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Hey all

71 and rain today and only 70's all week. nice but yuck it is august

Kat, I am happy to have one and I'm sure will be great.. thank you soooooo much, i'm actually checking my mail looking for it

Suzanne - I am just beginning stages of getting set up. I dropped my application off and they said would get back to me by mid month and I've heard nothing, I'm calling tomorrow to find out why the delay? I don't want to lose my nerve to go hang with younger people to do this, ya know?

worse case I will do it on my own in the spring when they do the night/weekend training, but I don't want to do that

well off to get a pedicure, my feet are a mess from living in work boots.

be back later

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Good afternoon...and happy weekend!!

Hubby and I decided yesterday to take a break from all the crap and go gambling in Kinder, Louisiana which is about 2.5 hours from here.

Guess who I saw there??? Tracy and Frank!

That was way cool!! I think next time we are going to go together. That would be so much fun!

I hit $500.00 on a penny fairy machine last night (betting 50 cents a pop and hitting bonus rounds over and over again) . We went to bed around 5:30 this morning and we were back up and going at it again by 7:30. Talk about fun. We needed it.

Tracy said they weren't leaving until this evening so I hope they are winning big!

I am pooped!! I will chat with you guys tomorrow.


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Hi everyone! Yesss, we were in Louisiana. What a trip seeing Angela and her dh there! We live about 10 minutes away from each other but run into each other in another state. LOL Nope, we did not win but we had fun and that is what counts. We definitely need to plan a trip Angela. Would be BIG fun!

Tomorrow is macys first day back at school. It is late and I need to get her into bed....I promise to catch up with you all tomorrow.

Have a great night ladies (and Plain) :confused:

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Kind of a wierd day here too!

Rick had a friend over, he used to work with this guy, who is "over the top" in the way that he talks non stop, is rather loud....he drinks quite a bit, but he is good at heart, and come over to help Rick split wood. He is single, and lonely I think.

Years ago, when Rick was in the field full time, he stopped by Rick's truck late one night, and ask for Water, as they talked, Rick found out he had been called in at the last minute, and had no lunch. So Rick give him one of his sandwiches, and some junk food. I had sent chicken salad sandwiches with him, and to this day EVERY single conversation with Steve, he mentions the awesome chicken salad I make!!!

We have had him over for holidays etc. He has no family near, and tries so hard to please others.

BUT....it was just someone else around ALL day! I cooked and cleaned, and tried to get ready for Ricks 2 week stint tracking the frac crews. It is a busy time for us, and he DID help with the wood splitting---I am just being petty!!!

I want to go to the casino---I hit a few in SD, but seldom go to ours here---Rick doesn't enjoy it, he will take me, and he is Mr. patience, but it isn't fun sitting at the slots, while he sits and watches!!! LOL

I have to rearrange my freezer tomorrow, so I can put up some green chile. Not either one something I want to do especially, but they are ready, so it is time!!

I'll be in and out tomorrow......was a really nice weekend, hate for it to come to an end......

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Good Morning

Tracy and Angela, that is funny, glad you had a good time.

Tracy, school starts so late here, my kids don't go back until 9/7

Kat - you have a goood heart too, for being Mrs. Patience with Rick's friend. LOL

That is going to be me.. the single lonely one.

Hey all

I'm just drinking coffee, getting ready to leave in 20 minutes. It is rainy today so no major hurry, shoot, only 68 today, I need to grab a long sleve shirt too

I spent most of yesterday repairing my computer, oh how nice it is working, granted it is still old and could be faster but it is happy. I did a couple lessons last night of my class in the time it should have taken and not 2 hours waiting for pages to turn.

have a good day all, i'm either going to get some ot or get out of work at 2. I hope for OT, its fall and I have a few things i need to do to get ready for winter and don't want to do it all at once ... or can't afford to.

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For the longest time my nephew has wanted to be a Chef. He talked about going back to school to become one. He is actually a Union Electrician but would like to be a Chef. So over the years we have heard about these marvelous meals that he cooks. We hear it from him and from all the people that have been invited over to there house. Hummm, we've never been invited. And I have mentioned this several times. Now the girlfriend is bragging about the meals that they have. She has even gone on FB and bragged about the meals she has made for his family, and yes I have commented about how his family wasn't invited. I do it jokingly. So yesterday they bring all the kids and the dog over to go swimming. The girlfriend tells us she put a pork roast in the crockpot before they had left that morning and would we like to come over for dinner. Hubby and I decided that we had better go (even though we were tired and didn't feel like getting out) since we finally got an invite. Ok, so I know it's not nice to complain but after all I have heard about their cooking, I was really disappointed. Granted my nephew did not do the cooking and it wasn't that it was horrible, it just had no flavor to it. She didn't use any seasoning. Not sure if that is because of the kids but it was very bland. I even poured gravy on the meat and veggies. I finally broke down and used salt. Oh well, we were invited and we went. Plus I got to spend more time with the kids and we had a good time.

Jenn, we are still warm here. 90 today but it will cool off into the 80's this week till next weekend when the temps go back up to the 90's. The lows will be in the 50's. Today might be the only day I go swimming.

Lots to do today. I have to go get some stuff for the pool, Get my pedi, move the Harley out and clean it, get stuff off the shelf to put in van for out trip, put the Harley back in and get it covered and then housework.

Have a great day everyone.

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Good morning everyone~

Wow, so this is what it is like when the alarm goes off at 6. Ugh...it isn't all it is cracked up to be and I want to get back in bed! LOL

I feel nauseated this morning. I wonder whats up with that?! I hope it goes away!

I got a call from my dr the other day and they told me that myinsurance requires a three month diet for the surgery, not six. ho hum....i do not know how to feel about the whole thing really. Kind of tired of thinking about it actually, so I just won't. :confused: I have bigger things to worry about right now.

Suzanne-you forgot to tell her that the door is that way ====> :scared2:

Have a great day everyone!

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Guess I should weigh more often. Now I know why my band feels so tight lately...

I have gained 15 pounds in the last month. If I keep going this rate...I wont have to worry about my BMI going under 40 going on a 3 month diet.

Edited by TracyK

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Someone kick me if I even think of drinking something with caffeine in it, again in the evening! I had part of a can of diet DP, and had part of a chocolate ice cream with Rick----less than half a cup. I was awake til 2 AM! Then back up at 4 when he left for work, then went back to bed when he left at 4:30, slept til 6 when Kinsey got here. Dozed in the chair after she left....and Mom just called and woke me up saying she was ready to go to town.....ugh. I need a few minutes to wake up and prepare for shopping!! LOL

Well Tracy, you said you were putting it in God's hands so......just roll with it!

Suzie, I do everything possible to avoid moving Rick's big bike! But have done it! Years ago, I made the decision to move one of the smaller ones, a 650 I believe it was, and thought I could do it by standing next to it.....I dropped it in the garage!!! Luckily it had hiway bars, and no bags or anything so nothing even got scratched. I learned to move any of them----I sit on them to move them around, my legs are stronger than my arms!!! Have fun cleaning.

Remind me again of the day you will be here. I think I need to change Rick's cardio appt. in ABQ. which is no big deal, he is dreading this one anyway it is a new Dr. his usual Dr. is on a year sabbatical. This Dr. has not ordered his echo, or anything.....his appt. is now scheduled for the 15th. But like I say it is NOT a biggie to change. We were actually hoping to get his appt. on a Friday so we could stay over longer for the fair, maybe hit a concert!! I don't want to reschedule yet til I know for sure, because my luck....I would reschdule the DAY you were gonna be here!

Gotta get it in gear........will be a nice time with my Mom. Just need to prep for the OTHER people!! LOL

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Someone kick me if I even think of drinking something with caffeine in it, again in the evening! I had part of a can of diet DP, and had part of a chocolate ice cream with Rick----less than half a cup. I was awake til 2 AM! Then back up at 4 when he left for work, then went back to bed when he left at 4:30, slept til 6 when Kinsey got here. Dozed in the chair after she left....and Mom just called and woke me up saying she was ready to go to town.....ugh. I need a few minutes to wake up and prepare for shopping!! LOL After all those years in the oilfield...caffeine does not keep me up in the slightest. I cant reach you to kick you away from it, but I can remind you :)

Well Tracy, you said you were putting it in God's hands so......just roll with it! roll...ugh, I hate that word... :( I need to get to my pcp and weigh in now before I lose/gain anymore. I wish my co-pays would not have gone up! That bites!

Suzie, I do everything possible to avoid moving Rick's big bike! But have done it! Years ago, I made the decision to move one of the smaller ones, a 650 I believe it was, and thought I could do it by standing next to it.....I dropped it in the garage!!! Luckily it had hiway bars, and no bags or anything so nothing even got scratched. I learned to move any of them----I sit on them to move them around, my legs are stronger than my arms!!! Have fun cleaning.

Remind me again of the day you will be here. I think I need to change Rick's cardio appt. in ABQ. which is no big deal, he is dreading this one anyway it is a new Dr. his usual Dr. is on a year sabbatical. This Dr. has not ordered his echo, or anything.....his appt. is now scheduled for the 15th. But like I say it is NOT a biggie to change. We were actually hoping to get his appt. on a Friday so we could stay over longer for the fair, maybe hit a concert!! I don't want to reschedule yet til I know for sure, because my luck....I would reschdule the DAY you were gonna be here!

Gotta get it in gear........will be a nice time with my Mom. Just need to prep for the OTHER people!! LOL

Have fun with mom!

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Plain - that was funny

Thanks, I'm a funny, funny guy. Usually unintentionally.

I'm a 10/12 mostly 10 right now depending on clothes, most 12's fall off. I want to be an 8/10...and I'm done

Post some pics, sister!!

Well, this is a catch 22. Dare I say I forgot all about you? :angry: Never....

Hmmmmm....maybe I could let it go just this one more time. Maybe

:) HiYa Plain. Stick around, there is more abuse to be dished!

You ladies scare me!!

Men....lol. They are so easy. (no Trey, I am not being sexist, just speaking the truth!)

Tracy, Tracy, Tracy.....


Cold? Hmmm...I don't quite know what that is...Trying to think and test the limits of my brain. Nope, it's no use; don't know what that is.

tchr, you know what cold is: Anything below 82F

Have a great night ladies (and Plain) :(

What the....?!? Finally some redemption for Tracy!

Edited by plain
Been awhile since I attempted to multipost

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What a nice day I had!!! Spent good time with my Mom, had a great lunch at Olive Garden. Then Megan and Kinsey and I hung out after school, til Manda got here.

I got to talk to my grandsons---it always makes me cry, but it is SO good to hear them. My youngest grandson that just turned one, says UH OH to everything, and he won't say Mom, he just says DAD, DAD, DAD, over and over and over!!! But what a sweet little voice to hear. Even if I'm not DAD!!

Rick and I just vegged on the couch this evening. Getting ready to go to bed, hope to sleep better tonight.

My grandsons package arrived today in LA, so your shirts should be there any time.

Plain...what on earth are you thinking....redemption for Tracy???? never, never, never!!! LOL

And she is right tho.....men ARE easy, and we ARE glad!!!

Suzie, my SIL is like that, in a total different manner---they go on and on about her decorating ability. OMG, she is so sloppy, her paint lines are horrid, she does not match walpaper patterns, and while some matchy matchy stuff is ok, hers is like over the top. She has a purple bathroom, and it is suffocating it is SOOOO purple!!! But they all talk about how beautiful she does things!!!

In your case, I would have salted too, I hate bland. I cook with tons of chile!

Looks like Rick is finally ready to go to bed, so I will check i nwith all of you tomorrow!!!

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Good morning everyone~

Wow, so this is what it is like when the alarm goes off at 6. Ugh...it isn't all it is cracked up to be and I want to get back in bed! LOL Hey Sister! My alarm goes off at 3:15... do you know I use to just be going to bed at this hour 6 monhs ago

I feel nauseated this morning. I wonder whats up with that?! I hope it goes away!

I got a call from my dr the other day and they told me that myinsurance requires a three month diet for the surgery, not six. ho hum....i do not know how to feel about the whole thing really. Kind of tired of thinking about it actually, so I just won't. :) I have bigger things to worry about right now. what is the worst thing that happens, you do 3 months and get back on track? Love ya sister!

Suzanne-you forgot to tell her that the door is that way ====> :(

Have a great day everyone!

Someone kick me if I even think of drinking something with caffeine in it, again in the evening! I had part of a can of diet DP, and had part of a chocolate ice cream with Rick----less than half a cup. I was awake til 2 AM! Then back up at 4 when he left for work, then went back to bed when he left at 4:30, slept til 6 when Kinsey got here. Dozed in the chair after she left....and Mom just called and woke me up saying she was ready to go to town.....ugh. I need a few minutes to wake up and prepare for shopping!! LOL Nothing can keep me awake once I get home and sit down, I don't even hear my phone ring, I gave George heart failur the other day when I fell asleep talking to him and then he tried to call and check on me and I didn't answer. LOL

Well Tracy, you said you were putting it in God's hands so......just roll with it! AMEN

What a nice day I had!!! Spent good time with my Mom, had a great lunch at Olive Garden. Then Megan and Kinsey and I hung out after school, til Manda got here.

I got to talk to my grandsons---it always makes me cry, but it is SO good to hear them. My youngest grandson that just turned one, says UH OH to everything, and he won't say Mom, he just says DAD, DAD, DAD, over and over and over!!! But what a sweet little voice to hear. Even if I'm not DAD!!

Rick and I just vegged on the couch this evening. Getting ready to go to bed, hope to sleep better tonight.

My grandsons package arrived today in LA, so your shirts should be there any time.

Plain...what on earth are you thinking....redemption for Tracy???? never, never, never!!! LOL :angry::lol::lol: And that is what i love most about Tracy

And she is right tho.....men ARE easy, and we ARE glad!!!

In your case, I would have salted too, I hate bland. I cook with tons of chile! I wish I could still cook with hot spices. My insides burn instantly if I even smell hot wings

Looks like Rick is finally ready to go to bed, so I will check i nwith all of you tomorrow!!!

I am so jealous you all are close enough to visit.

Tracy - i know I keep giving you a hard time about coming to see me, and you know that is because I would book a flight and then chicken out, but I might just hop a flight last minute and show up one day.

I am seriously thinking about taking the kids to SanAntonio for vacation in the spring

Well, I've screwed around enough this am, I have to leave for work in 20 minues and I still have to get my golf clubs in my car, pack my cooler, and get ready for work.

This is why my alarm goes off so early

Oh.. and Plain, maybe I'll post a pic, I have a nervous breakdown with cameras, I still think I look like I did 3 years ago

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Good morning all-

Good GOD...I deserve a little redemption every once in a while! :)

Kat, I got a text this morning from Jen telling me to say THANK KAT for the shirt....she LOVES it! I am about to check my mail. Will let you know. We did not check it yesterday!

Macy had a great first day at school. Her coach from her old school is now working at her new school. She is happy about that (I would be too, he is a good lookin' dude). Anyway...she said "he talked about the rules and stuff and I was like, ughhhh, we already KNOW all of this....can't we just GET STARTED?" LOL No patience. She was ready to PLAY. lol

How is everyone today?

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Hey. Home from work and eating a bowl of oatmeal. Then hubby and I are going to take off and go get winterizing stuff for the pool. I'll also run into K-Mart to see if they have any shorts left for him. Wal-Mart didn't have any yesterday. Then it's home to get done what we didn't get done yesterday.

Kat, we should be in you area probably on the 14th. We'll call you as we get closer and then look for a hotel to stay at. It will be either Tuesday or Wednesday depending on our progress.

T & A, that should put us in your area either 16th or 17th. Depending on when we leave Kat's. Plus we will have one stop in OK. from there. Not sure if we will spend one or two nights there. I know hubby will want to see the Alamo while we are there. I just want a margarita, or two.

Ok, off to get things done.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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