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Angela-we love long posts :frown: I would love to go and walk with ya! I will send you my e-mail address.

Bethany-you know, I have finally come to realize that I have the tools I need to lose the weight, but the issue I am dealing with now is getting my head in the right place. The book I am reading will be a tremendous help.

Kat-thinking of you and your family (((hugs)))

Suzanne-glad you are back. We missed you. I am sorry about you having to wait until the 27th! I will keep you in my prayers sista! Get Vicodin AND Tequila :w00t:.

Jenn-hope you get to post soon! How are things with you?

Michelle-sounds like dd likes the daycare! Especially if she wants to take a nap there! :laugh:

Cindy-you just have one more to graduate or 2? Lord...I will be 55 when mine graduates, lol. geez....

Friends...I have so many things that are going on in my life right now. I will spare you all the details for now. I will just sum it up by saying it is family drama. I wish that me and dd and dh could just pack up and move to another state and just start new lives. Leave the drama BS behind. Sounds like a dream....

The book is GREAT so far. food for thought. It touches me and i find myself re-reading alot of the sentences to let it really sink in. I will keep you all updated.

Have a great night & weekend! :Yawn:

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Good morning girls.

Slept wonderful last night and now I'm up and going to get ready to go to work.

Not much else going on since it will be raining most of the day. Looks like I will be doing a lot of sewing.

Tracy, I am so hoping that you find inspiration in the book that you are reading. You know that the road is a hard one but also that you have the ability to do it again. Keep your head held high and have faith in yourself.

Make it a good one.

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Good morning....

Rain, rain, rain...this is sleep weather but I won't. Gonna bring Macy with some friends to a movie then to play at McD's. We are going to see Furry Vengeance with Brendan Frazier. :redface:

Hope whatever you all do and wherever you all go, be careful and have a GREAT day.

Be nice to yourselves....

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Suzanne, so glad you slept well! Have fun sewing today! As far as crocheting, find a yarn store nearest you and go explore. Talk to those that work there and if you like them and the store, ind out if they do lessons. Most shops do. They should have beginner lessons. Then you can see if it's something you want to do and you can proceed from there with more lessons or online youtube lessons or buying how-to booklets.

Tray, have fun at the movies! Let us know how you like the movie.

Later DD and I are going out to the school to participate in Relay for Life. This is the 11th year in our little area. Our event has raised over 1 million dollars since we started! our church team alone had raised nearly 150 thousand!!! Our area raises more money at our events than do larger areas in CA!! Very exciting!!

Anyway, not much else on tap for the day. Oh, we do need to go to the grocery store for a couple of things. One slice of bread left!

Have a beautiful day!!

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Good Saturday afternoon!

I am at work today and thought I'd pop in for a sec. Tracy, can you believe all the rain? We went from near drought conditions (again) to 2-5 measurable inches! I love it! Last year at this time, the Guadalupe River was flowing around 50 cfs and this year it is near 500 cfs!

I am anxious to hear more about the book featured on Oprah too. I need something to click in my head!

Family drama is the worst. I hope things ease up soon for you. As I said above, I am a step-parent of two. It was difficult for a long time and I wasn't sure we would survive it. My step-kiddo's mother just would not let up and all of our relationships suffered for it. I am grateful that they are grown men now and have a better understanding of what was happening then. That said, we are still a work in progress!

Suzie, I am so glad you got a good night's rest. Must be all those prayers lifting you up! I wish I could crochet too. My grandmother used to make beautiful things for us every year for Christmas. I have tried... my rows are always crooked. The other problem would be that I have no patients!

Michelle, Relay for Life is a great cause. Sadly, cancer seems to affect all of our lives in one way or another. I just want to say thank you for what you are doing (and teaching your daughter!).

Kat....I hope all is well. I look forward to talking with you.

I hope you all have a great weekend. My hubby is making steak and shrimp on the BBQ so I hope I can get out of here soon!


Edited by AngelaW

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Sitting here trying to get that damp chilly feeling out of my bones. It has rained all day and it's only in the mid 50's. I had to go dig out a winter long sleeve shirt to wear. Brrrrr.

Tracy and Angela, how cool that you guys might be able to meet up to go walking together. I love to walk and mainly do it by myself, well plus doggie. I normally don't like for people to walk with me because they always walk faster than me and I get worn out to fast. But if I had someone that stayed with me I would love it. Good luck with you guys getting together.

I have tried crocheting and knitting but like I said, if I would just stick with it and keep practicing till I got better than I would do it alot more. I also don't have the patience.

Rain tonight and 70% chance of rain tomorrow. But the next 3 days after that we have all sunshine and warmth. Looks like we will be able to get the pool cover off. Yea....

Now it's movie time. Night all.

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Furry Vengeance...2 thumbs up!! :smile2: Great show.

The book i got is awesome. Here is a passage from it...

"Can you remember a time, perhaps when you were very young, when life as it was-just the fact that it was early morning or any old day in summer-was enough? When you were enough-not because of what you looked like or what you did, but just because everything was the way it was. Nothing was wrong. When you were sad, you cried and then it was over. You were back to a fundamental feeling of positivity, of goodness just because you were alive. What if you could live that way now? And what if your relationship with food was the doorway?"

I read & reread that sentence and I tried to remember when I felt that at peace with everything. The sad thing is I had to go back to before I was 10 years old. :crying:

Anyway....I am on page 63 of 210. I wish I could stay up all night and read it. If it were any other book I would read through the whole thing in a day or 2 but I am really letting this one sink in.

Angela-i have been loving the rain....we need it so bad! I worked in the oilfield for 20 years and I quit almost 2 years ago to stay home with my daughter. I can't remember how much I have told you about myself a long time ago so if I am repeating stuff you already know, I apologize! :lol: As far as walking, right now if I went I would prob have to start out slow because my knee & hip have been acting up. Maybe we can go on one of my good days!

Suzanne-now when you come to meet me maybe you can meet Angela too! :redface: How cool is that?

Kat-I hope things are OK with all of you!

Bethany-how are you?

Well, I guess i need to get off here for tonight. :wink2:

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OK, gonna take a shot at this....first confession time. I am buzz posting! LOL.

Welcome everyone! I LOVE that my family drama drew you all out!!! Stick around. You are right, these are amazing women.

Suzanne, that is totally bizarre, but explains why you hurt. I expect you will be having that cyst removed sooner rather that later. Which is good, you will feel better I am sure! What a good thing that you had the MRI when you did. Take it easy, and if you choose vicodin or tequila, don't do them together. I lost a friend to a simple dose of pain meds, and a glass of red wine----she never woke up! So be choosy, and do one or the other!

Tracy, I am glad the book is "talking to you" tell it to talk to me....I Need it! I was actually back down 4 of the 6 pounds I had again regained! Not real sure why I gained it....not eating any different. Not real sure why I lost it either!!! LOL Oh well, going away is better.

Cindy---I too would have lost it over the text. How totally sweet.

Today I worked for 4 hours. One of the women in my party, had a family issue come up so I worked for her. When I got off, Rick and I went to this nursery I LOVE. It is in an old neighborhood, which is really rundown. But they have amazing plants. They give you a box, and pair of scissors, and you can clip out one or 2 from a 6 pack, whatever you want, and they charge you .44 cents a plant. We also bought a 3 foot long window box, already planted, and gorgeous, for $13.87!!! We got all kinds of veggies and flowers. Then come home and planted them....and drank a few beers!!! Then we went to the place down the road (walking distance) and had some dinner....and another couple of beers---which was 2 more than planned! We ordered, and they brought them, but they looked way too dark. So I ask, and sure enough they had pulled the wrong draft, so she brought us the right light beers----but left the dark. Rick drank the dark, I drank the light, and now I am buzzed posting!!! LOL

I am really glad to have both of you new girls posting!!!

Son left today. He chose not to speak to us about it prior to leaving. He is still mad for whatever reason. We keep going over and over things, and honestly feel we have done nothing to be sorry over. We are not putting land in his name, to be lost to an ex wife. He is furious over that....according to his Aunt. Too bad. Rick took him a belt buckle he found he thought he would like. They were gone, so he left it in the window. He called and told him. He never said thanks, or no thanks or kiss my ass, nothing. He just left. So be it. We cannot change him, and until he gets medication for himself, I don't see him changing in any serious manner. We have talked it over, and are ok with it. Threatening Rick with not seeing the grandsons, pushed the wrong button. We have 1 payment left to an ex wife who threatened crap all the time, and if the son thinks we want him to step in and take over when she leaves off, he can think again, we have had enough of that! We will always be here if we are needed, but will not beg for a relationship he can abuse at will. As hard as it is to believe....we are ok with that decision. We have had happy days---the lack of stress is wonderful!

We have really been trying to deal with the issues with MIL. They are doing a type of biopsy on the 26th. That and the ensuing results will determine our TX trip. I will let you know Tracy.

Well I cannot type an "a" without hitting the cap lock---it is really pissing me off!!! LOL I have backspaced my way through this post!!! LOL

I will check in tomorrow. We are going riding....not sure where, but it is a motorcycle day!!! WoooHoooo!!!!!

Welcome to our happy little group girls---glad you are here, I really enjoyed reading about you, and look forward to having you here! I will re read inan unbuzzed state tomorrow!!!

Cya then!!!

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Good Sunday morning! :redface:

Wow...been up since 5 AM. Won't say doing what but let me just summarize by saying that dh is benefiting from my reading this book as well. :lol: lol


I think we are going to end up giving away one of the 2 cats we recently got. Lucy is a sweetheart but Frank (the other cat) is too skiddish. He is a loner. He needs to be with a single person with no kids, ya know? All he does is hide, eat and crap. When i am the only one here, he is a good cat and wants affection. When dh and dd are here he hides. It is really making the decision easy to get rid of him.

Today we are going to Coushatta Casino in Louisiana. We are stopping by my moms on the way to visit and drop off dd then we are on our way. Don't really have alot of money to blow but with comp meals & room....it is a win-win situation.

Kat-so glad to see that you posted. I was worried about you yesterday. I think you would really enjoy the book I am reading. It is mainly a love where/what you are now book....and that is exactly what i need to learn to do. Have FUN on your ride today. I wish we had a motorcycle!

OK, wish us luck! I will be back tomorrow and will post then!

Jenn, suzanne, cindy, michelle, bethany, angela and everyone else....have a fantastic day and be NICE to yourself. Be happy now,. Thats all we have. :smile2:

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Guess what? It's raining and they are calling for rain all day into tomorrow morning. :redface:

That will give me a chance to get some more sewing done. I did alot last night while going thru movies that I have recorded.

Tomorrow is my appointment with my band Doc. Looking forward to it. I need to get this surgery scheduled. I have had a few more episodses of aspiration. Truly scary but am glad that I wake up in time.

Kat, a ride sounds lovely. I hope you guys enjoy your day. You and Rick need a little break from the family drama.

Tracy, I think in my spare time I will go see if I can get that book at the library or at least put my name on the list for it. Enjoy your little outing also. Too bad about the kitty. I would take him but I have 3 to many right now. 2 are actually brother and sister and Molly we got when we went to Arkansas for a visit.

Sure wish I could get outside today. Dang rain.

Well back to my housework and then sewing.

Make it a good one.

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A day of sewing and computing. Boy my Ass is sore. :)

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Morning Girls.

I have a long day today so I will check in when I can. My appointment with my Band Doc will be later this afternoon.

Depending on wether I get a fill or not we might stop on the way home and get some dinner. As long as hubby is with me I'll try to get him to go out to eat, lol. So I'll post when I get home on wat Doc had to say.

Rain has stopped and they say we might see some sun this evening. Good thing. We need about 3 days of sunshine to dry everything out.

Have a great day and make it a good one.

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Suzie, I am feeling your pain about the rain. We don't get any for a month and then, bam, rains its butt off for 3 straight days. Now, my yard is a sloppy mess again. I know I shouldn't complain, since the rain was needed, but I would've preferred a nice shower or two, not a torrential downpour.:)

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Good morning! I am getting the hang of this!! What a beautiful weekend. On Sunday we took the boat out (Dickinson Bay-Tracy) and cruised around the bay. No hurry, no plans...just enjoyed the sunshine.

Kat...LOL at your tipsy typing!! I am sorry to hear about your son. Words fail me...but I hope in time he wakes up and realizes how precious family is...and that life is just too short.

Tracy...Coushatta!!! One of my favorite places to go! We try and go about twice a year. I seriously believe I could be addicted to gambling, so we have to limit our visits. Do you like boudin? If so, you need to take a right at Exit 44 instead of a left....go to Rabidoux's. It is a small store on the left-hand side of the road once you go over the bridge (past the big red barn, near the oak tree....just kidding!) They have the BEST boudin balls I have ever had!

I hope you win/won big!! We are video poker players as well as blackjack. I won $2500.00 on video poker with a royal flush there about six years ago.

Comp. rooms and food make your visit even better. I just recently heard you can comp your gas at a station on the property. Have you heard that?

Suzie...what is causing your aspirations? That is scary stuff. I hope your visit with the doctor goes well! I know rainy days can be poopy, but I think they are God's way of telling us to slow it down! I am glad you got so much sewing done and I hope your hiney (is that a word?) has overcome it's soreness, lol!

Crzytchr...I agree. We needed the rain so badly, but it was a lot in a short period of time. I imagine our brown grass will soon sprout up nice and green! What part of Louisiana are you from?

Have a great day!


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