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Hey Girls. Very long day and I am totally exhausted. I went back to work at the hospital. Didn't work a full shift, I pooped out after about 4 1/2 hours. But it did feel really good to be back. And they missed us so much.

Michelle, so sorry about the job. You were so excited about getting it. Maybe something better will pop up.

Kat, I don't need a t-shirt. I'll pick up one or two on our trip But I am getting jealous of your trip, sounds like too much fun.

Tracy, Can you put a hot pack on your neck? I hate when I do that and don't realize it till I go to turn my head for something, ouch.

Angela, Please don't let the sister interfere with you relationship with your dad. You still have a long road to travel to get a good relationship, don't let her undermine it. Maybe she will eventually come around.

Terrie, Hi. Hope you are still mending good. I'm so jealous of your newness.

Ok, I took some Loratab and now I'm having a hard time keeping my eyes open. Heading off to bed soon. I have a Doc appointment at 8am. I need to see about some muscle relaxers. I have been getting spasms in my back. Not sure if it is related to the surgery or not.

Have a great one.

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Final day at work went great! Boss-man was gone and the assistant is great to work with. See, if it was like that all the time with fewer hours - I'd stay. Oh well.

Cindy, I hope you feel better soon!

Tracy, how's your neck?

Kat, it's on there but I kinda got crazy w/the security stuff and I think I blocked it. I need to go look but keep forgetting. No worries on forgetting! I don't expect anyone to remember that! LOL!!

Your trip sounds like fun. Well except the thousands of other people that will be there! :cursing: I'm not good w/crowds!

Angela, I'm sorry that Zach didn't pass the test. I think you're right about the "system" and how broken it is.

I'm sorry about the "sister" and her attitude.

Plain, it's ALWAYS good to see you!!!

DH got called in to work tonight. He just left a bit ago. I have a jewelry show at a friend's house tonight. DD will go w/me. Could be dangerous - I like jewelry!

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have a good day all

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Thanks Jenn, You have a great day also.

Sitting here trying to wake up. I'm off to the Docs here soon. Than I need to go grocery shopping for my sis and take it over to her place. Then home. But I have to work later today.

Last night at work we had a very interesting discussion on being Gay. We discussed the fact that if you had relations with a person and were even married for years and then divorced and then moved on to a same sex person, that you are not gay. It was really interesting to get everyone's view of it. One day last week they were discussing it on "The View".

Hot, Hot and more Hot today and for the next week. Yup, it's still July here.

I'll check in later. Have a great day.

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Good morning all-

Neck is still a little sore but not near as bad, thanks everyone!

Sorry to keep it sort but lots & lots to do today. Paydays are that way, lots of errands and shopping to do.

:cursing: Love ya'll!! Have a fantastic day!

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Hey everyone!

Plain---well your DNA catcher---caught me by surprise!!! LOL---thinking DNA of who knows who or what on there is kinda....icky! Not that I had plans for anything kinky with it anyway....I did NOT!

It is in a bag (evidence ya know!), sitting on the patio! LOL

Going to go shopping for my youngest grandsons birthday today, he is going to be a year old next week! Hard to believe. Will be the first grandchild I have not got to see with chocolate everywhere from their cake. but I feel lucky to have been with the others, won't cry over this one....we will see other things. Not sure what to get him, it has to mail well---and with the price of sending things, it needs to be fairly small! No rocking chair for him I guess. I might be able to order it through Walmart, and have her pick it up at her store there or something I guess---might look into it. That would only work tho if they were speaking to us, an apparantly they aren't.

Rick has a birthday this next week too---will be interesting to see if he hears from his kids. If not---I will personally back off and have no contact in any form, if he chooses to it will be his not mine. I KNOW what he has done for those kids---I have been there when he has done without so they didn't---and to act like this with no reason. He did nothing to them. I just plain don't get it. I do know their Mother is thrilled with it---she brags it up to a mutual friend she does not know we have.....it is hard to be christian like sometimes!!

Going in to have lunch with Rick today.

Let me know what kind of shirt you want Jen....Sturgis or Kid Rock? I have never bought concert shirts---not sure of the cost or whether it is a big deal to get or not. Getting Rick to stand in line in a huge crowd like that is not gonna happen. He and Becky both dislike that!

We won VIP backstage with Kid Rock, when we filled out our purchase package, they ask if this was a first time visit etc. What prompted you to come---that kind of thing. So I put on there that both Rick and I were going to Celebrate our 50th birthdays. They emailed saying we were added to a special drawing for guests with special celebrations. Then they sent us word it was VI's with Kid Rick. Then the couples we are going with bought us VIP's to a couple of the other concerts too. You have special seating, before the show drinks and hor dourves with the band (IF....IF they show!!!), and picture opportunities. Will snap pics for you anyway!

You and Tracy do me a favor---and send me a chest measurement. I can then measure mine and have a better idea of size I am buying.

Lunch with the neighbor was ok. she is so sick. She is 5'10" and weighs less than 120 pounds! AND she wears short shorts, and tank tops---and her gray hair is to the lower part of her back! She looks anorexic. But she is just not eating, because she feels so bad eating in front of her husband who is unable to EAT due to his throat cancer, he is still using a feeding tube. He is gaining, as he improves, she is still getting skinnier. I would have a hard time eating in front of Rick like that I am sure....poor thing, but she looks awful....

Gotta go........errands to run today too. bank ugh.

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Kat, those concerts sound like a lot of fun!! I am embarrassed to admit but I didn't catch the "DNA catcher" business until you wrote it again...lol! I have always been slow. Too funny!

Suzie, that is a hot topic! It's a hard one to discuss with so many angles.

Tracy...she is local. She lives in Pasadena. How are you feeling this afternoon?

I am in better spirits today. I am ready...yet not ready for this weekend. We are having the floors done at 8:00 am on Sunday. Uh, thanks Mike? I told him I was glad that the bedroom didn't have to be done and to let me know when it was over, lol!

A great big hug to all of you. I am glad to have a place to come and chat and vent. It means more than you know.


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Good Morning

Up and getting ready for work, getting in at 7 is really screwing me up and we are having a foreman meeting today so i get to go in early, getting out at 3 and going to happy hour with my foreman.

Kat - I would love pics if you get them. how exciting.

How about a long sleve sturgis shirt. Men's Med or ladies med or lg. I have tiny boobs so I can get away with a med in ladies.

I trust your taste, no gem stones.. lol

I had someone who said,... oh i know the perfect thing came back with a pink head wrap with gem stones all over it.. needless to say... returned lol

I am so clueless, part of why i was so upset the other night was because of something my BIL honestly belevied about me...

So I have tons of guy friends, always have, Kev knew how dedicated to him i was so he never cared (until the end) but anyway... I ride with whoever will take me out, I have friends in their 50's to 62 and have been riding for years and will take me out... aparently... when you ride with a guy that automatically means you are doing him and it is a completely sexual experience and that is it... so I am sleeping with a ton of guys and he really thought it was true.

I was very hurt that he thought I was like that

and. Really????? I can't have guys who are friends? maybe some of them want more, but they never act on it,, I have dated one or 2 of them but we went out a couple times nothing happened and we stayed friends.

This is why i like older guys, they are still big kids, yet have a totally different outlook on things

I don't care about rumors, most of them are funny, what I did care about was BIL thought they were true

and should I be with George or anyone else at work, work is work, and professional... what happens off site is another story and my business.

hope you all have a good day

Tracy - when I see my mom this weekend I'm going to see what her schedule is going to be like and check out the osha class schedule. I'm going to be working a ton of ot the next few months with the new building that has to be closed in by December, so I need to plan accordingly, but i'll be using that voucher

Morning everyone, got to run... need more coffee

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Good morning everyone!

Kat-that sucks hearing that ds is not keeping in touch! Even when you expect that sort of thing, it still hurts when it happens!

Angela-8 o'clock on a sunday morning? LOL....i don't know why i find that funny. I guess because it is YOU and not me! Poor thing!

Jennifer- i had no idea you were such a floosy! lol j/j I am like you, I have men friends. I worked in the oilfield for 20 years. When frank and I got together i told him that they are like my family and he is gonna have to deal with it, and he has been great. He knows he is my sweetheart.

Everyone-my neck is no longer hurting. yay!

Yesterday while we were running errands we were in my van. it has an electric sliding door in the back. I opened it for macy to get in and frank pushed the button too...macy got stuck while getting in and it was crushing her knee. She has a bad bruise this morning. The door DID automatically open back up but it seemed to take forever and I was trying to pull her out. It was scary and it was chaos. The screaming and crying is something i will never forget. I did not know if it was going to start opening or if it was going to break her leg. Quite traumatic for all of us.

UPDATE-Instead of going on the 21st of August to the seminar (for bypass) I am attending the seminar tomorrow since it is required. Than I will make an appt to speak with the dr since he is booked after the seminar. I am looking forward to seeing my dr. I am excited about the whole thing. Even if the answer is no, i feel like i am getting the excitement back that I need to start over. God knows what he is doing and it is in his hands. Just wanted to keep ya'll posted.

I posted on Facebook that macy wants a Titanic (movie)themed cake complete with Jack and Rose. Kat had some good ideas. I may run over to the bakery tomorrow and see if I can get them to make me one without breaking the bank. If not, it is OK, she found a cake that she likes at Walmart and it has a tiara and a magic want on cupcakes. Cute cute. She will be ahppy either way but I would love to surprise her with what she really wants.

Well i just got off the phone from talking to my friend and she and her daughter are coming over for the day (they are pouring concrete at her apartment) so I need to get off here check fb beofre they get here.

Have a super day homies :rolleyes:

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I am off to lunch with Rick, buy new lawn chairs, go to the bank, got to the ins. agency, buy packing tape, then to the PO!!!! Should be a fun filled day!!!

Will BBL!!!

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Hey girls. Busy day today.

Yesterday I had went tot he Docs to get something for the spasms in my back. He gave me some stuff to take. It comes in 10mg tablets and I'm to cut it in half and take 5mg 3X's a day. So I took one last evening, went to bed at 10pm and didn't get up till 8am. Knocked me out. I'm only going to take it at night from now on.

We got up and did some housework and then got ready to head to the hospital. We took BIL's brother out to lunch and had a good talk with him about Randy and what is going to happen to him. Looks like the brother will eventually move him down to New Orleans. He's got a long road ahead of him. They actually had him sitting on the side of the bed today for about 2 minutes when he started to lean over.

Hubby went to work out this morning and came home with some bad news. One of the guys that he met there passed away Tuesday. He would always come in and give hubby a bad time about when he was going to ride his Harley in, always teasing him about it. The guy would always ride his bike in if the weather was good. Well tuesday he died riding his Harley. That's 2 tragedies here recently for us. I told hubby if he never road his bike again that I would not be upset. But I didn't think we need to sell the bike. He has always been the kind that says that as long as he owns one, he is ok.

Got home and the neighbors came over to swim. We were in the pool for almost 2 hours. They are gone now and hubby and I heated up our leftovers. Now it is just chillin time.

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Good morning!!!

Well....I am about to get dressed & head out to somewhere I never thought I would go again...THE seminar. I have mixed emotions and my stomach is in knots and I feel like I am going to throw up....other than that, its all good. :(

I will make an appt to see the dr but at least the required seminar will be over. Who knows, maybe someone might cancel and I will get to see him today? who knows...

It will be fun to see all of those excited faces full of hope in there like I was at one time. Maybe it may be a trigger for me. I hope so.

I will post again later. Have a great day!

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Good Luck Tracy, Keep us posted on all the new info you find out.

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Tracy, a girl I know had the by-pass and lost all her weight to ony regain a lot of it back. She then went in to have the band and has lost all of the weight again. Can you find out if you can still keep the band and then have the by-pass? I'm not sure they can do that but I would think if they can put the band on after a by-pass that they should be able to leave yours in.

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Good luck, Tracy!!!

My mom and sister both have bypass and they've done really well over the many years since their surgeries. My sister has since had 3 kids and kept the weight off. My mom, before the back surgery that she's still recovering from, has discovered the gym, kayaking, hiking, biking, etc! She's gained about 10-15 back but it's b/c she can't DO anything right now. Three months out and they JUST started PT for her.

Anyway, all WL surgeries have their successes and failures and you have to get your head on straight with all of them. In some ways I do believe bypass is easier than the band. I don't think you have to THINK about as much with bypass. Getting stuck, how to eat, what to eat, getting filled or unfilled, etc. I know my mom has to watch things but that's b/c her system was messed up before surgery, so not much has changed for her except portions. My sis has issues once in awhile with stuff going right thru her but that's if she overloads on, sugar, I think.

Anyway, just lots of hugs and best wishes, my friend.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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