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Hey guys,

Thank you all for thinking of Zach today. I can't see his arm yet because of the bandaging, but the doctor says it looks great. Zach woke up smiling because he got to see the cutie nurse Tara that seems to be working everytime we are there. Those were his first words to me..."Mom, I got to see Miss Tara"...lol. He is doing fine, I think!

The point of all these surgeries now is to slowly remove the skin graft from his arm and pull it back in to give his arm a more natural shape. I really thought he would get it all done today, and he was hoping to, but it wasn't to be. He said it wasn't "loose" enough on one end so we still have about an inch and a half that will need to be pulled in at a later date.

Sorry guys, we had to be up and running at 4:30am so I will post more tomorrow. I was trying to read back, but I think I am just too tired.

Have a good evening...


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~Don't sweat it Angela! We're just glad to know that Zach is doing fine. Take care and get some sleep! Hugs to you and Zach!!!

~Tracy, I hate drama and ended up walking right into it! YUCK! Manager isn't happy with me either. We'll see if I'm on the schedule next week! LOL!!

So how does the couch look? Are you thrilled??

~Suzanne, don't over-do it! I know how hard it is.

~Me? Doing okay. Headache is mostly gone. There is still a ghost of it but hoping it stays gone. Had one yesterday too. Sometimes when it's hot or there is stuff going on, then I start the Migraines.< /p>

Here's hoping y'all have a quiet night and a great day!

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Hey guys,

Thank you all for thinking of Zach today. I can't see his arm yet because of the bandaging, but the doctor says it looks great. Zach woke up smiling because he got to see the cutie nurse Tara that seems to be working everytime we are there. Those were his first words to me..."Mom, I got to see Miss Tara"...lol. He is doing fine, I think! lol, sounds like he is in good spirits...at least about the nurse :frown:

The point of all these surgeries now is to slowly remove the skin graft from his arm and pull it back in to give his arm a more natural shape. I really thought he would get it all done today, and he was hoping to, but it wasn't to be. He said it wasn't "loose" enough on one end so we still have about an inch and a half that will need to be pulled in at a later date.

Did they sow how long it would be from now that they can finish the arm?

Sorry guys, we had to be up and running at 4:30am so I will post more tomorrow. I was trying to read back, but I think I am just too tired. I meant to text you but...scatterbrain (moi) orgot her cell phone at home :blink:

Have a good evening...


~Don't sweat it Angela! We're just glad to know that Zach is doing fine. Take care and get some sleep! Hugs to you and Zach!!!

~Tracy, I hate drama and ended up walking right into it! YUCK! Manager isn't happy with me either. We'll see if I'm on the schedule next week! LOL!! was the drama with the manager?

So how does the couch look? Are you thrilled?? yes BUT...I hate buts...i do not think dh is happy with it. Of course he will not come out and say so, but I know him. But he knows I like it but he would never say anything. It IS BIG and we are probably gonna have to nix the end tables & lamps...but we'll see. I just like having a couch big enough for the neighborhood to sit on :lol2:

~Suzanne, don't over-do it! I know how hard it is.

~Me? Doing okay. Headache is mostly gone. There is still a ghost of it but hoping it stays gone. Had one yesterday too. Sometimes when it's hot or there is stuff going on, then I start the Migraines. I feel so bad for you. I do not get migraines but I have seen what they do to people! :crying:

Here's hoping y'all have a quiet night and a great day!

So, here I sit...7:45 AM, on the computer, the day before our move. My hips and lower back are killing me. DD and I ended up staying in the new place for about 6 hours...with nowhere to sit other than the floor. Not good news for someone with back and hip problems.

I have so many things to do and i know dh would tell me to just sit here but I want to contribute, ya know? I feel like I could get clothes from the closets and bring them and just do odds & ends like that.

A lady told me to not sell my table to anyone else but her but I have not heard from her and we really could use the money right now. I will call her and find out because I need it to get gone!

Have a fantastic day everyone! :tt1:

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Suzie, sorry to hear about your minor setback. I am glad they were able to take care of it quickly and get you back up and running (well, walking?), lol.

Kat, I hate bullies!! Good for you guys in taking a stand. That little girl needs a good ol' country butt whoopin! Spitting?......sheesh.

Tracy, I know you gotta get moving, but take it easy, k? I am so happy for you guys though!

The doctor said we could put off the final (hopefully!) surgery until Christmas break. That way, he won't miss any school and he can still play football this season. I know, football?? but he lives for it.

Michelle...work drama. It's everywhere and it sucks!!! I hope things work out for you.

I am on vacation this coming week! We are going to be in and out of town (did I tell you this already? Not sure...) so I will pop in when I can.

I hope you all have a wonderful Independence Day. Stay safe!


Edited by AngelaW

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Hi ~

Kinsey and I have had ourselves a good morning! We did NOTHING!! Well we sat outside and swang and read, and then she played on the new slip and slide---then the little girl across the street and her Mama come over & the girls played in the Water.< /strong>

Her husband is as much of a motorcycle feind as Rick is---and our last names are the same! The poor UPS driver never knows which one of us is getting what!! One night Spence, her DH comes strolling over with a motorcycle tire over his arm, asking me if Rick ordered it! It was delivered wrong! They have recently discovered their favorite place to shop is each others house!! Rick went over to see how his build was going last week, and come home with new raked forks. Then last night Spence come to borrow the battery charger, and left with it, saddle bags and a bag rack! They crack me up.

In a way it is kind of sad, he is developing a relationship with him like I know he hoped he would with his son. He always hoped he would have the motorcycle bug like he did....but he didn't. The couple across the street are older than our kids, but not by much, they have a 2 year old, and one due in September. She is a bi-ligual teacher, and the little one at 2 is speaking both English and Spanish!

We finally got them out of the water, dried off, and we come in to eat lunch---and now Kinsey is ready for her nap. What she is going to do in school I don't know, she LOVES her nap! Hoping to wean her of them this summer---but after the water, today is not the day!

Hope your move is going well Tracy!

Everything ok Suzie?

Michelle--drama? Do tell!! I live vicariously!!

Angela, like I said on FB, I am so glad surgery went well, and at least they are doing it right, not pushing.

Cindy--school is out for you finally---what now?

Talked to Terri, she starts pre op dieting Monday!

Well, I am going to go find cartoons to lull her off!!! I cannot do Hannah Montanna!

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Hey all

thanks :tt1:

Kat - you fall asleep? now that is funny, although it is so relaxing, sometimes i just close my eyes, amazing feeling.

I have friends that ride, I need to meet up with them. It is 89 all weekend and George went to his sisters, like he does every year...

Tracy - I'll have my daughter take one this weekend, maybe in the am when I get showered and ready to go to my eye appt.

Just wanted to pop in while I was doing a few things on my puter, i'm going to bed very soon.

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Tracy, I'm sure moving in the rain sucks, but can you keep it? We will be getting that rain on the 4th. Oh well. They will still shoot them off.

Kat, That surprises me about Kinsey likeing naps. Most kids want to act like grown-ups and not take naps. I know Abby is that way. She doesn't like quiet time. How is the guy that was in the motorcycle accident? is he getting any better?

Hi, Jenn. We sure have missed you around here.

Michelle, I left my last job because of all the drama. It actually caused me to have to take blood pressure medicine. Several months after I left I got to come off of the meds. And how sad that it started so early in everyone getting to know each other. I hope it all settles down.

Angela, so glad to hear about the surgery being over and he's doing good. To bad there is one more to go. Isn't it funny how kids bounce back like that. Wanting to get involved in football so soon. Keep us posted on how he does.

Cindy, have fun at your family reunion. Alligator picante??? Not sure I want to try that one.

Well, I went over to talk to the next door neighbor. It was a good talk and I hope a productive one. We should know in the next few days. Later, her and her daughter came over and swam for anout 2 hours. We had such a good time. I could see the relief on her face.

Tomorrow we are going to a friends house for a small get together. We will be back in the afternoon. Sunday we are staying home an if it doesn't rain, we will watch everyone elses fireworks. They usually last till about 11pm. That's about it for us.

If you are traveling this weekend, be safe. Have a great time.


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Suzie, I am glad to see you! LOL I Miss it when you post differently than normal!

Kinsey has been a good sleeper from the get go. She slept through the night, too early, and had to be woke up to be fed! Ever since she has liked her schedule. She began with 2 naps a day, and has went down to one, but she is up early, she gets to preschool/daycare at 7 AM, when she come here it was at 6 AM! So she is ready soon after lunch to nap--but I have noticed her getting later and later. I figure, Manda can wean her this summer, and just move her bedtime up to 8 as opposed to 8:30. Having just the one child, Manda has no clue how lucky she is! Kinsey sleeps well, she is not picky---she eats a wide variety! Sushi, any kind of seafood, she has only recently been taken off red meat, and her tummy aches disappeared. Pediatrician said in a year or so the way she is growing she should be fine. But she has a pleasant demeanor, she is not a whiner, she is kind hearted, loves to do for others, and hands out "I love yous" regularly! I always thought she was gonna be shell shocked by the next one! But she says there is not going to be a next one!

Sorry about the rain Tracy. We had one of the 6" rains here....a drop every 6 inches or so. We are going to our usual fireworks, nothing more this weekend. Rick is working.

I hate Halliburton. They are such jerks. First they move the company out of the USA, it is now headquartered in a tiny office in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Teh big work is still done in Houston, but they are taking advantage of all of the tax breaks they got while they had their "in" in office. I think they should be EXTRA taxed having HQ's out of the country.

And now, when the economy went south, they eliminated most salaried jobs, put them all back hourly. So now the big shots are already off the weekend, so the paid holiday is not Sunday, which is the 4th---and Rick has to work, the paid holiday that they get double time for---is Monday! They told Rick he will only get 8 hours---IF he works the day after, since he is off on vacation, he gets no holiday pay, it has to be taken as a vacation day---he can't save that day. Morons!

He is seriously thinking of a change, but it is hard to leave the benefits he has built up---5 weeks paid vacation.....and go back to starting over with one. Eeeewwww, we need more time than that for TX alone. So who knows.

Well I am going to go turn off the Water and hit the shower, so my hair can dry before bed.

See y'all tomorrow!

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Hey ladies...signing off until Tuesday. That is when our internet gets turned back on! I will miss you all! (((hugs))) if anything happens, someone call me ok? :thumbup:

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Tracy, good luck with the move. No internet until Tuesday, jeez, Louise, that is hard. Even after hurricanes we would scope out the first coffee house that had power back up to get our fix.

Kat, Kinsey sounds like an amazing kid. My darling children didn't sleep through the night until they were about 4! Good side of it was, they never wet the bed, since they were waking up so much. Other than the sleep thing, my kids are great also, even as teenagers. My son makes me crazy with the grades, but I realize it could be so much worse, so I count my blessings.

Well, no family reunion for us today. Yesterday morning my FIL was taken to the ER with chest pains. They think he had a heart attack. They are running tests on him and I think we will know more later today. BUT, the alligator is still on for tomorrow, since it is my daddy that cooks. I wish we could fry some too. Suzanne, I promise, alligator is good eatin. I like the tail meat, since it is white. The tail meat tastes somewhat like a pork chop. The leg meat is a little darker and stronger in taste.

I need to go get dressed now to head up to the hospital. I will try to check back in tonight.

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Morning Girls.

Up and have my Oreo Cookies and pudding dessert thing made and a batch of brownies cooling. We have a party to go to this afternoon. They are doing all the cooking and I asked what I could bring and he said something chocolate and gooey and rich. I think I have it covered.

They are calling for off and on showers for all day tomorrow. We are getting what is left of Alex. Hopefully it will stop long enough tomorrow evening for everyone to do their fireworks. We usually sit on the front porch or in the driveway and watch everyone elses. I bet between all of the families they spend well around a $1,000. So we just watch and enjoy.

Tracy. if I hear anything I will call or text you. Have a safe move and can't wait to hear from you Tuesday.

Have a great weekend.

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The Oreo dessert was a hit and everyone wanted more.We had such a good time and I really love their new home. I felt real comfortable there, like I was meant to be there. Kinda makes me want to move. But we all had a good time.

Got home and nephew and the kids were here swimming. We sat outside and chatted with them and then started the grill up. I fed them and they took off. They had plans for a friends place for later. Abby wasn't with them so it was ok.

We have had off and on rain this evening. Now they are saying it will be questionable for tomorrow nights fireworks. Glad I'm not buying any. And we have grilled for the last 2 days so I'm thinking it might be a taco night. That way everyone can eat when they want. I'll just have it all in tubs.

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Happy 4Th. of July to You. Hope it's a great one.

They are calling for off and on rain all day today, so we will have to wait to see how our day goes. We don't have anything planned. Looks like a lot of TV watching.

Have a safe day.

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Happy 4th

Hope you are all having a good weekend.

90 and sunny here, actually going to be mid 90's all week and storms are not suppose to start until wed or thurs so going to be a long week at work,

I'm going to get myself ready and do Water aerobics at about 10 and then the sun should be fully out and i'm going to bake in the sun all day... yeah, I know, probably not the best thing for me, but I'm going to enjoy it greatly

i hope you all do what makes you happy today, it is the little things I'm learning to appreciate

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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