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You bring something to the place. NOT sure what that "something" is but it's there none-the-less! :thumbup:

Testosterone? A penis? Snappy quips?

Trey---hope the LBT bug strikes often, we like having you around!!! You said "like Kat" you have American Indian in you.....I DO????? Wow!!! I have nephews that are half Navajo, but on the Dads side. They do say I belong to the NoAssAtAll Tribe......

Oops! guess I scanned a little too fast through there. Sorry man! It.....was a compliment. Yeah, that's it.

DAMN, Texas is BIG.

Aw yeah! The geographical range of landscapes is pretty cool......heavily wooded areas, swamps, mountains (well, tall hills, really), grasslands. We have it all.

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DAMN, Texas is BIG.

Yes, it is! :smile:

Can not wait to see you!

Love to see the pics of you Kat and Terri! :thumbup:

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Ok. I'm fairly tall (between 6'3 and 6'4) and broad. I've always been built strong....even when I was wearing my fat suit. My now ex-wife said I looked like one of those olympic wrestlers (strong, but plenty of pudge). I'm down now to wearing a size 36 waist (which for me is quite the acomplishment. I was a 34 waist in highschool....I'm down about 120 lbs). I say my hair is brown, but my kids say "black". Whatever the choice, it's starting to get flecked with grey. I've been keeping it short (I cut it myself) for the last couple of years or so. My eyes are green (ish). Like Kat, I have a lot of American Indian in me, so I have a freakish lack of body and facial hair, and my skin has a slightly reddish hue. I have multiple tattoos (and plan on getting a large piece soon). My accent is thick, thick country. I sound like a total hick.

Sounds like a total hottie.

I was up off and on all night, Kinsey had a rough night, Manda called me. School held drills yesterday and one of them, along with fire drills, etc was an intruder drill. So Kinsey freaked out last night, thought intruders were coming for her, and she was shaking and crying, and thought they were going to shoot kids and Moms. Manda was at a loss to calm her so she called me, and even together, she was ADAMANT that an intruder was coming, they told her at school, and she was afraid.......

I am so sorry Kinsey is going through that and y'all are living through it with her. Sometimes teachers/administrators forget the audience they are speaking to and don't explain things in the way that they should. You can't talk to a kindergarten student using the same vocabulary as a 5th grader. I hope she is better tonight.

I also honestly believe that he thought my sister would roll over and ask to have the whole thing canceled and try to bring him home. He was surprised when she didn't do that and didn't seem to be able to intimidate her, tho she was scared to death and shaking and nervous, HE didn't know that. :thumbup: I was/am very proud of my sister. She's got a TOUGH road ahead of her. I'm going to try to do what I can to help her. AND now that he is out of the way, we'll be able to see each other more. :w00t: I've missed my sister. :smile:

Your sister is lucky to have you. She has a long road ahead of her and she will definitely need your support. Kat gave you some really good advice to pass on to her. Good luck!

Have a great day, y'all! :smile2:

But Suzanne, to the best of my knowledge, I have never been probed by an alien. My husband is wierd sometimes, but I think it's the beer!!!!

You crack me up!:thumbup:

My ex was very hairy. It was like sleeping with an SOS pad!!! And in the bed, I would sweep off the sheets, there was hair on them, it all looked like pubic hair everywhere----ick ewwwww! I am with you, sister. I don't want a hairy man.

DAMN, Texas is BIG. I hope you make it to Houston soon and post more pics!!!

Well, ladies and Plain, I am feeling much better. I returned to school today to lots of hugs from my kids. The first one in the room peeked around the corner to see if I was there and when he saw me, he rushed and latched on and said he was going to stay stuck to me all day! I was finally able to convince him that in order to teach, he would have to let go! I missed my students so much while I was out! I am still tired from being sick and the lack of sleep after the dang steroid shot Monday, so I think I may go to be now. I will check in on tomorrow morning. Good night all.

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Absolutely, Suzie! Well...at least they have all the stuff for us to make them there (Walmart). We could go into the gardening department with a blender and an extension cord and get the margarita's going right there! I bet we could find a patio table with an umbrella and a kiddie pool to stick our feet in while we relax! Just think, we could page people on the intercom when we run out of ice and frozen Bacardi mix! Sheesh. People can get married in Walmart (bizaar!) so why not? They have cute little plastic cups in housewares. If we got a little tipsy we could open up a fouton and sleep it off. LMBO!

Back to planet earth now:

Tracy mentioned a great mexican food restaurant that we can go to called DonKey's. It is totally up to you. We also have some pretty awesome seafood. Just let us know what you prefer. We have a neat little boardwalk in Kemah, but if you are coming during the weekend it probably wouldn't work out. It is a mess of traffic there on Saturday and Sunday.

Today was one of those days that I would rather soon forget. I got a butt chewing from a terminal manager that wasn't mine to take. I believe he realized he was wrong later in the day (by his change of attitude) but an apology was not to be had. Jerk!! He's one of those men that thrives on power trips (me: I love my job...I love my job....I am grateful to have a job...).

I bought a really darling rhinestone shirt to support the La Porte High School football teams (Zach) this past week. It has a huge LP (weaved together) and a paw print on the shoulder for the bulldogs (the mascot). I wore it to work today, game day, and the stones were popping off left and right and landing on my desk. It wouldn't have been a big deal if I would have had time to go home and change before the game. As it was, I couldn't get the lady who made it to call me back and I was getting a little more than upset. The shirt was cheap (Target for like eight bucks) but the applications were not. To have that happen the first time I wore it?? NO WAY!!

I guess the butt chewing this morning set the tone for the rest of my day. :thumbup:

Anyhow, I popped into her shop on the way to the game and she had me run into her office and throw on a spare t-shirt while she fixed mine. I sure hope it holds this time. I noticed she caused a tear in one little spot (removing a stone that was out of place) but I think some simple sewing will solve that. Overall I was not terribly impressed. I take that back...stuff happens. It's just that today it felt like it was compounding, you know?

The football game was awesome. They are 4-0! Zach has been starting (first string) and he is doing really well. He makes us super proud. I keep threatening to get a shirt with "Doodlebug's Mom" on the back of it! That is what we called him when he was little. At 6'2-ish and 300 lbs. he really doesn't look like a doodlebug anymore!!

Sorry guys...guess I will admit to tipsy typing now. We went to my favorite mexican food restaurant tonight and I drank two margaritas. Not enough to tie one on but just enough to make things seem a little less serious. I needed it!

Gonna try and get some rest and put this silly day behind me. I don't know why I let petty things get to me today but I did!!

Have a good evening!


Edited by AngelaW

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Go kick back and enjoy the buzz Angela!!! I wish I was able to join you!!!

I had a day not worth mentioning!! boring....blah!

Had to take Kinsey back to the school, I swear the child cannot remember to bring anything home! She had 4 jackets there, and none to wear in the morning....Not sure what to do to help her remember.....she needs it in the morning, but by afternoon it is 90 degrees and hot again, jackets are not on her mind.

Rick is feeling better, but I guess it is allergies still, he has massive drainage, and feels crummy, so is back on antihistimines....which drug him, make him worthless company! LOL

So he slept all evening, and I read!

Now I have to go eat a spoon of sugar, I have hiccups......grrrrrrr see ya tomorrow!

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Back again!

Kat, thank you! I don't think she will ever get a gun. She would be too worried about the boys getting ahold of it. I know she worried about that with his guns.

I wanted to say that I don't mean to sound so flippant with things when I talk about what my sister is going thru. Such as what we were pulling at court. We know what can and might happen and it scares all of us to pieces. My sister told my mom that she actually is just waiting for him to walk up to her and just shoot her. I wouldn't put it past him. I think part of her just wants him to get "IT" over with.

The naive part of me would just like to think that he's a bully and like some bullies, once their target stands up to them and they can't get away with it anymore, they just leave off and go away. The logical, no non-sense part of me expects to get a phone call that my sister is dead and the kids are gone. Here's to hoping and praying that my naivete wins out.


Angela is drunk typing!!!! :thumbup::smile2::smile:

I'm glad Zach is doing so well with football. Go Zach!! And 300 POUNDS! Good GOD! He's huge! That is one big and tall doodlebug!!!! :thumbup: Is he wanting to head to the pros? Then I can say I know his mama!!! :w00t:

Kat, that's kinda funny about all of Kinsey's jackets being at school. I used to do that when I was working in the church office! Especially if my hands were full and/or I was thinking about something else when I left.

Well, enough for tonight. Talk atcha later!! 'Night!

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Up and trying to get my butt moving. I think I'm starting to get worn out, This has been a long trip.

T&A, I'll call as I get closer. I'll let you guys figure out where to go to eat. As long as they have beer, it will be fine with us. We will be stopping at the Alamo on our way, so look for us around 5pmish.

Yesterday at Carlsbad Caverns, we walked in and bought our tickets and then went and got our audio guide. At no time did anyone say anything about how strenuous the walk would be. We get outside to the trail and there is a sign that says if you have had open heart surgery, knee or hip surgery that they strongly suggest you not take the tour. That it is over a mile of steep walking. So we walk all the way down to the tour guide and she is waiting on us. There is about 8 other people. She starts out saying that if anyone has had hip or knee surgery in the last 18 months that they should not take this tour. So I tell her that I had had my spine operated on and she wanted to know when. I told he about 2 months ago. Her eyes lit up and she told me in no way should I be there. So Darrell and I walk all the way back up the hill and go inside. We go over to turn out audios in and the lady looks at us like "didn't you guys just get these"? We told her that they wouldn't let me take the tour because of the surgery. So she tells us to just take the elevator,:thumbup:. Sure would have been nice if they had explained all of this before we had made that big long ass walk down the trail and then back up. So then you get in this elevator and it takes you 75 floors down into the cave. Not for the weak person. It was a very fast trip. 1 minute to get down there. We ended up taking the short trail and that was at least an hour to get thru it. And by the time we were thru with that we were exhausted. But I have to admit that it was all worth it. What a beautiful place. Worth the hassle.

Off to go dry my hair.

Have a great day.

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Good morning all-

I spoke with Suzanne on the phone last night. :smile: She will be in our area this evening sometime. YAY! Don't know how early, so we will get to see her either tonight or tomorrow. :thumbup:

Angela...your fav is Mamacitas? Am I remembering right? We can go there if you would prefer. I am easy. But, then again, Suzanne may want seafood. As long as we are all together i do not care.

I hope ya'll dont mind that Macy will be with us (unless I luck out and find a sitter).

Gotta run get her ready for school and make her lunch. The school cafeteria food has GOTTA be nasty if MY kid wont eat it! Sad....

Michelle-meant to say....i am glad your sis is getting all of this mess behind her! He sounds like a ________. (insert bleep)

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Here's to a better day!!!!! Boy, I sure woke up to a dry mouth this morning. Dang tequila...or was it the lime? LOL.

Michelle...Zach dreams of the pro's. We shall see. I do know we eat, sleep and (you know...lol) football for the next few months. He loves it.

Suzie, I don't think I could have rode that elevator!! The sound of seventy-five floors down into the earth makes my throat tighten. I can only imagine it's beauty though. We have some caverns near San Antonio and a pretty cool drive-through petting zoo. There is so much to do there!! The Alamo is neat and the Riverwalk is beautiful too.

Very near there is what I believe is referred to as the largest Water park in the states. Schlitterbaun! And of course, the Guadalupe river (toobing!!). We have spent many a weekend there.

If you log on and read this before you leave there (and are traveling down I-10) look for the Buc-ee's sign! It is a gas station/convienence store but an amazing one (big). They are popping up everywhere around here. They have really neat souveniers (sp) and lots of Jerky, sweets, jellies, nuts and sandwiches! Not to mention SUPER clean bathrooms!! It will be on the right side of the freeway. The signs will go on for miles and miles about Buc-ee the Beaver...lol. The kids around here all have Buc-ee's t-shirts.

I am with Tracy...you guys decide what you are in the mood to eat and what time you would like to meet and we will make it happen.

Back to work!! See ya later!!


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I LOVE BUC-EES. Kids are not the only ones wearing the t-shirts! They have the most AWESOME coffee selection :thumbup: I know driving west on I-10 they make a big deal out of the mileage countdown to Buc-ees and then dum dum dum DUMMMMM.....there it is! :w00t: :smile: funny. I was so excited to get there when I went to Gruene! lol good times!

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Lost my post, having computer issues.....grrrrr think it is my modum, it is connectivity that is the problem.

I might see about taking it in for the yearly "go over" before popping for a new modum. If so I will do it this afternoon, then we are going to Albq for the fair, so I won't miss it so much!

Kinsey is still put out too Suzanne!!! My Missouri friends MIGHT be different! LOL

We were hoping to stay in ABQ til Monday for a concert---Brad Paisley, Darius Rucker, and Justin Moore. I loved Hootie and the Blowfish, and everyone I know rolls their eyes at that!!!! But I love seeing Darius Rucker making his way, C&W music, is very "white" for lack of a better description, I mean besides Charlie Pride, name another black man to make the scene!!! I like the diversity. BUT......the day has already been taken off, so no one to cover for Rick, so we can't go. Waaaaaahhhhh!!!!

Anyway......going to do a full scan on my computer, and get the compressor and blow the dust out, and see if I can do any good!!! BBL

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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        That's a great choice! 😊

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      Surgery done!  Really looking forward to the next chapter 🥳😁
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        Fantastic! Best of luck to you & I hope you're healing nicely & not having much pain!🙏

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