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Oh my----I feel so ALL important!!! We will likely stick to our original plan of being there the 2nd week of November.

Ok. It's all settled then. Everybody start clearing your calenders.

But crap' date=' now I have a dilemma. Where I live, we actually get winter, so all the clothes in the stores now are winter clothes----where am I gonna find a transparent shirt this time of year?????[/quote']

Apparently, you can always borrow one from Angela. :biggrin:

Plain...you're still a turd in my book, but I don't have the confidence to deliberately wear a see through shirt!! LOL. I joined the sagging wagon a long, long time ago. (TMI...but right back at ya!!). Add to that the muffin top and boy...I got it goin' on!!!!!!

You can spout all the propaganda you want, but clearly it's only the presence of a husband that stopped strangers from waving dollar bills around!!

I do love to laugh and joke and I hope everyone is reading the humor in the posts from the last week or so. I am sorry if we offended anyone!

I apologize for nothing! Unless my lack of personal hygeine is drifting over the internet, that is. Sorry about that, ladies.

well, I for one am offended :lol2:

Are you, Tracy? Are you? :)

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Does anyone else think that it is insane to have to get up at the butt-crack of dawn to go to work?

ME ME ME ME ME - My alarm goes off at 3am - hmmmm... it will be 11 by time i get to bed, and How am I functioning?????

Speaking of getting up at the butt-crack of dawn, Jenn, I hope you get to feeling better and PLEASE go to the doc about that pain in your stomach. I am going to go saturday - I have a huge concrete Pour tomorrow which has kept me at work 10 -12 hr days this week and I have another test tomorrow night

Good LORD, you people talk too much! :lol2: Could it be the presence of a male figure in the thread? :)Not me Tracy - I'm sweet and innocent :tt1:

I have no idea when the get together is. I guess it all depends on when Kat will be around?

Good to see you Irene. Congrats again on your new journey. Don't be a stranger :biggrin:

Have a great day everyone.

But crap, now I have a dilemma. Where I live, we actually get winter, so all the clothes in the stores now are winter clothes----where am I gonna find a transparent shirt this time of year????? I'm sure I can send you one - or at least one that shows a little .....

Jenn----you really behaved quiet calmly in SA. Myself, an old married woman, and another woman, who "wasn't their type"---had to practically drag you up to the pool table and dance floor in the Gruene Hall!

And who got pictures of them put on, dancing with strange men? I did! He wasn't strange, just that I was the one dancing! LOL Hey I got up there - and I do recall my jewelery was a topic of conversation at a point!

Was a fun time, not the place to go with that group, but fun anyway! LOL There was a lot of good on that trip, and I would and want to go back in a minute. Maybe I'd even take one of those cowboys home with me (back to NY) or I'll stay - ya never know... Like I've been saying for as long as Ya'll have known me, I don't belong here

I need to pack! Guess laundry should go first! LOL

Debbie, how cool, was the card in addition to being paid, or was that how they paid you?

Teacher conferences already Cindy? Wow, I know Kinsey brought home a progress report. She is having the usual Kindergarten issues, lower case b, d and q confuse her. And she still tends to round some of her "r" sounds, but not all so it is habit, not speech problems. Showing some possible tendencies to be dyslexic---her Dad is---but with repetition, she turns her letters around then and remembers them. For awhile she wrote her Ki right then the nsey was ALL backwards. But she is doing in right now. Hopefully she doesn't end up with the problems, but we will deal with it if so.

Tracy---Kinsey says she wants to be a ladybug. Or a dead bride. LOL Who knows where that come from, before school, we could trace some of the wierd thoughts---not so any more! Macy made such a cute witch! Maybe she needs to be a witch with a crystal ball so she can see-look (or whatever---I lost the thought) even better! I don't know what Dylan is going to be but I will be working at the firehouse, so I will have to be good, that is my favorite holiday

Will catch the rest of you in awhile, time to change the laundry.

Good morning!!!

Plain...you're still a turd in my book, but I don't have the confidence to deliberately wear a see through shirt!! LOL. I joined the sagging wagon a long, long time ago. (TMI...but right back at ya!!). Add to that the muffin top and boy...I got it goin' on!!!!!!

Sorry girls...send me the bill for your dramamine/pepto bismal!

I do love to laugh and joke and I hope everyone is reading the humor in the posts from the last week or so. I am sorry if we offended anyone! It takes a ton to offend me!

Back to work...


Now THIS is just plain...WRONG :tt1:

Tracy - so miss you sister - I wish I could join you guys in the worst way, I'll make it

George might take a job down south next summer and i might join him, (working of course) and bring Dylan with me, so you never know, I might make it there to live for a year or 2 - I've already been contacted by a recruiter too, so ladies, I'm going to find my roots yet!

Well, worked a 12 hr day and I'm hurting and need to sleep.

Hope you are all well and miss ya, i wont check in until late tomorrow

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You all are crackin' me up!

Irene, just because you're no longer a bandster doesn't mean you shouldn't come by and visit! Especially after all the great things you said about the band!

Jenn, we'll be waiting on Saturday to see what the doctor says.

I don't get up at the butt-crack of dawn, but it's pretty damn close

Ya know, they used to give me a little more when I played for the annual meetings, and it was just this time they gave me the gift card, and nothing more. We're not getting raises this year, either, so I guess it's the economy. That's OK, I'll take the $100!

Everybody have a good night


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LOL, Jenn, me wearing your shirt, might be more than poor ol' Trey's heart could handle, or any other innocent soul out there. You are much shorter than I am......and Michelle is not alone in that Saggin' Wagon! I would look like the internet cartoon of the old lady with her titties hanging out the bottom of her shirt!!!

Guess I am not without semi transparent clothing, I ask Rick if I had anything almost see through---intending it to be a joke, but he looked at me and replied "is a frogs ass watertight?" Uh, guess maybe somewhere they are hiding!!! LOL

Suzanne, how far would this trip be for you?

Rick and I just booked a mini vacay---he is feeling very guilty (without cause) about this trip, he feels his Mom was in a manipulative mood! DUH! But, in her defense, she is in a very emotional place with her granddaughter, and she can't DO anything, so she is on a tear to DO something to fix all other problems! Anyway, we were going to use this week of vacation and do something of MY choice, since he chose to go to Sturgis for his 50th. But.....

So today I was watching GMA and they had a segment on about Fall travel specials. From Austin TX to Las Vegas NV, airfare, and 4 days 3 nights at Circus Circus for $300.00. So I called to get a price from ABQ, and it is $271.00. We are planning to go between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Should be a fun time, and will be our Christmas to one another!

I have tore this house apart looking for the FM modulator for the IPOD. I can't help but think it got left in Becky's truck coming home from Sturgis. It is not to be found. And a black shirt, is also MIA.

Everything is ready to go, ATV's loaded. Wheels on the trailer repacked----van cleaned. We have a family reunion picnic tomorrow night, so won't have much time at home for Rick to do anything before we leave, he works tomorrow from 6-5, then picnic at 6....and we are leaving at 3 AM on Sat. Morning.

Will find out tomorrow if I am taking Kinsey. I hope so. I think the trip will be hard for her...but she will be so happy to see Connor!!!

Well, I am going to tear the desk apart and see if I have hid the modulator from myself.

See y'all tomorrow!

Edited by Kat817
I'm a dummy!

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LOL, Jenn, me wearing your shirt, might be more than poor ol' Trey's heart could handle, or any other innocent soul out there. You are much shorter than I am......and Michelle is not alone in that Saggin' Wagon! I would look like the internet cartoon of the old lady with her titties hanging out the bottom of her shirt!!! ROFL - what a way to wake up:lol::biggrin::lol: I guess you are right I am much shorter, I'll give you that

Guess I am not without semi transparent clothing, I ask Rick if I had anything almost see through---intending it to be a joke, but he looked at me and replied "is a frogs ass watertight?" Uh, guess maybe somewhere they are hiding!!! LOL I'm sure you do have some hidden

Suzanne, how far would this trip be for you?

Rick and I just booked a mini vacay---he is feeling very guilty (without cause) about this trip, he feels his Mom was in a manipulative mood! DUH! But, in her defense, she is in a very emotional place with her granddaughter, and she can't DO anything, so she is on a tear to DO something to fix all other problems! Anyway, we were going to use this week of vacation and do something of MY choice, since he chose to go to Sturgis for his 50th. But.....

So today I was watching GMA and they had a segment on about Fall travel specials. From Austin TX to Las Vegas NV, airfare, and 4 days 3 nights at Circus Circus for $300.00. So I called to get a price from ABQ, and it is $271.00. We are planning to go between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Should be a fun time, and will be our Christmas to one another! Get some of those shirts out!!! That is a great deal!

I have tore this house apart looking for the FM modulator for the IPOD. I can't help but think it got left in Becky's truck coming home from Sturgis. It is not to be found. And a black shirt, is also MIA.

Everything is ready to go, ATV's loaded. Wheels on the trailer repacked----van cleaned. We have a family reunion picnic tomorrow night, so won't have much time at home for Rick to do anything before we leave, he works tomorrow from 6-5, then picnic at 6....and we are leaving at 3 AM on Sat. Morning.

Will find out tomorrow if I am taking Kinsey. I hope so. I think the trip will be hard for her...but she will be so happy to see Connor!!!

Well, I am going to tear the desk apart and see if I have hid the modulator from myself.

See y'all tomorrow!

Morning all

just took the hottest, longest shower ever! My pain is really isolated which I guess is good - right? The stress of this accident is doing me in - I lost more hair in the shower this am than I do in an entire month, It actually scared me.

Well I'm off to get ready - going to be a long day - work until 4 at the latest, home for dinner, class until 9 or 10 and then back to work until 1 or 2 am while they finish the concrete pour. I know bad week to work so much but last night I sat in trailer and did paperwork and tonight I am going to do my last 2 chapters of my online class and if I have time study for Monday's EMT and then there will be nothing all weekend except for to clean and get my stuff together for next week, I'm going to Rochester Thurs and Friday with George and then he is going to come here for the rest of the weekend.

My BIL talked to him about being my new boss - He said they wouldn't let him on site becuse of conflict, but I am starting to think it is conflict with our relationship - although when we worked together no one knew we were seeing each other and we kept work very professional.

ok enough ramble

Have a great day everyone, see ya'll later

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Hi Plain

I see you - isn't it some insane hour where you are?

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Yeah Jenn, I had to laugh thinking of me in a cropped top! Granted I would soon wear one now than 5 years ago! I cringe for those poor people and how they have to dress for the Biggest Loser. That alone would have held me back from even thinking of trying out!

Ricks stuff is packed, house stuff is packed....mine is spread across the bed, awaiting packing. food drew me away. So sitting here talking to y'all and eating! Don't ask what!

Should hear from Manda soon to know whether Kinsey is going or not.

We worked on her name for awhile, and now the only thing she insists on getting backwards is the slant of her y!

She did her weekly letter test perfect---nothing backwards! And recognizing the same letter in a different order in another word, is not a problem, and that is what we were told to watch for. Like seeing an "a" at the beginning of the word apple, does she see it and write it the same if it is in the middle like in car. And she sees it, recognizes it, and writes it the same each time.

O M G Y'all ain't gonna believe this shit!

Our cows are all in! There are none missing, seems they went across the Water gap, and the water went up, so they were stuck, it is down they wandered home...guess some little cow birdie come in the night and told her this!!! NO reason to go to TX now, but damned if I'm not going, I am seeing those grandsons!

I KNEW she was messing with us. I told y'all that! I honestly don't think she sat and plotted, but she is losing it mentally quicker than I like to admit, and when she sets her mind that something is a certain way....it is! Oh well, less work for us there, will be fine by me. LOL who am I kidding? My FIL is going, he can find work to be done if Rick is around. Never Fails....NEVER.

It is kind of a relief, I am not fond of going onto other peoples property and cutting a herd of cattle. We went on a neighbors property once to repair our mutual fence, and we drove over, well they drive a truck to throw supplemental feed, because they have a herd of well over 600 cows. When they heard the truck, they come a runnin'!!! 600 cows running at ya is kind of intimidating!!!

Well........better get busy. I called Rick back and apologized for losing it....yeah, I lost it! She won't call me, it is better to call him at work. Which could be true, he apparantly didn't lose it!!! LOL

He just laughed at me.....he expected it he said. He even laughed at me with the laugh I love so much!!!

Oh and I don't have see through clothes, I have those new t shirts, that are thinner in some areas---that is what Rick was talking about, I ask, because I was thinking, maybe I have ones I don't know are see through, and I am sharing my rolls with everyone!!!

Gotta go----see ya in awhile.

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Kat-glad you are gonna still get to see the grandsons! Be careful....have fun!

Angela....GO DEER :) I HAD to! :biggrin:

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Oh cute, Tracy!!! LOL. I am wearing my "I fear no deer" t-shirt tonight to the football game (Sorry Plain...it is camo...not transparent, tee-hee!!). You are welcome to join us! I think it is $6.00 to get in. The deer put a whoopin' my son's team last night...their first loss of the season :lol:.... but I think we will redeem ourselves tonight!!

We just got informed that we will be working every weekend until Thanksgiving. That is exciting on one hand (Christmas money) and depressing on another. We should rotate our staff so that it isn't everybody every weekend, but I will soak up what I can get.

I was a little excited about getting things done around the house while Mike was working but it looks like I will be joining him now. TEAMWORK!! ....not. lol. I will be all over "teamwork" when he starts cooking, washing dishes and laundry!!!!!!

OH! As soon as we get a little closer (and the plans worked out about us meeting) I will try and take a vacation day to avoid working that weekend. Let me know!

I am working tomorrow so I will chat with you guys then. Have a great evening!!

GO BULLDOGS!!!!!!!! (Tracy, had to...lol!!!)

Oh! ....I am forgetful today! Kat, be safe and have fun! When you coming back??? We miss you already!!

...somebody needs to remove the exclamation key from my keyboard.............!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Edited by AngelaW

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Hello all! Gearing up for the weekend, have to admit didn't feel like doing much today. I did get my work in (38 mins on exercise bike). Tomorrow I'm going to start getting both of my sons' bedrooms ready to paint. Want to get them done before the holidays. Getting my eating back on track, which is easier said then done.

Hope everyone has relaxing weekend.

Shar :lol:

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Hey ya'll

quiet day -

I'm beat, taking a break inbetween day and night. I have such huge bald spots just from monday -

Well, just finished my redbull and going to figure out what to do for an hour to stay awake before class and then back to work. I am so sleeping in tomorrow

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We deflated all of our rafts and rings today. So sad to be closing pool but it has to get done. My nephew is coming over sunday and bringing his fiance's 2 boys to help us finish up the job.

Have been doing lots of stuff around the house here, cleaning, laundry etc, etc.

Not much planned for the weekend.I have to work at Church tomorrow. Other than tha it should be a quiet weekend. I need a quiet weekend, I have a full work week ahead of me. One of the ladies is taking a week of vacation. She was nice enough to take my hours which is few, but she works alot so I will be busy all week.

Kat, have a safe trip and enjoy the boys.

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Kinsey is going to Tx with us....figured she would.

Today was show and tell, and the letters were C & D. Whatever she brought needed to begin with one of those letters. She chose to take her cast from when she broke her leg. We were there taking her Snacks (her Friday), so got to watch her do her show and tell. She walks up there with this tiny hot pink cast, which had been totally decorated up. Granny got a little crazy with the glue gun, and rhinestones!! LOL Anyway, she tells them "This is my cast, from when I broke my leg. It starts with C, not leg, it starts with something we haven't been told yet, but cast starts with C!" Right away one little girl says it is too little to be hers. Kinsey tells her she was 2 or 3 when she broke it, so she was pretty little. Then this little boy asks her how she broke her leg. Her eyes lit up and she says in a total skateboard twang " I was doing this sick trick, and jumped off my toybox, and when I landed on the floor covered in toys it broke my leg, it was totally lame, I couldn't walk for a long time!" Sick trick? Totally lame? Who is this child???

Jenn, I can't believe your hair is falling out so fast! Mine takes awhile even with stress or diet. Back when they give us the horrid diagnosis on Manda, it fell out heavily, but it was a couple of weeks down the road. Poor you, I know it sucks.

Even with my chemo, it seemed a slow process, finally I buzzed it, and when that got scarce----I lifted the rest off with the sticky side of duct tape!! Now there is a use you never thought of with duct tape isn't it!!??

Got to go to my least favorite Aunts house tonight. She is extremely fake. She talks in a little girl voice, and pretends to be all peaches and cream sweet----I know better, she and I have locked horns before! She had the audacity (not to mention stupidity) to slap my daughter across the lips when she was 3 for interupting a conversation the Aunt and my Mom were having. I damn near decked the woman. No one slaps my child in the face. I was literally--not figuratively, but literally nose to nose with her teeth clenched holding my temper at bay, and we left. She never actually apologized, she tried to downplay it, and tried to explain to me how children need to be disciplined. Yes they do, and if you wanna smack em on the hiney, that is one thing, do NOT slap them! The one and only time she has ever been slapped. And we rub it in now.....she has a granddaughter now that all hell would have broke loose if anyone slapped. So Manda being Manda will wait til there is a dozen people around, whether there or at a church pot luck and say something about Aunt Karen being the only person in the world to ever slap her in the face!!! I love it, I can see my Aunt wanting to do it again!!! LMAO

Anyway the family reunion begins there tonight. I am missing the rest, so will go to this. Otherwise I would have skipped it and hit the rest.

Looks like we will be gone anywhere from 4-7 days----depends on what is going on, and what we decide to do while we are there. Since cows are in......it could be a quick one still. Kinseys teacher just sent her weeks worth of work, and told her to have fun. So we are going to get some post cards for her to take back.

Better get with it, kitchen needs cleaned before we go. I had it cleaned once......then cooked! Made baked Beans to go out there tonight.

Will try to check in later, if not----I will use aunties computer if I get a chance.....will miss you all!!!

Trey---I am going to Comanche....a small town SE of Abilene. Between Brownwood and Stephenville. Will PM you a ph. # if it is anywhere near you, give us a call and we will try to meet up!

Hugs all!!!

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Evening all,

Kat, have a safe trip, and enjoy those grandsons, and Kinsey!

Pretty low key weekend for me. Tomorrow I'm getting my hair done, and going to my sister's. She doesn't live far from my hairdresser. I'm hoping to see my brother--the one with cancer. My sister says he's doing well, walking, and complaining of boredom. He has his second chemo treatment this Monday.

Sunday I'll play for about three hours at the hospital where I was banded.

I know I just had a vacation, but I really need another one!

Everyone have a good night!


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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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