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Oh Tracy! Thank you so much!! No problem. When does your new job start?
Tracy, thanks for the update. YW. When is summer school over? Today I hope?!

checkng in to see how Suzanne is doing, I will keep her in my prayers

Tracy - as of right now I am home this weekend - you tell me and I'll give you a call, I'm a couple hrs ahead of you

what time do you get up and done with Breakfast for Macy on weekends ? Diff times. lol I will give you a lohher sometime tomorrow, if it is a bad time, I will just call you back later :crying: If I have to make a guess it would be around 10 central

As for meds, sister, I've been on them for 2 years and why couldn't you get a job for that? Hello, most of america is on them? Yeah thats true. WTH was I thinking! lol

Do i have to get on a plane and come kick your ass? LOL you know what it would take for me to do that! I wish you would. Like in Sept when Suzanne comes by and we can get Angela to join us...see? I have it all figured out. Just pop a valium and get your ass down here :scared2: :scared2:

I am losing my health insurance and don't know what I'm going to do, not eligible until April - 1 year, which seems like a long time for health ins, but what am i going to do - at least I have a job. is it through your job? why are you losing it?

Well I'm off to work, sitting here way too long... George came over last night and we fell asleep, he has appt this am so couldn't stay, so that sucked he had to get up and go. He is the perfect inbetweener (I could say something really crude and funny right here but i won't :scared2: ) - sometimes wish more than that, but ... happy note, I told KEV to have a good life and did not fall for the bs, and I know what I want and deserve in a relationship, along with a Harley good for you!! - I love being a hitch hiker and not in control!

Angela-so what are you doing this weekend? How you your son and how are you?

I hope Kat is having a blast. I miss her.

I hope suzanne feels good this morning.

Terri-how are you?

So, does anobody have exciting plans for the weekend? I really want to go see Karate Kid at the movies. :scared2: Maybe we will.

Have a great day friends :thumbup:

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I am losing my health insurance and don't know what I'm going to do, not eligible until April - 1 year, which seems like a long time for health ins, but what am i going to do - at least I have a job.

That sucks!!

Well I'm off to work, sitting here way too long... George came over last night and we fell asleep, he has appt this am so couldn't stay, so that sucked he had to get up and go. He is the perfect inbetweener - sometimes wish more than that, but ... happy note, I told KEV to have a good life and did not fall for the bs, and I know what I want and deserve in a relationship, along with a Harley - I love being a hitch hiker and not in control!

Good for you!

Michelle, good for you in getting a slight unfill. I think I am headed that way myself. I have heartburn daily.

Thanks. I was pretty upset about it yesterday AM. He took all of what he put in on Monday. :scared2: BUT it needed to happen.

Your daughter sounds like a sweetie.

She is! She can also give me a headache too! LOL!!!

Cindy, how are you? Was school better today?

Hello to everyone else...I am pooped and calling it a night!


How is Zach doing? All better now? You didn't end up getting sick, did you? Sure hope not! Yuck!

Angela-so what are you doing this weekend? How you your son and how are you?

I hope Kat is having a blast. I miss her.


I hope suzanne feels good this morning.

Terri-how are you?

So, does anobody have exciting plans for the weekend? I really want to go see Karate Kid at the movies. :scared2: Maybe we will.

Have a great day friends :thumbup:

No exciting plans. Swim lesson this AM and after that, nothing. Tho I do need to attempt a load of laundry. It'll be the first load going downstairs that I've done since surgery! Should be fine tho. I've been able to pick DD up now and again for short periods of time so I should be okay getting the laundry up and down the stairs.

Oh, Tracy, almost forgot. I have no idea when the new job will start. They are remodeling a former KFC/A&W. In fact the driveway is still torn up and has yet to be re-paved! Boss was hoping end of the month but I'm kinda doubting that! I'm sure he's wanting to be open in time for the 4th's holiday weekend traffic but we'll see.

Doing okay this AM. Feeling a little fragile. Scared of getting stuck again on liquids! Sipped a little Water and it went down fine. Having some hot tea before I attempt an Atkins shake. Gonna try to take it easy today.

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No word from Suzie yet? Man, I hope she is resting comfortably...

Michelle...be careful with that laundry!

Tracy, I can't seem to wrap my mind around a new karate kid. I was in love with the original guy back in the day and somehow I can't envision Will Smith's kiddo (another cutie from back in the day) making that movie work for me. Let me know how you like it...you might change my mind!! I do think Toy Story looks cute.

Nothing much on tap for this weekend. I think we are going to the bayhouse...we are suppose to anyways but Mike just called and said he is working tomorrow :thumbup: . Oh well, as long as he is off on Father's Day it will be fine. We are planning to drive the boat around to Topwater Grill (Tracy, you been there? It's really good!) for Father's Day. We shall see...

Tracy, you have my cell, right? Would you text me if anything changes with Suzie? Also, I am back on 7-4 next week so if coffee sounds good to you.....??

Have a great weekend!!!!!


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Hey guys, I'm home. Boy, that was to say the least, very interesting.

I woke up in rcovery to the nurse in her outside voice tellin mg to wake up. I asked her where I was. She told me that I was in the recovery room. I than asked why I was there and once again she told me. I than asked if I had had surgery. She said "yes". I had surgery, where was I? They started giving me ice chips and telling me I needed to wakeup. "Where am I, I asked" I think I ended up asking 3 time. So finally they brought Hubby in to explain it too me.

When we got to my room. that was when they told me that it wasn't a cyst but that it was a tumor. Doc said he was sure he got all of it but will send it to be byopsied. We will know in about a week what the result were.

So about 1 1/2 hours later I was up and out of bed walking to the nurses desk. You should have seen the looks on their faces. They really surprised. I had baked a batch of Cookies for them and I dropped them of. I walked 2 times yesterday evening. Today I am up to 4 walks. About 7pm, Doggie and my little sis and I will walk down to the corner. Everyday I walk 5 times and added a minute to each day.

I can't begin to tell you how much better I feel. The pain and numdness are gone but it hurts at the surgery site. I just need to take it nice and easy. Sad part is that I can't go back to work for 6 week. That's not the really sad part, I can't swimm for 6 weeks. I'm mortified, holy crap.

I'll be back later to tell you some more. I just want to let you guys know that the thoughts and prayers are deeply appritiatived. You guys are the best.

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Suzanne: I am glad to hear you are doing well!

Ladies, I took my children to the midnight showing of Toy Story 3 last night and it was good! I almost cried at the end...ok, I did cry a little, but no one saw me:tongue2:

Summer school still sucks and it isn't over until next week and then the week after is when they take the test. The class they gave us is just so bad. I hate to say it, but it is true. Dangit. I could not even eat my Soup at lunch today. It is bad when you aren't too tight, but can't get soup down.:smilielol5: Some of the kids really want to pass, and we are doing our best to help them. Out of the 14 students in the class only 1 can add and subtract with regrouping. THIS IS 4TH GRADE!!! Basically, these students have been passed from grade to grade not knowing basic 1st and 2nd grade math. It frustrates me terribly. Our last hour of each day is being broken into small groups to try to help them learn this basic skill. Sorry for venting, but it makes me sad.:thumbup:

Ok, ladies. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. I know I am going to try to recouperate.

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Oh, Tracy, almost forgot. I have no idea when the new job will start. They are remodeling a former KFC/A&W. In fact the driveway is still torn up and has yet to be re-paved! Boss was hoping end of the month but I'm kinda doubting that! I'm sure he's wanting to be open in time for the 4th's holiday weekend traffic but we'll see. It can be amazing what people can do if there is a deadline set...maybe it will be sooner than u think?!

Doing okay this AM. Feeling a little fragile. Scared of getting stuck again on liquids! Sipped a little Water and it went down fine. Having some hot tea before I attempt an Atkins shake. Gonna try to take it easy today. so how did the day go for you eating?

No word from Suzie yet? Man, I hope she is resting comfortably...

Michelle...be careful with that laundry!

Tracy, I can't seem to wrap my mind around a new karate kid. I was in love with the original guy back in the day and somehow I can't envision Will Smith's kiddo (another cutie from back in the day) making that movie work for me. Let me know how you like it...you might change my mind!! I do think Toy Story looks cute. I loved the originals too but I have seen SO many clips of the new one and I love the work that Jaden Smith put into it. I hear it is GREAT. I am excited.

Nothing much on tap for this weekend. I think we are going to the bayhouse...we are suppose to anyways but Mike just called and said he is working tomorrow :( . Oh well, as long as he is off on Father's Day it will be fine. We are planning to drive the boat around to Topwater Grill (Tracy, you been there? It's really good!) never been there. where is it? for Father's Day. We shall see...

Tracy, you have my cell, right? Would you text me if anything changes with Suzie? Also, I am back on 7-4 next week so if coffee sounds good to you.....?? Definitely, as long as you don't mind if macy tags along. DH will be on nights and be gone already.

Have a great weekend!!!!!


Hey guys, I'm home. Boy, that was to say the least, very interesting. :lol: So glad to see you!

I woke up in rcovery to the nurse in her outside voice tellin mg to wake up. I asked her where I was. She told me that I was in the recovery room. I than asked why I was there and once again she told me. I than asked if I had had surgery. She said "yes". I had surgery, where was I? They started giving me ice chips and telling me I needed to wakeup. "Where am I, I asked" I think I ended up asking 3 time. So finally they brought Hubby in to explain it too me. I hate when they try to wake me up out of such a great sleep! :smilielol5:

When we got to my room. that was when they told me that it wasn't a cyst but that it was a tumor. Doc said he was sure he got all of it but will send it to be byopsied. We will know in about a week what the result were. It is going to be fine! I just know it!

So about 1 1/2 hours later I was up and out of bed walking to the nurses desk. You should have seen the looks on their faces. They really surprised. I had baked a batch of Cookies for them and I dropped them of. I walked 2 times yesterday evening. Today I am up to 4 walks. About 7pm, Doggie and my little sis and I will walk down to the corner. Everyday I walk 5 times and added a minute to each day.

I can't begin to tell you how much better I feel. The pain and numdness are gone but it hurts at the surgery site. I just need to take it nice and easy. Sad part is that I can't go back to work for 6 week. That's not the really sad part, I can't swimm for 6 weeks. I'm mortified, holy crap. That SUCKS! I feel so sorry for you. I can not imagine having a pool and not being able to get into it!

I'll be back later to tell you some more. I just want to let you guys know that the thoughts and prayers are deeply appritiatived. You guys are the best. Glad to have you home :thumbup:

Suzanne: I am glad to hear you are doing well!

Ladies, I took my children to the midnight showing of Toy Story 3 last night and it was good! I almost cried at the end...ok, I did cry a little, but no one saw me:tongue2: Oh no, that means I will cry too!

Summer school still sucks and it isn't over until next week and then the week after is when they take the test. The class they gave us is just so bad. I hate to say it, but it is true. Dangit. I could not even eat my Soup at lunch today. It is bad when you aren't too tight, but can't get soup down. you poor thing! :sad: Some of the kids really want to pass, and we are doing our best to help them. Out of the 14 students in the class only 1 can add and subtract with regrouping. THIS IS 4TH GRADE!!! Basically, these students have been passed from grade to grade not knowing basic 1st and 2nd grade math. It frustrates me terribly. Our last hour of each day is being broken into small groups to try to help them learn this basic skill. Sorry for venting, but it makes me sad.:lol:That is a darn shame. I do not understand why they get passed. That is so sad. :sad:

Ok, ladies. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. I know I am going to try to recouperate.

OK, one more homie to get back in here....Come on Kat.... :lol:

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Anglea, I will be very careful. I didn't attempt it today but will tomorrow. At least going down, I can always toss it to the bottom of the stairs! LOL! It'll just be getting it back up the stairs again. I've already decided I can just bring parts of it up at a time. We'll see!

Hey guys, I'm home. Boy, that was to say the least, very interesting.

Yay!! You're home!!

I woke up in rcovery to the nurse in her outside voice tellin mg to wake up. I asked her where I was. She told me that I was in the recovery room. I than asked why I was there and once again she told me. I than asked if I had had surgery. She said "yes". I had surgery, where was I? They started giving me ice chips and telling me I needed to wakeup. "Where am I, I asked" I think I ended up asking 3 time. So finally they brought Hubby in to explain it too me.

I hate when they expect you to remember things at a time like that! LOL!

When we got to my room. that was when they told me that it wasn't a cyst but that it was a tumor. Doc said he was sure he got all of it but will send it to be byopsied. We will know in about a week what the result were.

Lots of prayers and good thoughts. Glad they got it out!

So about 1 1/2 hours later I was up and out of bed walking to the nurses desk. You should have seen the looks on their faces. They really surprised. I had baked a batch of Cookies for them and I dropped them of. I walked 2 times yesterday evening. Today I am up to 4 walks. About 7pm, Doggie and my little sis and I will walk down to the corner. Everyday I walk 5 times and added a minute to each day.

Good job!!

I can't begin to tell you how much better I feel. The pain and numdness are gone but it hurts at the surgery site. I just need to take it nice and easy. Sad part is that I can't go back to work for 6 week. That's not the really sad part, I can't swimm for 6 weeks. I'm mortified, holy crap.

Yay! No more pain and numbness!!! Sorry about the pool. I'd be upset too.

I'll be back later to tell you some more. I just want to let you guys know that the thoughts and prayers are deeply appritiatived. You guys are the best.

Rest and take your time. Hugs!!!

Suzanne: I am glad to hear you are doing well!

Ladies, I took my children to the midnight showing of Toy Story 3 last night and it was good! I almost cried at the end...ok, I did cry a little, but no one saw me:tongue2:

We're going to go next week. DH wants to see it too.

Summer school still sucks and it isn't over until next week and then the week after is when they take the test. The class they gave us is just so bad. I hate to say it, but it is true. Dangit. I could not even eat my Soup at lunch today. It is bad when you aren't too tight, but can't get soup down.:smilielol5: Some of the kids really want to pass, and we are doing our best to help them. Out of the 14 students in the class only 1 can add and subtract with regrouping. THIS IS 4TH GRADE!!! Basically, these students have been passed from grade to grade not knowing basic 1st and 2nd grade math. It frustrates me terribly. Our last hour of each day is being broken into small groups to try to help them learn this basic skill. Sorry for venting, but it makes me sad.:thumbup:

I am so sorry that you are having to deal with all of that! What is up with these teachers that they won't hold students back anymore?! Or maybe do their jobs in the first place?! Of course it takes parents being involved too and a lot of times, that's where the problem has started.

Ok, ladies. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. I know I am going to try to recouperate.

Rest as much as you can. Take care, Cindy!

Tracy, today went pretty well, thank you.

I have had 2 shakes, some tea, DD and I shared a small container (1 serving size) of Skinny Cow ice cream, a bit of tuna, a bit of Luna Bar, and half of a scrambled egg w/cheese and ketchup. Right now I'm drinking a small bottle of mocha lite. Oh and Water, of course. I am THRILLED! I very much MUST continue to take it easy. Every once in awhile, if I try to take to big of a drink, it slows WAY down and takes it's time going thru. Still very swollen but can at least get things DOWN!!! WhooHoo!!!

As of this AM I've lost 6lbs since Monday AM. Wish I could keep that but once I'm back to eating it will probably come back. Hoping to keep most of it tho.

DD had a GREAT swim lesson today! She did SO good!! I'd love to put her in the next session next month but it will depend on my work schedule.

Other than that, just taking it easy.

Have a great night! Hugs!!

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:smilielol5: Good morning everyone~

Me & Michelle are tied...I have lost 5.5 too :lol:

Michelle-so glad to hear that you are doing better with your eating. Think POSITIVE...the weight will stay off! :thumbup: I am so glad you found a place for dd to take swimming lessons. My dd was a mermaid in her former life. :lol:

Suzanne-hope you are doing well this morning! How was your night?

Have a fantastic day everyone.

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Thanks, Tracy.

I went ahead and changed my ticker. Figure if I want to try to keep it or stay really close to it, I need to own it!

One thing I for sure need to stop doing is drinking my mocha lites or eating after DD goes to bed. She's usually down by 9, at the very latest, and I've gotten in the habit of having a snack and then usually drinking a small bottle of Starbucks mocha lite. I need to stop the late night crap.

Slow day today. Need to get some thank you notes and father's day cards in the mail. Yea, I know, it's late. DD wants to make some spinach bites that were in her new highlights magazine so I think we'll go to the store and make those later, if I'm able to eat. I'm going to use swiss chard tho instead of spinach b/c that's what we have!

I hope y'all have a great day!

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Hey Homies. Thought I would check in real quick and let you guys know that I am doing excellent. Really, I really am. I am so amazed at how good I am doing and how well I feel. But the surgery site is still sore. The butt, hip and leg feel wonderful. I've been doing just what the Doc has ordered and laying low.

A little while ago I went to the kitchen to get some more Water and thought to myself that I could really get used to this. Others taking care of me. I feel like a princess. lol.

Hubby took pics. Let me know if you want me to post it. Not sick looking but might make you a little squimish.

The kids came over and have been in the pool for about 4 hours. Gonna send them home soon. I actually have spent most of the day laying in bed. Sitting is kinda hard. We have been watching that "Life" series that Oprah narrated. It's been really fun watching it.

Doc did tell me no swimming or work for 6 weeks. I can handle the no work, but this no swimming is going to be really hard to do.

back to bed. I'll try to check in tomoorw. If I don't it is only because it is uncomfortable to sit in a chair.

Thanks again to you guys for caring so much for me. You guys are the greatest.

Have a great weekend.

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Suzanne, I'm so glad you checked in. I agree, the swimming thing is going to be the hardest for you. As much as I love to swim, not having a pool would be an advantage in this situation! Would be easier to resist since I have to drive myself to the pool!

Nice thing too about you being down for the count right now is the others need to do for themselves or figure out how to make it happen somehow!!! This could be a really good thing for ALL of you! I think your sisters have gotten way too dependent on you and have forgotten that they can manage some things. Well, I have my hopes anyway! LOL!!

Take good care of yourself and check in when you can!


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I'm HOME!!

Suzie---I am so glad your surgery went well. I had no idea, but I prayed for you all every night! Even the night I missed the bed (waaaaay too much mexican beer!!!!).

I will be anxious to hear what your results of the tumor are. It is good they got it all and quickly.

Angela---I agree with everyone else, take it slow, and from a distance. I mean we are all getting to know one another really well this way---it CAN be done!!

Sorry the kiddo was sick on top of it all!

Terri! Woohooo a Surgery date!!! Let me know if you want to do lunch again!! How exciting!

Tracy---Honey maybe when the meds kick fully in and you are feeling better you will quit worrying about the meds themselves!!! LOL I know many people on meds of mild to heavy types, and as we have discussed, many others who should be on them!

I am so glad you are following up, Rick's heart valve sudden total failure, is proof, we need to take it serious! He was fine then not!

Jenn--- glad to see you posting again! Miss ya!

Michelle---congrats on the job! DD sounds like such a sweetie!! Is she feeling better?

We had a wonderful time! SA was great, we strolled the river walk, and ate way too much! We bought lots of things at Market Square, we did the Alamo, and the Art museum. We had a blast at SeaWorld, rode every roller coaster there repeatedly! We hit the amusement part during the second round of shows, and there were no lines! The log flume ride and the Great White roller coaster thing, they never even made us get off! I filled out a survey in regards to buying my tickets on line, because there was a glitch in the process, so they upgraded our visit, and gave us free food for the day---we got arm bands that just let us walk in the restaurants, and get our food and drinks, and not pay!!! Was great! Then I went into the bathroom, and while I was in the stall I hear this Indian family arguing (they were in there when I went in, in full dress, and the language, you knew they were eastern Indian) and when they left, I was alone in the restroom. I went out, washed my hands, and was drying them, when I thought I would look at my knee. It is major scabbed, and the Water rides, it was kinda icky. When I looked down, there was what looked like a dollar folded on the floor. I picked it up--and when I did, I see the other side, and the word "hundred"! I about choked! I looked around! I went out, and ask Rick if he saw them looking for something, but he said he never saw them. I watched for them the rest of the day, and never saw them! With that and our free food---we ate, and played ALL day for under $30.00!!!!

One night we partied pretty good!!! It was the night we went out celebrating, big nice dinner, etc to Celebrate the end of the Child support! We thankfully were not hung over the next day---we could have easily been!!! We rode the trolley, we did not drive much at all, it was a blast!

Got home late last night, and have 14 people due here in a couple of hours for a Fathers Day cook out.

The day before we left, the kids passed through o their way to Louisianna. Was very sad. I made it through the good byes, then cried my eyes out. I will miss the boys more than I can say. We took Connor riding, the tractor, and let him drive on the country road. Bought him a handfull of new toys to take with him......Garrick, didn't "get it" so......anyway they are gone. They made it, the moving company showed up so they are gone.

I need to get busy. I missed y'all! Rick is gone for a ride, I want to get some things done while he is gone--it is Fathers Day after all--and his kids BETTER call. Manda has----they better!

Glad to be back---missed talking to y'all!

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WhooHoo!!! Kat is back!!!!!! AND in one piece!!!! LOL!!!!

Sounds like you had a wonderful time and I am so happy!!

Have a great cook-out! Happy Father's Day to Rick!

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Stopping in for a quick check.

Kat, I wonder if it was the money they were arguing about. But as long as you tried to find them, that is what counts. So glad you guys had a good time. And some day you will have to tell us about the beer and the bed.

I called my boss about 15 minutes ago and she said that I had already called her. Told her I might need to switch from the vicodin to tequila. For some reason I couldn't remember if I had told her that I can't work for 6 weeks or not. I just wanted to make sure we were covered. She just laughed at me.

Yesterday I started itching really bad so I took a benedryl and about 4 hours later I took another one. Last night when I went to bed I didn't take any pain meds because I was worried that I might be having a reaction to them. When I got up this morning I took another Benedryl. I waited for my sister to come up and I took her into my room and we checked myself over for hives. I also had her check the surgery site because I have an allergy to the tape they use and have to use the paper tape. She said everything looked good but moved the gauze down to give that area a rest. Her and hubby kinda got into it last night over doing the bandages right. I told her that he has it in his mind that it is his job to make sure that I heal correctly and that he wants to do a really good job and she said she understood, but that I should see how he over did it with the gauze and tape. Bless his heart for taking such good care of me.

Today is Sis and BIL 17th anniv. So I told her I would go to DQ with her later to pick out a ice cream cake. It couldn't hurt anything. I have eaten like a pig all morning long.

So far I have 3 of my 5 walks in. It's getting really hot outside so I will wait till later this evening before I take doggie for another walk.

I reread my previous post and had to laugh. Gosh, could you tell I'm on meds?????

Ok, kids are on there way back over here to swim. Without me. So I deserve a trip to DQ.

I'll check in later.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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