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to make a long story short....i found a heck of a deal on the insurance AND for renters, cars and everything it is 150.00 per month cheaper than than the insurance we have. :)

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Wow!!! Big savings!!!

Had the plumber out this morning, they do a maintenance clean out of my sewer line, because I have so many trees, the roots and my old lines, are problematic.

Will be in later to see what's going on....I am getting my house cleaned, so....if I quit, I know I will never get started again!!!

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Busy day for everyone.

Michelle, How did your orientation go? Hope you enjoy your new job.

Tracy, have you ever used Freecycle? I love it. I have gotten rid of a lot of things that I would have paid to have taken to the dump. It's great, check it out.

Kat, hope you got your house cleaned, that's that never ending job.

Last night when I was watching tv, I was sitting in the chair kind of cockeyed. I just have to find what is comfortable. Well, when I went to bed I notice a big bump right at the surgery site. I was thinking that because it did not hurt or was not warm or hot that maybe the way I was sitting just kinda pushed some muscle and fat there and it would straighten out over night. So this morning I noticed that it was still the same and I had hubby look at it. He said I think you need your sister to look at it, somethings wrong. I go to her and she suggest that I call the Doc's office and see if I can get in today instead of tomorrow. I call and I can come in at 11am at his office over in Kansas. So we hightail it and get dressed and moving. We got there right at 11 and they took me in and took a look. They called another guy in to look at it and it was decided that I had a (sp?) Hematoma. They needed to take a needle and drain the blood and they also needed to lance a section to drain. Oh and while they were at it they removed my staples. They put me on 2 different antibiotics and I have to go back in a week to have them check it again. They said other than that, that everything else looked really good. I can go back to work in 2 weeks or when I feel up to it. Swim in 2 weeks and just do things as I feel like I can do them.

But the best news we got was that the biopsy report came in yesterday and it it turned out to be a ganglion cyst. They were very happy and hubby and I were exstatic. I have a lot of people to say thank you too for all the prayers I received for that one. So a BIG Thank You to all of you for your thoughts and prayers. I owe you all a big hug when I see you.

Have a great evening and I'll chat at you soon.

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(((((happy hugs)))))

what great news

Tracy - come visit me oxoxoxo

I need a ride on a harley... Kat - send someone my way! George had lazer eyesurgery and they are really dry and bothering him this week, I'm dying to get on the road.

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Suzanne, that is wonderful news!!!! SO glad the pathology come back with good news!!!!

Sorry about the hemotoma----I got them following my TT remember---seemed to prolong the healing, but not terribly.

Jenn---even I don't get to ride this week. Rick is in the field---and working tons of hours.

I made some stroganoff in the crock pot---so he has dinner when he comes in---I just ate, I cannot wait til that late!

I am on my way out the door to go water-----the fun never ends!! But the tomatoes and chiles are ready to pick----no squash yet.


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to make a long story short....i found a heck of a deal on the insurance AND for renters, cars and everything it is 150.00 per month cheaper than than the insurance we have. :)


Wow!!! Big savings!!!

Had the plumber out this morning, they do a maintenance clean out of my sewer line, because I have so many trees, the roots and my old lines, are problematic.

Used to have to do that at Grams house. EVERY. SINGLE. THANKSGIVING. With the extra people at her house, it'd ALWAYS back up! Her regular guy would just make sure he was available that weekend.

Will be in later to see what's going on....I am getting my house cleaned, so....if I quit, I know I will never get started again!!!

Busy day for everyone.

Michelle, How did your orientation go? Hope you enjoy your new job.

Good. Long. I was there for 5 hours!!!

Tracy, have you ever used Freecycle? I love it. I have gotten rid of a lot of things that I would have paid to have taken to the dump. It's great, check it out.

Kat, hope you got your house cleaned, that's that never ending job.

Last night when I was watching tv, I was sitting in the chair kind of cockeyed. I just have to find what is comfortable. Well, when I went to bed I notice a big bump right at the surgery site. I was thinking that because it did not hurt or was not warm or hot that maybe the way I was sitting just kinda pushed some muscle and fat there and it would straighten out over night. So this morning I noticed that it was still the same and I had hubby look at it. He said I think you need your sister to look at it, somethings wrong. I go to her and she suggest that I call the Doc's office and see if I can get in today instead of tomorrow. I call and I can come in at 11am at his office over in Kansas. So we hightail it and get dressed and moving. We got there right at 11 and they took me in and took a look. They called another guy in to look at it and it was decided that I had a (sp?) Hematoma. They needed to take a needle and drain the blood and they also needed to lance a section to drain. Oh and while they were at it they removed my staples. They put me on 2 different antibiotics and I have to go back in a week to have them check it again. They said other than that, that everything else looked really good. I can go back to work in 2 weeks or when I feel up to it. Swim in 2 weeks and just do things as I feel like I can do them.

A hematoma! Goodness! Glad you were able to take care of it right away. Good news on getting back into the swing of things in a couple of weeks.

But the best news we got was that the biopsy report came in yesterday and it it turned out to be a ganglion cyst. They were very happy and hubby and I were exstatic. I have a lot of people to say thank you too for all the prayers I received for that one. So a BIG Thank You to all of you for your thoughts and prayers. I owe you all a big hug when I see you.

WhooHoo!!!!! Fantastic news!!!!!

Have a great evening and I'll chat at you soon.


(((((happy hugs)))))

what great news

Tracy - come visit me oxoxoxo

I need a ride on a harley... Kat - send someone my way! George had lazer eyesurgery and they are really dry and bothering him this week, I'm dying to get on the road.

Hi Jen!

Suzanne, that is wonderful news!!!! SO glad the pathology come back with good news!!!!

Sorry about the hemotoma----I got them following my TT remember---seemed to prolong the healing, but not terribly.

Jenn---even I don't get to ride this week. Rick is in the field---and working tons of hours.

I made some stroganoff in the crock pot---so he has dinner when he comes in---I just ate, I cannot wait til that late!

I am on my way out the door to go water-----the fun never ends!! But the tomatoes and chiles are ready to pick----no squash yet.


It's been so mild here that I don't know what my poor veggies are going to do! Nothing is growing very well right now.


Orientation went well. Very LONG! Didn't get home til about 7:30 tonight. I have to drop in tomorrow to get in the computer and I'll find out some sort of schedule then.

Have a great night!

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Morning all

chilly today but going to be 90's all weekend and into next week. so excited, work is completely shut down as of friday and no one is allowed to work util Tuesday :)

Going to do some housework, and yard work and float in the pool.

Kat, when George gets back on Tuesday from his sisters he is going to meet me at the house and we are going to go for a nice long ride... I'll have to hitch hike this weekend. lol

Remember me saying I would never be a passenger a couple years ago? LOL

have a great day all

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I should be in getting ready---but thought I would stop here first!!

Going to go get Kinsey, then we are going to my dentist appt. then do my shopping, then I am taking her to see the Oscar Meyer Hot Dog mobile-----or whatever it is called! The giant weenie car thing. She saw where it was here locally on the news last night, and wants to go, so we are going, going to get her a dollar hot dog, and take her picture!! LOL

Then I am coming home. I went to bed early with Rick last night. Slept good, but when he got up at 5:30, I was still exhausted! Went back to bed til 8, and again had to force myself to get up.

DD said she got a call from the school that Kinsey had been bitten. There is a little girl Kinsey's age that bullies her to no end. Actually she terrorizes half a dozen kids or so. She is bigger than Kinsey by 20 pounds at least, but she pulls her hair, destroys her things---ruined her new flip flops, pulled all the heart beads off---and now bit her. Manda had complained about the hair pulling and pinching. This time she met with the director, and told her, Kinsey is NOT afraid or unable to take care of or defend herself---she can fight back, but she knows better---but that she will not allow Kinsey to become a victim. That either they DO something about it, or she will contact the state agency, AND the media, in regards to bullying starting in daycare.

The parents refused to pay for the shoes, and at the repeated conferences, have decided maybe they will take little Jewel Kay to a different daycare. Manda ask the director, if she and Kinsey were in the same school district, and they aren't. Glad she will be gone. She was given a week out because she was spitting on everyone---she even spit on my toes when I went in to get Kins one day! She likes to spit she says! Psycho kid!!!

Gotta get it in gear, I have less than!! 45 minutes to get dressed, ready to go, get Kinsey and make my dentist appt on time!!! It is 30 minutes away!!! Wooohoooo here we go!

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Jen, I love that you're posting so much more now!! Have a nice, quiet weekend and a great ride!

Kat, that poor child! What the hell is happening in her life to make her do this to other children? Good Lord! She has no power in her own life so she is taking it in daycare! YIKES!!!

BBL! Have a great day!!!

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I wanna see the WEENIEMOBILE!!!!!!!!

Angela? ahhhh, i just remembered that her ds was having his surgery today...i hope all went well. I will give her a text and see how things went.

Gotta go, they are delivering my couch soon.

Have a great evening!

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Did you hear anything from Angela?

Weeniemobile was ..... well a weeniemobile!!! Kinsey got a kick out of it, but refused to eat one, she is such a Mommy's girl, she thinks if Mommy won't eat hot dogs then neither will she! It does not however stop her from inhaling crab legs!!! LOL

I have a killer headache....drinking caffeine, took some ibuprofin, and still it throbs. uuggghhh

How goes the move Tracy?

Cindy---see you here, is summer school over this week?

Wonder what happen to Bethany and Terri----we run 'em off????

Suzie, you out walking???

good to see you again Jenn! I enjoy being the passenger, of course I am the wierd one who sleeps on the back of the bike, freaks everyone out! LOL I love it!

Michelle---hope your head is better too. I know I wonder about the kids life too----but DO NOT want her picking on Kinsey, and Kinsey being made to allow it. She has a right to stand up for herself---I do not agree with them turning her into a beaten down wimp of a child! She has to learn to stand up for herself. And they seem to be thwarting that. School starts in a couple of months, she should be fine.

We had so much fun at the movie!

Her preschool is closed tomorrow, so she is staying with me. I Bought her a Toy Story 3 Slip and Slide----I know she is going to love it!

Also got her and Ray (Becky's grandson her age) all these glow sticks that are shaped---magic wands, and swords, and flowers---they love the glow sticks. I bought a bunch of the necklace ones, they make loops out of them and toss them all around, and Bracelet ones to link together---they should have fun. We are taking a grill, and having dinner then watching the fireworks together. Rick is working, so will come straight from work to where we gather. The city does the big show on the 3rd. Then a local guy does another one on the 4th. Rick and I usually go to that one just the 2 of us.

Other than that, no real 4th of July plans......lazy time!!

What about y'all?

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Anglea- how is Zach?

Kat- I am sorry Kinsey is being bullied like that. I tell my kids the first day of school I don't like bullies and if I catch them bullying that are poop in my book. I use nicer words than that, but they get the message.

Well, summer school is finally over and I am overjoyed. I read an entire book today sitting at a Starbucks!!! I LOVE to read and I plan on doing it every day. This we have a big family reunion for my dh's family on Saturday. It requires a almost 3 hour drive but we haven't been in over 5 years so I told him we had to go. Then, Sunday my baby brother is coming in for a few weeks this summer and my dad is cooking alligator sauce picaunte. It is so good. I hope everyone has a safe and fun 4th!!:)

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Did you hear anything from Angela?

Weeniemobile was ..... well a weeniemobile!!! Kinsey got a kick out of it, but refused to eat one, she is such a Mommy's girl, she thinks if Mommy won't eat hot dogs then neither will she! It does not however stop her from inhaling crab legs!!! LOL

I have a killer headache....drinking caffeine, took some ibuprofin, and still it throbs. uuggghhh

Are you better? Sure hope so!

How goes the move Tracy?

Cindy---see you here, is summer school over this week?

Wonder what happen to Bethany and Terri----we run 'em off????

Suzie, you out walking???

good to see you again Jenn! I enjoy being the passenger, of course I am the wierd one who sleeps on the back of the bike, freaks everyone out! LOL I love it!

Michelle---hope your head is better too. I know I wonder about the kids life too----but DO NOT want her picking on Kinsey, and Kinsey being made to allow it. She has a right to stand up for herself---I do not agree with them turning her into a beaten down wimp of a child! She has to learn to stand up for herself. And they seem to be thwarting that. School starts in a couple of months, she should be fine.

Head is better. Thanks!

Totally agree with you! Kinsey should not have to deal with that and should NOT have to be made to 'TAKE' it. So wrong!!

We had so much fun at the movie!

Her preschool is closed tomorrow, so she is staying with me. I Bought her a Toy Story 3 Slip and Slide----I know she is going to love it!

Also got her and Ray (Becky's grandson her age) all these glow sticks that are shaped---magic wands, and swords, and flowers---they love the glow sticks. I bought a bunch of the necklace ones, they make loops out of them and toss them all around, and Bracelet ones to link together---they should have fun. We are taking a grill, and having dinner then watching the fireworks together. Rick is working, so will come straight from work to where we gather. The city does the big show on the 3rd. Then a local guy does another one on the 4th. Rick and I usually go to that one just the 2 of us.

Other than that, no real 4th of July plans......lazy time!!

What about y'all?

Sounds like a good time!! Enjoy!!

Anglea- how is Zach?

Kat- I am sorry Kinsey is being bullied like that. I tell my kids the first day of school I don't like bullies and if I catch them bullying that are poop in my book. I use nicer words than that, but they get the message.

Well, summer school is finally over and I am overjoyed. I read an entire book today sitting at a Starbucks!!! I LOVE to read and I plan on doing it every day. This we have a big family reunion for my dh's family on Saturday. It requires a almost 3 hour drive but we haven't been in over 5 years so I told him we had to go. Then, Sunday my baby brother is coming in for a few weeks this summer and my dad is cooking alligator sauce picaunte. It is so good. I hope everyone has a safe and fun 4th!!:)

Glad summer school is over for you. How'd it go? Sounds like you're going to have a fun weekend too!

Thinking about Zach today. Praying all went well.

Work tomorrow for a few hours. I'm already mixed up in some drama! UGH!!! Just sort of happened but it's not a great start! Dammit!! Oh well.

DD is hungry. Talk at ya later!!

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Any news from Angela yet? I hope all went well.

Long busy day here. Just lots of housework that I haven't been able to do for weeks. Now that I have my staples out I'm thinking I can do anything.

I'm thinking about getting a fill in the next few weeks. So far I haven't had any problem with the hiatal hernia since I had the unfill of 4cc's so I think maybe a .5cc should help a little.

We are staying home for the 4th. It gets really crazy here from the 1st. to the 4th. Closer we stay to home the better we feel. Maybe keep our house from burning down. There have been some really wild things happen around here with the neighbors. I think they are calling for a slight chance of rain anyways.

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I did not text angela...I had to leave to be there to get my couch delivered so I left here in a hurry and left my cell phone. UGH, I hate when I do that. I will check with her tomorrow.

Cindy-I love to read as well. What kinds of books are you into?

Michelle-drama already....figures. Poor thing.

Suzanne-I need to get a fill too but just cant right now. Maybe in a month or so after we start saving some money from this move!

Kat-I love to watch little kids chow down on crab legs or crawfish. Too cute! Some kids can peel 'em better than me!

Jenn-i want to see a recent pic of you!

OK ladies, I am BEAT. :tt1: I will talk tomorrow!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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