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Good morning,

I could get used to three day weekends. Tracy, can you believe how hot it is? Holy cow!! We had a lot on our plate this weekend. We didn't leave Palacios until after eight last night so we didn't get home until ten-thirty. I am paying for it today!

We spent a bit of time with our friends whose mother passed and then went to our place and worked our tails off. We own a little house in Palacios (well, hubby had it prior to our marriage) and we haven't been there in almost five months. The pressure switch on our Water well was broke, the boat wouldn't start and golf-cart (recreational vehicle) had to be taken to the shop. Whew! Money in, money out...right??

Kat- Here's to hoping your day and the polls pass quickly!

Suzie...just a thought. I know in some cities, they have programs (at a loss for what they are called right now) that will come by in vans and take the elderly and/or disabled to their doctor's appointments. Do you know if that is offered where you are?

Cindy, I love those storms...but only from a distance! Being in my car would scare the heck out of me.

Michelle, sorry about the shop :rolleyes:.


Hope I didn't miss anyone.

Have a good day!


Edited by AngelaW

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Hi Guys

Long weekend here. We had to get my sons car fixed, clean the garage etc. I have troubles with my hands, De Quervain's Tenosynovitis, and they have hurt like hell since last Friday so I have been trying to take it easy. Much easier said then done when you need your hands for everything.

Tracy, I soooo know where your coming from with the ex. Why do you think me and SO have not been married after almost 20 years? I love his daughter dearly but i have not put myself through college and worked at getting a great job to support the ex. Well now it's a non-issue as she is turning 20 this month but there is still back support that has to be paid for the early years when the ex was on welfare. I tell ya, I have had more drama from all of this then I even care to remember. So I know exactly were you are coming from. I do know that I once worked with a psychiatrist who married a man with a child and she had mentioned that they filed an innocent spouse something or other....as she made bank and was not about to provide any of her income to the ex. This is in WA but maybe there is something in Texas as well. Maybe worth looking into.

Kat-I hope things go well today. I'll let you know if I see anything over CNN regarding NM's election;)

Suzie-I agree with everyone else, you have got to let others jump in and take over so at least you have some time to take care of yourself. I know you have mentioned that she has children that refuse to help but you just need to tell them that in this case they really have no choice as you will be out of commission for a while. I'm sorry that you're dealing with this still on top of everything else. Sending you some positive thoughts from WA.

Angela-At least the neighbor came by and finished the mowing. It was big of him to not let you do all the work. Did he leave the nest alone?

Cindy-Your weekend sounds great minus the storm. Glad to hear your DD made it home safe. This is something I am so not looking forward to.......does being a parent ever get any easier?

Michelle-That is really sad about the yarn shop. It just really makes me sick what this economy is doing to some of these small business owners.

Okay, I am off to get some reports done. I have a huge training plan to write for one of my clients and I am coming upon issue after issue with it and it is due within a few weeks so I have to get busy on it. Talk to you all soon.

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Hey Girls, Home from work and running around. I'm really pooped.

I went to me Band Docs to get some Fluid taken out. It was his assistant who did it. She wanted to know if I was having problems with a too much fill. I told her "No", I was there because I am having surgery Thursday. She said, "OH, you're finally getting your Hiatal Hernia fixed"? No, again. So we told her what was going on and she agreed that I should have some taken out. She asked how much I wanted taken out and I told her I didn't know anything about this and that I would leave it up to her. She shoved the needle in and and said that my band was full. She goes "look at this". I look down and the plunger is moving it's way up. It was filling on itself. She finally ended up taking out 4cc's. By the time I got to the car I couldn't believe the relief was having. I could actually bend over and not have all that pressure. I'm feeling really good but know I am going to need to watch my portions from now on out. She told me to come back in a few weeks for a fill. I told her that I think I will wait till my Hiatal Hernia surgery, no sense in running back and forth. She did remind me to tell the anesthesiologist that I have a band, that way he can give me some meds to keep me from throwing up.

They have OATS here for people to use but you have to give them a 2 weeks notice to use them. She does have someone to come and get her for her phsycotherapy classes. But other than that I would have to find an Adult daycare. Not sure I can talk her into that one. She's an "All Me" person.

Bethany, I have never heard that about your hands. That has got to be really hard to live with. You use your hands for everything. Good Luck.

Michelle, That is very sad about the yarn shop closing up. I have a little store here I use for all my cross stitch. I would be lost without them.

Angela and Tracy, can you please keep the heat that way? Actually the last 2 summers I went thru that period of losing the weight and my internal thermoastat was out of wack. I've been cold all the time. Wearing sweatshirts in the summer kinda thing. Lately I have been back to my normal "Geez it's hot". Not looking forward to it.

Think I'll go take a nap.

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Hi everyone~

Just a run by post :rolleyes:

Gotta get dinner ready then girlscouts night for Macy!

Have a great evening!

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The Hospital called and I am all set to go. I just need to go to admit and then on to Pre-Op. Count down starts now.

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I BALANCED!!!! My numbers went in smoothly! What an amazing relief! I had no problems, no issues with irate voters. I answered the questions I was ask, helped voters who were in the wrong precinct find their right one....it was a SUCCESS!!! I am NOT going to be on the news!!!

I even had a watcher/liason from the Secretary of States office---made me nervous as heck, but he said it looked like my precinct was up and running in classic style, he liked my lay out, and thought my clerks and judge were handling voters properly. WHEW!!!!!! Life goes back to normal tomorrow!!!

Thank you God!!!

Suzie, I am glad they are moving forward quickly, you will be better when it is behind you. And realistically, maybe your total inability to wait on your sisters is what they need to give them the push to do some for themselves. Maybe if it comes to it, you and DH need to "exagerate" your recovery some---let them see that they can be more self sufficient. It would be good for all of you. It feels good to know you can do things for yourself, they just have not been forced into action thus far. Your loves steps in and does it!

I have never seen a polling place in a home! How wild! We use schools, churches, government buildings, fire stations, etc. I LOVE working early voting. And would love election day if I were not in charge of it all! That makes me nervous! I just feel such a huge sense of relief!

We had a very low turnout. But the Sect. of State has made some changes that have our roster counts scewed.....no more purges.....so not real sure what the actual percentage could be. But it was low.

Republican turnout was higher, there were several races, that there were no Democratic counter parts---so for instance this primary, will decide the Sheriff. Our law enforcement turn out was incredible! LOL And there were several other races that were uncontested, until General election in November.

SO SO SO glad it is over!!!

Tracy, have you thought about working in the school system? As a substitute teacher or cafeteria worker? If you do it as a sub, you have the option of not working it if Frank is off for instance. You would work only when Macy was in school that way.

If you do go back to work, you can file your taxes, married filing separate, so she gets none of your return.

Not to rub it in----we have put in our time----but our last payment is gone, in the mail, and on its way. Child Support is over for us. Another huge sigh of relief. We have paid her over $118,000.00. 15 years at $657.02 a month. And spent an additional $65,000.00 minimally on attorney fees fighting everything. Not to mention any of her medical we paid. It is long overdue being done. Justice was not served in this case, not at all, but it is over.

I hope you get things straightened out with his ex.....I hate to say it, but I will never again suggest anyone go to court with this .... we just got buried deeper. I will think of you....I KNOW the turmoil and upset Ex's can cause.

I am wound up so tight, I am sleepy, but unsure if I can sleep.....wierd!!!

I will be back tomorrow, have some finishing up errands to run, then RELAX~ Yay!!!

Thanks everyone for the well wishes today, they worked!!!

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Kat: CONGRATULATIONS on it going smoothly and being behind you now!!! I know if must feel very good.

Well, today is the first day of summer school with the kids. I only have 12, but 8 of them are special ed and all of them made the lowest score on the test. I plan on keeping them in small groups most of the time, so hopefully it will go well today.

Have a good day all!

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:confused::angry:HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Angela. Hope You have a Wonderful Day:thumbup::rolleyes:

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Oh Kat, I hope you got a good nights sleep. I know how stressful that must have been. But you did good.

I too am hoping that both sisters will find out in the next few days that they can pull their weight a little more around here. Younger one I'm not so worried about but older one is the selfish one. You know since I told her what was going on, she has never asked me how I'm doing. It's always, "I'll be fine". All about her. I have my echocardiogram this morning and then I will pick up both sisters and head to the grocery store. I'll get them stocked up and then they are on their own. Oh that felt good to say that. lol.

Storms are headed in here in the next hour or so. Then hot steamy weather after that. I think I will have hubby turn the AC on before I get home from the hospital. I don't want to be laying in bed miserable. At least get the humidity out.

Have a great day and I will check in later.

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Home from the gym. I rode the bike for 2 miles and it felt good. I didn't go near the treadmill but I did upper body weights. So I'm good for awhile.

Now off to the shower and then to the hospital for my echo.

See ya soon.

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Good morning,

Thank you Suzie! They say the first thing to go is your memory, right? I left my mug of tea and my Soup on the counter this morning when I left for work! HAHA!

You will be in my thoughts and prayers throughout the next couple of days. Please try and relax and just think about YOU and getting better. Your sisters will be fine! I wish you lived closer. Wouldn't it be fun if we could all get together over margaritas when this is all over with?

Bethany, Mr. Turdy (ok...his name is Jim) left the nest alone. You know I had to march over there and check! He also uncovered some really big eggs (not sure how they survived his plowing??). I'm thinking they are geese eggs but I may be wrong.

I will have to research (the diagnosis...I have never heard of it) what you wrote about your hands. I hope you are feeling better today.

Yay Kat! I am so glad things went well. I could feel the stress in your post! Double yay on the child support. What a relief. I expect you will be tipsy-typing again tonight?? You deserve it!

Cindy, good luck with summer school!

Tracy, are will still a "go" for tomorrow? I will be home around 4:30 or so. Just let me know...

Have a great day!


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Bethany, so sorry about you hand pain. My mom has gone thru a lot with her hands so I sorta understand. I hope you can get some relief soon.

Kat congratulations on both the polling and the child support! Party!!!!

Suzanne, I've got you firmly in my prayers and thoughts.

Tracy, hugs.

Angela, Happy Birthday!!!

Cindy, best wishes with summer school!

I'm sick! Well sorta. I don't know WHAT is going on but last night at dinner my tummy wasn't feeling right so I didn't eat much. Then an hour or so later I was throwing it ALL up. Got cold and really sleepy so I went to bed at 9. Middle of the night I was up again throwing up. That time I was sweating. Hate to be graphic but it was the weirdest thing. I was dry heaving air before anything actually came up! Anyway. Have only had a couple of sips of Water so far today. I'm afraid to put anything on it b/c I REALLLLLLLLY don't want to go thru that again! I don't know that I feel sick. Just don't feel good in general.

Anyway. I hope y'all have a wonderful day!

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Michelle the dry heaving before anything come up is pretty common I understand for a bandster who is literally throwing up from illness or whatever as opposed to PB'ing or emptying the pouch.

Do you have meds for nausea, to avoid the throwing up? I have 2 different ones, one is pill form, but I also have one that disolves under your tongue---they both make me really sleepy.

Sure hope you feel better!!!!

Got my keys turned in to the Fire Station, pay voucher signed, and looks like I am done for a couple weeks anyway! They ask me to come back and do some data entry on the new registers, or info changes on registrations. She figured it would be 40-60 hours work, with all the detail they take to get ready for the Secretary of the State. I can do it anytime between June 15th, and August 15th. I can work a couple hours a day here and there, or go in and whip it all out, they don't care! I just have to have them all ready to go to Santa Fe by the end of August. She said it is something that will likely be extended as long as I am willing to do them through the General election in November. Several candidates have registration drives scheduled---so the work will be ongoing. I LOVE it! Then I will work as I did this last month come October....but hope to just work that election not presiding judge it! LOL

Suzie---hope your test is all good news, echo's are fun to watch, I always get nervous with Rick's hoping they find nothing wrong. Let us know ASAP!!!

I am SOOOO proud of you for saying that your sisters were on their own, and acknowledging how good it felt to say it! Many people do for others, and bemoan it, always in a doom and gloom mood, I know I have mentioned some I know that way, that are martyrs.....I love how you recognize the freedom in the sentence!!!

Tracy & Angela have fun!!! I am jealous!

Cindy---Rock summer school, and shock the sh*t out of those other teachers by what you do with your 12 kids!!!! I will be saying strong prayers for you and them both!!

I would LOVE to party down, but will likely put it off for a day -- I think I am coming down with a UTI.....I am slamming the cranberry pills, and juice, and Water, hoping, to catch it quick enough to avoid a Dr. Rick is off Fri. & Sat. but has to work for a friend on Sunday. So one of those nights is our party night!!!

Well I am off to prop up my feet, see if I can feel better!

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Happy B-Day Angela!!

I was late going in today and I am already home. My hands just hurt. I see the ortho on Tuesday so maybe he can work his magic. I had surgery on the left hand in 2006 and the right in 2007 but because I am still doing the same work all of my symptoms are back. I think I am going to look into the voice activated software. I have many many years to work.

Kat-That job sounds perfect. Gives you a little extra money without taking up a bunch of your time.

Suzie-How did it go? I have been thinking of you all day. Tomorrow is the big day....I am glad you will finally be getting some deserved rest even if it is part of your recovery. You are not going to know what to do with yourself.

Michelle-I agree with Kat, it sounds like the flu or something....I hope you feel better soon, there is nothing worse like being sick to your stomach and having to take care of little ones.

I forgot to tell you all that last week I swear that my band had slipped. I had the worst chest pain, reflux and kept PBing everytime I ate.....except for 3 cupcakes that I managed Friday and then Sunday everything was back to normal. I hate this band sometimes...especially when this happens and I still have at least 60 lbs. to lose. Have any you considered revising to something else? I am seriously considering the sleeve.

Talk to you all soon.


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If the sleeve had been available, and either affordable, or covered under my insurance, I would have considered it. Only because I have to travel 6 hours one way for fills and check ups. I liked the fact that my body was not altered with the band, it is reversable if I do not react favorably. When they cut away parts of your stomach, they are gone. That kind of freaks me out! BUT, not having to deal with fills would be nice too. One woman who used to be here that revised to the sleeve is freaking out at how bad her reflux is....and that scares me, because there is no loosening the band to help.

I am going to ride this band wagon as long as I can....and hope and pray all goes well!!!

I just got home from Urgent Care, I have a massive UTI. I knew I was getting symptoms, but then started bleeding pretty heavy---freaked me out, I had a hysterectomy years ago!

So I am off to bed. See you all tomorrow. Check in Suzanne, I am worried!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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      Bought a treadmill and some 5 lb weights. Time to get off my butt and get moving!
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      1. DaisyChainOz

        That's a great choice! 😊

    • DaisyChainOz

      Surgery done!  Really looking forward to the next chapter 🥳😁
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        Fantastic! Best of luck to you & I hope you're healing nicely & not having much pain!🙏

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