yeah, there's a story there. Yeah, I'll see about posting some pics. Yeah, I'm a weird dude.

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I loved our state fair. We try to go every year. I agree with Trey, there are some sights to see. I think I live in the hoochie capital of the SW. And we decided there is a direct correlation of how much cellulite one has to how tight and short her shorts are!!! As well as how many colors are worn together!!! It is fun to just kick back and people watch!!!

There is a thread on here about people letting their young kids dress like adults, you should see how some of these families dress up, and I am talking flash---and infants up in age! And the mens boots are cracking us up too----they look like the pictures you always saw of elf shoes, that the toes curl. They are wearing bright colored leather "cowboy" boots, with the toes as long as they can get them----totally ridiculous! Made for great fun!

Now next weekend we will go to the balloon fiesta, and there will be other wierd people, ones who gain 50 pounds when they put on the vests with all their pins, and the dumb ass hats, that look like hot air balloons. NERD brought to life!!! But fun anyway!

Going to bed. I feel bad. My stomach is getting worse, not better. Getting pretty scared to tell y'all the truth. Not sure what is going on in there, but it is not normal....and is going on way too long. And of course it does it when I am working----and my band doc is 6 hours away......figures.

Will check in tomorrow afternoon. Going to lunch with Marie after work.

My dog gets her surgery tomorrow, then I can bring her home on Wed afternoon....poor baby!

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Good Afternoon!

Plain...would that be because you rode all the rides :tongue2: or were the hot chicks checking you out???? LOL. (wait... was I the only one who read it that way??). Nope - I assumed the same thing :crying:

Thanks for the pics Cindy and Jenn! Love them...you are both beautiful ladies! Thank you

Kat, sorry about your tummy. Yuck on the rotten egg burps. Those are the worst!

Suzie...they just re-did our Walmart a couple of months ago. I hate it!!!! Our pet stuff is now near the yogurt/butter/pudding stuff in the cold asle. I think it belongs back by the garden department! I still get lost in there (but I seem to find Tracy alright!).

Fixing to get off of here and pick up Zach...bbl.


You. Must. Go.

I don't think any chicks, hot or not-so-hot, were checking me out. Part of that is because I wore a weird wig all around the fair. Yeah, there's a story there. Yeah, I'll see about posting some pics. Yeah, I'm a weird dude. OK I want to see those pics - and is it weird or just silly fun???

I loved our state fair. We try to go every year. I agree with Trey, there are some sights to see. I think I live in the hoochie capital of the SW. And we decided there is a direct correlation of how much cellulite one has to how tight and short her shorts are!!! As well as how many colors are worn together!!! It is fun to just kick back and people watch!!!

There is a thread on here about people letting their young kids dress like adults, you should see how some of these families dress up, and I am talking flash---and infants up in age! And the mens boots are cracking us up too----they look like the pictures you always saw of elf shoes, that the toes curl. They are wearing bright colored leather "cowboy" boots, with the toes as long as they can get them----totally ridiculous! Made for great fun!

Now next weekend we will go to the balloon fiesta, and there will be other wierd people, ones who gain 50 pounds when they put on the vests with all their pins, and the dumb ass hats, that look like hot air balloons. NERD brought to life!!! But fun anyway! Oh we have one of those in the next couple of weeks - I might just have to go

Going to bed. I feel bad. My stomach is getting worse, not better. Getting pretty scared to tell y'all the truth. Not sure what is going on in there, but it is not normal....and is going on way too long. And of course it does it when I am working----and my band doc is 6 hours away......figures.

Will check in tomorrow afternoon. Going to lunch with Marie after work. Enjoy

My dog gets her surgery tomorrow, then I can bring her home on Wed afternoon....poor baby! Oh the things I have to look forward to:biggrin:

Morning all

I showered last night so slept in this am. My dd is having breathing issues (she will be fine, I think she has a cold on top of regular fall crapola) so she is going to stay home today so I don't have to get the kids up.

Yuck going to be cold and rainy for the next couple of days - yucky. I have drill tonight and have to study for test tomorrow. We are doing practicals this week, I did ok, need to practice practice practice. I'm going to read the script every day and use dd as a test dummy a couple times a week.

Did I tell ya'll there is a girl who is a cna and volunteer for ems - must be with fd - but she is on her 3rd rotation of the class because she failed it 2 times already. Last night being our first real practical, I realized something- that should not freak me out. She should give up her calling. After doing the class and state exams 2 times already she should have nailed the practical, she had to keep looking at the script/exam. It might be time for her to realize this may not be her calling.

I did ok for first time, My fear of the whole thing is the anxiety of acting, but once doing it on a real person it took the pressure off.

Well, off to get dressed - I have a huge knot in the back of my neck, can't wait to go back to the dr tomorrow.

Have a wonderful everyone

HI TRACY :unsure:

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Hi back at ya Jenn :crying:

Good morning everyone~

I have to say it again....i love this weather. It can make even the saddest person smile :unsure:

Kat-you think it is band related? What I mean is .... heck I am not sure what I mean. Is it a 'from the band up' kinda sick? I guess so since you are tasting rotten eggs :tongue2:. When are you gonna do something?

Michelle?? Come out come out wherever you are!

Hello EVERYONE....have a great day.

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And we decided there is a direct correlation of how much cellulite one has to how tight and short her shorts are!!! As well as how many colors are worn together!!! It is fun to just kick back and people watch!!![/Quote]

That hypothesis is so brilliant it shall henceforth be known as "The Kat Theorm".

Going to bed. I feel bad. My stomach is getting worse, not better.

Pregnant much? :unsure:

Did I tell ya'll there is a girl who is a cna and volunteer for ems - must be with fd - but she is on her 3rd rotation of the class because she failed it 2 times already.

I'm always a little amazed by the optimism of people that take their boards 3,4,5 times. I mean, do whatever makes ya happy......but, like you Jenn, I like to think I could read the writing on the wall.

PS- Don't think I didn't see that pic you tried to sneak by me!!

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Where the Heck is Terri? Kat, have you heard from her lately? I hope all is ok with her.

Have you ever seen those e-mails about the people of Wal-Mart? They must be the same people that go to the State Fairs also. I was wondering where they foun those people at. lol.

Lots of piddly stuff to get done today, well actually it will take me a few days to get it all done. Just need to get off my ass and get them done.

Have a good one.

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Home and resting in my chair. I not only worked out this morning, but after all my running around I came home and went for a long walk. When I got home I took some aleve and now I will rest for a little bit.

I'm gonna make some banana bread today. I managed to save 3 bananas to do this with. Oh great, one more thing for me eat.

My mind just went blank...:unsure:

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Suzie, I haven't heard from Terri at all. I know they bought some new equipment, and are expanding in some manner, I just can't remember what. I will try to call her and check on her.

Plain.....definitely NOT pregnant. I do not want to birth my own grandchild or be on Maury or anything!!! Plus.......DH and I are both "fixed" so there would be lots of 'splainin' to do!!!

Yes I was worried about my band, because I felt sore in the area, added to my major discomfort, and upset, sour stomach.

First I cut out my allergy meds. No change, other than allergy wise, hives come roaring back! Now I HAVE changed my eating. Cut out a lot of fats, eliminated carbonation, and seriously watching portion size. I know you will find this amazing, but I lost 3 pounds!! Who woulda thunk it?? LOL

Normally, I take my antacid per the Dr. at about 5 PM. In fact I have an alarm on my watch set to take it then. Have done so since my banding. Well I was so sour stomached when I woke up, I took one then. Have felt fine all day. No pain, no burping, nothing.

I worked this morning, no issues. We were BUSY! Not just getting settled in, TONS of voters! We voted over a hundred people in just the morning, and we are limited by one computer, tomorrow we will have 2 going....but it will slow down before election, I am sure, today was the cut off for registering etc.

So, thinking I won't take another antacid til morning, and see how that works. Wondering if I am getting an ulcer, and maybe it is too much in my stomach for the night....I have no idea, I am grasping at straws!

I will make the trip to Colorado if I have to. I have paid days off coming, and won't let it get too bad. But overall, I am not dehydrated, I am passing my food normally, and the one time I did get sick, it was not any blood, or abnormal food---just normal bandster.

They called and Izzy come through her surgery fine, I will pick her up on my way home from work tomorrow.

Rick is on jury duty, and so is one of the other guys in his crew. So his (Rick's) court case was cancelled, but the other guys wasn't, so Rick is going out in the field for him tomorrow, which means I need to make a lunch....yuck! LOL

I went to lunch with Marie today. I had told her my stomach was yucky, so we agreed to share a taco plate. It is Taco Tuesday! LOL We each ate a taco, she prefers the rice, I prefer the Beans, we were great!! Stomach feels fine. Fingers crossed.

Jenn, I think I met one of the people who keep failing the boards, when she tried to put in my last IV---OMG, she hurt me! And she stabbed me repeatedly, I finally ask for someone else, and it took 3 weeks seriously before I got normal feeling back in my hand where she tried to go in the back of my hand. It hurt so bad, it made it tingle all the way to my elbow!

My neighbor had me watch her new baby today! He was a week old yesterday. Her 2 year old is feeling a bit neglected, so they were going to the library, and Kinsey and I watched baby Dylan. So sweet. He slept the entire time, I DO know how to entertain!

Everyone be good!!!

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Home and resting in my chair. I not only worked out this morning, but after all my running around I came home and went for a long walk. When I got home I took some aleve and now I will rest for a little bit.

I'm gonna make some banana bread today. I managed to save 3 bananas to do this with. Oh great, one more thing for me eat.

My mind just went blank...:)

You certainly deserve the rest and that banana bread sounds yummy.:thumbdown:

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Hi back at ya Jenn :tongue2:

Good morning everyone~

I have to say it again....i love this weather. It can make even the saddest person smile :thumbdown: well you would be in heaven here right now - come visit :tt2::tt2::tt2::tt2::lol:

It is almost peak leaf season and I turned on the gas fireplace, fall is here



That hypothesis is so brilliant it shall henceforth be known as "The Kat Theorm".

Pregnant much? :)

I'm always a little amazed by the optimism of people that take their boards 3,4,5 times. I mean, do whatever makes ya happy......but, like you Jenn, I like to think I could read the writing on the wall. It is crazy - but then again I'm way overwhelmed with everything - just did my first real drill, 1st one got gear, 2nd missed from my accident, 3rd was that wreck we got called to, and tonight was 4th, holy crap, a whole month!

PS- Don't think I didn't see that pic you tried to sneak by me!! shoot, I thought no comments meant people missed it


Where the Heck is Terri? Kat, have you heard from her lately? I hope all is ok with her.

Have you ever seen those e-mails about the people of Wal-Mart? They must be the same people that go to the State Fairs also. I was wondering where they foun those people at. lol. Yes I'm in those emails:wink:

Lots of piddly stuff to get done today, well actually it will take me a few days to get it all done. Just need to get off my ass and get them done.

Have a good one.

Suzie, I haven't heard from Terri at all. I know they bought some new equipment, and are expanding in some manner, I just can't remember what. I will try to call her and check on her.

Plain.....definitely NOT pregnant. I do not want to birth my own grandchild or be on Maury or anything!!! Plus.......DH and I are both "fixed" so there would be lots of 'splainin' to do!!! When I just got my xrays, they asked me that question, my response was if I was I would be rich!

Yes I was worried about my band, because I felt sore in the area, added to my major discomfort, and upset, sour stomach.

First I cut out my allergy meds. No change, other than allergy wise, hives come roaring back! Now I HAVE changed my eating. Cut out a lot of fats, eliminated carbonation, and seriously watching portion size. I know you will find this amazing, but I lost 3 pounds!! Who woulda thunk it?? LOL

Normally, I take my antacid per the Dr. at about 5 PM. In fact I have an alarm on my watch set to take it then. Have done so since my banding. Well I was so sour stomached when I woke up, I took one then. Have felt fine all day. No pain, no burping, nothing.

I worked this morning, no issues. We were BUSY! Not just getting settled in, TONS of voters! We voted over a hundred people in just the morning, and we are limited by one computer, tomorrow we will have 2 going....but it will slow down before election, I am sure, today was the cut off for registering etc.

So, thinking I won't take another antacid til morning, and see how that works. Wondering if I am getting an ulcer, and maybe it is too much in my stomach for the night....I have no idea, I am grasping at straws!

I will make the trip to Colorado if I have to. I have paid days off coming, and won't let it get too bad. But overall, I am not dehydrated, I am passing my food normally, and the one time I did get sick, it was not any blood, or abnormal food---just normal bandster.

They called and Izzy come through her surgery fine, I will pick her up on my way home from work tomorrow.

Rick is on jury duty, and so is one of the other guys in his crew. So his (Rick's) court case was cancelled, but the other guys wasn't, so Rick is going out in the field for him tomorrow, which means I need to make a lunch....yuck! LOL

I went to lunch with Marie today. I had told her my stomach was yucky, so we agreed to share a taco plate. It is Taco Tuesday! LOL We each ate a taco, she prefers the rice, I prefer the Beans, we were great!! Stomach feels fine. Fingers crossed.

Jenn, I think I met one of the people who keep failing the boards, when she tried to put in my last IV---OMG, she hurt me! And she stabbed me repeatedly, I finally ask for someone else, and it took 3 weeks seriously before I got normal feeling back in my hand where she tried to go in the back of my hand. It hurt so bad, it made it tingle all the way to my elbow!

Scary stuff it is

My neighbor had me watch her new baby today! He was a week old yesterday. Her 2 year old is feeling a bit neglected, so they were going to the library, and Kinsey and I watched baby Dylan. So sweet. He slept the entire time, I DO know how to entertain! You are so good- there is nothing baby proof here

Everyone be good!!! NO... :lol:

Well all, I surived another night, have a test I'm not ready for tomorrow, I'll be studying at lunch

Off to bed, 4am comes way early

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Morning ya'll

wow I feel like I was just here... oh wait... I was

Have a wonderful...

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