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My goodness, Suzie, you walked enough today!!! And so soon after surgery! You never fail to impress me!

I went to town with my Dad, and helped him get paint for his house, they are having it painted inside. Good thing I went, that salesman saw him coming looking lost! Then proceeded to argue with me about what kind of paint I wanted for the bathroom----a kid all of maybe 20.....he tried to explain the difference between interior and exterior paint to me! LOL I listened, then said "right, we want the exterior base for the bathroom" He finally just shrugged! LOL

Then come home, and put in the window glass----not a new line of work in my future! Nails (fingernails) are not compatible with putty!!

Kinsey stayed with us awhile tonight, while Manda was at practice. She is skating, but not competitively---just on wheels. She gets the results of her MRI tomorrow. Hope all is well.

After the Dr. we are going to see Toy Story 3. Should be fun.

Rick leaves at 4 again, going to try not to break any windows tomorrow!!!

Terri---did you come up with a place to meet up again??

Tracy---did you hear from your apt. people? So is the plan to move ASAP, and shut off the elec. so it is not an issue for July---just the rent to the old place?

It sure fell together well, just like it was meant to be. My life never falls into place like that!!

OK---off to the shower, I am hot and sticky!

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Suzanne, you were a walking machine today! Good job!

Kat, what a day! And to start it all so early! Yuck! Lots of prayers for Jarred.

Please explain the reason for exterior paint on the interior? Never heard of that before. We've got LOTS of painting yet to do with this place so I'm always open to new ideas/reasonings. Please share!

We did nothing today. It hit 102 here at our house! 108 for the city! YUCK! Only supposed to be 103 in the city tomorrow so we should be in the mid-90s. Then it's supposed to drop dramatically. Looking forward to the dramatic drop!! LOL!

Hope y'all have a great Tuesday! HUGS!!

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Michelle, their bathroom is like ours it is small, and while there is a fan, it is not enough to handle the moisture in the room. They too have the sliding doors over the shower/tub. On the ceiling, no matter what kind of paint or primer we used, the paint would crack and peel. Looked like our bathroom had leprosy! The exterior paint is made for temperature extremes, and moisture, followed by heat etc. It flexes more.

The kid wanted to sell us some that was mold resistant. Mold is not the issue, our issue is simply the moisture followed by our dry heat, causing it to shrink & peel. Doesn't happen with exterior. You can get it in many finishes---we use a satin latex, they can tint it any color they can an interior paint.

I HATE painting. So take all the shortcuts I can. And do it as infrequently as possible!!!

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morning gals

my computer is holding on by a thread... got it up and running today

George came back from visiting his son early this week and asked if I want company, so he came down and we had shrimp scampi (i had fresh spinach with mine instead of pasta) He is starting to enjoy coming down here even if he does go home. He stays 1 night a week, sometimes 2. Tonight he is staying... Th is his bday so my dad is keeping Dylan and I'm staying there. He is going to visit his sister for the long weekend, but I'm going to get some stuff done around here.

What do you all have planned for the 4th?

Tracy - MOVING AGAIN?????

ok off to get dressed.

I'm jealous, someone come visit me... lol

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Hubby ask why I have fans going in the bathroom all the time. It helps keep down the moisture. I just have the real little fans that you can clip on to things. One is clipped on to a little shelf I have hanging by the mirror. It is pointed towards the celiing so it's not blowing on you, just keeps things circulating. It really comes in handy during the humid months. But most of all it keeps the moisture down and we don't get the pealy paint or mold going.

Boy, I'm feeling it this morning. All that walking. I can tell in my hips the most. But I'll get back out today and keep going. I love to walk, just wish my feet would hold up better.

We have a trip to Wal-Mart to do today. We are low on a few things and need to get stocked back up. Other than that it's a hang around the house day again.

I stopped by work yesterday to get my paycheck. I also wanted my boss to see my incision. I wanted her to know that if I'm not back to work soon that this is why. It's a lot bigger than what we thought it would be and she now knows that I can't sit for to long in one spot and won't be able to do all the cleaning I used too. Hopefully around the 12 of July I can return. But it was so good to see some of the customers. They were so full of questions. I would have stayed and chatted with the but my nephew was out in the car waiting on me.

Make it a good one. I did really good yesterday but I broke down and had some FF popcorn last night. I'll do better today. And more Water. More water. More water..........

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Good morning!!

It is really black outside! I guess we are starting to see the rain bands from TS Alex. I just hope we don't get a lot of "training" storms. That can cause major flooding. I do wish for some rain though.

Suzie, I wish I was closer to you! I love to walk as well. Good for you to get so much in, but be careful not to overdue it. Have you heard from your friend with the young boy-toy? I hope things have calmed down there.

Kat, lots of prayers for Jarred. How is your friend holding up? As a mother that has got to be horrifying.

You got my interest with that paint story too. I would have never thought of that.

Michelle...that is just too darn hot! Is the humidity bad as well?

I got a little visit in with Tracy yesterday! We bought a few things from her and got to meet her hubby. Moving sucks...no two ways about it, but I know she will be happier without that electricity bill.

Well guys, Zach is taking his TAKS (re-take of the state test) today and we are crossing our fingers for him. He also has surgery on Thursday (this time it IS on the schedule!) so he is calling this a "bad week". Life's terrible at 14, right? He just doesn't know how blessed he really is.

We are going to try and go to the place we have in Palacios this weekend. Mike and I are both on vacation for a week and decided that we could use the time to get some painting done that is long overdue. That is not my idea of "vacation", lol but it needs get done. We will be ping-ponging back and forth between houses all week.

Tracy, we are talking about having a BBQ on the 10th with a bunch of family and friends. I know you are busy with the move, but we would love to have you guys over. It is all tenative right now, so I will keep you posted.

Also, Tracy...I asked Mike that fill question as we were leaving your house yesterday. He does charge the same, fill or unfill. It's $120.00! We only paid $30.00 for a year or so and then they came back and said that they were not billing our insurance correctly. When we pull up an explanation of benefits through our insurance, it shows the doctor's office bills them $1500.00 for a doctor visit, flouro (sp) and your fill or whatever. $1500!!!!

The sign on the window for cash-pay patients when we got our bands in 2008 was $100.00. HIGHWAY ROBBERY!!

Our co-pay is suppose to be 20% but somehow when it is all said and done, it states on our EOB that we owe $120.00 (and I had to fight them over that and fax an EOB in to them). Oh, well. Could be worse, right?

Where is Cindy??

To anyone else I missed....HI!

Have a good day!


Edited by AngelaW

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Angela-someone outta smack your dr across the face. :ohmy: That IS highway robbery!

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suzanne- i am proud of how well you are doing. Kudos to you for walking that much!

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Thanks, but now I have a blister. Oh well.

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The exterior paint is made for temperature extremes, and moisture, followed by heat etc. It flexes more.

I HATE painting. So take all the shortcuts I can. And do it as infrequently as possible!!!

That makes a lot of sense. We don't have that issue at all. We have a small window that we open and the tub/shower and toilet are separate from the vanity area. I'm going to keep that in mind tho. It's a great idea!

morning gals

my computer is holding on by a thread... got it up and running today

What do you all have planned for the 4th?

Jen, good to 'see' you! Glad things are going so well!

A friend is having a BBQ at their house in the afternoon. Otherwise, we're staying home. Our area is big with tourists and we have a huge fireworks show on the 4th at the Lake. It's NUTS! so we tend to stay home!

Boy, I'm feeling it this morning. All that walking. I can tell in my hips the most. But I'll get back out today and keep going. I love to walk, just wish my feet would hold up better.

I stopped by work yesterday to get my paycheck.

Be careful you don't overdo it! Bet it was good to see everyone at work!

Michelle...that is just too darn hot! Is the humidity bad as well?

Well guys, Zach is taking his TAKS (re-take of the state test) today and we are crossing our fingers for him. He also has surgery on Thursday (this time it IS on the schedule!) so he is calling this a "bad week". Life's terrible at 14, right? He just doesn't know how blessed he really is.

Have a good day!


Angela, we don't usually have a humidity problem. Thank GOD! We have some and it can get bad if the clouds back up along the mountains but not too bad. It is cooler today by a few degrees.

Best wishes to Zach this week!!!!

Hi Everyone!

We ended up running down to the city this AM. I went to SAS Shoes and bought some good work shoes. Spent a bloody fortune but I can't mess up my feet any more than they already are! I need to be able to WALK!!

Went by Target and I found some cute shorts. I would have never bought these before but they are a board-type short in a multi-plaid. One pink and one blue. Too cute!

We need to leave soon and go to the grocery store. I don't have any thing for dinner tonight.

Have a great evening!

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My goodness, Suzie, you walked enough today!!! And so soon after surgery! You never fail to impress me! She impresses the heck out of me too!

I went to town with my Dad, and helped him get paint for his house, they are having it painted inside. Good thing I went, that salesman saw him coming looking lost! Then proceeded to argue with me about what kind of paint I wanted for the bathroom----a kid all of maybe 20.....he tried to explain the difference between interior and exterior paint to me! LOL I listened, then said "right, we want the exterior base for the bathroom" He finally just shrugged! LOL what a great idea! I would have never thought to use exterior paint in the bathroom...but now that you mention it, it is a great idea!

Then come home, and put in the window glass----not a new line of work in my future! Nails (fingernails) are not compatible with putty!!

Kinsey stayed with us awhile tonight, while Manda was at practice. She is skating, but not competitively---just on wheels. She gets the results of her MRI tomorrow. Hope all is well. keep us posted

After the Dr. we are going to see Toy Story 3. Should be fun. i didn't get to see it but macy loved it.

Rick leaves at 4 again, going to try not to break any windows tomorrow!!! I have to admit

Terri---did you come up with a place to meet up again??

Tracy---did you hear from your apt. people? yes. my present landlord was holding out in faxing our rent history to the new place until i put his July rent in his account. Cant say i blame him. I'll bet he has been screwed over more times than we can imagine! So he sent it to the apts today and we sign our lease tomorrow. So is the plan to move ASAP, and shut off the elec. so it is not an issue for July---just the rent to the old place? exactly...i will just have to make arrangement to break the big bills up into payments.

It sure fell together well, just like it was meant to be. My life never falls into place like that!! I love it when a plan comes together. God is so good to us.

OK---off to the shower, I am hot and sticky!

We did nothing today. It hit 102 here at our house! 108 for the city! YUCK! Only supposed to be 103 in the city tomorrow so we should be in the mid-90s. Then it's supposed to drop dramatically. Looking forward to the dramatic drop!! LOL! wow, I wish WE would get a dramatic drop. :sad: I HATE HEAT!

Hope y'all have a great Tuesday! HUGS!!

morning gals

my computer is holding on by a thread... got it up and running today yay...another post from you!

George came back from visiting his son early this week and asked if I want company, so he came down and we had shrimp scampi (i had fresh spinach with mine instead of pasta) He is starting to enjoy coming down here even if he does go home. He stays 1 night a week, sometimes 2. Tonight he is staying... Th is his bday so my dad is keeping Dylan and I'm staying there. He is going to visit his sister for the long weekend, but I'm going to get some stuff done around here.

What do you all have planned for the 4th? moving

Tracy - MOVING AGAIN????? Can you believe? Have to. Too much house for 3 people. Too many expenses too!

ok off to get dressed.

I'm jealous, someone come visit me... lol

Good morning!! good evening :)

It is really black outside! I guess we are starting to see the rain bands from TS Alex. I just hope we don't get a lot of "training" storms. That can cause major flooding. I do wish for some rain though. Me too, just not this weekend, ya know? Especially at 8 AM on Saturday when the movers get here.

Suzie, I wish I was closer to you! I love to walk as well. Good for you to get so much in, but be careful not to overdue it. Have you heard from your friend with the young boy-toy? I hope things have calmed down there.

Kat, lots of prayers for Jarred. How is your friend holding up? As a mother that has got to be horrifying.

You got my interest with that paint story too. I would have never thought of that. me either!

Michelle...that is just too darn hot! Is the humidity bad as well?

I got a little visit in with Tracy yesterday! We bought a few things from her and got to meet her hubby. Moving sucks...no two ways about it, but I know she will be happier without that electricity bill. happier all the way around actually. It was nice to meet your husband too.

Well guys, Zach is taking his TAKS (re-take of the state test) today and we are crossing our fingers for him. He also has surgery on Thursday (this time it IS on the schedule!) so he is calling this a "bad week". Life's terrible at 14, right? He just doesn't know how blessed he really is. I will say a big prayer he does well!

We are going to try and go to the place we have in Palacios this weekend. Mike and I are both on vacation for a week and decided that we could use the time to get some painting done that is long overdue. That is not my idea of "vacation", lol but it needs get done. We will be ping-ponging back and forth between houses all week. oh well, at least you won't be at work, so that is a good thing, right?

Tracy, we are talking about having a BBQ on the 10th with a bunch of family and friends. I know you are busy with the move, but we would love to have you guys over. It is all tenative right now, so I will keep you posted. Let me know. Frank is working that day though. And believe it or not, I am kinda shy. (quit laughing kat, jenn and suzanne)

Also, Tracy...I asked Mike that fill question as we were leaving your house yesterday. He does charge the same, fill or unfill. It's $120.00! We only paid $30.00 for a year or so and then they came back and said that they were not billing our insurance correctly. When we pull up an explanation of benefits through our insurance, it shows the doctor's office bills them $1500.00 for a doctor visit, flouro (sp) and your fill or whatever. $1500!!!! :yikes:

The sign on the window for cash-pay patients when we got our bands in 2008 was $100.00. HIGHWAY ROBBERY!! switch to spivak :)

Our co-pay is suppose to be 20% but somehow when it is all said and done, it states on our EOB that we owe $120.00 (and I had to fight them over that and fax an EOB in to them). Oh, well. Could be worse, right?

Where is Cindy?? I think she said this is her last week of summer school.

To anyone else I missed....HI!

Have a good day!


Thanks, but now I have a blister. those are the worst! Oh well.

SO...today we sold our refridgerator and my beautiful bakers rack (no room for it). I am now a firm believer in craigslist.

Our living room furniture is complete JUNK...I mean J-U-N-K. Wea re giving it away the day we move, so that should tell you how bad it is. We are getting one that is so pretty. it is a semi-circle sectional. Let me see if I can post the link to show you the whole set.

Primo International Sofa - Living Room | ShopAarons.com

Instead of the ottoman we are getting the matching coffee table and matching lamps. I have NEVER had a matching living room set so this is exciting. We bought some spray that when we put it on the furniture the cat wont get on it. We tried it out because I was skeptical, and it works like a charm! :) I could just see her sharpening her nails on the leather. She does that and she is going to find herself with a new family. I love my pets but I had my cat Cuzz for 15 years and he was my baby...this one is a new addition and i have tried not to get attached!

We sign our lease tomorrow evening and the actual move date is the 3rd but we will get the keys (and the couch delivered) on the 1st.

Have a great night friends. :Yawn:

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Hey girls~

Enjoyed the movie---Kinsey liked it. Was not as good IMHO as Shrek....but I like Shrek!!! From there we went to Manda's Dr. she is healing, but has 6 more weeks of rehab on it. While there I was reading the new Entertainment magazine, where there was an article saying grown men are openly crying at Toy Story 3. Ummmmm ok? I cry easily at movies, commercials, etc----my kids used to rate movies by boxes of Kleenex needed as opposed to stars! I thought it was a sweet movie in spots, but I did not cry, and would have freaked out if my DH did!!! LOL I did have to agree they named Big Baby from the movie as one of the scariest toys! Made the list with Chuckie, then again so did Furby, and I found nothing scary about them.....

Rick is still working. In laws called to invite us to dinner, they invited me, even tho he was working, but it felt like they felt like they had to, so I begged off!!!

Not sure what I am feeding Rick, he said it is hours away before he will be home.....so cooking and feeding him the big heavy meal he requested earlier is not gonna work.......personally, I will skip dinner. Ate about 2 inches of a 6" subway with Kinsey for lunch. We shared a bacon chicken ranch sub. Even together we did not finish it. Not wanting food....I want something sweet! Aaarrggghhh!!!

Tracy, I love the sectional. I am not thrilled with my furniture. It is too big, but it is like new still! Rick and I lay on it occasionally, or Kinsey and I. But 90% of the time, we are in our LaZ Boys!!! So, I will probably have it til I croak!!

Today is my parents 53rd wedding anniversary. They are off to eat dinner tonight, they have plans, but not til the weekend, because they have a guy in painting their house.

They are going not far into Southern Colorado for the weekend. On Sat. They are taking a glider ride over the valley--they have taken them before, all over when they find them available, and love it! Then that night they are going to the Bar D which is a chuckwagon dinner and show, fun, corny, but entertaining. Then Sunday they are going on a jeep trip up Engineer Pass I think it is. Maybe Black Bear. One of the 14,000 foot mountain passes. They have jeep trips, they scare the bejesus out of me, but my parents love them. Then they are coming home on Monday. I am dog sitting....woohoooo! LOL

I need to go out in the next day or so, and upload all of the pics on Moms camera, she is tech illiterate 100%, makes even me look efficient!!! LOL she will want to be ready to take pics!

OK, I Need to fold some laundry......see y'all in awhile!

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I have Orientation tomorrow at 2PM!!!!!!

Tracy, sounds like you're clearing things out and pretty well on your way! Like the couch!

Kat, your folks sound like fun! Hope they enjoy themselves this weekend! Congratulations to them on 53 years!!!

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drive by


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Hey girls~

Enjoyed the movie---Kinsey liked it. Was not as good IMHO as Shrek....but I like Shrek!!! From there we went to Manda's Dr. she is healing, but has 6 more weeks of rehab on it. While there I was reading the new Entertainment magazine, where there was an article saying grown men are openly crying at Toy Story 3. Ummmmm ok? I cry easily at movies, commercials, etc----my kids used to rate movies by boxes of Kleenex needed as opposed to stars! I thought it was a sweet movie in spots, but I did not cry, and would have freaked out if my DH did!!! LOL I did have to agree they named Big Baby from the movie as one of the scariest toys! Made the list with Chuckie, then again so did Furby, and I found nothing scary about them.....I can cry on demand. My mom always said I could be a hired crier if there were such a thing. Like for funerals for someone that nobody liked, LOL. OR weddings :biggtin: I could make a fortune.

Rick is still working. In laws called to invite us to dinner, they invited me, even tho he was working, but it felt like they felt like they had to, so I begged off!!!

Not sure what I am feeding Rick, he said it is hours away before he will be home.....so cooking and feeding him the big heavy meal he requested earlier is not gonna work.......personally, I will skip dinner. Ate about 2 inches of a 6" subway with Kinsey for lunch. We shared a bacon chicken ranch sub. Even together we did not finish it. Not wanting food....I want something sweet! Aaarrggghhh!!! Thank God for sugar free ice cream!

Tracy, I love the sectional. I am not thrilled with my furniture. It is too big, but it is like new still! Rick and I lay on it occasionally, or Kinsey and I. But 90% of the time, we are in our LaZ Boys!!! So, I will probably have it til I croak!! My furniture makes peoples bodys ache. :)

Today is my parents 53rd wedding anniversary. They are off to eat dinner tonight, they have plans, but not til the weekend, because they have a guy in painting their house. 53 years...amazing. tell them congrats!

They are going not far into Southern Colorado for the weekend. On Sat. They are taking a glider ride over the valley--they have taken them before, all over when they find them available, and love it! Then that night they are going to the Bar D which is a chuckwagon dinner and show, fun, corny, but entertaining. Then Sunday they are going on a jeep trip up Engineer Pass I think it is. Maybe Black Bear. One of the 14,000 foot mountain passes. They have jeep trips, they scare the bejesus out of me, but my parents love them. that is fantastic!! Then they are coming home on Monday. I am dog sitting....woohoooo! LOL

I need to go out in the next day or so, and upload all of the pics on Moms camera, she is tech illiterate 100%, makes even me look efficient!!! LOL she will want to be ready to take pics! My mom is too! lol They always call and ask how to do this or that with the computer.

OK, I Need to fold some laundry......see y'all in awhile!

I have Orientation tomorrow at 2PM!!!!!! yay! I am so excited for you!

Tracy, sounds like you're clearing things out and pretty well on your way! Like the couch! Thank you! I wish I could just open the door of my house and say come and get it! I still have a monster computer desk, and some decorative things. One is a 43" wide (huge) wooden knick knack shelf with the country heart carved at the top. I hate to trash it.

Kat, your folks sound like fun! Hope they enjoy themselves this weekend! Congratulations to them on 53 years!!!

drive by

MORNING ummm, shut up! you talk to much! :yikes: I miss you so much! :Yawn:

Good morning friends (wish i was saying neighbors). How is everyone?

Good news, my landlord sent the fax the apts needed and we get to sign our lease this evening when dh gets home and then i will get the keys tomorrow so our couch (living room furniture) can be delivered :).

The Hurricane Alex is giving us some much needed rain!

OMG, i need to get off here. I need to find some renters insurance today. Wish me luck that i find some cheap! Have a good one ladies!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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