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Aunt Flow is gone from her monthly visit (tmi I know) and time to REALLY put effort forth again to lose some weight. I just basically hold my own during the monthly visit and actually lose weight the other 3 weeks. So...lets see if I can add (or is it subtract) to the -11.

Cindy-that battle of the ice cream moster is an every day thing over here. So we have none in the house (for now) and keeping it out of here is the struggle. Hope you won the war last night! :(

Suzanne-thanks for sharing the pics!

Kat-now that drink sounds GOOD. So, unless we want a replay of Gruene, I'd better not try. LOL I thought that too about my accent for Debbies voice thing. Leave it to YOU to actually say it! lol I am not the one with the accent...ya'll are!

Have a great day everyone! :thumbup:

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By the way....Suzanne you look fantastic! :thumbup:

I remember a lady that used to not WANT to post pics of herself :(

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Hi Tracy, yes I am still having nausea, I barfed yesterday 3x. I think I started eating solids too soon. So I am "protein shake girl" for at least the next 3 days. I'm starting to wonder if I might have a stomach flu/virus. Anymore barfing and I'll give my doc a call. Anyway it's back to work after 4 day weekend. Hope everyone's week off to a great start! Shar

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Hi Tracy, yes I am still having nausea, I barfed yesterday 3x. I think I started eating solids too soon. So I am "protein shake girl" for at least the next 3 days. I'm starting to wonder if I might have a stomach flu/virus. Anymore barfing and I'll give my doc a call. Anyway it's back to work after 4 day weekend. Hope everyone's week off to a great start! Shar

Hmmm, i have never heard of nausea with a fill. I agree that you may have little bug or something. Do call your dr if you are still throwing up though....that can be bad news when you are banded! Hope you get to feeling better soon!

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Oh my...i just had to take a phenegran for nausea. It is gonna knock me out, but that is OK....as long as this feeling goes away. I already had it from the other end (tmi) so I REALLY do not want to puke too!! Pray for me!

Shar....you must be contagious. :thumbup:

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Y'all keep your germs to yourself!!! Hope you all feel better soon.

I have never had nausea with a fill either. I have had a fill that made me too tight, so the food sat too high, and hit my gag reflex after the 3rd bite! Slight unfill helped that. Was not a nauseated feeling, I would be fine til the third drink or bite, and it would be too much, and make me have an instant reaction!

Well, I have a truck full of wood out front....the question is, do I unload it, or wait for Rick.....hmmmmmm He is bringing in the splitter tonight after work to split the big stuff, I could have it all emptied, and the big stuff to the side, so.....we will see, it is not happening for awhile!!!

Suzanne, looks like you are having fun!! Enjoy Disney!!!

Gonna go call my Mom, see how they are. Being gone all day yesterday, I have not talked to them, so time to check in.


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Love the pics, Suzanne! You look great and what a beautiful bride. I too hope you are enjoying Disney!!!!

I would post pics from the nieces...but after the story I shared last night they might be incriminating!! LOL.

Busy day here. I will try to pop in later.

Tracy...rain, rain, rain!! Not as bad as I expected with a tropical storm skirting us...but Palacios had already gotten 4 inches when I woke up at 7:00 am. Hope we stay in the clear!

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Tracy and Shar, I hope y'all feel better soon.

Tracy, I hate to report that I lost that dang battle last night, big time...but I have more to worry about than the ice cream monster. That is correct, ladies and Plain, Satan is back. Yes, I am talking about Peanut Butter pumpkins. I am good from right after Easter until September and then Reeses start putting out that incredibly, sinful candy pumpkin. My daughter speaks of it affectionately as having "the perfect ratio of peanut butter and chocolate". She is correct. I can pass up a peanut butter cup with no problem, but I swear I was walking around the dang Walmart this afternoon looking for those dang pumpkins. I almost broke out into a sweat, because I didn't see them near the Halloween candy isle, so I went all the way over the food section, since they have that seasonal section over there. So, I guess it was good, since it gave me some exercise. Do you think that would pass for exercise? Picture this: doc "did you exercise this week? Me: "why, yes i did. . . I walked around the dang Walmart searching for the peanut butter pumpkins." :tt2: Anywho, I didn't see them, so I went BACK to the Halloween candy isle and found the sneaky little devils grinning at me from the top shelf. :) Oh, and don't even ask if I bought them, you KNOW i did, and I ate two in the car. :lol:

Wow, this is sad. That is the longest post I have made in a while and it is about food....I am a sick, sick individual.:blush:

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LOL Cindy-----I too am a PB pumpkin addict.

Shall we start a 12 step for it? Hi, my name is Kat and I am a PB pumpkin addict, I have been clean for 5 months......but the demons are back! LOL

This is not meant to make fun of those who depend on a 12 step program!

Got the 2nd truck unloaded, but there is an entire side yard full of HUGE wood waiting to be split, and Rick is sick. So, it is going to sit there for awhile. He has a massive sinus infection, poor guy. He tried to come out and help, but he can be standing there, and it is (sorry if this is gross and TMI) like someone turns on a faucet, and water---not thick, just Water poors out his nose. Wierdest thing I ever saw!

So I have been having like multiple personality things with all the cars outside! Normally my car is in the drive, the van and truck on the street---or we leave the truck at the farm. Well we had the little trailer behind the van with the wood splitter on it. So I had to back my car out of the drive, park it across the street, then back the van in the drive to unload the splitter. Then drive it around the block, because I don't back trailers well (!--putting it MILDLY), then park it in front of the house, then back the truck in the drive to unload the wood, unloaded it, then back the truck up, park it in front of the neighbors, because the trailer is taking up its spot, and then move my car back in the drive!!!

I had a handfull of keys, and a plan!!! Got it all done too!!!

Trey, see you lurking there......ya better be posting same time I am, or I am gonna report you for being a peeping Tom!!! LOL Better find a better window than mine, would not want to hurt your poor young eyes!!!

Will be back in awhile, need to finish dinner.< /strong>

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Cindy....i feel your pain. I too was on the halloween isle today. I was able to buy some gum and call it a day though so I am proud. But that was just a battle, not the war!

I am a sick sick puppy where PB & chocolate are concerned too....i guess we are all in good company.

I remember a couple of years back I had this dream that Kat and I were at some place having an auction and guess what was up for auction that Kat was not going to leave without....a goose that laid caramel/chocolate eggs. She outbid everyone there and we had NO room for a friggin GOOSE so she called rick and I remember watching him ride off in the sunset with Kats goose. LOL Then in real life, i told Kat about the dream and she MAILED me some caramel eggs. LOL Good times!

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ugh...i am not meant to eat correctly today, my dear people. Ok, I already told you about the devil at work in Walmart..yes, I am blaming Walmart, even though i am not delusional enough yet to actually think it is their fault. Then, I had my dh George Forman some boneless skinless breasts so I could make the southwest egg rolls (like at Chilis) but leaner, of course. Did I get to cook those wonderful things, you ask? Uh, NO! SOMEONE, I have to say someone, since NO ONE confesses to it, opened the tortillas and didn't seal the pack up correctly and they are crispity crunchity, instead of being soft and lovely. Soooo, I went ahead and diced my chicken and minced my red bell pepper and green onions and I will cook it tomorrow. Oh, and what did my family want me to do with the lovely, ripe bananas we have on the counter? Homemade banana pudding. That is correct, my friends, I cooked it on the stovetop for them. Is that love, or what?! Since I indulged on the devil junk earlier, I plan to steer clear of the pudding. Ok, I said it was my plan...but it isn't set in stone.:) Ugh, i need massive amounts of help.

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Cindy, is it too late for me to ask you to send me your share of the banana pudding? I looooove that stuff! I'm a transplanted southern girl, born in Biloxi Mississippi, but I've been in California most of my life. The foods we ate followed us out here, though, and my grandmother and older sisters made stuff like that from scratch.

And what about these Peanut Butter chocolate pumpkins, ladies? They sound wonderful! Maybe I'll have to go to Wal-Mart!

Told ya i love sweets. But here's something. I haven't had a fill since before I went to Maui, and I have restriction, don't know if I'm at my sweet spot. I had a chicken salad for lunch. We bought a chicken at costco, and my best friend and roomy Ariane put lettuce, Tomato, cucumbers and little bits of carots in it. Usually I'm hungry after about three hours, but not today. (I have to confess though, that I had some Mother's oatmeal cookies--three, to be exact. But I wasn't starving the way I normally do. Go figure.


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Michelle, I've been thinking about you, too. I'm going to tell these ladies (and our one gent) just how supportive you've been to me. when I first started trying to get banded, I had a big disappointment, was given the wrong information about a seminar, and so I missed it completely, and had to take a bus home. Anyway, Michelle was one of the first people who wrote to say how sorry she was, and made me feel better, and like I should keep trying.

I read here that you're going to see the doctor later this month, Michelle, so I'll be here to see what happens. I have a sister that has lupus.

Kat, was it you who suggested my computer read with a Texas drawl? I wish it would! That'd be pretty cool! It does have other accents though, British, Spanish, French, German. I think that's all.

Have a good night, everyone.


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Just got in our room and I am DOG tired. I mean really tired. We have had such a good time and I am so impressed with Darrell, he's a real trouper. He did everything from Mr. Toads Wild ride to It's a small world. He really like the Pirates of the Carribean which I thought would be his favorite. What turned out to be the best ride he went on was the won I screamed my fool head off. I was screaming and laughing at the same time. The girls in the seat behind me were cracking up. It was so much fun. It was called Thunder Mountain and it was a really wild ride. I wanted to go back. He even stayed and watched the parade with me. I'll post pick later. Too tired to download them right now.

We did have one little mishap. We decided to take the train that goes all the way around the park and as we were walking up the stairs, I didn't lift my foot high enough and hit the step and I couldn't recover fast enough and down I went. I'm ok, nothing broke or skined but I am going to be really sore tomorrow. So as soon as we got back to the room I took a muscle relaxer and right before I turn in I will take a vicodin. Tomorrow is going to hurt.

Tracy, you better get to feeling better and get rid of that bug before I head that way or I'm only going to meet up with Angela.

Kat, my nose gets like that some times. I hate it because you can't grab a kleenex fast enough.

Ok guys. I may not be able to post for awhile. I'll be staying with other people and am not sure how the internet thing will go. And when I get back to my brothers, I will have no service. So it may not be till we get back on the road.

Kat, I will call you when we leave so that you know. Looks like we will be headed out Monday morning, so look for us Tuesday. I'll keep you posted on our progress. And keep Terri posted.

All of you take care and I will check in when I can.

Hugs to you.

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Ok, ladies, and Plain, I am off to battle the ice cream monster that is trying to kick my butt.:)

Fight that monster!!

Yes I forgot to mention, I did not forget him, just forgot to mention, our only male poster. (I almost referred to him as our male member....ay yi yi, Trey will have a hey day with that!!!!!)

Kat, that's the nicest way I've ever been called a d*ck. You have a way with words, heehee....

That is correct, ladies and Plain, Satan is back.

I didn't know my ex wife was in tiger country!

Trey, see you lurking there......ya better be posting same time I am, or I am gonna report you for being a peeping Tom!!! LOL Better find a better window than mine, would not want to hurt your poor young eyes!!!

Ooops. Ya caught me peeping. I will fess up that I try to keep up with everybody in this thread. Shhhhhh....don't tell anybody. That would ruin my reputation as a good-looking bad-boy with a heart of gold.

And just FYI, I have the thickest, most hickish southern accent ever. Intellectually, I'm not stupid, but accoustically......I sound like the shirtless dude that gets interviewed on TV because a tornado wrecked his mobile home.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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