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Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)


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Good morning all! Having a lazy Sunday with my hubby, enjoying the peace and quiet. All of the kids are here and there. My daughter started a teaching job in Washington, DC two weeks ago, I spoke with last night and she is loving DC. I wish she were closer to home. My middle son is a junior at IPFW, and he decided to not come home for holiday weekend. I thought all the quiet would be sad, but I have to admit I'm lovin' it. :) Catch you guys later. I am having a nice quiet weekend and loving it myself, ok not as quiet as I had planned but still out of the norm for me!


Hello everyone,

I've been lurking off and on ever since this thread was started, but never said anything because I was sure I'd jinx it and it would stop. I feel like that's happened before.

Anyway, I wanted to "out" myself, and say that I think you're a terrific bunch of people, and I've enjoyed reading your posts whenever I do check in.

I don't know if I have anything to add; it seems like most of you are parents and lead pretty busy lives. I'm not married, and though my life can be interesting I do have lots of down time, too. It is nice to have you with us! I have been with Kat, Tracy and Suzanne since the beginning, infact, Kat and Tracy before surgery, and they are great people - and true friends :biggrin:

Anyway, I just wanted to say how great you all are, and thank you Tracy, for starting this thread. It's really a great one!


Welcome Debbie! Some of us are married, some are not, some have kids, some do not, some of us (ahem yours truly) are older than the others!!! We all get along despite all the differences!! AMEN SISTER

We have our bands in common, but it has gone beyond that...and we genuinely care about one anothers lives, and in our world where getting out and chatting with your neighbor everyday seldom happens....we have each other! and I survived a tremendous amount and had great people to support me. THANK YOU for putting up with my nonsense I didn't want to admit at the time.

Please feel free to join in, it is wonderful to have new voices, and opinions, and ideas!!! You and Shar both, please, post away!!!! Offer your support, and please accept ours when you need it!

We did a rally loop today up through CO. Rick decided not to show his bike, getting up and getting there for the register time was just pushing it!!!

We come home, mowed the lawn, moved out an old cabinet, and moved my filing cabinets to the garage, so I can make my attempt at organizing more things in ONE place, instead of some here and some there!!!

Then we went and visited with my cousin, and his gf/wife---whatever!! This cousin is very intelligent, he held a high rank in the Navy when he retired, and when he did, he adopted this hillbilly persona, and you would swear up and down he is ignorant, or slow!!! We sat out at their place, which is like living in a barn! He raises high dollar mules, and they live better than he does! I help him imprint his colts, and we have been very close for years, in spite of his new persona! Anyway we sat out there and had a couple of beers, and chatted the afternoon away. now that is my kind of day

Tomorrow we are going after what looks to be our last load of wood. The above mentioned cousin is coming with us. They offered, and acted like they wanted to go to the forest, so who are we to turn down a couple of extra chain saws running?? LOL

Tracy, hope you are feeling better! My allergies are going nuts, these weeds are killing me! I am soooooo not wanting winter, but I am almost ready for a freeze to get rid of them! YUCK! I sneeze over and over and over. Now my nose bleeds everytime I sneeze. I take meds, but all they do is make me sleepy!!! Tomorrow before we leave I am taking some sinus meds, they on the other hand wire me up! So .....Me too, all I do is sneeze lately

Anywa, welcome new friends, and hey to all you oldies!!!!

Everyone have a great Labor Day!!! Will check in sometime tomorrow night if I don't go straight to bed!!!

Debbie-it is so great that you decided to join us. Participation is always better than just watching. Like Kat said, we have all diff people in here. We even have one GUY that stops by to harass us on occasion. Please stick around and chat with us. We love new friends! I may be married and have a daughter but I would say I am FAR from being busy. lol Especially since school is back in. Glad to meet ya! Oh, this thread will be here....we are not going anywhere. Our friendship is beyond just the common denominator (band). We are kinda stuck with each other. Not a bad thing though! Not bad at all! I love being stuck with you guys :biggrin:

Shar-are you still having nausea with this latest fill? I have never had issues of nausea with a fill!

Terri-how are you? How is the weight loss? I am SO envious of the new band feeling! Hang onto it! me too, i want a fill so badly so i can get it back

Kat-is there a new song idea in there somewhere...Who Let The Cows Out? LOL...sorry, I had to!

Jenn-haven't we already discussed my fat booty and a plane seat? LOL Give me a little time and I will be there....I promise. So...George missed ya huh? I am not surprised. I miss you too and we aren't like 'that'. LOL :biggrin: :biggrin: I know, have to give me credit for trying:tongue2: Yea he did, short visit but nice. I miss you too, you never know when i'm going to hop on a plane and come visit

I hope Michelle and Suzanne are having FUN!

Where the heck is Angela? I guess I need to go to Wal-Mart and find her. YooooHooooo...Angleaaaaaa.

I feel alot better this morning but I did not get to sleep until 2 AM. :smile: I HATE when I can not sleep. I used to never ever have sleeping issues. WTH?

Macy wants to get in the pool today and she has a bit of a cough. I am debating it.

Cindy...what did you have on your weekend agenda?

OK everyone :smile: I will pop in later. Make it a GREAT day! Follow the rules....I know I WILL!!

Good Morning all

Tracy is having left over chinese for Breakfast following the rules?????

I guess if I was going to have a visit from aunt flo it would be now, that is the only time i really crave chinese food. Tomorrow I'm going to totally detox and get back on track.

I think now that I have a way up to the trailer I am going to bring a magic bullet to work and have a shake for lunch - 25stupid lbs, I can do it

well, going to get a wash going and try to get some sunshine today, also have to get 5 more chapters done on my class, at least. i have to get it done.

I am very excited about EMT class, gonna take a ride today to find parking, big campus

well i guess i see why i have been doing multi quotes, I've had this open for 30 minutes and keep forgetting what I'm going to say, so going to get dressed and run to get gas for the grill

have a good day all

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Good Morning all

Tracy is having left over chinese for breakfast following the rules?????

Lets see....ummmm...NO! And just look at that word left over....that means you already had it ONCE and are doing it OVER again. LOL :thumbup: But I know you will get the last 25 off. I have faith in you!

Did you mail that stuff to me?

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Thank you, Tracy and Kat for the warm welcome. I just got back from Maui, I have friends living there. It was awesome, and tomorrow I have to go back to work! Ugh!!

Ok a little about me. I was banded in February, 2009, and haven't lost nearly as much as I want to, but I have to keep reminding myself that the pounds I have lost won't come back (she said, hopefully.)

I'm totally blind, and work as a switchboard operator at an organization for the blind. I'm also a pianist and have recorded a couple of CD's, one original and another of just stuff I like to play. I've also played on other people's (friends') CD's. I've love a little bit of everything, but my real loves are sort of easy listening. I've been a musical director for local theater productions, and have done some solo performing as well as playing for others. I love to write. I love my band. I also love sweets, which is why I'm not losing as fast as I want to.

Guess that's enough for now. If anybody has any questions, about blindness or anything, don't hesitate to ask, and I'm gonna do the same.

And thanks again for the warm welcome!


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Debbie-Maui? That sounds so awesome. I have always wanted to go there. Did you get to stay for very long?

i love love LOVE piano music. I want Macy (my daughter) to start taking lessons. I always wanted to and just never did. Well, that is a lie,

I started taking lessons and I got too frustrated so I gave up. Maybe Macy will be more patient than me.

So have you been blind your whole life? I hope you don't mind me asking. These posts are something you are hearing? Sorry, it just fascinates me (the technology).

When we quote off what someone else posts, does it tell you that we are quoting someone elses post? I have an inquiry mind. lol

I need to figure out what to cook for dinner.

Have a great evening all....

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Tracy, how old is Macy? I started taking piano lessons when I was five. But I can understand your frustration. When I was a teenager I got a scholarship to a conservatory which was a joke. I hated the teacher, and I'm sure the feeling was mutual. I fought with my dad every week about going, and I would have given up then if I'd been given a choice.

Yes, my computer has speech. It's called JAWS (Job Access with Speech.) I also have a braille display which I can read. If someone quotes something, JAWS will tell me.

Don't be afraid to ask anything. You can't offend me. I ask questions from sighted people all the time. Yes, I was born blind. I have glaucoma and cataracts. I can see light and shadows. Can't tell you what they are, I just know something's there. :-).

Ask away! I'm happy to answer.

Hope you found something to cook for dinner! My roommate, who is partially sighted, is making a roast in the crock pot, with carrots, cellery and potatoes. It smells fantastic!!


Edited by serenity55

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Finally, some WiFi.

Hi Debbie, welcome to the group.

Darrell and I just checked-in to the Disneyland Hotel. This place is wonderful.

Too much for me to read right now so I will read it later this evening while I'm resting. We are doing great and having a ball.

Hope all is well with everyone and I will check in soon.

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Hi ya'll!!

Tracy, you made me snort tea! Going to look for me at Wal-mart, eh? LMBO!

Before I forget...welcome Debbie...and was there somebody else? I stink, I can't remember!! I love this group of girls! I myself was a lurker until I finally opened up. There is a hodge-podge of beautiful personalities here so come on in!!

We had a wedding to go to on Saturday. Mike's neice (we are not really close to his half-brother) got married at a big church in downtown Houston. I gotta tell you guys...that was the weirdest wedding I have EVER been to!!!!!

The first thing my sister-in-law and I noticed was there were no flowers in the church...no candles...no bows... no NOTHING. I guess to each his own, but I have never seen a big wedding where the church wasn't decorated in some fashion...at least with candles and flowers (heck...the dollar store has wedding bows!)

The minister (not sure of his official title) never once asked us to pray and totally forgot the part where they exchange rings :thumbup:. He finished up and was telling everyone thank you for coming when the best man pulled the rings out. LOL.

I am not sure where the vows came from. They weren't traditional and I don't believe they were written by the bride and groom either. It just seemed like the minister was flying by the seat of his pants the whole time! He kept stumbling and repeating himself. Oh...and the groom's cell phone went off during the ceremony. Everyone was scrambling trying to figure out where it was coming from and we saw the best man reach down in the groom's pocket and shut it off...lol!!!! Mike leaned over and (too loudly) asked me "Wonder who that could be?". He got my elbow in his dang ribs!!! We were all snickering.

Just strange all the way around.

Anyhow, my brother-in-law ended up staying down at the bayhouse with us Saturday night and we had a party on Sunday with a big portion of the family. We started with ribs and a bus load of sides around 3:00 pm and then about 9:00 last night we moved on to frying fish and shrimp. UG! I ate way too much. And then somebody had the audacity to make a carrot cake complete with cream cheese icing and nuts...from scratch. It was simply DE-VINE ya'll!!! (saying that with a little Paula Deen/Texas slang) I had to go back and stash a piece for later.

We were anticipating my BIL and SIL staying the night last night but ended up with twelve people (drunk people...I might add) sleeping over. In a small house with two beds!!! We had a blast though. Luckly our couch set has multiple recliners. I was scrounging for blankets and pillows!

Kat/ Tracy- I hate to hear you guys are getting sick! Tracy, I could run to Wal-mart for you. You need anything? You good?? LOL! Kat...you ok?? I would totally run to Wal-mart for you too, lol!

Where is Suzie at right now?

Jenn...good for you! Sounds like that "boss" was a pain in your backside.

Ah well...I have got to get to the bottom of this laundry pile. If it topples I am going to be buried alive! It IS that bad!!!!!!

Hey...is there a place where we can update our ticker to "I just don't wanna talk about it right now??"

Have a good one!


Edited by AngelaW

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Hi Angela, wow! what a wedding!

I must have met that same minister once. LOL! I played for a wedding and he was asked to let me know when to start playing the wedding march. I think he was so nervous because I'm blind that he just said, "Uh, ok, you can start now." Everybody heard him--it was a small church, and the rest of the wedding was not much better. We didn't have a ringing cell phone, though. Poor groom, he must have been really nervous to have forgotten to turn it off. Thank goodness for the best man!

Tracy, you asked how long I was on Maui. One week. I wish I'd stayed longer, but I'm definitely going back.


Edited by serenity55

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I didn't get out, i need a box. Ready to go

I'm heading to bed, in a funk and tired and feel like a huge fat ass today

oh well, what can you do

have a good night

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Angela-That is so funny about the cell phone ringing. I am with Mike...who WAS it? I mean, wasn't everyone there? LOL I'll bet his bride checked his phone right off the bat. I know I would have :w00t:

Glad I made you snort tea. AND, i happen to make the best carrot cake from scratch. (moms recipe) I make one a year at thanksgiving and everyone fights over it. I will keep some for you this year :thumbup:

Jenn-no big deal, I was just wondering if you sent it yet.

Debbie-macy just turned 7. She wants to play the voilin. One day I want her to learn how to play the harp. Good side money playing at wedding i hear!

Goodnight everyone :(

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Welcome, Debbie. We have a great group of people here.

Tracy, I didn't do anything this weekend, except do a lot of work for school and watch my LSU tigers TRY to lose a game!

Angela, I don't know how you kept it together during that ceremony. I probably would've lost it completely:lol:

Ok, ladies, and Plain, I am off to battle the ice cream monster that is trying to kick my butt.:thumbup:

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Hey y'all!

First, I think I should tell Debbie, that her computer needs to "read" Tracy's posts with a really strong Texan drawl!!! LOL

The next thing that come to mind was about the carrot cake. Did I tell you about my carrot cake drinks? We were at a little bar in Deadwood SD, they were SOOOOOOO good! 2 will put ya in Lala land!!!

2 shots of Buttershots (butterscotch Schnapps) a shot of Hot Damn (cinnamon Schnapps) and then about a shot and a half of Baileys Irish Cream. Nothing else. All liquor---has a mild kick, but not a strong alcohol taste, and it tastes like carrot cake with icing!!! You have to try it!!!

We went with my cousin and got about a cord and a half of wood today, which basically finishes us off for the year, we should have plenty to burn for the year. My folks are done, my brother is done, We are buying a load for my inlaws, and expecting the siblings to do the same, and then they will be done. YAY!!!!!

Cindy, sorry to hear it sounds like you have a rough year ahead of you. I cannot believe school is in full session again! It seems like we were just discussing that you were doing a short stint at summer school---to ME it seems like you had no vacation, I cannot imagine how quickly it must have flown by for you!!!

Debbie, my DD and her former husband, lived on Oahu for 4 years, during that time we got to tour the islands, and spend some time on each, I loved Maui. I wish I still had an inside, I loved having her there for vacations!!! Unfortunately most of the people she knew while there, were also military, so none are still there.....

My Mom plays piano, and for awhile my DD showed an interest, but then sports took her over!! Personally I was a drummer!!! I still LOVE, being able to occasionally sit at a set.....and pretend I am much better than I ever was!!!

Yes I forgot to mention, I did not forget him, just forgot to mention, our only male poster. (I almost referred to him as our male member....ay yi yi, Trey will have a hey day with that!!!!!)

He checks in just often enough to razz us when necessary!!!

Jenn, enjoy your classes!!!

Rick put a bike out on the patio today----he better have it off before Suzanne gets here, I do not want an obstacle course of motorcycles for her!!!

Well, I am off to kick back, and do NOTHING.....I am tired!!!

See ya manana.

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Hey girls.

Still enjoying ourselves. Not even tired of this kind of life yet. Let's see how a day at Disneyland works for us.

Here is some pics.

Darrell and I at Disneyland. We were taking each others picture and a lady walked by and asked if we wanted her to take a pic. She handed our camera to her husband. He did a good job. And we got the camera back, lol.

The rest are of the wedding. Catie and her Dad (my brother). And on of the family.

It was such a beautiful wedding and there were no problems. No ringing phones or vows that awkward (lol, Angela). Everyone had a great time and the Bride was stunning.

My other niece's boyfriend drives for Dryer's ice cream. I proceeded to inform him that in order to make and keep Aunt Suzie happy was to keep her supplied in chocolate chip ice cream. Next weekend I might be very busy with a spoon.

Hope you guys are doing good. Wish I had time to be on here more, that will come in a few weeks. Right now it's vacation time and soaking up everything we can.

See ya soon.






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Hey y'all!

We're back! Had a great weekend. Glad to be home.

Debbie, I'm so glad you are posting here! I was thinking about you the other day and thinking I needed to check in with you. Your vacation sounds wonderful!

Suzanne, glad you are enjoying yourself.

Angela, what a weekend you had!

Tracy, feel better.

Jennifer, great news about the new boss.

Shar, congrats on the loss!

Kat, hope you're not getting sick! Congrats on having your wood all done! I'm jealous! We haven't even started yet. 'Course, we have some Oak now! LOL!

Cindy, sounds like it might be a rough year. :thumbup: Hope it turns out to not be too bad.

Have a great night!

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Morning all

just wanted to check in - getting ready to leave for work, really need to be in early

have a good day

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        That's a great choice! 😊

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