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Good morning friends~

Going to the movies today with dd to see Shrek Forever After. I am really excited. I love the Shrek movies. I am also excited about having a new Toy Story coming out this summer. :cursing:

I just ate a banana. Really surprised that is finally went down. Band is tight due to stress. I will spare you all the details, just know it has to do with dh exwife, threats of court...yada yada yada. I am beyond tired of it all. I AM NOT going to go to work to pay HIS child support...aint gonna happen. Am I wrong?

Have a great day everyone!

Nope, you are not wrong at all.

Oh, and Shrek Forever After is pretty good. I took the kids to see it at midnight when it opened. We are REALLY into the midnight movies. I will be at the theater at midnight for Toy Story 3, that is for sure!!!

Edited by crzytchr

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Good morning~

By the time Rick got home from his folks yesterday, we went on over to Riverfest, but it was closing down. They have things going on today too, so we will go over for that.

The river is running full and fast, there is no way I would let my kids take a raft ride in it. They sell tickets, and run the trips, but actually had a raft flip and a man drown several years ago---I am shocked beynd belief they still allow it to go on after that! They have a trail of several miles, with bridges crossing back and forth over the river. There is a large war memorial, with all the flags, and bronze statues, and plaques detailing lives lost, and what the war was about etc. Pretty impressive to be honest. There are several "landings" and they have bands playing in them. There are tons of food vendors, and arts and crafts vendors etc. They have weenie dog races!!! One of the biggest around---but alas, I have no weenie dog!!!

A BIG art & craft show, there is a guy who has amazing barb wire things, I want to check out! We will go about 11 we decided. We walked the 3 mile loop last night, just for the heck of it, I was in flip flops---I had such sore feet last night---the top part, just under my toes---the ball of my foot!! They felt like they had blisters, but today they are fine, not even sore---go figure! We just walked leisurely---enjoyed the nice weather, the river, watched the ducks play. Sat and watched some kayakers come through some serious white rapids...totally enjoyed it. Hope today is as enjoyable.

I have most of my stuff gathered to take to Tuesday, need to read some more....then just DO IT! Eeeeek!

Well I have to get dressed, and find something to call breakfast......everyone have a great day---enjoy----be safe-----hope my parents are safe on their way home today!!

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Nope, you are not wrong at all.

Oh, and Shrek Forever After is pretty good. I took the kids to see it at midnight when it opened. We are REALLY into the midnight movies. I will be at the theater at midnight for Toy Story 4, that is for sure!!!

Thanks Cindy...part of me thinks, awww i should not be that way....i should do everything i can because we are in this together.....but the other part of me says SCREW that, she has made my life a living hell and why should i have to go to work to give her money....for kids that do not even want to come see us? I am so conflicted. Sad that i am on antidepressants :cursing:

I have never gone to a midnight feature. Are they crowded?

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Ok, Tracy...you drug me back to the computer!

We came home last night and are leaving again today. A small change of plans. A friend of our's mother passed away and we are gathering in Palacios, Texas this evening.

Tracy, I understand what you are saying. My DH's ex was a mess. If she was unhappy, EVERYBODY was unhappy. She saw to it. Misery loves company, right? Grrr...

If you are forced to go to work, make a compromise. Use your money for your husband and daughter and the household and let hubby take care of child support. I think if I were in your shoes that would be the best way for me to deal with it (I know it all comes out of the same kitty, but sometimes mind games work).

Kat, that sounds devine! Rivers are fun, but better to watch when they are flowing that rough!

I hope you all have a great day. I am running clothes through the wash while I have a few and then we are off again.


OH! Mr. Turdy-neighbor finished mowing his lawn!!!

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Angela: glad the turdy neighbor stepped up

Kat: I am with you on the sore feet. We walked all over the LSU campus yesterday. I was in Skecher sandals, which are comfortable, but when walking in the heat all day, leave you with sore feet:unsure:

Tracy: DH and I dealt with his ex and child support. Paying the child support wasn't the problem. We had a HUGE problem sending the support to her when his daughter was living with the grandmother. Big, long story, but she wouldn't allow us to raise her, but allowed her to go to the grandmother. The grandmother never saw a dime of the money that we still had to send her. She said if we raised a stink over it, she would make my stepdaughter go back and live with her. We knew that her living with her grandmother was a LOT better than having to return home to the mom, so we let it go. We wanted custody, but Erica was afraid of her mom and her mother told her if she came to live with us she would make her, and our lives, a living hell. The minute she turned 18, though, she did come to live with us and she has very little contact with her mom now. Oh, and it isn't really that busy at midnight movies. Only die-hard fans go, and they usually have the movie showing on 3 or 4 screens. I have seen the Harry Potter and Twilight midnights to show on 8 screens.

Well, we did get rained on at the Country Superfest yesterday, but it wasn't too bad and it was totally worth it. OMG, Keith Urban was fantastic. He came out in a tight LSU t-shirt and looked amazing. He played for over an hour and a half. He ran into the crowd and really played it up. It was great. Taylor Swift sounded great, but I wasn't entirely entertained by her show. She made too many costume changes, at least 6, maybe 7 and that was huge time waster, to me. It was cool, though, that after one of the many changes, the spotlight came back on and she was standing in the middle of one of the 300 sections in the middle of the crowd and sang "hey stephen" from there. BUT, this led to a 10 minute walk to the center stage...just long drags of time. My hubby and son are going today for Chesney and Brooks and Dunn. I fully expect that concert to be ever better than last night's!!!

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Tracy, I never could understand why women or men for that fact would do things like that. Don't they understand that at some point their child is going to find out what a complete ass they were. Poor kids act more like adults do.

So far we have had a lovely weekend. The weather is beautiful and warm, so lots of swimming. For the last 3 days I have gotten in the pool and stayed in my floaty chair. Well, today I got in and put the goggles on and did some swimming. I'm paying for it now. My butt and leg are killing me. I took a shower and then took 2 vicodin. I told hubby he is incharge of dinner. I'll be loopy here in about a half hour.

Angela, so sorry to hear about your friends mother. How sad.

Cindy, I was so glad to hear that about Keith Urban. Someday I will go see him. I'm not a big Taylor fan. She may be a very good song writer but I don't think she is a very good singer. I hope the guys have fun at the other concert.

Kat, I love to do stuff like that. We have a Fall Fun Fest here and I go every year even if I go by myself. I love to walk around and see all the stuff.

Have a great evening.

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Heard an update from my hubby...only half of Tiger Stadium got rain, luckily for them, it was the other half. Meanwhile, about 7 miles away, my daughter and I were caught driving when quarter and nickel sized hail started falling. I quickly pulled into a bank and sat under the drive thru lane with 3 other cars until it passed. I was some scary stuff.

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Cindy, that is scary. I've been in those storms before. Nothing you can do put pull over and pray. So glad to hear that all of you are ok.

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Happy Memorial Day. I hope all of you have a great day and hope that you all had a great weekend.

We are just gonna hang at the pool today. Gosh, kinda like we have for the last 3 days. LOL.

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Hey y'all~

Been busy all day, doing this and that! Did my shopping for tomorrow. I am taking some snacking things for the election workers, we have to be there by 6AM, and cannot leave again until everything tallies---the polls close at 7PM, so that could take anywhere from an hour to several hours. Please pray that they go well for me, and that I do not end up on the evening news being the precinct in our county that trashed the election in NM!! I have lots to do still. I need to make me a sandwich, and decide once and for all what I am wearing. I have a brown and turquoise set I would like to wear for its comfort, and simplicity. BUT I want to wear my black sandals, because they are the most comfortable---and I am going to be on my feet ALL day. I have 2 workers who are older women who have already said they need jobs that allow them to sit. Well both of them belong to the same party, so that means the other worker has to work the desk with them, and that means I get to do the standing work.....doesn't feel quite right, but at this point I just want it over!

I have gone over my guides, and read, and re read, and highlighted! My studying days are long gone, it is hard to remember those things!

Tracy, I understand your reluctance to go to work "for" her. I agree, that you may end up going back to work, and opening a separate account, and use yours to pay household bills, buy things for Macy, buy groceries, etc. Not even put your money in to mingle in the account he uses to pay it out of.

In our case, Rick has worked to pay the CS, but there have been many instances, that we did what we had to do to make it....we got massive medical bills on the child regularly, and there was a time, we had to break into a CD that was money left to me by my Grandparents, to pay a hospital bill of hers. It sucked~ in serious ways! BUT.....I also know Rick hated it as bad as I did, if not worse, because he carried guilt over it anyway! I had to look at it as tho, I was not paying her, but helping my DH---and I would do whatever I could to help him. I had the benefit of knowing, he helped Manda, in anyway, at any time.....so I knew he would do the same.

You just have to remember, she is messing with you because as Angela said, she is unhappy, and wants you to be the same way, if you allow that to happen, she wins. If you persevere in spite of her, and go on to a happy life, you win.

Cindy, glad you enjoyed your concert. I agree totally with Suzie, I would love to see Keith Urban, but would take a pass on Swift. I think her future is somewhere other than behind the microphone---she is talented---there is no doubt about that, but everytime I hear her sing live, it is always flat. And I have never heard anyone who was enamored with her shows. But she is so young-----she has tons of opportunities awaiting her!

Hail like that is scary! They had HUGE hail at Sturgis last year, scares me about going!!!

Anyway-----I need to get busy. It will be Wed. morning before I get back here. Everyone take care---and PLEASE wish me luck!

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Kat, Good Luck tomorrow. I'm thinking that is why I don't get involved in working the polls. I remember years ago my parents were stongly involved. Tey actaully used our house as a polling place. I remember people coming and going all day long. Not sure I want to get involved with all of tht again.

Tracy, over on FB I posted some pics of my Dad and his nephew from when they were drafted. I also made reference to my FIL who served in WWII in the south pacific. None of my family said one word about the pics, not a "Hey Suzanne, thanks for posting those". "look how young they were". Not a mention. But I make one statement which was my own opinion and a cousin remarks to it. I know next time I see her she will be apologizing for it. I get a lot of crap like that from that side of the family. They are die-hard Dems and so totally look down their noses at anyone who isn't. You could be an independent and they would still think you are scum.

I gotta work in the morning and then I will come home and get hubby. We will have to go to his old work and pay our life insurance policy and then we will go to the Band Docs to have some Fluid removed. I hate that I am doing that but I don't want to suffer after the surgery.

Went over to the sisters today to tell her the whole story. She cried and then said, "who's gonna take me to my appointments?". (bangs head against the fireplace). I'm so glad this is all about her. What was I thinking. Anyway, I reassured her I would take her grocery shopping Wednesday and somehow I will get her to her Doc appointment next Tuesday.

Hope everyone had a great weekend.

Edited by Suziecat

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Well, it's all over. The yarn shop is no more. :rolleyes:

Kat, best wishes tomorrow.

Suzanne, why am I not surprised with how your sister reacted?! And just WHY are you making efforts for shopping and appointments for HER? This is about YOU! You need to take care of yourself right now. She can figure out how to get her own butt where she needs to be for a bit. This is ridiculous!!!

Tracy, I don't have any experience with what you are going thru but I like how Kat put it as doing what you need to in order to help hubby. You two are a team.

Cindy, scary storm!

Have a great night!

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Wow, Suz, I am sorry your sister continues to be completely self-centered.

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Good morning ladies, thank you all for the words of wisdom. I aprreciate it more than you all know.

Suzanne-i am not surpised at sis's reaction...not surprised at all. ((((((((hugs)))))))) If I lived close to you I would tell her no for you :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Hang in there sister! Take care of you!

Michelle-so sorry about the yarn store!!

Kat-hope everything is going well for you today!

Cindy-any car damage?!

Angela-so sorry about your friends mom. Hope youo have a fast 4 day workweek!.

Have a great day everyone. Today is the first of 4 off days for dh. Pray that i can control what i eat. He tempts me very bad. I dont get it, he used to be so supportive. Maybe he likes to keep me fat?! What a sad thought. :rolleyes:

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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