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I'm here, Tracy. Just feeling wiped out and not much in the mood for posting. Not even doing much of FB either. :)I am sorry you feel bad!

I do have an appointment with my new doc on the 20th. So that's good. Got Reggie in today for his re-test on heartworm and he's clear so we were able to pick up more monthly preventative for him. Paige has to be done before November, so we're set for a month or so. Reggie needs to lose a few pounds! He's 103 and his belly is starting to swing a bit! LOL! So, Reggie and I have something in common. :thumbup:

Gotta pack today for our trip this weekend. DD has preschool openhouse in the AM and we want to be all packed up, go to that, then stop for lunch, grab some cash and head outta town. Be back Monday sometime. Won't have internet for the weekend. :wub: We've got a friend staying at the house with the dogs. Easier and cheaper than kenneling them all somewhere. Where you going again? (my alzheimers, sorry)

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Lunch was good....once again we were almost late. We get to talking, and wham we are behind! One would think after all these years, we would run out of things to say to one another, but it hasn't happen yet!!! The guys at work give him a hard time about it---he will call me on break, and they ask who he is calling, when he tells them his wife, they laugh that he is checking up on me, making sure I am home, or that I make him check in. He said he finally laughed and told them, no, he was on break, and he had enough of them, he wanted to talk to someone who knew something!! LOL

I like Taco Bell, the food has always gone down without the issue of burgers---with the bun etc. A taco, or 2 is perfect for me. Tight days one works, other days I can do 2---but without all the other things it works for me great!

Went and got pictures printed at Walmart while I was having lunch with Rick. The picture of Kinsey on FB with her name across the sandstone she is laying on---I had them done. You can get 3 8X10's, 4 5X7's, 4 4X6's, and 16 wallets for $10.00. More pictures than we need, but at least it isn't costing us a fortune.

I have to discuss it with Manda when she gets home, one of the first things Kinsey ask me was if she could send one to her Daddy.......he moved to OK this last weekend. He actually told people at work---he worked with Rick---that Manda and Kinsey were going to be moving there to be close to him. Rick called Manda and said he needed to talk to her before her Mama heard what he did!!! She laughed and said oh hell no she was not moving to OK!! But if Kinsey wants to send a picture I think she should be allowed---it isn't for him, it is for her. We will see if Mommy feels the same. I know when Rick was apart from his kids, he never got any pics, and he paid his CS---he supported his kids, he loved his kids, and nothing. Jason loves Kinsey, I have no doubt, just wish he supported her better. But....Kinsey is our concern not him. I just always think back to how Rick feels.....and hope with all my might, that divorce does not turn my daughter into a bitter witch like his ex. I KNOW that has tons to do with the issues with his kids now.

Michelle, sorry you are bummed, and feeling crummy. Maybe this little vacation will pick you up. Worry over the Lupus is part of it I am sure. It is also hard on you parenting alone for stretches of time, then suddenly having to release control again when he gets to come home. I know friends who had schedules where that was an issue. One of my best friends had a DH who worked in Saudi Arabia at the time, and he worked 28 on, and then 28 off. She would be in total charge, with no input even from him, it was before home computers or cell phones----so we would do all kinds of things, then he would come home, and as happy as she was to see him, he wanted to step in and be in charge too---and didn't like her spending time with anyone but him.....which your DH is not gone for that long, or that way, but it is still life in constant adjustment.

Come and whine, or just unload, we are always here!

Tracy, glad Lucy has a happy home. If you were not ready for her, then it is for the best. Rick and I are going to go look at the rescue shelter this weekend. I heard nothing on the little female, so figure she went to the Colorado rescue.

Well somehow I hit a key and lost my lower junk on the computer screen, guess I will go try to figure it out.....duh!

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Tracy, are you really tight, or is there another reason you are asking about liquid Aleve? I just take the pills. When I am occasionally too tight from pbing, I take children's motrin.

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Tracy, are you really tight, or is there another reason you are asking about liquid Aleve? I just take the pills. When I am occasionally too tight from pbing, I take children's motrin.

I can take pills with no problem...so its ok that I take aleve? That was my REAL question but I beat around the bush. Just dont wanna seem like a rule breaker (I say as I am tipping the scales at more than my surgery weight) :)

Thanks Teach :thumbup:

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I can take pills with no problem...so its ok that I take aleve? That was my REAL question but I beat around the bush. Just dont wanna seem like a rule breaker (I say as I am tipping the scales at more than my surgery weight) :)

Thanks Teach :thumbup:

I think it is ok to take it occasionally, but not on a regular basis, I think because it may increase your chance of developing an ulcer.

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Hey y'all! Almost Friday! whew it's been a long week here. And getting sooo cool in the mornings. Fall is surely around the corner.

Michelle hope you have a nice relaxing weekend!

Kat I love TB too. of course right now my go to is the Pintos and cheese :) Loved them even before LB! I wish more people had your attitude about the children of divorce, most don't put the good of the child foremost. Not sure where to suggest to take Suzanne and her hubs to dinner, Rubios is always good :thumbup: Then there is Olive Garden, but it is soooo noisy in there it's hard to visit. Have you eaten at St Claires? I have a couple of times and liked it, but I've heard of several people that didn't. They have the absolute BEST customer service hands down. Not something you get much of around here!

Tracy I've heard also that it's not good to Aleve on a regular basis because of the ulcer issue. I've taken it a couple of times since surgery and had no problems. I'm sorry finding a new home for the cat was upsetting for Macy, but I don't blame you. Pets are alot of work and responsiblity. You did the right thing.

Suzanne looks like you guys are moving right along! Have fun and be safe!

Not much going on here this weekend (I hope!). I was going to go to Phoenix to see DD but her apartment manager wouldn't ok for me to bring her dogs for the weekend so we decided to wait. She'll be home in a few weeks anyway for a wedding, then a few after that for Thanksgiving. Can you BELIEVE it's almost Thanksgiving????? I don't even want to think about it......

Hope I get some sewing in this weekend. DS and DIL will go the the Harley rally I'm sure and DH will play some golf and hopefully talk DS and DIL into going fishing a day or two.

Hope you all have a safe and fun weekend!

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Tracy, we're headed over to Pleasanton (a few hours away) to the Scottish Highland Games. We're "camping" while there. Tent, cookstove and all. BUT my idea of camping is heading higher up into "them thar hills" for a few days, NOT a grassy field amongst other tents and trailers at the fairgrounds!

Kat, thanks. I don't have a problem letting DH take over! LOL! By the time he gets home, I'm practically throwing "it" (full responsibility) at him! :thumbup: We are a pretty good team. We tend to run everything by each other, if possible, if not, we do the best we can and hope it all works out.

He can be gone for pretty long periods, tho it's rare. We had a summer a few years ago where he was literally home a TOTAL of 5 days in 3 months! A full day here, 1/2 a day there, etc. It is rare tho. It usually happens that he's gone for a couple of weeks and then finally gets home. Sometimes as long as a month gone, but just depends on the fires.

Part of my problem right now is my symptoms. I feel like crap. I'm exhausted, everything hurts, no energy, etc. I kinda want to go this weekend but really would rather just stay home. And sleep! :)

Oh Tracy, I take liquid children's everything. Even Ibuprophen (sp?). After getting stuck on a pill, I just can't do them anymore! :wub: Liquid or chewable for me. If I can't, then I crush it. Yuck!

Did I tell y'all about the damn tree in the backyard? As the new fence was getting finished, DH discovered a vertical crack in one of our Oaks... that just happens to lean over the new fence. Wellllll, he got home Sunday after being gone for more than a week and noticed that the crack was getting bigger. I was looking at it last night and wow! Really noticeable. This AM, I looked out the window and not even looking at the tree and OH MY! Huge now!

We had talked last night that we needed to get a guy out here to get it down before it fell down. Called the guy this AM. He shows up at 2, says he'll be back in the AM to take it down. He leaves and I swear not a half an hour later, you can hear it cracking! We were all outside at the time. DH was going to pull back some of the fence to clear the tree and we figured we'd let the dogs have a good run before we did that. Nope! I hollered "it's going, everybody in the house!" DD takes off to the house, I call the dogs and we head in. It's not down yet. The top of it is hung up in another tree. That is THE only reason it's not on the ground right now!

Anyway, DH got the fence out of the way. Posts may get damaged but they're t-posts and can be replaced. It was the LONG run of wire that we were worried about getting damaged and it's clear now. No yard for the pups right now!

So, now we have to deal with that mess before heading out of town tomorrow! Once the tree guy downs it, DH will buck up the tree to get it out of the way, put the fence back together and make sure it's safe for the dogs before we head out. I'm just glad it's doing it NOW instead of while we're gone. Our poor sitter would have had to call us over that one!

Gotta get. It's late and I'm ready for bed soon. If I don't have a chance to check in tomorrow, y'all have a great weekend! We'll be home on Monday but not sure when I'll get on the computer.

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Good Morning gals

Hope you are all doing well.

Kat - I have to say with all my dysfunction with kev - that is one thing we always did, before his accident we had lunch 4-5 days a week and after it was 2-3 but we always had something to talk about and always met each other. It is a nice thing isn't it? George and I call each other every day at lunch. He is going to come visit for the afternoon tomorrow., anyway... I think he misses me more than he wants to admit, he wants to work back this way... hmmmmmmmmm I wonder why

I love taco bell, if it wasnt for the greasy and fatening meat and sauces It wouldn't go down so nice and easy. LOL

Terri - sounds like you have a nice relaxing weekend planned for yourself, how nice. I am going to lay low myself and finish my class and clean my room and get organized for the fall, cooler weather means i need to re-evaluate for what to wear as I work outside

Michelle - that is horrible about the tree but so glad you saved the fence. I'm getting ready to start my EMT class next week, me and kids go back to school same time. I'm actually really excited about my FD adventure, they told me they are going to push me to become an officer, think I would be perfect canidate.

Suzanne - hey there hope you are having a great time. My mom's house is in Lake Montezuma - she lived in Flagstaff and Sedona before they bought the house

Angela - hey there - I'm jealous you get to see Tracy so much

Tracy - my dear sweet Tracy, you are back on the right path and you will get there, you kicked ass before and you are going to do it again, you were dealing with alot and now it sounds like you are doing better so you will kick ass again.

School is in, I always find it easier when kids are in school, when they are home seems there is much more junk laying around to eat.

I am still bouncing 3lbs and frustrated, holiday weekend but when I got back to 185 last week I freaked out, it is time for me to lose the last 25 I've been talking about for months, so lets do it together! OK??????

I'm going to send out your present tomorrow.

ok need to get another cup of coffee and get myself together for work. Big changes today - I'll fill you all in tonight when they actually happen -

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Thanks Jenn-I needed that :thumbup:

Now I have yesterdays mascara streaming down my face. It's all good. :)

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wow I am an emotional wreck this monrning. My hormones have to be out of whack. Aunt Flow is making the tears flow this month too. lol A blubbering fool. Love it!

Have a bit of a sore throat this morning. Its raining too. Darn, i wish i could just go back to bed. Good news right now is I am not hurting anywhere (other than my throat). :) So, that is awesome!

Labor Day weekend! Have fun Michelle! So, what is everyone else doing? I wish we had some kind of spectacular plans, but we dont. There is a hurricane way way off in the distance (Gaston) and we are really worried about this one coming into the gulf. An evacuation is the last thing we need right now. We are only leaving if it is knocking on our back door HARD. I need to make us an evacuation fund at our credit union. It is expensive! Ugh, I dont even wanna think about it!

OK, gotta get macy ready for school. Have a great Friday everyone. I hope Suzanne made it to her brothers house OK.

See ya'll :thumbup:

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Good morning!

I am with you all, would love to sleep the weekend away!!! Rick is on call, so we cannot go and stay at the rally as we had originally planned. so we will go up to Ignacio and wander around ( a small town in southern CO), look at the rally stuff there, then Rick is riding his chopper up and entering it in the bike show at Sugar Pine on Sunday. Then Monday we are tossing either a cookout for the family or making a run to the forest to cut wood. We would be finished up if we brought in one more load, but we have not begun bringing enough for his folks. They have an older double wide, and are both in their 80's so they have fire going 24/7 from September til late April easily. They go through some serious wood. We bought a load from a coworker of Ricks who is in some financial difficulty, he is going to bring it in the weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

I fully intend to discuss the wood with Ricks siblings again, it really helped last year. My Dad has been able to get all his own so far this year, but we have the same guy bringing them a load the same time. We figure they will have burned enough to have space for the load by then.

I have 3 loads of laundry done this morning, need to go check on it....brb

OK, last load washing.

Kinsey was having problems getting moving this morning, so I thought if I got off my butt and did something maybe she wouldn't feel so put out!! It worked in both ways, my laundry is almost done, and she got up and got with it too!

Yeah, Jenn, I enjoy having lunch with Rick, I wish he was here in town, or I was there, it is a pain driving back and forth, and it isn't far, but drivers here are morons....make that MORONS!!! Ask Terri, they have no idea what merging for traffic is, and they don't "get" the slow lane/fast lane concept. They like to play games, and go down the hiway --- which the state determined is still going to be 55 mph, side by side going 40 mph. Now at any given time, one of those cars could be my MIL!!!! But she is not playing games, she just drives S L O W!!! And is fine with backing traffic up 20-30 cars. Makes me crazy!!!

Michelle---I am so glad you caught the tree before it caused massive damage, or hurt one of your dogs or worse DD!

Our tree up top on our extra lot, that burned has partly fallen. Lucky for us even if the entire dang thing fell, nothing would get hurt....except maybe other trees, and if by some strange chance it fell North---it might get the neighbors chicken coop. So.....we ALL know, if it falls, it is going North, the only way it can damage anything!!! LOL

This is funny---only because she had no clue what she was saying was wrong----but you know what I mean.

Last night I went to dinner with Manda and Kinsey. During dinner a derby friend of Manda's come up and was complaining of issues in their league, and she sat down and was talking to Kinsey, they share a birthday, and she always give Kinsey gum. Anyway, she asks her if she started school, when Kins said yes, she ask her --like she was so grown up now---well have you decided what you want to be when you grow up? Kinsey tells her she thinks she will be a builder, then in the next breath in total seriousness she says "But I am NOT going to be a Mexican when I grown up!" We were all stunned. Now the gal talking to Manda was not hispanic, but we all first tried not to laugh. Then Manda tells her that wasn't very nice, that they know lots of people who are Mexican and they like them. Kinsey's eyes got really big and said " We do????" So Manda tells her that Rick (her friend not Dad) is Mexican, so is Aunt Betty, and Kinsey was saying," but they are nice and DJ says Mexicans are not good!" Manda told her just like President Obama is Black skinned, Mexican people usually have darker skin than us, but not as dark as the president, but skin color isn't what makes us good or bad, or nice or mean, or pretty or not. She takes it all in, then she says "Wow, I know some Mexicans and I like them all!" We had to laugh then......one person---DJ is her neighbor----says something bad, and she was gonna believe it. Thank goodness she said it to us, and not at school!

I ate Breakfast, trying to make myself get my food and rest in proper perspective. Bigger breakfast, smaller dinner. Bed at 10 ish not 2-3AM ish!!! I went to bed at 9 last night, and went straight to sleep---slept through til 5. Could go back to bed right now!!!

Breakfast is not sitting well......ugh!

Gonna go put some of these clean clothes away. See y'all later. Gonna go hit Hastings, and buy some new music when I go to lunch with Rick. John Mellencamp has a new CD out, I LOVE him.......I always said he would be my next husband....then Rick stuck!!! LOL

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Checking in real quick.

Tree is down... finally! Top of it hung up in another tree and the guy had to work HARD to get it down! Even missed the posts that were under it! DH is working to get the fence back up right now. Tree guy earned his $100!!!!

Have a great weekend!!!

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Oh, and Kat? OF COURSE the tree is going to drop North! Same as our tree developing a crack only AFTER we decide to put a fence up! LOL!!!

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Hi all! Went in for my fill on 9/1 and much to my surprise I had lost more 5lbs.:biggrin: (I do not weight myself often at home.) I got a 1cc fill, that brings up to 8cc in a 15cc band. Having a little nausea since fill, but not too bad.

Everyone have great (and safe) Labor day.

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LOL, well I am off to get my riding clothes off and my riding clothes on!!! LOL----yeah you read right, and I am not losing my mind!!

Went with Kristin today and rode the horses for about 2 hours. Now I am changing so when Rick gets home we can get on the bike and go to CO to some of the rally!!

Will be back later, or tomorrow sometime.

Cindy---before I forget----what does your class look like so far. My cousin said without question this is going to be one of the most trying classes she has ever had!!! She teaches Middle School Math. She said the girls look at her like she is a lost cause, and the boys are already looking at nothing but the girls!!!

Made me wonder how your line up was!!!

15 cc band, wow! I know they say they are much safer on the stomach, than the old skinny models like mine!! Mine holds a max of 4 cc!! I have less than .50 cc in mine. Hope this is the magic fill for you!

k y'all see ya later!!!!

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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