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Absolutely Suzie. That is horrible and sad. I will be praying for him.

Glad you are in better spirits, Tracy! I need to come do laps with you!!

Gonna hit the sack early tonight. Was up until 2:30 this morning. My back was killing me. It has been for a while. I got a massage and now I feel like jello!

Love and prayers to you all.


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Oh Suzie, I am sooooo sorry!

Of course, he and your entire family will be in my prayers, and I will ask to have him put on the prayer chain---if you don't mind.

Brain injury is so crazy, it is never predictable. I hate that your family is dealing with this crisis. How old are his kids?

My MIL finally got her chest tube removed today. Rick's siblings, are so friggin' wierd. They all spent the day at the house, doing yard work. Hello??? She doesn't do yard work anyway, we can pay someone to do that---she is laying in the hospital ALONE........

Rick and I were headed to the hospital....we stopped at the bike shop to drop off a tire to be balanced, and we smelled antifreeze....so we decided to get the van home, and get the car. Way before we got out of town, it was obvious we were not getting it home---temp was rising fast. We pulled into KMart parking lot, and sure enough it is spewing----hole in the radiator. So across the road----5 lanes......is a parts store, so Rick goes over, and shockingly, they had the radiator. Damn near 200 bucks! Over by the time we bought antifreeze.....anyway, he changed it out in the parking lot! Took 2 hours.....I called both his sisters----no answer. I called my parents, line was busy----meaning Dad once again did not hang up his phone right! I wanted a ride to get the car, so I could run for anything we might need. Got my brother to answer, but we were getting it by then, so just fixed it. Sure was nice to have a mechanic right there!!!

Anyway, we were 2 hours later than planned getting to the hospital, so it was close to noon----the sisters had already left---FYI---they are apparantly attached at the hip, when & where one goes, they both go Rick says!!! LOL Anyway, we stayed til 8, and they had never shown back up. Rick met one of his sisters in Sams Club to return a battery----they had been shopping. Just don't understand, his Mom was so sad. She was so excited to share the news she got the chest tube taken out, but it was like not a big deal. We walked with her A LOT today---she is improving leaps and bounds! Now to get his Dads done.....

Tracy---glad you are feeling positive again! I am SOOOOO jealous of all of you and your pools!!! LOL

I am going to go do the next best thing in my house, and take a shower!!! LOL

Will check in with all of you in the morning---prayers flying Suzie!!!

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Suzanne, prayers for Randy and the whole family!!

Tracy, you "sound" so much better! :)

Angela, ahhhhhhh a massage! Lucky you!!

Kat, great news about MIL but so sad re: her daughters. That's awful! Sorry about the radiator but at least Rick was with you and is so handy!!!

Well, today went well in spite of having NO Water during our lunch rush!!! The Water company had a HUGE pip break down the road so all of us fast food places were hit. Started late morning and water came on late afternoon! We made it thru tho!

Got my schedule today. Off tomorrow - sweet! Friday, 11-3 - nice!! Off the weekend, of course. Monday thru Wednesday, 7AM-3PM - ummmm hell NO! He'd already left so I left him a note. I had told him I can't be in before 9AM. Told him he could call me if needed but I'd see him on Friday. He can keep me at 7 but he won't see me til 9. We'll see what happens. He ain't gonna be happy but I'm not happy so .....

Hope everyone has a good Thursday.

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Suzanne-prayers for Randy and your whole family!

Kat-great news for MIL. Some peoples children...that is so typical of alot of grown kids. Selfish selfish selfish...and SAD. I wish you were next door so we could go swimming :thumbup: How was the shower experience? LOL

Angela-anytime, and I do mean anytime you wanna come swimming, load up and come over! I mean that!

Michelle-lol, i hear you lound and clear that I 'sound' better. The good news is that I feel better too. :lol: I was in a tremendous funk. I really am just going to do this day by day. It is all I can do. God is Good. I just needed to hear it from my friends...YA'LL. :puke:

Terri-how did it go? How are you?

Cindy-:thumbup: thank you.

Jenn-call me this weekend. We do not need to set up a time, just do it. :thumbup:

Everyone-got a busy day ahead today too. I let macys friend spend the night last night and the girls are painting right now. In a little while her mom (my friend) will be here and we are gonna go swimming. Then we will prob go somewhere for lunch...or the other way around depending on when she gets here. DD is going to spend tonight at her house so me and dh will have some alone time. :)

Have a fantastic day ladies!

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Whatcha gonna do with alone time Tracy?????

Rick is putting acid in a new battery, then we are.....guess?? Heading to the hospital!!! LOL It is sad to me that the yard or the porch, or whatever takes presedence over time with the parents they won't have for much longer.....but it is their choice, and not only won't I allow them to make us feel guilty for not helping, I won't let them take time away for Rick. So....I plan on enjoying my time with him, wherever we are!

Well I think I told you about the neighbors cats and my lawn furniture......they are shredding the back of my lawn swing, and have long fur all over the fabric----and I HATE it! I am allergic to the hair, and it looks bad. If I had cats, it would be my problem to deal with....but I choose not to with my allergies. So I have tried all kinds of things---sprays, aluminum foil, sticky tape.....no help. So I went a little stronger. I set mouse traps-----so when the cat jumped on---they started popping---I had 8 on the swing, 6 were popped. No cat hair stuck in them, so they did not get the cat---but scared it straight!!! We reset the traps----and they have never been disturbed again!!! We readjusted things last night----and still no cat hair! I am so happy!!! Going to start removing some, so I can use the furniture, but this week we have had no relaxing time, so it worked out great! No one was hurt, and I am hoping the cat now realizes that is off limits!

Well I have a few thngs to do before leaving---so better get busy!

Suz---hope nephew is improving, will continue to pray for him. Hugs to all of you!

Tracy---the shower.....I hurt my fingers doing the backstroke, I hit the wall.......I need a pool!

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Hi girls.

Home from work and resting. Wasn't sure what to fix for dinner so I opened a can of tuna and we had sandwiches. Yummy.

Tracy, I hope you are enjoying that pool. I still have 2 more days till I can get in ours. I may push it and get in tomorrow. It's really hot here and I'm ready.

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I'm gonna take off here to go to my walking soon. Wanna get it done before it starts to really heat up. I do some housework after I get back, while hubby is mowing. Later around 1pm I think we are going to head to the hospital to see Randy. Last report is that things are going wonderful and he has woken up. They will monitor him for any brain problems and see how his speech is. We also want to see his brother before he heads back home.

After that I'm going to decide if I'm ready for the pool. We'll see if I'm busy or not. If all is calm I may go ahead and get in for a little bit. My actual 30 days is tomorrow, not sure if one day will make that much of a difference. Not like I'm going to swim 50 laps or do aerobics. I just want to get in and float for awhile.

Have great day.

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Kat-LMAO about the cats & mousetraps. I caught a visual of how the events unfolded. Too funny....and I am a cat lover! Yes, to spare your knuckles, you need a pool.

Suzanne-I do not think one ittle bitty day would make a huge difference....i would swim too if i were you!

Good morning everyone! We did swim yesterday and so now macy and I have allergy issues. Sore throat, stuffy/runny nose, watery eyes. Oh well.... :sad:...it was fun.

Macy did go to her friends house last night and by that time, they were both pretty sick of each other...there was a huge ruckus/misunderstanding, so macy came home at 10 PM. She said her throat hurt and wanted to come home but it was probably a little of everything. She was over it, ya know? lol Those 2 girls fight like sisters.

My plan WAS to go see Eclipse this morning, but now I cant soooo...i am not sure what the day holds.

I booked Macys b-day party at Chuck E cheese. That outta be fun. :wink2: :wub: The party is scheduled for Aug 7th. Wanna come? :(

Have a great day ladies!

Angela....what you doing?

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Morning Ladies!

Never got a call yesterday from the boss-man so we'll see what happens when I go in at 11. I'm going to talk to him first.

Tracy, the girls must be really good friends if they can fight like that! LOL!! DD wants to go to Chuck E cheese SOOOO bad! :wink2: LOL! She sees the commercials for it but the closest one is an hour away. Ain't gonna happen any time soon, if I can help it! :sad:

Suzanne, I think I'd be cheating pool-wise too. I'm amazed, and glad, that you've held out this long. I know how hard that was for you! Good news on Randy. Prayers that he continues his fantastic recovery!!

Kat, I love your mouse-trap idea. You are so clever!

Well, developments are such that I'll be giving up my church job soon. It's a little sad but also good as well. I've been wanting to give up the books for some time now but there has been no one to take them over. The current secretary, as lovely a woman as she is, has no clue. She is leaving on the 1st to go back to school full-time and Pastor has hired already. The new gal is a friend, member of the church and will do a good job. She's also a trained bookkeeper! :(

I'll probably start the transition in September. That will give her all of August to acclimate to the office and get the other stuff down. She will probably fully have the books before October, my 12 anniversary of working for our church. Thru the end of the year I'll help her as needed. Tax stuff/end of year mess. It's always a PITA.

In a way it's a relief. Closing another chapter.

Hope y'all have a great day!

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hey everyone! I can't believe so much time has passed since I was last here! This week has zoomed by!!! We are so busy that it is crazy, but what a blessing it is. We'll take it because this winter things will slow way down.

I had my Lithotripsy to blast the kidney stones Monday. (darn Kat wish I would have had time to check in and let you know when I would be there!) Procedure went great, except he was only able to do one side. I'll have to have the other side done in a few months. I was home by 1:30 and dozed all afternoon off and on. But I didn't even need a Tylenol, much less the Lortab!!! I did feel like someone beat the living tar out of me the next day but not unbearable.

Then Tuesday is Lapband :( Preop nurse will call sometime this afternoon to let me know what time surgery is. I'm excited but also sooooo scared. What if I don't loose weight with this? You know the usual ramblings of a soon to be bander :wink2:

Kat, glad to hear MIL is doing well. I'm sure she is thankful she has you and Rick here! LOVE the mousetrap idea! I have a longarm quilter in the basement and in the winter DDs cat lives in there and he won't stay off of it or the quilt if I have one loaded. So guess what I'm gonna buy???? hehe

Tracy sounds like you are feelin better! I'm glad!

Suzanne sooo sorry to hear about the accident. I'm glad to read he's doing better. My DS had a terrible dirtbike racing accident several years ago and spent 2 weeks in ICU. But recovered wonderfully. The brain is an amazing thing. But NOW he has a Harley and they are going to a rally this weekend. ugh.......... I'm going to be a nervous wreck worrying about them.

hello to everyone else! I've got to run, the new employee is on the forklift to load a couple of huge cylinders and I only hope he knows what he is doing because they are EXPENSIVE :sad:.

Promise I'll check back in sooner this time.


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Hi Terri, so glad that you checked in. We were getting woried about you. OMG, next tuesday is your big day. I remember that time so well. I was so ready to do this. Just remember to do what the Doc says. You may not lose weight at the beginning and that is not unusual. Once you start getting your fillings, that will be when you will start to lose the most weight. Make sure you follow the Bandsters rules, like chew, chew, chew. Lots of Water. Lots of water and more water. You'll do good. Keep us posted.

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I logged on to ask someone a favor....but I know y'all, and I know you won't do it!!! My best plan for the day is to dig a big hole and climb in, I just need someone to cover me up.......I am so beyond frustrated right now it is unreal!

We have natural gas for heat (which we do not use), hot Water, and the stove. Well last night we come home to a tag on the door saying a leak forced them to shut the neighborhood gas off, and I have to call to schedule someone to come turn it on, and light pilots. So meanwhile, since we were at the hospital all day.....I have no hot water! I called, the guy come out and now tells me I am not code compliant. Since he is unable to hook up without issue, there is going to be a $40.00 reconnect charge as the supervisor is going to have to confirm that it can be hooked up. The hot water heater is ground set, and the new code says it has to be raised. To retrofit the heater is going to be a full days work for DH as well as a few hundred bucks. We had hoped to leave today for the rally (same one as Terri's son) but I am sitting at home waiting for the Gas CO. IF it was MY fault it went off it would have been one thing, I see this as strictly revenue enhancement.

So Ricks Dad come through his procedure well this morning, and Rick is with him now, taking him home. The Dr. come and released his Mom ----AT 11:30 PM LAST NIGHT!!!!! Can you believe that? We had all come home of course, not expecting to see him til today. Rick went and got her. Moronic Dr.---and I actually kinda liked him----said he had been in surgery, then had car trouble. I wanted to ask him if he only knew how to answer the damn phone he was always on----he should have alerted his patients nurses anyway!

So....today I am very tired, very grumpy........and wanna climb in a hole.....but just know y'all won't cover me up. LOL

Will be back to let you know. The Gas Co just called. The guy is on his way....Fingers crossed......pleeeeeeeeeze be good news!

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Good afternoon!

I am soooo glad everyone's news is good news (except Kat's gas).

Wait...that didn't sound right.

I'm leaving it because it made me LOL!!!!!! (Sorry Kat!). And NO!! We won't bury you.

Terri, I am so excited for you. Keep us posted.

Tracy, I will be swimming with you soon, I promise.

Michelle, keep your chin up. I hope your talk with the boss goes well.

I am meeting my dad and siblings tomorrow. I have butterflies in my tummy. It will be fine, I know. Just nervous.

Busy here...I should be working but alas, I am surfing the net. Back to work!

Have a great weekend,


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As the saying goes, sometimes it is not what you know, but who you know.....the NM Gas Co. was a guy I went to school with!!! He lit the pilot, and showed me what Rick needs to do, because it is not compliant with current code, but with it not being a service issue, he connected it, waived the charge, and I am ready for a shower.....see I coulda really used a pool!!!

Got things to do, we are leaving in the morning to go to Grants. Missing Molly Hatchet tonight, since we are waiting til morning. Will see Steppenwolf tomorrow night. Old bands-----wierd.....I know all the songs! hahahahaha

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Well ladies, be jealous, because I am going to Chuck E Cheese's tomorrow. For, I swear I am telling the truth, my husband's birthday. Yes, he wants to go to Chuck E cheese. I have always suspected that I married a 10 year old, and now I know I did. My dd's boyfriend and best friend are so excited and going also. Yes, they are 18, at least in actual years. Then Sunday, we are going to my inlaws for my dh and my mil's bdays. MIL's is tomorrow and dh's is monday.

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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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