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Morning. Home from the gym. So glad that is over with. Now off to go take a shower and then take sis to the grocery store.

Tracy, Our cats have always been declawed. We did that because the first 10 years of our marriage we had a waterbed and those two don't go together well. We had Heidi for 17 years before she passed away and she was actually our daughter. She was such a huge part of our life so it was devastating when she died. I held her in my arms while they put her to sleep. I held her for a long time before they took her away. I have never cried so much in my life and it still brings a tear to my eyes even after her being gone for 10 years. So I resisted when everyone told me to get another cat, how rude I thought. So if your child died would you like for me to say to you to just go and have another one??? Jeez. Well after about 3 years I let a girl talk me into taking 2 of the kittens she had from her litter. Biggest mistake I have made. I've tried very hard to not become attached to my cats but you do eventually give in. I would be really hurt if anything happened to them but I'm looking forward to them being gone. Don't think of my as a meanie, but these 3 that I have have destroyed my house. They have pooped, pee'd, furballed, puked and everything else they can to to my carpet and furniture. hair everywhere. We can't wear black clothes without people knowing we have cats. I have an account at the back that I had to because when these 3 are gone I will need to be doing some remodeling. I keep a clean house but you can still tell we have cats. But thru all of that I do enjoy them, they crack me up. Their personalities are precious and hubby and I love playing with them. Good luck with yours.

Weather is supposed to be in the low 80's this weekend, what a relief. I hope I can get some swimming in before we leave on vacation because by the time we get back it will be time to close the pool.

Be back soon.

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Oh my y'all are scaring me!!! I was thinking of going and picking up a little guy (ok dog) for Rick to meet tonight, and see how he does away from the chaos of the animal shelter.

They have a program where you "test run" an animal for 48 hours to see how it settles in away from there, and I was planning on going and picking up this little dog Kinsey and I took a liking to.

They age him at between 6 months and a year, he was turned in by family who were leaving the area to the Farmington shelter. He was not adopted, so on a second chance plan he was brought here.

He is a mini pinscher cross of some sort. Medium height, but small build, and a heavier built face than a mini pin.

What struck me with him, was he was SOOOO excited, but he #1 did not pee everywhere, #2 he danced up to Kinsey but he did not jump on her, #3 he was in with 2 other dogs, and he did not act either cowed down by them, nor aggressive over them.

I like Suzie, am unsure any dog will replace Chelsea. She was not the dog I wanted when we got her, I wanted a small frou-frou dog. My ex brought her home, and Manda fell in love with her. She was 1/2 dalmation and 1/2 Springer Spaniel. Bigger than I wanted, and hairy---she shed horribly! But.....she was the smartest dog I ever had. And when my ex would get mean, she would get right in there and try to protect me. She was not mean any other time, but she would turn on him, knowing he was going to kick her if she got in the way, and she did it over and over.

When the police flew me home after the attack, and I cried telling them of what this dog did for me, they pulled $$ out of their own wallets and bought the pet carrier for the plane. The police escort would not fund it! Imagine!!! Anyway as soon as I got home I sent the money back to the one I made friends with, and a couple of weeks later I got a thank you for my $50 dollar donation to the womens shelter, they donated my $$$.

Anyway, Chelsea, lived a happy, no kicking life from then on out, and like Suzie, when the time came, she was put down in my arms, in the vets desk chair, and is buried here at my place.

The little dog is male, I wanted a female, but he caught my eye. His name is Toby.

Now, what if I get him, and he is a problem??? Aarrggghhh, decisions, decisions!!!!

The remainder of my day, I plan on putting green chile up in the freezer----hard, time consuming, back breaking work----but as I eat it, it all seems worthwhile!!!

I have an abundance of squash and tomatoes....they are being given away they are not going in the freezer!!!

brother here bbl

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Hi! Home from the city and everything is fine. Left a bunch of money at Walmart. :biggrin:

DH got home to the mountains yesterday evening. We were able to have dinner with him and visit. We're hoping to see him tonight but not sure if it will work out.

Kat, take a chance on the pup. Ya just never know and the indicators sound like he'd be a winner.

Gotta go. Talk to ya later!

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Kat, don't let what I said about my cats scare you. I just happen to get a brother and sister that are destructive. I hate it because I really like them, they are so funny. We never had a dog because when we moved in here ther were already 10 dogs in 4 backyards and it was very noisy. So we chose to have kats. Heidi was a dream and so was Skylar. We never had a problem with either one. I truly miss them alot.

Before we were married I had a black Lab. Sluggo was his name. I lived at Lake of the Ozarks at the time and had the hardest time keeping that dog out of the lake. Everytime I looked up, he was in someones boat. He loved life and the lake. We left him with my parents when I got married, there was no way we were going to take him out of the country and turn him into a city dog. I would have loved to have had another dog but hubby and I have decided in our late age that we didn't want to have to take care of anymore animals. Not to mention the fact that every time we leave to go somewhere we have to find a sitter. Not easy to do.

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Well it was not meant to be with the dog. I went to the shelter, and as yesterday he was in a cage with 2 other dogs. I took my Mom with me. He ignored us for all intents and purposes, he was having a great time playing with the other little male in the cage. They are big---like 6 foot by 12 foot, with half being indoors and half outdoors. They were running and chasing and having fun. The female in the cage with them, had pups recently, her milk has not completely dried, but she has been without pups for a couple of weeks I would guess. I would not even hazzard a guess at her breed make up, she was just a little dog---light brown, blondish color, and she did not take her eyes off of us. She was pleading with her eyes. She kept getting bumped into by the other dogs playing, she ignored them completely and just watched us with her tail going 90 per. I was sunk. I told the boy I would like to take her out of the cage, and we had been there at THAT cage for 10 minutes or so---not walking around, just there. He comes over and says these dogs aren't up for adoption, they are going to a rescue. IN DENVER! I guess these medium size dogs are rare in Denver, and they take 30-50 a month from our county! They go to a no kill rescue. I spoke with the director and she is going to speak to them, but she said they are pretty much sticklers with the program. So at least she is going to get a home....

It was bizarre how she begged. I could not have left with any other dog!!!

If it is meant to be it will be.

It is 8:30 here, and about 3:15 I started on green chile, and am half done. My neck and back needed a break from standing at the sink---so I am eating some chicken salad, drinking some tea and sitting!!!

It will be well after midnight before I get done. But tomorrow is a sleep in day for me---YAY

So far I have 2 gallons of BIG meaty peppers for rellanos. 12 quarts diced, 4 quarts whole, and I'd guess about 7 snack size bags of diced as well. Will end up with about the same out of this bag I would imagine. The peppers were great, and the kid who roasted them did an awesome job. If you don't roast them long enough or hot enough they don't peel well. If you cook them too hot it cooks the meat of the chile--making it hard to peel and use.

The skin just pretty much fell off the first bag, and I am hoping the one I am fixing to open is the same.

I intend to call his supervisor tomorrow and tell him I have never had such a nice job done in all the years I have done chile.

Hate to yak about me and leave---but they are not gonna do themselves, and I wanna go to bed sometime tonight!

Will see y'all tomorrow!

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Hi everyone! To long between posts again, I guess I'm not ever gonna get it together to keep up lol. I logged in 5 different times yesterday to try and catch up but had to keep walking away. Finally now I've caught up!

Kat where did you get your chilis? I've only bought them once and from what you say they did a terrible job roasting them. I thought if they were that hard to clean I didn't need them! You're making me want to try one more time :biggrin:

I love everyone's talk about pets. We have 3 Jack Russells, my DDs 2 poodle/chihuahua mixes and her cat right now. ugh can you say ZOO? Hopefully her 2 dogs can go live with her soon, she's trying to find a bigger apartment in Phoenix on the ground floor. She's on the 2nd now and it would be so hard with them.

Her cat is here to stay as he LOVES living in the country (or semi-country where we are lol) He is a siamese and such a good cat. We've had cats off and on over the years and they've been alot like Suzanne's! Tear everything up! But this one love to be petted and doesn't bite when you do, he plays fetch with hair elastics lol. They only bad thing is the shedding during the winter when he is in alot.

Our JRTs are spoiled beyond belief, worse than our kids ever were. But dangit what do you do when they are so cute?????

Had my first fill on Wednesday. I've been starving since! Had liquids the rest of Wed, Protein Shakes and applesauce on Thur. Then today I had pintos & cheese from taco bell for lunch and mexican for supper, an enchilada and more Beans. I LOVE refried beans lol and luckily they like me. All did very well going down, whew. But I'm still hungry. He put 1cc in under fluro. Go back 9/18 for 2nd fill.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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Morning all

just wanted to check in real quick. It has been like fall here and I've been sick as a dog

my boss is pulling her bs and I was suppose to work Thurs night and at 3 she told me I could not stay because of bs and friday she decided she wanted a weekend and was leaving at noon. Hmmmmmmmmm she couln't just say can we switch? Don't get me wrong, I love the money but don't schedule me to do something and then change it around, I have a life too....

and I'm obviously up at 6am on a saturday because I have to work today too I want to go on salary from some of the shit she is pulling, I need to talk to my BIL

anyway, if I wasn't so dedicated and love my job, I would have bailed because my boss

Finally heard from FD, I have a meeting with them on Tuesday at 6

Another dilemma... there is a guy at work, who I have become friends with... and just friends... his job is done and can stay with another company but will not have housing allowance so doesn't want to work to pay for rent, and is looking for a room to rent, mom is leaving in a few weeks and won't be back until October, and can crash with my sister, but she gives me rent and is starting to freak about it, I'm considering letting Blane rent her room so she can not stress about money for a few months. He is a good guy and I totally trust him, if it was anyone else I would question but I don't and I'm considering

help me think this through guys????

Well, I guess I should head out to work

I hope to be back about 1

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Been busy bubble wrapping, boxing and packing. I swear it looks like we are moving. The cats are getting all freaked out. Can't start loading the van till Monday, I still need to take it and get it cleaned and vacuumed. I'll do that when I get off work Monday morning.

Back to laundry and packing.

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Kat, did you make it to bed last night? I hope it works out with the little female. Unless they already have a home for her, I would imagine they'd let her go to you!

Terri, sorry about your starving! It's always so hard when you start getting fills. Hang in there!

Jen, sounds like you've already made up your mind. :)

Suz, it DOES sound like y'all are moving! What a job! You're almost done tho and then you'll be on the road!

I need some prayers. I found out yesterday that I have early indicators of Lupus. When my new doctor gets up here, then I'll have him run some more tests. According to the Lupus Foundation, I'm in a flare-up now.

I also found a Lupus Symptom Quiz and I am positive for 8 of the 16 indicators they asked about. Some of those are blood/urine tests that I had to answer no to.

Anyway, I'm a little stunned and today, upset. I'm praying that if I DO have it, that it stays out of my organs and continues to be mild.


We got to go see DH again last night. Friends were there, Dad works with DH and his wife and kids were there so DD got to play and had a great time.

This afternoon we're headed over to a friend's house for a home decorating party. There is a clock that I want to buy for the dining room. DD gets to go too.

Tomorrow, DH comes home and is off til the 16th. He took 2 shifts of vacation since we'll be gone next weekend. WhooHoo!

Have a great day!

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Hey Terri, good to see you! I have bought chile everywhere! Then for years didn'thave to, because my SL's family is from Las Cruces, and when they went to get it, they brought us 3 bags. Well in the last couple of years both her parents have passed, so they no longer go on that schedule. So this year I bought them at the produce store next to Golden Dragon. They had the Big Jim chiles. they are bigger, and meatier chiles. I bought med/hot. They have some zing, but not enough to take away the flavor. I am telling you the skins fell off! Now mind you I was still up til 2 AM finishing up, and getting my mess cleaned!

I brought bag back for my neighbor, and she called me and laughed because an hour later she was done. BUT all she did was put the chile into freezer bags as it was. When she thaws the bag, she says they peel super easy. Well these could not have peeled any easier! And I am one of those people who would rather have the mess once, than every time I cook! So I clean mine, sort them. The big, heavy in tact ones bag up for chile rellanos---so the stem stays on. Then the good ones with no stem I leave whole for other dishes I make, and then the rest I dice. Then I get the quart bags, fill them with about a pound of diced chile, and flatten it to as thin as it gets and freeze it flat. Then when I need chile, I can take the bag out, place it on the edge of the counter, and break off what I need, and the rest goes back into the freezer, never thawed.

Green Chile does not chop well in the food processor, but onion does. So I chop a couple of BIG sweet onions, and mix som eof the diced chile with it, then lay a layer on a cookie sheet, and freeze it. When it is froze, I scrape it off into a bag---then for omelets or whatever. I can open and grab a handful---without thawing anything, or chopping anything!

I really wouldn't have been up so late last night, but Rick come in from work, so I went away from it for awhile....er a couple of hours anyway!!! So with my breaks, it was a late one. But it is in the freezer! I will likely do one more bag. Then split it between our parents. We did it that way before.

Jenn, I have no advice, I HATE people living with me!!! That sounds horrible, but it bugs the crap out of me! It puts serious stress on whatever relationship it is. co worker, child, friend, it stresses it. If you do, go into it with HARD ground rules.

My neighbor across the street, looked out in his back yard to where his 2 year old daughter was playing, while he worked in the shed ---in the same yard, with the door opened. She started shrieking "Kitty -Kitty", he looked out to see her in the middle of 3 baby skunks!!!! He said in hind sight he would have loved to have the picture, but his mind was to save her so he run to scoop her up, and they all ran right at him! Then ducked in under his shed!!! No odor, so she was fine, mad that he had disturbed her play! He and his wife began watching out their DR window and the skunks were out again---so they freaked out a bit, and Rick told him he could borrow a trap from the city, so he left to go check on that, and found the problem---what they assume to be Mama had been hit on the hiway---so the babies were hungry, and lonely! He talked with them at the shelter, so they come and brought a trap, and the babies were big enough to want the food in the trap, so they caught them, and he took them all, and released them up in Mancos CO. He gets so excited telling about it, it is cute!

Well guess I should go get dressed.....lazy me!!!

BBL y'all!

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yeah that is what i'm afraid of... even though George has helped me settle down and want a life relationship for the first time ever... from my heart and soul... i don't know if i want someone here all the time, my mom drives me nuts and she is only here a day or 2 a week

thanks for that reminder

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Jenn, my sister and her husband have been with us for 3 years now. We drove down to Florida 3 years ago in September and got them and they have been here ever since. As much as I love them, it is time to go. But that's not looking like any time soon. So I agree and take time to really think this one out.

Ok, two suitcases are almost packed. I'm really wanting to get it all packed but what will we use till we leave. So the 2 big suitcase have all our clothes in them. We'll leave those in the car and take the overnight with us to the hotels. Don't wanna be dragging crap back and forth to the car. I kinda like this because my house is getting a little organized again. lol.

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Michelle, you will definitely have my prayers. Earlier this year they were almost certain that my stepdaughter had Lupus since she had so many indicators. The doctors have determined that she has one of the worst cases of fibromyalgia instead. Her flare-ups are really bad, but her lyrica is helping some. I hope you get some relief soon.

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Michelle, I will be keeping my fingers crossed that the test come back with better results. I don't know much about it but a cousin of mine married a girl with it. She has good weeks and bad weeks but still holds down a job. She's a therapist and works with young children, alot of times they are in the pool so that might help her out also.

Good Luck and keep us posted.

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(((Michelle))) you will definitely be in my thoughts and prayers. I know it's easier said than done, but try not to stress to much until you see your doctor. Stress isn't good. Glad your DH will be home for a while, that's bound to help you.

Kat what a great idea of freezing the chili flat! I would have never thought of that. ahh the place next to Golden Dragon is where is was thinking of going, I drive pass it almost everyday as our shop is on SJ Blvd. My friends bag theirs like your neighbor does. Then clean when they use them. I guess that would be ok for the meaty whole ones but I really like your idea for the chopped. I just don't know if I would use an entire bag, I'm terrible about cooking and we eat out WAY to much.

Suzanne be sure to leave room for you and DH in there!! :)

Well I'm going to go try to get some quilting done, I'm way behind on a block of the month program I joined.


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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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