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Jenn-what kind of dog?

Good morning everyone. Just here having cup o java #1

I am just gonna hang here today and enjoy the quiet. Hope you all have a great day.

I am having my first cup, too, Tracy. Unfortunately, I am getting dressed to go to after-hours. I woke up with a hellascious sore throat. I don't want to wait until Monday, since it will get worse, and I would have to miss school.:smile:

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Good Morning ya'll

AHHHHHHH Slept til 9:30 and only up because dd did not bring ds downstairs she let him play in his room where the monitor was that woke me up. Had 2 cups of coffee and showered and getting ready to go to pig roast/fundraiser for Patriot Hills


They are big which I love and have the best temperments, great with kids, other animials and not crazy. I could get a 5 month old right now but want a 3 month old.

Well I need to finish getting myself together. Hope you all have a good day


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I am having my first cup, too, Tracy. Unfortunately, I am getting dressed to go to after-hours. I woke up with a hellascious sore throat. I don't want to wait until Monday, since it will get worse, and I would have to miss school.:bored:

Awww :smile: I hear ya! Feel better soon! It is the ragweed that is kicking my butt! I need to go get a shot.

Jenn-those are really nice dogs! You want a male or female?

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Not sure how today will go, I will either be outside and busy all day, or in here bugging the crap out of y'all because I am nervous!!! The big tree up on the hill is coming down today.....YIKES!!!!

Slept in til about 8:30, run out to the little flea market with Rick, he needed a 9/16ths socket, he lost from a set, and there is a tool guy there....so we went and got it, then come home, and all the guys are showing up now. I don't mean to be rude, but I honestly between us, hope they do not bring wives with them.....I am NOT in an entertaining mood. I took my allergy meds (mine are out of control too) and am just drugged. Would like nothing better than to sit around and read, or play games, but NOT visit with women I don't know well, and one I just simply don't care much for!!! LOL how is that for honest???

Being paged......bbl!

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Jen, I admire you for you goals and plans. You are going after what you want and I think that's great! Love the BMD! They are great dogs. Just be prepared for all of that HAIR!!!! Also they are working dogs, so be sure to give your new puppy some "jobs" around the house. Whether you train him to pick up his own toys, or pull a little wagon to help with the yard work, carry his own pack when out for walks, etc. Working dogs can get bored and then they can become destructive. Personal experience. We didn't know better with our Border Collie Mix. Now we do. Poor thing. She would have been so much happier.

Kat, I don't blame you for not wanting "company" today. Yuck! :w00t: I get like that too. Best wishes with the tree. I can sympathize!

Cindy, I hope you're not too sick. Feel better soon. Not a great way to start the school year! :bored:

Tracy, enjoy your hanging around day! I love those!!

Debbie, so sorry to hear about your brother. Cancer is an ugly thing. Best wishes to him and lots of prayers.


Not happy with myself. I weighed in at 199 this AM. I told myself I would never get back in to the 200s and here I am, knocking on it's damn door. It's my own fault. Been eating like a hog lately. Most times not even hungry. Don't know what's up with that but need to wake up and work the program!

This AM I got back on Daily Plate to start tracking. AND I did my 20 minute Zumba DVD. That kicks my butt but it's fun and I like it. I need to be doing either it or the treadmill nearly everyday. I try to make the excuse that I don't feel good and my body hurts. Well ya know what? No matter what is going on with my system, I still need to move this fat ass to keep it limber and it's going to hurt whether I'm sitting on it or moving it, so I'm might as well move it!

We'll see how long my motivation lasts! :smile:

Need to go change my ticker, as much as I don't want too. I need to be honest about it all.

Have a great day!

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Hi y'all,

Thank you, ladies, for the sympathy. I find myself being sad, scared and angry in turn. Sad because I don't want to lose my brother, even though I know pancriatic cancer is one of the more deadly, or so I've heard. Angry, because my family is just riddled with the stuff, and scared when I think of my own mortality, and wonder who's going to be next? I try not to stay in that place, but sometimes it just gets me.

On a lighter note, I learned that the director of the show I did last year--Little Shop of Horrors--received awards for best director and best actress, for our leading lady. I've been nominated for best musical director before, when I worked with this same director, and I'm so glad for her I don't even care that I wasn't this time.

I went to get my hair done this morning, and am just hanging out for the rest of the day. Tomorrow I'll go play for a few hours at the hospital where I got my band. It's very rewarding.

Feel better everyone. Kat, I hope you got to just rest. Michelle, I know how you feel about the weight thing. I haven't weighed myself, though people tell me it looks like I've lost even more since I've been to Hawaii. Looks can be deceiving, can't they? (Said the blind woman.) Hahaha!

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No rest....BUT....the tree is down, chickens are safe....and we will be splitting wood for the next month!!! We already stacked an easy 2 cords, and have well more than that to go. It is up the hill from our house, and is going to be a pain to get in for burning, but worth it. We sent my Dad, the guy who helped cut it and my brother off with truck loads of wood. It is not great smelling wood as it burns....but it is gonna get burned none the less!!!

I am just out of the shower, and we have a bike to deliver. So better get moving, again.

Oh yeah, I went for a ride on the chopper yesterday----wow!!!! Different from the tourer let me tell ya!!!


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Well, I went to after hours and they told me I had strep throat. I didn't even have a fever when I got there, 97.9, but an hour later it was 100.9. I feel like doody. Yes, I just used the word doody. I sleep until the ibuprofen wears off and the fever returns. Ugh! I will catch up later.

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Michelle-omg...I am SO worried for your weight gain. Glad to hear that you are kicking your own butt otherwise I may come do it for you. :tongue2: The good news is that you ARE aware and you ARE taking action. I am so proud! If you ever need an example of what not to do....call me. lol Seriously though. I would not wish the heartache I am going through on any one of you ladies. If I could forgive myself for regaining I may be able to completly start over. I hope that is where I am (even though I just ate a Wendys Frosty). Do you know I have gained so much that I do not even need a fill?! Go figger! You can regain contaol. I have complete faith in you!

Cindy-I am so sorry that you have strep! I will say a big ole prayer that you get better ASAP! Get plenty of rest!

Kat-we have a fireplace in this apartment. I have never had one. I am excited. Duraflame logs here I come. :thumbup:

Debbie-I had to laugh when you poked fun at yourself. Then I felt guilty for laughing. I am demented!

Have a great night everyone!

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Hi all,

Cindy hope you are all feeling well soon. Good thing you went and had yourself checked out.

Michelle please don't get down on yourself, this is a journey and we are all in with you.

I am at work right now and our unit is closed (low census). so I'm just catching up on mandatory training hours and helping other units when needed. Really looking forward to sleeping tomorrow.


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Thank you! You are at work late.

Michelle, you will fix this, because you have taken responsibility for it and are ready to drop it. Logging you meals and Zumba on day one is a great start. You will do it!

I just took more meds and am waiting for the fever to subside so I can go back to bed. Good night all!

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I hear that Zumba is a butt kicker!! :thumbup: Good girl! I am too scared to even TRY!

Good morning everyone!

I enjoyed my day yesterday but this morning I am missing my girl. I will get her later today when my sister calls.

Have a good one everyone!

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Zumba is fun. I went to a class and had a great time, but it is expensive and it didn't work me any more than an hour on the elliptical, so I didn't go back.

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Jen, I admire you for you goals and plans. You are going after what you want and I think that's great! Love the BMD! They are great dogs. Just be prepared for all of that HAIR!!!! Also they are working dogs, so be sure to give your new puppy some "jobs" around the house. Whether you train him to pick up his own toys, or pull a little wagon to help with the yard work, carry his own pack when out for walks, etc. Working dogs can get bored and then they can become destructive. Personal experience. We didn't know better with our Border Collie Mix. Now we do. Poor thing. She would have been so much happier. Thank you and it is going to be a long hard few months but so worth it to make up for all the years I have not worked. In a short year or 2 I will be back to a point where I enjoy life again. as for BMD, we are ready for hair, I have 2 long hair cats and sweeping and vaccume is our life. LOL Thanks for tips about working dogs. She has a 5 month old female I would love to take but with EMT class for the next 12 weeks, I know I won't have the time to devote and I can't put that all on my DD, puppies need an alpha and that is not her lol

Kat, I don't blame you for not wanting "company" today. Yuck! :unsure: I get like that too. Best wishes with the tree. I can sympathize!

Cindy, I hope you're not too sick. Feel better soon. Not a great way to start the school year! :tongue:

Tracy, enjoy your hanging around day! I love those!!

Debbie, so sorry to hear about your brother. Cancer is an ugly thing. Best wishes to him and lots of prayers.


Not happy with myself. I weighed in at 199 this AM. I told myself I would never get back in to the 200s and here I am, knocking on it's damn door. It's my own fault. Been eating like a hog lately. Most times not even hungry. Don't know what's up with that but need to wake up and work the program! I know the scale is going up for me too, I was 182 and back down and I know back up again, afraid to get on scale. I am no longer going to go to break and lunch with the guys, that is my big problem. Going grocery shopping today so I can bring lunch again too.

This AM I got back on Daily Plate to start tracking. AND I did my 20 minute Zumba DVD. That kicks my butt but it's fun and I like it. I need to be doing either it or the treadmill nearly everyday. I try to make the excuse that I don't feel good and my body hurts. Well ya know what? No matter what is going on with my system, I still need to move this fat ass to keep it limber and it's going to hurt whether I'm sitting on it or moving it, so I'm might as well move it! Mine is all belly fat, I need to do something

We'll see how long my motivation lasts! :tongue2:

Need to go change my ticker, as much as I don't want too. I need to be honest about it all.

Have a great day!

Hi y'all,

Thank you, ladies, for the sympathy. I find myself being sad, scared and angry in turn. Sad because I don't want to lose my brother, even though I know pancriatic cancer is one of the more deadly, or so I've heard. Angry, because my family is just riddled with the stuff, and scared when I think of my own mortality, and wonder who's going to be next? I try not to stay in that place, but sometimes it just gets me. I can't imagine but stay strong, positive thoughts ((hugs))

On a lighter note, I learned that the director of the show I did last year--Little Shop of Horrors--received awards for best director and best actress, for our leading lady. I've been nominated for best musical director before, when I worked with this same director, and I'm so glad for her I don't even care that I wasn't this time.

I went to get my hair done this morning, and am just hanging out for the rest of the day. Tomorrow I'll go play for a few hours at the hospital where I got my band. It's very rewarding.

Feel better everyone. Kat, I hope you got to just rest. Michelle, I know how you feel about the weight thing. I haven't weighed myself, though people tell me it looks like I've lost even more since I've been to Hawaii. Looks can be deceiving, can't they? (Said the blind woman.) Hahaha!

Well, I went to after hours and they told me I had strep throat. I didn't even have a fever when I got there, 97.9, but an hour later it was 100.9. I feel like doody. Yes, I just used the word doody. I sleep until the ibuprofen wears off and the fever returns. Ugh! I will catch up later.
Take care of yourself... you gotta love all the germs that go around when school starts
Michelle-omg...I am SO worried for your weight gain. Glad to hear that you are kicking your own butt otherwise I may come do it for you. :thumbup: The good news is that you ARE aware and you ARE taking action. I am so proud! If you ever need an example of what not to do....call me. lol Seriously though. I would not wish the heartache I am going through on any one of you ladies. If I could forgive myself for regaining I may be able to completly start over. I hope that is where I am (even though I just ate a Wendys Frosty). Do you know I have gained so much that I do not even need a fill?! Go figger! You can regain contaol. I have complete faith in you! Tracy - forgive yourself, look if I can forgive me you can do it too. now lets lose together sister... we did it before lets do it again!

Kat-we have a fireplace in this apartment. I have never had one. I am excited. Duraflame logs here I come. :thumbup: I love my fireplaces. The wood one is my favorite, but still love the gas in my room

Debbie-I had to laugh when you poked fun at yourself. Then I felt guilty for laughing. I am demented!

Have a great night everyone!

I hear that Zumba is a butt kicker!! :thumbup: Good girl! I am too scared to even TRY! AMEN sister

Good morning everyone!

I enjoyed my day yesterday but this morning I am missing my girl. I will get her later today when my sister calls.

Have a good one everyone!

Good Morning

I am going to throw on some warm clothes and head to the store, get some groceries and stuff to close the pool. then going to work on my class for the rest of the day, I need to finish it up

cold rainy day here. I think I'm depressed, I miss George or the idea of what we had. I think I'm ready to share my life 100% with someone, and I only tend to find guys who just want to enjoy and never settle down:frown: I suck

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Michelle, hang in there! We ARE all in this together. One day at a time, right?

Debbie...your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. Cancer is a very ugly disease :thumbup: .

Cindy, how you feeling this morning? Hopefully better!

Kat and Jenn- All this talk of fire wood and warm clothes is making me jealous! My car was reading 94 for most of the day yesterday! Too dang hot! I know we have about three more weeks until we generally see a mild cold front (Right Tracy? It is usually during the Pasadena Rodeo, lol).

I hope that Suzie is living it up!!!!!!

Michelle- I sense that you are a pet lover?? LOL, I wasn't always but I am quickly getting there. I think about you guys every time I see a fire in Cali. That gas line explosion was horrifying. I read that the people there had been complaining about the smell of gas for over a week. How does that happen??

Tracy, I didn't see you at wally world yesterday. BUT! We ventured to Wendy's last night for those frosties with candy in them (can't remember the name). Man, we are so connected!! LOL! Great minds think alike? Zach's games are on Thursday's at 4:30 (freshman). I have a hard time getting there "on time" because of work. They have one more home game this coming week and then they go on the road for a bit. They haven't lost a game yet (knocking on wood!).

Missbuckeye- I am scrambling for your name! I am going to blame it on just waking up, lol. But a HUGE good morning to you too! I hope you got to sleep in today after working late last night!

I hope I didn't miss anyone. Have a great Sunday!!!


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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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