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Good evening

Kat, you are so right about the depression and to tell you all the truth I really bring all of this crap on myself. I know that I am a fat girl but then who brings the dang twinkies into the house.......me!

I have a question for you very intelligent ladies. I had a fill under fluoro 2 weeks ago by a new provider as their fills with the fluoro is only $40 more than the blind fills I was getting from a doctor. The fluoro did show that I had great restriction and I had to beg to get the .2cc fill. I have a total of 1cc in a 4cc band. Had I not seen this for myself I would have thought these ladies were crazy. Now my problem is I feel I have nothing in my band, I can eat anything including bread without so much as a pause. I really feel I need more restriction even though according to the fluoro I don't. I would really like to know what you all would do in this case.....would you go to the doctor and ask for more fill (blind) or plead with the fluoro ladies to provide more fill. I feel that I have had this band long enough to know what my restriction level is and if I stay where I am at, I feel that I am not using this tool as it was intended.

Again, I am sorry to come in here with all the doom and gloom. I really appreciate all your thoughts; it truly helps to know that I am not fighting this never ending battle alone.

Kat-Your vacation sounds fun. We watch the show on the Discovery Channel (?) about the Buffalo Chip..I think that's the name. I also work with a lady who has a Harley that decided to one year trailer down to Sturgis alone......those were interesting stories.

Suzie-Your niece is adorable. I remember my son's first day of school. I just can't believe the time that has gone by. She is a very lucky little girl to have a great auntie to share her memories with.

Tracy-I swear we must be kindred spirits. You running into the hitch sounds like something I would do. This morning, I dropped my cell phone 3 times on the pavement just trying to get to work. Just keep the positive thinking going for your job endeavors.....something will work out. What is the status on the bypass?

Michelle-Do you have regular contact with hubby when he is out on a fire? We have also had some big fires this season in WA. We actually had 3 state patrol personnel die in a house fire Sunday. The wife was able to make a 911 call but they think then instead of getting out of the house the husband and wife went to the basement (3 story house) to make sure that the 3rd officer (just graduated from the academy) who was temporarily staying with them got out. None of them made it. It is just sickening.

Angela-You really need to post some pictures of your weekend home. It sounds wonderful. Have you had any recent encounters with your neighbor?

Cindy-Do you teach Special Ed? I can't remember. My husband and I always say that the Special Ed teachers are the most down to earth, patient, caring people and truly are a breed of their own. Last school year, my son was a TA for his football coach who is the Special Ed instructor and he absolutely loved the experience. He even volunteered for the Special Olympics committee. He had a great time and really learned alot about himself during this experience.

Okay, it's dinner time, I will be back later.

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Bethany, it is HARD----but have you thought about doing the 5 day pouch test? What worries me if the fluoro is showing restriction is that you might be stretching the pouch/esophagus, which is why you feel you can eat anything....it is obviously sitting somewhere while it slowly works through.

The 5 day test will start you over with liquids, and remind you what restriction feels like. Maybe if you do it, and keep a detailed diary of what you eat, and how you feel, then take it with you to whichever Dr. so you can fully discuss what is going on. I would hate to see you go blind and overfill, to a point of hurting your band......I know it happens to me. I can tell because when I get sick, and my eating changes, then I feel different eating after, and I have no fill.

Has anyone ever had an opportunity or heard of anyone who has been able to eat, and do the fluoro fill to see how food reacts as opposed to Water?

Kinsey has a throat infection of some sort, not strep tho. She is not going to school tomorrow---she was SOOOOO sad, she thought she was not going to get to go back ever! Hopefully she will get well quick.

Gonna go get busy....laundry sucks, wish it would put itself away.....

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Jumping on quick to ask for PRAYERS!

My mom just called a bit ago (it's after 10 here) to tell me that my sis got kicked out of her house by her husband. He threw her clothes out onto the front lawn and refused to let her take the 3 young boys with her. Her eldest packed her stuff and left with her mom. They are safe tonight at a friend's house. He doesn't know where they are. He is an abuser and has been physical in the past (put her in the hospital one night, years ago) so we have NO idea where this will all lead.

We need LOTS of prayers.

Thank you!

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Michelle, I am keeping your Sis and her kids in my prayers. Good Luck to them.

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Oh Michelle, that is terrible, I will for sure pray for them. is her hospitalization documented to be caused by him? If so she should be able to get the other kids? What are the kids ages?

Abusers are VERY manipulative---and the reasons she stayed are probably different than you think. I told people I went back because I loved him....when in reality I went back in an effort to protect THEM.

That life is NEVER one you want, it is one you live in, wondering how it is going to change.

Oh I suppose somewhere someone might choose that life, but I cannot imagine it.

Prayers will be heartfelt, and frequent.

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Awww Michelle...prayers to your sis and her kids!

Bethany-i have put the bypass thing on hold for right now because my insurance requires a 6 month supervised diet...BUT my bmi is 40 and if I lose any weight on the supervised diet, i will not have a 40 bmi anymore, which means insurance will not cover it. SO...when i go back to my regular dr I will have him put me on a supervised diet and I will actually apply myself...I do not have it in me to purposely not TRY for 6 months just to get approved. My goal is to lose weight, so that means applying myself, no matter what. I am

OK with it. It is in Gods hands. Now...as far as your situation is concerned...I have a 4 cc band too and I have 1.2 in my band and I KNOW I need more and my dr WILL give me more if/when I ask. I can eat just about anything as well. Demand more...tell them how much and WHAT you can eat. Keep me posted about what happens. Good luck!

Kat-I am so glad Kinsey does not have strep. I hate that she is already missing school. Lots of kids get sick when they first start back....need to build up their immunity.

Can not remember what I was going to say anymore!

Suzanne, Angela, Jennifer, Cindy, Terri.... ((((hugs))))

(hope i did not forget anyone)

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Sending prayers to your sister and her children. Does she live close to you?

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Kat, oh yea, the hospital thing was documented, the cops were out and everything. She went by ambulance. This was about 15 years ago or so. He went to jail, had to go to court, etc. As far as we know he has NEVER touched the kids. The oldest is 16, the boys are all under 7. She had PLENTY of help and time to make a break for it. We don't understand why she has stayed. She does fight back and gives him what-for. But she told mom this time she's had it. We'll see.

I'm just afraid for the kids. Esp, my niece. For him, it's all about the boys. Niece can do no right, boys can do no wrong. Niece has also become like the family Cinderella with him. He doesn't work, stays home for the boys, which is fine, if he was an equal partner in things but my sis works 12 hour shifts and still has to clean, shop, do laundry, etc. But when she is gone, it's all on my niece to watch the boys and do the housework. If the boys get into her stuff it's her fault, etc. The 6 of them live in a 900 sq ft house and all the kids share ONE room! The house is stuffed with crap, etc. It just sucks and mom and I have never understood why my sis stays or allows it.

DH and I have offered several times, latest was at DD's b-day party in June, for niece to come live with us. We would take that on for her (niece).

Anyway, so now we wait and see what happens. I'm an hour and a half away so if there is an emergency, I can't get there too fast. So we just wait.

I hate waiting!

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Good morning...

Michelle, lots of prayers coming your way. I hope your sister finds the strength after this to leave him for good.

Kat, sounds like you had a blast! Your pictures are beautiful. I keep telling my hubby that one day we are going cross-country RV'ing. I want to see so many places. Your pictures renewed that idea!!

I hope Kinsey is feeling better...

Tracy, I am keeping my fingers crossed for you. The man upstairs has a plan...so hang in there. Is Macy ready for school?

Jenn, how are ya? I agree with what was posted above (sorry...forgot who?) that there is a reason George was in your life, even if it was just passing through. Stay strong! Mr. Right will come along...

Suzie, your niece is a doll! How does she like school so far? How warm is it up there right now? I hear a lot of people complain that with the heat down here their pools become saunas. I hope you don't have that problem!! Cool Water on a hot day sounds devine.

Bethany, I think at this point we could write a (group) book about the band. Fills, unfills, over-fills, "too little" fills. It can be sooooo frustrating! One day you can eat a bowl of Cereal and the next...nothing until after noon. To boot, some of us struggle with more tightness when we are on our cycle or stressed. It really is crazy...and not easy.

I know that if I did not have this band my weight would be unmentionable, so I keep going as best as I can. I am horrid about emotional eating. I still find myself eating when I am not actually hungry :thumbup: .

Right now, as I said a few post back, I am completely unfilled. I find that I am obsessed with weighing every day now because I am afraid I will put it all right back on. I have been enjoying bread and cereal for the first time in a long time. I know I am not making the best choices... I struggle with my inner fat girl daily.

Stay with us and try to stay positive. I was too tight at 2.2 in a 4 band. You know, come to think of it, I really thought I had 2.2 when I went in for an unfill a couple of weeks ago. I only had 1.7 and I had been dealing with severe GERD. I guess I am still in search for my "good balance" too.

I think I need a vacation!! I have been so stressed out here at work. We are a month into this "new" system and there still is not much relief. Add to that the expenses of school starting (clothes and shoe shopping) along with not having enough time in the day to get anything done! I usually leave work around six in the evening or so...run home, change laundry, feed animals and rush back up to the high school to grab Zach from football. Yesterday, I made a mad dash to Walmart in between work and football and I think I started having a panic attack. I could feel my heart racing a little and I got a rash across my chest and down my arms. That's a first! Scared the crap out of me. I showed Mike when he got home and he said that my eyes looked swollen underneath too. I am going to have to better learn to manage my time or start letting some non-essential things go (Like work????). Lol, that's not going to happen any time soon.

How sad is it that I find fishing with my hubby stressful? He wants to go this weekend and all I can think about is how much crap I could be getting caught up on in the time period that he wants to go. I really need to chill.

Work is calling. Hope I didn't miss anyone! Have a good day.


Edited by AngelaW

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Suzanne, Angela, Jennifer, Cindy, Terri.... ((((hugs))))

(hope i did not forget anyone)

Um....Hello? I hope this slight was not rooted in sexism??

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Hi Plain! Miss you!

Quick stop again to say they arrested him. Turns out he did get physically violent with my sister last night. Grabbed her by the hair and threw her to the floor. My niece jumped in the middle of it and made him stop. Guess he was still going after her. Anyway, so he's in lock-up right now. Sis is collecting the kids as they get out of school. The department is doing everything they can for her. SO glad about that!

Still worried as to what will happen when he gets out tonight or tomorrow. She has a restraining order but we've all heard the stories and seen the nightmares on the 6 o'clock news.

Anyway, thank you and please keep everyone in your prayers!

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Sure Plain, you like being the Boy Toy in here and we all know it!!! LOL Why do ya think we miss you so when you go AWOL on us????

At the rally I bought a little sticker---they have some unreal ones let me tell you! Anyway the one I bought says .357 beats 911. I want to put it in the corner of my storm door! I suggest the same for your sister Michelle. I know that sounds drastic, but I'll tell ya, if she has finally left, it will not shock her to think about it.

All these years later.....my ex is the cause of my concealed carry permit, and I will take him out not out of fear, but survival----I know him well, and it will be him or me.

He does not know this new me......I pray your sister finds her power within.

We totally enjoyed Sturgis. We had fun with the rally, and the concerts were great, but we went for the rides. OK, Hubby might have went for all the boobies!!! LOL Mount Rushmore, and Custer State Park, were the most amazing ride, I think I have ever taken!

We tempted fate and went to the Devils Tower on Friday the 13th!!!

The rides, were like loops, all leaving from our camp, looping around. We would go, explore all day, come home, hit the shower, and go to a concert. It was such fun!!!

I highly recommend the area for site seeing, especially if you like the old west feel---Deadwood was tons of fun!

Forgot to tell you....Becky one morning (cold sober) went with Rick and I to the rally grounds, and suddenly decided she was getting a tattoo! Not that she needed permission, but I hung with her, looking through books, and Rick went and got Gary!!!

She did it, she got a comedy/tragedy mask tattoo on her lower leg, it has hearts behind it . It is her birth sign, and she told me 15 years ago she wanted it!

Then she developed a liking to Patron. Talk about letting her hair down. Becky had fun!!! We laughed ourselves silly at her.

Then she busted my hubby in the nose!

She and I were sitting on the back seat of the golf cart, and tried to get him to sit on OUR laps for a change---he decided to wedge in instead, and almost sent Becky over the side into a Big Dog bike--she was grabbing for hold and the sleeve zipper caught Rick's glasses, and ripped the crap out of his nose.

He was bleeding everywhere! He is getting great mileage out of telling everyone he got in a tussle with 2 drunk women.......

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I just read on Yahoo that a player from the Philadelphia Eagles got a Lap-Band. First Football player that they know of that has one. He weighs in at 398 and said that after football he doesn't want to be that big and have heart problems and other things.

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I just read on Yahoo that a player from the Philadelphia Eagles got a Lap-Band®. First Football player that they know of that has one. He weighs in at 398 and said that after football he doesn't want to be that big and have heart problems and other things.

I just read it on yahoo too. Then I saw Alex posted it also.

Michelle: I hope things work out for your sister and the restraining order actually does some good.

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Good Morning all

Tracy - Hey there sister! I think getting out of the house would do you good. I was going stir crazy when kids all went back to school last year and I was home alone.

get your butt on a plane and come visit me!

Suzanne - it is chilly here for August too. Pool will be closed right after labor day at this rate

Kat - I heard some stories... I'm so glad you had a good time. Did you find me a shirt???

Plain - that was funny

Michelle - Thanks, and yes he was here for me for a reason, I've really never had anyone to just talk to after work either, we talked last night for a long time and I don't know what it is he does to me to bring me back to earth, but I was so decompressed I slept great for the first time since Saturday night. I know I'm not quite there yet, I could feel myself straying from quiet life this week but back to good place today.

I had more but lost it... I guess I need to finish my coffee and get the heck out of here, I don't have to be in until 7 so I'm just chilling and of course now going to be running late, need to be out of here in 15 mins

Have a great day everyone

my friend is turning 50 tomorrow so we are having family pizza and cake tonight right after work, golf at 9am tomorrow and then grown up family dinner tomorrow night, we are going out and then stopping at the pub for a bit.

Oh, I am going to find out how much a fill is without insurance. I'm so stuck where I'm at and one day can eat and next I can't. I'm just about ready and maybe can get rid of my last 20 - I'm a 10/12 mostly 10 right now depending on clothes, most 12's fall off. I want to be an 8/10...and I'm done

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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