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Morning Ladies.

I was hoping we would have heard from Terri by now. I hope all is ok with her.

I have been trying for the last 3 days to follow the New Bandster rules. I start out the day with a smoothie and it goes down hill from there. Can't figure out why I don't tell myself "NO" when I start to reach for something. Need to figure out why I'm doing that.

Went to the hospital yesterday to check on BIL. He was actually raised in the bed and had his eyes open. You could tell he was tired but he did acknowledge that we were there. He still has the vent in but they should be removing it soon. They say he is breathing on his own but they are reluctant to remove it. Anyway, he's very slowing improving.

They are calling today "Thermal Thursday". It is supposed to get up to 110 with a lot of humidity. I'm gonna leave here in a little and go get the sis and take her to the store before it gets too hot. Then it's back here and into the pool for me. Oh, and lots of sunscreen this time. lol.

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I'm off to the bookstore shortly---then I guess I will go help my parents, they are having a yard sale the next 2 days-----NOT what I want to do, but something I NEED to do, help them. I have let it slide trying to deal with the inlaws. So I will be hit or miss for a few days---that's why.

Rick actually made it home last night about midnight, he thought he would be out all night---but made it in. Which is good, it seems I might have a peeping tom! Chairs a tall stack of lawn chairs---much too heavy for Kinsey to move-were stacked next to the fridge on the patio, right under my kitchen window. I went out yesterday morning, and the entire stack was sitting just off the patio---which left my kitchen window wide open---wierd! I have blinds in there, and a crochet looking valance--and the blinds get stuck in the crocet. That window faces the back yard---and we are the last row of houses---it is only hills behind us---so many nights I leave it open. So today---I am buying new curtains to put in there---ones I can CLOSE!

Made me sleep fitfully last night---but if Rick had not come home, I likely would not have slept at all!!!

Will check in as I can.

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Kat, that is scary and I hope you do get new curtains. I like leaving my windows open but only on the back of the house. That is because no one can get back there. But to find evidence of maybe some one snooping, creepy. Every night before I go to sleep I always make sure that the closet doors are closed. Hubby wants to know why I do that. You never know when someone is lurking I tell him, lol. But it's just one of those little habits I have.

Hubby and I just spent 1 1/2 in the pool. It was so nice. It's very hot out and the sun is shining like crazy, so I had him spray me down good with the suntan lotion. No more sunburns fo me.

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Hey y'all I'm home! Got home around 3ish yesterday. Was doing great until that 3 hour ride home. Surgery scheduled for 11am didn't go in until 2pm! It was a zoo there. But all went well, really like Dr Smith. Slept very well at the hotel, go figure! Then last night in my own bed was awful. Couldn't get comfortable at all. This morning was lots and lots of gas pain but had a restful nap around noon.

I just mixed a Protein Shake so hopefully that will get rid of some of the light-headness. They said to wait 48 hours and I waited until the minute :biggrin:

Going to go read what you all have been up to now just wanted to post an update first in case I nod off!!

Thanks for all the good thoughts!

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Do any of you remember the old click clack toys? Big acryllic balls on straps that you bounced against one another to make them pop all the way around???? I bought some at the rally!!! Talk about a flash back!!!

I love those! Well except for the bruised forearms and the HUGE lumps on my forearms! What a great memory! DS and DIL had a blast there. He got a stupid tatoo on the inside of his first finger so when you hold it under your nose it looks like a little mustache! kids........... :biggrin:

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Yay Terri is home....and a bandster!!!!

Well girls....we got problems. I do have someone sneaking around the yard---and they may have totalled my car---as well as the next door neighbors, and the couple across the street. I did not drive my car the last couple of days---I noticed Jennifer had her SUV driving it not her little Mazda, come to find out it is in the shop. Then yesterday Red next door was to drive to Albq. for his cancer follow up but he thought the fuel pump on his BMW went out so he took his wifes car. Today when I left, I got about 6 blocks away and hear this ding---and my engine light popped on. So I come home, call Rick---who did not answer (he cannot take calls during some operations on location), so I got my book. It said one possible reason was a loose gas cap. Well I can check that, and guess what, it was all the way off sitting in the little door. So I put it on, started it, light is still on, and it smells strange. We think someone put something in all our tanks.

Well Red & Connie next door have these yard decorations that are BIG cows (yeah I know....) made from barrells---welded and painted black and white. They have a big Mama, Jr. and a baby. A few nights ago, Jr & the baby were stolen.

So while I am in Walmart buying my curtain a neighbor from 4 houses down, come up, and ask me if I saw the excitement at their place Sunday night. She heard a noise & thought dogs were in the trash dumpster---so she looked out, and someone was in their truck! She and her DH are both blind as bats without glasses, so she said he took off to the door and she grabbed her phone, and they were running away. Now WHY he had this in his truck, IDK---but they stole 2 guns---one was an automatic rifle with a fully loaded 30 round clip! The other a 30.06! They have kids 12 & 16----seems odd to have such left in a truck, but thier lives I guess. so anyway she said the man on the other side had lawn furniture stolen, and one between us, had the cover and pump stolen from his hot tub---while they were sleeping just the other side of the wall! They had used the tub, and by morning it was gone!

I am stressing over my car---my baby!!!! And Rick working all night---is not thrilling me either!

The guy with the guns stolen is planning to sit on top of his roof with night vision goggles---he can scan the neighborhood that way.

I just ordered 3 drive way alarms---will place them around the yard---at least then I'll know if someone is around. And I may rethink the small dog. And go BIG!!! And SCARY!!!!

Got my gun loaded-----Kinsey is on vacation with her Daddy, so no kids will be around, so I am keeping it close by. Waiting on a return call to see if I can get our local PD to do a NCIC check on my ex to make sure he is still locked up.

Can it not be boring??? Ever???? I am sick of this!

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YAY Terri!!! I am glad you are a bandster now!

Kat...H.O.L.Y. Crap!!! That would scare the mess out of me. Stay safe and keep us posted. I hope your van is fixable.

Suzie, I know you are just lovin' that pool time! I am glad you are relaxing. I am equally glad that your BIL is doing better!!

I cannot seem to eat right either. With all this work stress...and they have been buying our lunch all week because they need us all here ALL day, nothing has been a "healthy choice". I have eaten more ice cream and Cookies this week than all month! Self sabatoge right here!!

I am pooped!

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Thanks---this is my car, it is an Intrepid R/T, and I like my van....a lot! But I LOVE my car! Makes me sick. Wish Rick would be able to be home to check it out......

Will keep you posted. New curtains are up---drive way alarms are ordered. Scary thinking we are leaving soon for 2 weeks our place will sit.....looking into a house sitter.

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WhooHoo! Terri!!!!! Welcome to bandland! SOOOOO glad you

are home and seem to be doing well! Take good care of yourself and nap when you need too.

Kat, OMG!!! Hope your car is okay! Prayers that your ex is still locked up. Scary w/stolen, loaded guns running around loose out there!!!

Angela, sorry work sucks. Mine does too.

Suzanne, enjoy the pool. Sorry about the weather!

Worked over 6 hours today with nothing but a 10 minute break late this afternoon. I've been going home with Migraines b/c I'm not eating anything all day. Then I come home and once I start eating, I don't stop. AND b/c I'm not drinking all day either, I'm drinking while eating or soon after eating. UGH!

We got home about 4 today and right off the bat, drank an Atkins shake. Had already taken my Migraine meds, then had a frapp. The caffeine helps my head too. Ate some chips, candy and finally made an egg scramble w/some veggies, cheese and salsa. Headache is trying to go away.

I'm tired. Teary. Out of sorts. Etc.

Hope y'all have a great night!

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Kat, that is truly scary. I sure hope all is ok with your car. I know how you feel about it, I would hate to know someone messed with mine. Are the Police going to patrol the area?

Terri, so glad to hear from you. I never had any problems sleeping except for the fact that I'm a stomach sleeper. Took me a while to get used to side sleeping but I'm back to normal now. I took gasX but only for about two days. I never really had a problem with all the gas like I hear other people do. Good luck to you.

Nice quiet evening here. Hubby and I watched a movie. Now it's off to bed. I'm working a full shift tomorrow and then off ot the hospital to check on BIL. They took him off the vent today and he was able to say his name. Now they just need to finish assesing(sp?) what all is wrong. Will he have full use of everything.

Have a good one and I will check in soon.

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good morning all

my computer is so old but... mu modem, which WAS 10 years old, decided it was not going to work anymore. I've been without internet since monday. Bad thing... next week is dd's 16th bday, so spending 100 on something right now is not what I wanted to do, good thing, she is happy because she couldn't get on all week, and, my internet is so much faster, it is nice!

Michelle - that is crazy about the dogs, but...if your neighbor does come over... DON"T attack them and punch them and draw blood, they could have you arrested... LOL

for those who don't know, or remember, i went to talk to my crazy neighbor last year about her dog that just about drove me insane, out at 3 am in at 10 or 11pm barking all the time... attacked me...ahhh... they keep the dog in or don't lock in fenced area right by my pool and she is not allowed to talk to anyone at my house, not me, my family or my friends, no one... it was worth the scars

kat - omg please be careful! that is so scary

Tracy - so glad you are feeling better. what are you taking?

suzanne - at least you can go swimming :biggrin:

got to run, have to leave in 20 mins and still working on coffee sitting in my pj's

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Good morning everyone~

Kat-that is just scary. I doubt that it is your ex, but calling just to make sure is a great idea! Sounds like kids that are very bored since school is out. Hope they catch them soon. Especialy since they have weapons now thx to your stupid neighbor...ugh! I have one word for you...rottweiler. :biggrin: or at least a beware of dog sign. How would they know if it were a lie or not? I know if I were the criminal I would not think it was a lie....at least I would not tempt fate, ya know?

Terri-congrats on the surgery! SO happy for you. I had a little gas pain but not much. walk around as much as you can!

Suzanne-for some reason I am not burning this year. I guess it is because I have been so careful about putting on sunscreen. I have been using 70, and not reaaplying after getting int he pool. I have gotten a little red but for the most part i am tanning. SWEET! By the way, when you figure out why you do not say no to yourself about food, let me know, because I can't seem to do it anymore either. The bad thing is, I do not even think of it as being the wrong thing to do until after I have done it. How is that for scary? :w00t:

Angela-I am SO sorry that you are stressing at work. I wish I could say something to make you feel better. How 'bout a drink? What is your fav mixed drink anyway? I bought some pina colada mix, now all I need is some rum :biggrin: By the way, macy said she wants to go have coffee with you again. :)

Jennifer-hi girlie! How are you? I am taking venlafaxine. They told me to lower it from 75 to 37.5 then they are going to lower me to 25 then take me off. I am really exciteed because it seems that the lower dose is working really well. Maybe I can be pill free again?! I hope so but it is good to know they are there if I need them.

Michelle-I am sorry that you aren't doing too well. If the job keeps taking a toll like this...it is not worth it. I heard that fast food is stressful. I would not wanna do it. I hope you feel better this morning!

Everyone-Good morning! I don't know if any of you watch Big Brother but...I do am sick of that little 'brigade'.

other than that...today we are going to the Barnum & Bailey circus with the girl scouts. DH is excited about going but I am not too jazzed about it. I guess if I were still thinner I would be but....*sigh*.

Hope you all have a fantastic day. :thumbup:

Make good choices! :biggrin:

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Hey y'all---

All is well, nothing new anyway. Waiting to hear what they find in Jen's fuel, to decide how to handle the car.....til then I am in the van.

Made about a hundred bucks yard saling some junk this morning----what doesn't sell of mine, I am calling and a girl I know hauls it off! She stocks a church sale thing with it....whatever----if I take it out of the house, it is not going back in!

Rick and I talked last night---we honestly think the problems may be the neighbor who had guns stolen----possibly their sons buddies. They didn't break into any other cars-----so out of dozens on the block, they hit the one with weapons??? So anyway if he is in on it, he would know if I did or didn't have a dog.

When we were talking in Walmart, I let them know---he and his sister were with their Mom---that we had called the cops, and were letting them print anything they wanted, and set up surveillance---which they won't do, but I thought he might not know that!

That is my honest opinion. I like Tracy said should not judge----but I KNOW he lit the fireworks that started the fire on my hill---they know we know, but have never acknowledged it in any way---Mommy & Daddy protect him. She was telling me, he has had 3 IPODs stolen at school----I can't help but wonder if he is not selling them! Suspicious me!!!

Gotta go-----will be back this evening. I am tired!

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Good Morning all

Tracy - how nice you sound like you :)

I still take my wellbutrin and well, I need it, I tried to go off it last month and I just can't I snapped at everyone, so it is just enough to keep me from exploding and I am much nicer, and don't want to go off it. Oh i could go for a pinacolada yummy

The last 10 days I have been out of control eating. I don't care either... what is up with that ladies???

Monday I'm going back to shakes, but I decided I'm going to do Breakfast shake, my big lunch and shake for dinner and see if i can jump start this weight loss again, 20lbs... i can do it...right???

I am going to join the firedept Tuesday, so excited

just signed up for my next safety course... hav 26 hrs to complete so I WILL be done by next Friday. My boss is threathened by me for some reason and is doing everything in her power to hold me back. It is the only thing I hate about my job... My BIL (owner of the company) has no clue what she does, he thinks she is great.... she may have classes but she is a HORRIBLE people person and does not know how to manage people. She should stick to the paperwork part she loves and leave it at that.

So Yesterday she was being such a control freak (ok all last week) that by yesterday I was ready to look for work. One of the companies I love is going to need another safety, so I am going to talk to the head of their safety on Monday just to let him know when they are ready to keep me in mind.

My boss has someone new starting Monday and wont give me any info, but he will be doing the new building and I will be moved to the left over shit of her building when mine is complete in 6-8 weeks.

I love everyone i work with, including project managers but I cannot function not being able to have supplies or information needed to work, and I'm not crying to BIL, he just tells me to play nice and make her happy because it is hard to find safety people. UGH

oh well, This class and my cpr alone will make me able to be completely self sufficient on this site for any company so away I go!

Hope you all have a good day, George is coming down for a noon meeting so he is coming to take me to breakfast and see me before his meeting Nice surprise, I think he misses me as much as I do him.

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Jenn-wtg with the safety courses. They look great on a resume! That is a really good thng to be doing. The more certificates and training courses you have under your belt the better! Of course he misses youtoo...goofball. Did you think he wasn't going to? Enjoy your day with him!

Hi everyone! Went to the circus last night. It was OK. Macy wanted to go to sleep if you can imagine that! Everything was so expensive. We got a 12 dollar sno-cone and a 10 dollar program (just examples). Unbelievable!

what is everyone up to this weekend?? Be Safe!

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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