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hey all

Tracy -

well?????? how did it go

Kat - when you leaving?

I went out last night after work and my BIL was there, we had a nice night, chatted he sincerely apologized and we had a good night. Somehow we ended up chatting with this guy from the main company and we ended up staying and talking for over 2 hours after everyone left.

He said he had noticed me at work and had been asking about me... how funny

anyway have to shower its my daughters bday

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Jenn, tell your daughter that I said "Happy Birthday". Hope you all have a great day.

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We will be praying with you Tracy!!!

What an uplifting post for Tracy that was Michelle!!! It is not a magic answer we know, but it is good to hear of all outcomes---especially good ones!! LOL

Tracy it is good you got to see the Dr today too! The Dr that does my follow up made me feel like a total failyure when I went in with the intestinal twist, because I had gained almost 40 pounds. I am glad you have a more understanding partner in this!

Gotta run-----Rick is off we are mad crazy busy!!!! se eya later!@!

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Tracy, are you using the same Doctor who did your Band to do the BY-pass? It sounds like it. You say you feel like you let him down but that he is there for you. Just wondering. Which ever way you decide to go I applaud you. Just putting your health in priority is huge. Women tend to put it last behind their husbands and kids. Good luck.

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Hey all

Thanks for Bday wishes... she is getting them from all my friends and loves it all

Tracy - I am so happy for you... you sound so much better

well i'm tired and hungry, i'm going to cook some spaghetti squash

my friend kerry wants to walk with me later, so that will do me good, i need exercise

I'm using her as a personal reference for the fire department, she is social member of our neighboring town and does a lot of fund raising, and before some bs happened at my FD her husband was active member there, now he is social member of neighboring town, so I have her and a former Cheif from our department.

I think I'm nervous they won't take me because of my age - but then again a friend of mine is paid ff and just completed his training last year and is 47, so why should I be so worried???

I'm off to cook... tomorrow is back to strict diet

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Hello ladies

Well, my daughter finally got her license Thursday, which means I needed to turn over the 2009 Corolla to her, which I did. This meant I needed a new car, which my son will get when he graduates in 2012. So, I went and bought a 2010 black corolla. It is cute. The only thing that killed me was the insurance. The insurance isn't too much on the car, but since my daughter got her license, she had to be factored into my policy now. . . Yes, it made me cry. $2,000 extra per year just to add her!!!!!! So, my dear people, I know pay almost $5,000 a year in car insurance. ;) That was after increasing my deductible and dropping some extra stuff. It was going to be $5900. Teenagers are expensive.:wub:

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Cindy~that is aweful about the insurance! :wub: Sorry to ehar about that! Franks ex will be having to add dsd to her insurance soon. She just turned 16 as well!

I love the new corollas, btw!

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Good morning!

Good grief! That is a lot of money, Cindy. I dread that starting here. I am right behind you with Zach. He is going to be 15 this year. He already has a copy of the driver's handbook and has been reading it every chance he gets.

Tracy, I am sooo excited for you. Keep us posted!

Jenn...keep on "keeping on" and don't let anyone discourage you. You only live once!

We had a pretty busy weekend here. Saturday I ran errands around here and then drove to Palacios to be there for our early Sunday morning floor layer (7:30...EARLY Sunday morning, Tracy! LOL). He finished up Sunday around noon and then we started on the quarter round. It looks really nice.

The plans are to go back this weekend and finish up so I think I will be missing Macy's party. You will have to post pics, Tracy.

Well, I am on the clock so I need to get something done here. Have a good day everyone!


Edited by AngelaW

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Hey Homies...I will either e-mail or PM my friends from now on about what is going on with me and private issues for now. Seems there are people that want to know, but do not really care about ME so, I will just cut them out of the equation. Kinda pisses me off actually but it is what it is. I just wish I could talk to my friends without being stalked. I mean, why would they care now, ya know? (Janie, I don't mean you ;)) Kat-can moderators read PMs? I just got a better idea, I will just send you all FB messages (or e-mail if you do not have fb) if you want to be updated, ok? Just let me know. I wish it did not have to be this way.

Anyway, on a brighter note...

Good morning everyone. Lots to do today...bringing Macy to get stuff for her gift bags for her friends, then to the movies (i think) to see cats & dogs. I wanna see dispicable me but she wants to see cats & dogs so...you know how that goes, lol. Macy wants to go swimming today too. So, we are gonna see how much we can jam pack into one day.

Macy found a diff cake than Titanic (thank God). She wants a cupcake cake that is pink & purple with a tiara and a magic wand. :wub: Now THAT is doable! :)

I will check in with you all again later. Gotta go!

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Home form work and very tired. I didn't sleep well last night. Oh well.

Hubby and I are going to take off here soon and go shopping for pool stuff. We need to replace a few things. Then after that we will stop at Side Pockets to get our $5 bacon cheeseburger and fries. Thank to the Royals for winning, lol.

Michelle, that is horrible about the amount you have to pay. Just me and hubby and our 2 vehicles run us about $600 a year. And that is with a $250 deductible.

Tracy, Crap on who ever is doing that to you. You should feel free to come here and tell us what you need to say. But I do understand. So I will await your PM's and see you on FB.

Boss came into work this morning from her vacation and I talked to her about taking the last Thursday of our vacation. That gives us 4 extra days. I'm so excited about that. I just wasn't looking forward to being rushed. So now we should have time to stop in Palm Spring, Phoenix, Aztec and Pasadena Tex. I'm still working on the dates but hope it all works out.

Terri, How's it going with the new Band? Hope you are doing great.

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Tracy, mods CANNOT see PM's unless they are forwarded to us for handling one issue or another--like if you forwarded it complaining of harrassment. PM me what is going on.

My snooper is still around---but I finally decided, I am who I am, and if I say something I believe it, or feel it, and I am saying it---not saying how any one else feels---so if they don't like it they can stick it!!!

Well we changed our travel plans---we originally were going to from here to Denver, then spend the night, then go on in to Sturgis the next day. Butwe want to arrive early---both to secure a decent area to camp, and we HAVE to go through a certain gate to trade our camp passes for arm bands---and if we arrive after 4, we have to wait until the headliner band is over at the main concert---which would be after midnight. We could go in, but not get camp set. So we are pushing Friday and going as far as Cheyenne WY. So the next day will be a shorter ride. Made our motel reservations in Cheyenne. There are some sort of Frontier Days going on, in the area---and all up and down I25 in WY motels ---even like Super8 are going for $250.00 a night!!! I was told Motel 6 caps their prices, period. What they are allowed to rent rooms for is the same---so I called, and got them there for 65.99!! Saves me $200 bucks!!! We would have made other plans if we had not found out about that. I don't need fancy---nor tons of ammenities, just a clean bed, and bathroom!! I will be camping for the next week and a half---so, it will be welcome I am sure.

Tomorrow is Rick's birthday. 50. Wow! Not sure what we are going to do really. As soon as I make plans, his Mom will step in and want to do something different.....leaving me feeling pulled. I did buy him one of the zero gravity chairs to take with us to Sturgis---looked comfy for him to kick back in. Otherwise, our trip is our gift!!!

Cindy have you called around for insurance? Back when Manda got her license I was with State Farm, and for her alone (keep in mind this was 15 years ago) was going to be $150 a month. A friend told me to check out Farmers. I went out, and she had a book she had to fill out for them called YES --Youth Educational Services---or something, it was all driving safety stuff---and with that along with her honor roll status---his insurancce ended up costing me $23.00 more a month than what I was paying! With no change in coverages! It might be worth price shopping!!

Well better get dressed, meeting him for lunch.< /strong>

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Cindy, the insurance is horrid!! I dread what it will cost us, here in CA, for DD by the time she is driving. I don't have to worry about it for another 11-12 years tho. I agree w/Kat, shop around and see what you can get for less.

Kat, happy birthday to Rick! Have a great trip!!!

Tracy, sounds like a busy day! Happy birthday to DD! PM or FB me as you please! You've got my support, just so ya know!

Jennifer, it's late but birthday wishes to your DD too!

Angela, glad the carpet is all done!

Suzanne, glad you got another day off for a longer vacation! WhooHoo!!

DH made it home from work yesterday so this afternoon, DD and I are taking off to go see my mom. That sounds bad but w/3 dogs now, we don't have anyone to housesit/dogsit at the last minute so he needed to be home so we could take off. We'll be home Wednesday.

Have a good week!!!!

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I have been thinking today and especially after reading what Kat said about her own snooper, i will say what i want to my friends right here...no PMs for me! :thumbup:

I haven't heard anything from the dr office yet about the insurance requirements...hopefully I will soon. I know I will have to prob jump through hoops but I am ready to start jumping, ya know?

Well, we got all of the gift bags ready for Macys b-day party. That is a huge relief!!

Michelle-thank you for your support! Have fun visiting your mom!

Kat-thanks for the info about the mods. In a way I am kinda scared to talk too much about my new procedure on LBT, ya know? After all it IS LapBand Talk.

Suzanne-it is now Deer Park TX and not Pasadena. I was looking forward to being in the big house and having drinks where my bar was but guess what, we still have a blender here at my little apartment, so there!!

Angela-what is a quarter round? I hope that is not a stupid question, lol.

Have a good one everyone!

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Well, there may be some who would raise issue with you being on LBT with being a bypass patient---but do you really go out all over LBT? Aren't you mostly here or in threads you are already known in? Some revisioners---especially those who have gone to the sleeve, and feel it is a superior choice as opposed to just another option they are using, trying to acheive the same thing we all are---try to belittle those who are still trying to use the band to acheive success. Others who have revised---still feel they are in the same struggle and have remained accepted.

There are bandsters, who appear bipolar with their band!!! They love it---they hate it---and they want an audience along for the ride. They plan revision, then change their minds....it is attention mongering, and THAT is what annoys me, not wth kind of surgery they had!!!

It is really no different than us all trying all different diets prior to WLS---Atkins, South Beach, WW----we just have to find our way, and it helps to have support. But what some see as "lack of support" or alienation due to them not being Banded anymore---I could care less what surgery THEY have, please don't belittle me for what I have---I don't do it to them. Those that had that attitude, yep I am not friendly with anymore. On the other hand, several I know have changed without a change in the level of our friendship.

I cannot imagine you belittling anyone, especially us here---for continuing to work with our bands----so why would we see you any different for trying another tactic??? We know who you are----you are a smart a$$ with a band, and I am betting you will be a smart a$$ with a bypass!!! LOL. That is how we love you!!!!

Quarter round is trim----like baseboard----it is almost triangular----fits between the wall and the floor, or along a door jam---to make it be "finished".

Today is the anniversary of Rick's heart surgery! Sure am glad to still have him around. He woke up on his birthday the next day with his heart repaired!

It has been a wild ride!

Spoke with my grandson and oldest granddaughter last night. She is visiting in Louisiana. Was good to hear Connor.

Rick heard something at work in relation to his DD, he was kinda depressed by it----not sure what it is, but he has to work through it, then we will talk it out. It might be something major (don't think so) or it might just be someone saw her getting inked again---which totally depresses him. She has skanky tattoos he thinks. They are actually very well done, very realistic---which just makes them ugly....not skanky!! LOL, she has a sea theme for some reason---she was raised in a desert! LOL, a starfish tramp stamp, across her lower back, with oceanic things surrounding it, but then she has a big pink toned octopus on her shoulder with tentacles coming down her back, and arm, and chest a few inches. He despises it!

Could also just be he is more scared than ever that she is like her Mom!!! LOL, that would be really sad!His ex is so psycho, she has been calling my MIL, and acting all caring, then refers to her, to the mutual friend we have, as a snaggle toothed old hag. Makes me want to hurt her! She looks like a dried up old catchers mitt herself, it isn't like she is a pretty young thing anymore either! None of us are!!!

But he was in a good mood soon after getting home. Kinsey come and stayed while Manda did laundry, and grocery shopped. She had her Papa in a good mood pretty quick. The little girl across the street come over with her Mom to play for a few minutes, she refers to Rick and I as "her" and tschopper Rick" sound it out---it is a 2 year old calling him Chopper Rick!!! She always tells her Mom she wants to go to "Hers" house!!! My house! She loves Kinsey!

Well I am off to play some games, and relax so I can get to sleep earlier tonight!!!

See y'all tomorrow!

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