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Good evening all,

I just got called in to work, so much for the night off. Well at least I'll be off Thurs-Sun. Still struggling to get back on track, don't know why I can't get the right mindset back. I'm not giving up, but I am starting to feel a little disappointed with myself. I know no one's letting me down right now but me. It is frustrating.

Michelle- My thoughts and prayers are with you. You are not alone.

Hope everyone is having a nice evening. Shar :thumbup:

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hey all

just quick check in, worked 10 hrs today and can hardly stand up straight

had dinner and just medicated. going to bed so i can get up, have to leave work at noon so i can go pick up the car and study for my make up test.

i'm hurting, hurts to breathe, ribs are bruised.

kids were not with me, i was on my way home from work.

hope all is well and thanks for the well wishes

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Sitting here watching Mike and Molly. It's the new show about a couple that meets at Overeaters Anonymous. I'm not giving it high rates yet. Very crude fat people jokes. Like I need to hear more of those.

Our local Wal-mart is doing a 10 million dollar makeover. Went there today to get stocked up. I had to search for everything. I'm sure it will be nice when they finish it but right now it's a big huge mess.

I shampooed the living room carpet today. It really needed it. Glad I finally got it done. Now just relaxing.

Michelle, good luck on the job search.

Kat, So glad you get to make the trip. Sure hope Manda gets to go also.

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Manda won't be going....but maybe Kinsey. I know you will all find this impossible to believe, but now my MIL is going! Since she found out the kids are going to be there, she will not stay away and let the "boys" have some time.

Sorry, I love her, I really do, but it just kinda wilted the trip. Traveling with her is hard to say the least. We must stop every 100 miles, and she stares at the odometer or the milepost signs so she is on target---so she can get out and move. She drives no faster than 55 regardless of the speed limit, and prefers about 45. And when Rick hits 80...she starts telling him, about how she has never had a ticket! You do not eat when you get hungry, and they don't like to snack much in the car, because they are both diabetic, and it is hard to find appropriate Snacks (?)--you eat by the clock! At 8, again at noon, and again at 5:30.

Anyway, I am still excited to see my boys, just not excited about the trip. And I will tell you what, if those cows are all found in our intact fences, then I WILL have my say. They will both go, but we will foot the bill. All the fuel, the food etc. It would have been our expense if neither of them had went so it shouldn't matter, but it still bugs me, my parents would not be this way.

Rick's niece, is in jail. She has a drug problem, was on probations and had a dirty UA. Well come to find out she stole over $3000.00 from his sisters account, before going to jail. They are all worried over her kicking the habit (meth)...I personally worry that if she stole the 3K, then she owes someone, and they want their money...they don't take "payments". It worries me for her safety, before worrying about the "kicking the habit". Anyway, every single conversation with his Mom at this point is about this girl---her granddaughter. I cannot imagine it being Kinsey and me being blase about it. But the same conversation for an hour a day is difficult, but 12 hours in a van together, then in the same house, then 12 more in the van.....make me feel like hyperventilating.

They all ---MIL SIL etc enabled the girl, now here she is. Maybe it is time she paid the dues---keep her away from her "friends" but they are all trying to come up with ways to bail her out of the jam she is in.

Kinsey stayed with us tonight while Manda and her new friend went to dinner. We bought a new game called candy Land Wheel. Done with the characters and color thing of Candy Land, it is different enough to keep her well entertained! She won a round, I won a round then Rick won, so we quit then!!!

I played an Opposite memory card game with her after school today. Basic memory, only the cards are opposites, you find hot and cold, or over and under etc. She kicked my butt fair and square!!! OMG I had not realized how my memory has failed! WOW---no going easy on her either, she out and out beat me!

Going to go rub Rick's back, he is stressed pretty good over all this too. Poor Guy!

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Hi all,

Shar I know what you mean about the getting back in to the right mindset. I feel like I've lost mine, mind that is, sometimes.

But I got on the scale this morning, and had only gained one pound, which is amazing when I think of the junk I've been eating, meaning sweets.

Michelle, you are a courageous, strong woman. You're still working, doesn't matter if it's just a few hours. I know you may be thinking you have no choice, but that doesn't make you any less courageous.

Angela, I'm truly sorry to hear about your uncle. I will definitely keep him, and you, and the entire family in my thoughts.

Kat, glad you're going to see your grandsons! Bet they'll be just as excited to see their grammy!

Tracy, I live in southern California, in Van Nuys, which is a suburb northwest of L.A

Suzie, you go ahead on, with your bad self! You'll be my inspiration to keep moving in spite of everything.

Jenn, I hope you feel better, but it doesn't sound like you're going to be able to get much rest. Please be as gentle as you can with yourself, OK?

Hope I haven't missed anyone. (Hey, Plain!)

Tomorrow the place I work is having their annual meeting, which means lots of donors and the board of directors and a fancy lunch, for which I'll get to play. They pay me too, which is nice. I've been treated like sort of a celebrity there, and it gets me away from the board for a couple of hours. When I recorded a CD of original music, the organization bought 150, and people still talk about it. . It's kinda nice.

Everyone have a good evening.

Kat, what did you make for dinner? You asked for suggestions. (I went on the computer at work, but couldn't answer because my lunch hour was almost up.)


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Kat, I just read your last post. I really hope it won't dampen your spirits too much, because you're going to see the boys.

As for Rick's niece, I'm with you. She won't ever get her act together if they try to bail her out. Alcoholics and drug addicts are cunning, and they'll continue down the path of destruction until they decide they've had enough. It just causes more heartache for their loved ones.

My father was an alcoholic, as are a couple of my sisters, and one of them was doing drugs for awhile. I don't know if she still is, I haven't spoken to her, but that's a story for another time.

I'll send positive thoughts that you're able to enjoy your trip in spite of everything.

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Ai yi yi, Kat! You sure have your "vacation" cut out for you!! Try and keep focused on the joy of seeing your grandbabies again. That should help.

I agree with you about addicts though. I believe it is referred to as tough love :thumbdown:.

Thank you guys for your prayers for my uncle. He is a well known teacher here in the Houston area and a world traveler. He has always been very special to me. He had been doing really well for quite some time...considering all that he has been through (surgery and more surgery). He went to the hospital last week with a stomach bug...or so he thought and they found an obstruction in his small intestine. I think I said it earlier...he is now at M. D. Anderson Cancer Center and expected to be there at least through next week.

They are not sure if it is something he will pass, scar tissue or more cancer. There are other medical issues at play here but the prospect of more cancer is the hardest one to deal with right now. Please keep praying for him.

Gotta change subjects :rolleyes2:...

GRRRRR. I have just spent the better part of 3 hours in this stupid kitchen making homemade cinnamon rolls. My boss is having twins and her baby shower is tomorrow at work. I am NOT a cook but I have found a recipe that seems (ok..maybe seemED is a better word) to work for me. I went to the store and bought some Glad brand plastic baking dishes that can be reused or tossed. I wanted something I wouldn't have to track down when it was all said and done. Needless to say...the tops look beautiful but when I flipped them slightly to check the bottoms, they are almost burnt. I am thinking it is partially the cinnamon and partially...well....damn it....overcooked. I made these a few days ago (just for a test run...promise!!) in my own bakeware at exactly the same temp/time and they were fine. I think it is the plastic the pan is made of or something. Can't be my fault!!! LOL. Ahhh!! Guess I am getting tired.

It's after midnight. Guess it's time to hit the sack! Sorry for my spelling and run-ons and "that doesn't make any sense" sentences. I tried to fix 'em but I am too tired!!

Have a good one...


Edited by AngelaW

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Morning all

Just wanted to sy my am hi

rough going, I had pain in my stomach ok I guess maybe my abdomin - and I realized that last night every time I moved. I guess I need to call the dr

only working until 1 so I can get my car and study and take a nap before my class

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Angela-prayers for your uncle. :thumbdown: Sorry about the cinnamon rolls! I know it really BITES to be baking/cooking for an occasion and have it not turn out as good as you expect. Very depressing!

Jenn-do go to the dr. I hate to hear that you are in pain.

Kat-I hope Kinsey gets to go! I know she would love to see her cousins. Sorry about your neice. Addiction is a horrible thing.

Suzanne-I understand what you mean about Mike and Molly. I liked it though. Yes there is some crude humor but at least it is being laughed off. We deal with it in real life all the time. I guess that is why I can laugh about it....it keeps it from hurting. If WE laugh about it, it takes away the power fromt he mean people.

Shar-good to hear you are getting a few days off soon. I am right there with you on weight and my head being in the game. We can be our worst enemies. Take it one day at a time. More like and hour at a time. :thumbdown:

Debbie-glad that you get a break from work today. Makes the day seem to go alot better when you get to squeeze in something that you enjoy! Have fun.

Cindy-how goes it? Did you ever hear anything else about the child that you reported about the abuse?

Michelle-how did the new dr find out your diagnosis so quickly? You went in and found out the same day?! That is fast! Is it a blood test or what?

OK, since I have only had one cup of coffee so far, I can not think of anything else to say. Have a great day everyone. :rolleyes2:

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Home from the gym. Tough go but I did it.

Getting ready to head to the store and then over to my sisters. Told hubby, "you know what that means, I'll be in a bad mood when I get home". How sad is that.

Jenn, do go to the Docs.Just to make sure Everything is ok.

Kat, keep the thought about seeing your grandsons as your main focus. Let the MIL roll off your shoulder. She is not what this trip is all about.

Angela, I been saying my prayers for your Uncle and I will still keep him in my prayers.

Did Terri run away????

Everyone have a great day.

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Angela, I made a lasagna in one of the plastic dishes, for a pot luck, and it looked great, but when I went through the serving line, it was crunchy on the bottom. I couldn't do anything about it---but yeah, it transmits heat much faster than regular cookware---they should warn you.

Some cake mixes actually brownies maybe on the mix it says if you are using dark non stick, to cook a different time, so it DOES matter. Sorry you had it happen at a crucial time. cinnamon rolls.......mmmmm

I am trying to focus on the visit with the boys. It is hard to ignore the other, but I am. In fact she has not spoken a word to me, ignores my calls, instead calls Rick at work. he was mad, she called 4 times in a row, he was in a meeting, having to write a guy up, and he waits, and calls back. She said she figured they had a truck running, and he couldn't hear. She was calling to say, that we would have to pick them up because they didn't want their car left over here all weekend....duh! LOL

Feel better Jenn, what happen with the accident? Your mistake or someone elses?

I am supposed to be getting on track again with Rick, so far all we have managed to do is NOT buy ice cream! Nothign else has changed!!! LOL We are pathetic!

Suzie, I think we relate quite similarly to you going to your sisters, and me to my inlaws. I have no doubt in my mind whatsoever that you love her dearly---I DO love my inlaws, they are good hearted people, but they USE me up! Use Rick up, and I hate that, it irritates me and makes me feel petty.

Yeah our niece has had drug issues for years, but the Mom and Dad, and grandparents refused to acknowledge it for a long time, and her sisters told them, but it fell on deaf ears. Then the blame game, it was the husband, well he is gone, then the boyfriend, now he is gone, then the friends, but they change every week---the only common denominator is her....she has a problem, and I pray she gets help. She was such a good kid, reminded me much of Rick when he was younger. Saddens me.

Well I need to get busy, I have not set anything aside to pack or anything. Now I need to get going!

Will check in later today!

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All's I can say is "OMG".

Those are great Pics!!

Well, ladies and Plain, my baby is at her first LSU home game as a student.

LSU?? A smart gal like that should be in Austin!! :thumbdown:

The the elliptical is definitely the way to go. It will help you relieve the stress of all of this. Last year when I had the student who tried to attack me, everyone told me (including my principal) to go to the doc and get meds to deal with it. Instead I went to the gym and would stay on the elliptical for an hour each time. It helped and kept me med free.

I canNOT recommend exercise enough for emotional therapy. Running got me through my semi-nervous breakdown.

Zach is a huge Longhorn fan.

Smart lad.

now I will get to see Cindy and her dh AND Angela and Mike and then to throw Kat & Rick in for good measure? OMG....i will not be able to sleep. Good times :rolleyes2: Anyone else wanna come?

I wanna go!

Plain, how ya doin'?!

Hi there Deb!!

I have Lupus... :thumbdown:

Michelle....WTF?!? Do you need me to come down there and kick that Lupus in the ass? Because I will!! :thumbdown:

Oh, and you too, Plain, especially! :-)

Deb, are you trying to tell me I especially need to be good? I mean....that's true, but how did you know?? LOL

Cindy, I KNOW in the next several months, at some point or another, we plan to go see our kids in Bossier City----so if we fail to all hook up at once, I will be in contact then for sure!

Kat, I live an hour away from Bossier City (La, right? just making sure), so let me know if yall have time for dinner one night.

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Oh hell yeah, I see a nice little get together happening! Yes Trey, Louisiana, my son transferred there with work the beginning of summer, taking my 1 & 4 year old grandsons with him---when everyone knows they should have been left with me! LOL

So yes, you are invited to the whole get together, and yes when we go see the kids, I will definitely give you a call for dinner!

Michelle, I hope it is ok with you, I added you to our church prayer chain, I figure it can't hurt!

Damn, company BBL

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Michelle- My thoughts and prayers are with you. You are not alone.

Thanks, Shar! How'd work go? You're off for a few days now, aren't you? Enjoy!

i'm hurting, hurts to breathe, ribs are bruised.

THAT does not sound good! How are you today? What'd the doc say? Feel better!!

Our local Wal-mart is doing a 10 million dollar makeover. Went there today to get stocked up. I had to search for everything. I'm sure it will be nice when they finish it but right now it's a big huge mess.

Ours in the city are all doing the same thing. Making them all grocery stores and shrinking other departments. Getting rid of a lot of the things that made it worthwhile for us to go. :mad: Michael is mad.

Anyway, I am still excited to see my boys, just not excited about the trip. And I will tell you what, if those cows are all found in our intact fences, then I WILL have my say. They will both go, but we will foot the bill. All the fuel, the food etc. It would have been our expense if neither of them had went so it shouldn't matter, but it still bugs me, my parents would not be this way.

So glad you get to see the kiddos but sorry about the mess! UGH! Sad about your niece too. Hopefully she can get her life on a good road but she won't if her family enables her. Too sad.

Michelle, you are a courageous, strong woman. You're still working, doesn't matter if it's just a few hours. I know you may be thinking you have no choice, but that doesn't make you any less courageous.

Tomorrow the place I work is having their annual meeting, which means lots of donors and the board of directors and a fancy lunch, for which I'll get to play.

Thank you, Debbie. You are so sweet! How'd the lunch go at work?

GRRRRR. I have just spent the better part of 3 hours in this stupid kitchen making homemade cinnamon rolls.

Continued prayers for your Uncle.

Yumm! Cinnamon rolls! Sorry about the bottoms of them tho. Hate when things don't go according to MY plans!! LOL! How'd they turn out?

Michelle-how did the new dr find out your diagnosis so quickly? You went in and found out the same day?! That is fast! Is it a blood test or what?

Based on the blood tests the other doc ran and my increased symptoms since I saw the other guy, yes, he was able to diagnose me. There isn't any more tests they can run unless it's just to check organs IF I'm having problems with them and that's only to see what is going on, not to diagnose Lupus.

Getting ready to head to the store and then over to my sisters. Told hubby, "you know what that means, I'll be in a bad mood when I get home". How sad is that.

It IS sad that she is so wrapped up in herself that you DO feel that way about her. You are NOT a bad person for how you feel. She makes you deal with a lot and I think you do deal with it well. I'd have probably changed my phone number years ago! :mad:

I am supposed to be getting on track again with Rick, so far all we have managed to do is NOT buy ice cream! Nothign else has changed!!! LOL We are pathetic!

HA! I'm so bad, I'm still EATING the ice cream I'd already bought! :)

I do have to say that I got full this AM eating my veggie scramble and instead of finishing it, which is what I normally do, I got up from the table and tossed it in the trash! Very proud!!!

Michelle....WTF?!? Do you need me to come down there and kick that Lupus in the ass? Because I will!! :smile2:

Awwww! Thanks, Hon!

That would be so cool if you could meet up when Kat is down your way! How fun!!

Michelle, I hope it is ok with you, I added you to our church prayer chain, I figure it can't hurt!

Thank you! No, I don't mind at all. I'll take all the prayer I can get.


Feeling pretty good again today. Still pretty stiff but not so much pain as just having to get up and get moving after having a sit. I am really hoping this means that I'm on the other side of my flare-up. Fingers and toes crossed with eyes looking to heaven!!!!!

Got a roast in the crockpot for a late dinner. We ate a late lunch. AND I dug out our bread machine and have a loaf of whole wheat bread, hopefully, doing it's thing! We'll see!

Hope today was a good one for all of you! Talk atcha later! Hugs!

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So....Plain...you meeting us in Texas too??? That would be a hoot.

I did have a couple of batches of rolls come out ok last night (after turning down the oven and moving them to the top rack). They were a hit this morning!!! Whew!

After I finally started shutting things down last night I heard Mike talking in the bedroom. Turns out he was getting calls from his job. It made for a really long night. I am plenty whooped!

I will get on tomorrow when I have recharged, lol! Have a good night.


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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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