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Suzanne-LOL...you crack me up! That has to be a GREAT feeling, right?! :( You are truly an inspiration! When do you think you will be in me and Angelas neck of the woods?

Ladies-I am back on track doing what I should be doing as far as eating goes. I have lost some of that dreaded 14 pounds that I have gained. Talk about a total wake up call seeing such an unacceptable number. Monday I decided I am not waiting for a dr appt to try to start losing again. I can just let him know what I have done so far without him, lol. I am not a sit back and take action later kind of girl once I get something in my head. Sticking with it can be an issue sometimes.

Goodnight ladies (and Plain) :tongue2:

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Cindy, I'm sorry that you are having to deal with that at school but I'm glad you are there for the kids when no one else is.

Suzanne, too funny about the new bras! I've got to buy some Friday when we're in Town. UGH!

Tracy, good for you!

Michael called tonight. He starts guaranteed time off on Sunday, so they HAVE to have him home that day. Well, there are 2 others with him that need to get home this weekend too, so looks like they are sending replacements to him tomorrow. IF it all works out, he should be back at the station tomorrow night! WhooHoo! He'll still be at work but he will be where we can go SEE him! DD and I are so excited! She's having a hard time this year. She totally "gets" that he's not home and not available.

Have a great night y'all!

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Good morning!

Michelle-good to hear that your dh will be in reaching distance soon! I know how glad you and dd must be :o

I am having issues now about out cat we got a few months ago. DD is already attached (we all are, but some more than others). I found out yesterday that she is ruining our new dining room chairs with her claws. There are claw marks all over them. I am going to try the training spray to keep her awa from them. It worked for the couch but since these are leather chairs and my couch is cloth....may not work as well.

I know we can get her declawed but we just cant do that right now. I will call around and see how cheap I can have it done but the four hundred dollar quote I got first for laser removal is way too much. Wish me luck...I would hate to have to get rid of her. It would make dd so sad.

Have a great day everyone!

Jenn-hope you got some good rest last night!

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Good morning,

Too funny Suzie!!

Michelle, I am so glad your hubby is coming home. That has to be tough on you and your little one.

Tracy...keep checking around. Four hundred sounds steep. Good for you to try and get back on track! If I had one wish (besides world peace and calorie free chocolate, and...and....) I would love to never have to worry about my weight again!!

WE HAVE AIR CONDITIONING!!!!!!! Thank you Jesus (and Mike...lol!).

Have a good day!


Edited by AngelaW

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Angela, so glad about your AC! WhooHoo!!!

Tracy, try everything else before considering declawing. It's an amputation and is painful for the cat for the rest of his/her life. Some deal better than others. Some actually go crazy from the pain. Also, if the cat ever gets out of the house, it's doomed if it can't defend itself. It would be better for the cat to find it a new home.

Do you have any scratcher posts for the cat? Try spraying her with a vinegar/water solution when you catch her. Also, if you have the little plastic pills bottles, fill them w/a few dried Beans and toss them towards her when she's doing it. That will distract her and it's okay if she plays with them. Another idea would be to temporarily cover the areas w/old carpet pieces until you can get her broken of this. It would save the material in the meantime. Best wishes with this. It's a tough one!

Haven't heard from DH but it's too early so I'm not concerned. I guess concerned isn't really the right word. Not worried about him just hoping he can come back today.

Just got thru baking 2 cakes. I'll frost them later after they cool. There is a fundraiser dinner at church tomorrow night and I signed up to bring a cake for dessert. Had the mixes here so made both. I'll take them to the church tonight and put them in the fridge. DD and I have to go to the city in the morning for her eye appt. We should be home after lunch but don't want to have to worry about the cakes. Figured it'd be better to deal with them today.

Have a great day!

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Good morning---barely, but morning none the less!!

My sleep schedule gets so screwed up with Rick on this field time! Last night I went to bed at 10:30---even though I wasn't really tired, because I knew he had to be up at 1 AM. I was still awake when we got up! He left and I managed to go to sleep for awhile, then at 6 the alarm goes off again, to get Kinsey. When she left I kicked the recliner back and slept for awhile longer.....it is so messed up, I don't even know if I am tired or not! LOL

Becky and I made one of the Sturgis albums! LOL When a good friend and neighbor found out we were taking the truck and Becky was driving to Sturgis as opposed to riding, he jokingly bought Gary one of those tshirts that said "If you can read this the bitch fell off". Everyone got a good laugh about it. It was done in good humor, no offenses were made. Well we find out in Cheyenne on the way up, he took it to WEAR! So Becky and I went out to Walmart, we bought this marked down oilcloth stuff---they sell it in 60" wide rolls, printed or clear in the fabric dept. heavy plastic but this had a grain, it was woven, but plastic feeling. Anyway we got it cheap, because we wanted the backside, the white side, not the print! Then we got shoe polish with the sponge, and made a sign to go on the back of our trailer. The sign said "These b#*hes (and yes we made designs we did not spell it out) may have fallen off....but we have the BEER!!!!" Because we had 3 HUGE (think 3-4 foor long) coolers in the trailer, holding all the food and drink. We wrapped our sign around the end, and had people honking and laughing at it. From Cheyenne to Sturgis is only about 3 hours, and is Sturgis minded all the way. All the service stations had vendors set up, had Sturgis Water stops all the way etc. Anyway she called me and told me it is in a picture in one of the albums! LOL

We laughed and had so much fun with it....now we are infamous!

And y'all thought I had gotten caught flashing didn't you????? (o)(o)

Most of you probably read on FB, but they put Kinsey on a wrong bus yesterday. Scared us to death, because the bus driver said she thought they had told her that she was the one going with her Daddy. Well just a few hours earlier, DD and the ex had gotten into a huge battle, because he wanted to go take her out of school for 2 days! He is moving this weekend, he has to be in OK by Monday. She told him if he had bothered to call and see how her first day was, or had tried to see her this weekend, he would have known she was sick and had already missed school, so no she was not missing more. He was pissed, saying now he won't see her til next summer. Manda told him to come and take her to dinner to give her loves goodbye, he refused saying it would be too sad.

So when the busdriver said that, we all freaked out! Thought he had taken her and run or something! When she was trying to call him, her phone beeped with an incoming call, she thought it might be him so she answered and it was Kinsey's preschool, the school put her on the wrong bus, and she was there. Thank goodness! They know Kinsey, and the family, and took care of her while I went to get her.

I pity whoever Manda talks to today.

Through it all Kinsey had her bus thing around her neck----a hot pink school bus, with her name, address, contact ph #, and BUS #, on it, with a crocheted lime green string. She has to wear it EVERY afternoon for the first month. it was on. Stating bus #6. They put her on bus #14. She told them she needed on Debbies bus, they told her to find her seat and sit down....ignored her. So she found a friend from daycare who was going back there, and went with them.

There is a woman who works the preschool/daycare who had it out with the office manager where I used to work, so she and I have always had a connection, due to that---we neither one can stand her!!! She said Kinsey walked in and says "Miss Lisa, I'm not supposed to be here, but I am!"

So they called Manda!

Hopefully today goes better.

Guess I will get busy, it is no longer morning.....I missed posting it by 3-4 minutes.....oh well....deal!


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Home from the dentist. Good news, no cavaties.

Kat, I had read that on FB and what a freaky story. I would have been running around crazed. But glad it all came out good. Poor little thing.

Tracy, glad to hear that the girl upstairs is gone. I bet you are enjoying that.

Last night I found my high school friend on FB. I had to really go digging to find her. She isn't registered with our school, but I found someone that was a friend of her brothers and and I went thru all those sites and found her. She e-mailed me this morning. I have some of the best memories of us and I miss her alot. I lost track of her after I moved her and she went to the University of San Francisco. Hopefully we will pick right back up where we left off at.

Now I wished I had taken another week off at work so I would be able to spend some time with her.

I'm getting things organized. Boxes are boxed. Furniture wrapped. Things bought. Sunday night I will get the suitcases out and start getting things put in. I swear it looks like we are moving back there. LOL, NOT.

Off to work. See ya later this evening.

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Suzanne- :P YAY. no cavaties! :o

Michelle-I sprayed some of our training spray (lemon & eucalyptis (sp?) and it is working so far. She normally claws them at night. She HATES this spray, so I am crossing my fingers. I had a cat for 14 years. He was strictly inside and he was declawed. He did really well. I know if I got to choose, I would rather have my fingernails taken off than to move into s strangers house. I hope it does not come down to either one of those.

Kat-GREAT SIGN!! I rofl when I read your post! I have seen those tshirts you are talking about. I had to laugh too. Good times, huh?!

Angela-about your a/c post, you crack me up when you said "thank you Jesus, and mike" LOL Was it the cheap fix? I sure hope so!

Ugh...it is so hot. You know its too hot when you do not even wanna go SWIM!

Jenn-what you up to girlie?

Cindy-there is no way you ever get a hint of what happens after you turn abuse in like that? You are vested so it seems like you should find out something!

Have a great evening everyone!

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Kat, love the t-shirt/sign story!!! I love that y'all can have fun like that!!! Kinsey's adventure would have sent me to a padded cell!!! What a smart girl tho! You and Manda should be so proud! And her "dad" is a loser! "It's too sad." Ummm, what would have 2 days been? Not sad?! At least they would have been able to SEE each other! UGH!

Tracy, really glad the cat hates that spray! SO glad it seems to be working! Prayers that it keeps working!!

Suzanne, that's cool that you found a school friend! How fun! Ummm, wrapping the furniture? How long are you guys going to be gone? :P Is all the stuff going to fit in the car? LOL!! :o Sorry, just giving you a bad time! I think you and DH are going to have a blast! Wish you were coming near me!!!!

Found out today that my sister's husband is out of jail. Staying at his cousin's house. The cousin brought over the 2nd set of her car keys and actually said, "well it's not like he beat you!" Sis said "yeah, not this time but he did hurt me!" WTH???!!!

Have a great evening!

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Found out today that my sister's husband is out of jail. Staying at his cousin's house. The cousin brought over the 2nd set of her car keys and actually said, "well it's not like he beat you!" Sis said "yeah, not this time but he did hurt me!" WTH???!!!

uhhh.....can you say JackAss

Sounds like it runs in the family. :o

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Kat, good thing you guys didn't get pulled over by the cops. Post the pic if you get a chance, would love to see it.

Michelle, I told my niece that it looks like we are moving back to L.A. Actually the table was my grandfather's, we are taking it to give to my brother. If I had the room I would load the baby grand piano up also. It sits in my living room and the cas are the only ones that play it. I did not inherited my dad's talent of playing. I got his looks, just not his talent.

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Our trailer was mild, there were trucks (like moving vans) with big titties on the side, and "show us yours" painted under it. There was one that looked like a Halloween shop, black brick, and a gargoyle on the top with boobies hanging!! There were blow up dolls, male and female on lots of vehicles, and behind lots of riders!!!

Ours was mild, no bad language spelled out, and the beer was closed and not in the truck cab. So we were safe, from everything except thirsty riders!!!

I have no room to store anything like that for anyone!!!

Cindy, have you ever had to testify to abuse you found or are you out of the loop completely when it is reported?

Kinsey had an injury that caused CPS to visit them over. My DD was freaking out, but it was a legitimate injury, and when shown how it happen, they never went any further with it, but daycare reported it.

I am up late....I could have slept all afternoon, now hit a second wind, and I NEED to sleep!!!

Got some laundry done anyway!

See y'all tomorrow!

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I don't think I will hear any more from the case. The CPS worker asked me what I saw and what the child told me and that was it. School is hectic and tiring right now. I don't feel like I am caught up yet, even though I am. I will probably go back to school tomorrow to do paperwork. I have 9 ELL students in my homeroom and there is paperwork that has to be done for them.

Suzie, that is so cool that you were able to find your friend. I hope you get to spend some time together soon.

Angela, yay a/c!!!

Michelle, I hope he gets home soon. I am sorry that your dd is old enough to realize the time he is away.

Kat, I am certain someone is going to get a butt-chewing for putting Kinsey on the wrong bus. Jeez. A big, pink sign around her neck AND she was telling them...sorry, but that is just incompetent. Our students, even in grade 5, have a piece of yarn on their booksacks all year long, that show the color of their bus. We also have a rule that they go home the same way every day, unless a note is sent. It keeps the students safe.

Tracy, I hope that spray works for your cat.

Oh, and pets, my dh is in Chicago at a workshop and my dd spent the night at LSU with her friend, so my doggie was moping Wednesday night. Well, she won't eat and gets sick when she does this, so I returned home yesterday to a nasty, gross, mess on her and in her room:sad: I had to clean her and scrub the floor. She never did this before, but we have never had more than one family member leave at once. Fortunately, dd was home last night, even though dh was still gone, so she is acting a little better. My poor parents had a boston terrier that did that every time they were gone overnight. It was not a pretty sight.:biggrin:

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Good morning...

I have HAD IT! Does someone want a cat? Angela? I Love Lucy (lol, her real name) but she has got to go. I guess it is easy for me to get rid of her because I have never let myself get extremely attached. She gets into everything, and I mean everything. My other cat was not like this one. Lucy must be part raccoon. I woke up this morning to find cat nip EVERYWHERE. Somehow she managed to get it and rip the bag to shreds. So since I am not a 'vacuum when i first wake up' kind of girl, I snapped. DONE! Last night before we went to bed we had an issue with the cat because Macy AND dh will not leave her alone. I saw macy hitting (tapping) the cat on the head with my sandal. I had to explain that she could have killed her. Macy KNEW she was not supposed to do that to the cat because when she saw that I SAW...she was like "omg mom, I am sorry". So....after lots of explaining to her about how she could have really hurt or even killed the cat, and after lots of her tears and apologies, I was going to give her another chance and let Lucy stay. When I got up this morning...well, you know what I woke up to. Done...end of story. Now I get the fun task of finding someone that wants her. *sigh* Macy is sad but got over it quickly when I told her that later down the line she can get a hamster or guinea pig. Kids are so resiliant. But I also do not want her to think you exchange one thing you love for another. That is why I am going to have a break from pets for a while.

The End....

Have a great day everyone!! Gotta get a kiddo ready for school!

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Good morning!

Ahhh...I hate to hear that Tracy. We have a cat and a dog so I am going to pass on getting another. Our cat, or "catzilla" as we call him is 30 lbs! I know, it sounds like animal abuse but we have never fed him more than a cup of food a day. He is relatively healthy other than his weight. I guess we are ALL over-achievers in our house!!

Our little 10 lb. malti-poo takes pride in tormenting the cat. I watch her run up to him and act like she is going to pounce then run off. Spunky (cat) cannot run as fast as her so it has become a game. She runs laps across the couch and love seat across the floor and back up again. It makes us laugh and laugh! I know she is just playing with him but we have to give Spunky a break sometimes and let him go lay in our room with the door closed....lol!

Suzie, how cool to find a friend from high school! I love having Facebook. All this modern technology has made it so easy to find people (mostly in a good way, lol!). I did get stalked for a little bit by one of my husband's ex-girlfriends who wanted to "fill me in" on their past. WTH? I ended up having to politely (and then rudely) tell her that I was not interested in anything she had to say. I think she was just trying to find a hole in my marriage. Not going to happen!!

Kat, that sign on your truck/trailor had me laughing. Good for you guys. Poor Kinsey. Men can be so stupid!!

Michelle, UG! Sister's hubby is out of jail? I hope your sister is somewhere safe. Did your husband make it home ok?

Cindy, aren't animals funny? For years we just had the cat (who could really care less if we are there or not) to now having a little dog that goes NUTS when we are home. We almost lost her when we first brought her home (eight weeks old). They vet said that the separation from her siblings and mother likely caused her to be depressed. We ended up nursing her with Vita-Cal paste until she would start eating again.

A gross but funny story...we made her a cage with baby gates when she was little so that she could stay in the front room on the tile (we were working on potty training with puppy pads). There was a gap between the gate and the floor and every time she would potty (#2) she would push the potty outside of her pen. We figured she was doing a little housekeeping. LOL!

Tracy...the a/c fix was not the cheap one...but not a bad one.

All in all it was under $100. One of Mike's co-workers does the a/c at the plant and as a side job so we got a little break.

Have a good one!!


Edited by AngelaW

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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