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Awww, ya'll are gonna make me cry :biggrin:

That is what I love about the people here....we are friends and can depend on each other. ((((love ya'll))))

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Can you all believe that guy that had 29 dollars in the bank and won 253 MILLION dollars? SWEET!!

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Tracy: I think it is amazing he won. He needs to surround himself with smart people who do not allow him to blow it. If you have ever seen those specials where they check up on people who have won the lottery, it is depressing. :biggrin:

Kat: my FIL has been having the same problems for the past 4 months. He is also over 80 and is in the ER every 2 weeks or so. They do, now, however, call the dr. instead of us when he has a problem. I hope he gets to feeling better soon. It is scary for them and for us.

Horrible storm here now, and supposedly all day long. I woke up to lightning striking right outside at 6:30:scared2: My daughter has prom tonight and now I am freaking out about the weather. They are meeting us at IHOP after and we are feeding them Breakfast. I am supposed to leave in 10 minutes to go to the bank and take alex to her hair appt. $50 for hair that will fall from the weather:huh2: ugh!

I hope you all have a great Saturday.

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It rained the night of my daughters prom, her Junior year. Her then bf was driving his Dads Firebird (yeah Daddy had a massive mid life crisis going on!!!) Top it off with the fact that for that year she chose a very full skirt---the cinderella poofy type! In the palest pastel pink---showed EVERYTHING! She had her hair done in big rolls on top of her head--and her hair was long, so it was an issue to get it on her head!! LOL

Jason come, and the rain had stopped somewhat, but the bottom edge of the car was mud spattered, and we knew her dress would rub it, so he took a towel and cleaned it, then laid another one there, and she went out to get in the car....well all that dress and she could not see, she went to slide in, and literally FELL in the car!! We laughed so hard at her elegance! He promised her he would clean it off each time they stopped. I was afraid for the type of car, and the roads.....was a nerve wracking night.

Then my worst nightmare! At just after midnight, my phone rang (this was pre cell phone), and the caller ID showed the local hospital! I seriously almost peed in my pants. Sure enough it was Manda, and she wanted me to know they were going to be a few minutes late to the breakfast a friend was hosting, because they were going to stop by and show his Mom how pretty they looked---she is an OR nurse! I told her she scared the crap out of me!

She said she was one of the only girls at the Prom that was not in the bathroom, trying to clean the bottoms of their dresses. And her pastel pink dress looked beautiful in the pics....and Jason had a streak of mud across the back of his tux pants! LOL

Fun memories! Hope your daughter has a safe, and wonderful, memory filled night!

She and Jason went to prom together 3 times. He was a year ahead of her in school. They had such fun with it. They were such good kids, he was a fun, somewhat needy, and neglected emotionally kid. He just kept those issues as an adult, and looked past his wife to fill them. He is still unfaithful in all his relationships. But to be around him, he is still funny, and makes you feel good. So wierd! He come to be there when Kinsey had her pictures made the other day---she loves her Daddy. At least he can't break her heart like he did her Mommy's!

Rick is working this weekend. He is on straight overtime all weekend long. In the end it does make a difference in the check, tho not a huge one. It makes a massive difference tho in our stock purchases, and 401K contributions!

When he works like this, it doesn't feel like a weekend!

Well I am going to go call and check on the Dad's.

And yeah y'all are right, that is without a doubt the best thing about this group of girls! Support in whatever is going on!

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Oh Prom, I hope they have the time of their lives. I went to mine and had a great time. Funny now that I look back at it. I didn't really want to go but the girls I hung around with made a pack that we ALL go. If one didn't then no one else went. So the hunt was on to make sure we all had dates, it was such a hoot. My older sister and brother had their proms at "The Queen Mary". I was so excited thinking that was where we might have ours. Nope. It was at some Hotel near LAX, but it was still nice and fun. I wish I still had my dress. A friend of my mothers made it for me, it was so lovely and nice colors.

Rainy day here today so it looks like catch up time on some stuff I have recorded. Maybe get my laundry done also.

Thanks for being there when I need you guys.

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Awwwwww! Hugs everyone!!

Kat and Cindy, best wishes to your Dads!

I'm all set for surgery. Need to be at the hospital Monday by 7:15 for my 9:15AM surgery. Can't wait. I'll start the Magnesium Citrate soon and then the cleanse is on! LOL!

It will be nice to de-tox my system. I've been on so many meds lately that I do feel toxic. I'm looking at it as a new beginning.

I've gotten out of control with my eating and I need to basically start over. This is going to force that. I'm actually glad for it. Well, I say that NOW! LOL!!!

Beautiful day. Friends are bringing their 2 kids over tonight. They are going to some fund-raiser auction for the local park. DD will have a blast. The girl is 5, boy 3 and they are the best of friends. Their parents are DD's Godparents, so I call the kids her Godcousins! LOL!

It'll be a zoo but should be fun. Both for kids and dogs!

Better get going. DD is supposed to be cleaning up her play "room" but she's slacking! Happy enough to make the mess but "too tired" to clean it up! :biggrin:

Have a beautiful day!!

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I was one of the girls that never went to prom, homecoming, or a dance, or even a DATE for that matter.

Cindy-I hope the weather doesn't ruin your dd great time! That would suck! I will keep my fingers crossed.

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Hi Irene!!! <waving madly>

How the heck are ya? Oh. Guess you already mentioned that! LOL!

Glad you got some new staff in the office. It'll sure make things easier for you now.

Hey CAL FIRE sister in law!! :lol: I only say that bc you're husband is my CAL FIRE brother... even though I'm doubting we ever met! Did you know there are well over 7 thousand of us? I couldn't believe it myself when I heard that little tidbit of info.

OK, so now i know why i can not go to Golden Corral anymore....there is a REASON it has been 3 years since i have been there. I suck.

Why can't you go to Golden Corral anymore? Here I saved some chocolate for ya!! :biggrin:

Tomorrow I will be gone all day. I am leaving at 6 AM to take my Dad to Albq. for his check up with his cardiologist. Will check in when I get home. Y'all keep things under control for me!!!

Hope all goes well with your Dad!! Hugs.

Morning, trying to wake up. For some reason Hubby insist on going to the gym and wants me to go, ughhhh

This made me LOL!! I tried the morning workout shot. That did not last long. :wub:

Awww, ya'll are gonna make me cry :w00t:

That is what I love about the people here....we are friends and can depend on each other. ((((love ya'll))))

I'm feeling the love here! Big hugs to all!!!!!!

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Michelle, one more thing. Make sure you take your slippers with you. I know they would not let me leave the hospital or even have anything to eat till I passed gas. One way of making that happen is to walk a lot. I got to know all the people on my floor just from walking up and down the hallway. The nurses really liked it but hated when I went down another hall, they couldn't find me, lol. And be prepared that when you do pass that first gas after surgery, IT HURTS. Keep a pillow close by to hold over you belly for when you cough or even laugh. I'm saying my prayers for you.

I saved all my calories this morning for dinner tonight. I made bacon and eggs and hash browns. Yummy.

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Cindy-I agree...he really needs to surround himself with people he trusts and hire a good accountant & lawyer. OH...and see a good dentist, lol.

Irene-gee thanks for saving me some chocolate. I outta slap ya! :tt2:

Michelle-how is the cleansing going? :w00t: My heart is with ya.

Suzanne-I love breakfast for supper! :wub:

Kat-does Rick work a regular schedule or is it all like just whenever he is needed, like on call....or is it both. Frank is salary (i kinda miss that OT) and his schedule is 4 on 4 off 12 hr shifts.

We went to see How to Train Your Dragon today. Frank and I liked it but Macy could take it or leave it. Funny how that works, huh?

I wish I would win the lottery. I told dh today that if we had the money I would go for a revision from lapband to bypass. Somethings gotta give. With bypass, you are not allowed to eat sugar. I need it to be a rule like that. I wish they made a Chantix pill that would make me not want sweets anymore like it made me not want cigarettes. :lol: I am so disappointed in myself.

I ordered an MP3 player yesterday. I am probably the last one in the US to get one. i am so excited. I will be able to walk with music now :biggrin:. Now if I can just get up....lol

Have a great night everyone. :Yawn:

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Hey girls~

What a nice evening! Rick made it home, he has to go out early, but we got time together anyway---spent some time in the backyard, just planning and saying "what if we....." lol

Sitting up, waiting for Megan. They are stopping by, but it won't be until about midnight. One of the girls in their group was running so late, they did not make it by before leaving for prom, so since 2 of them have to be home at 12:30, they are stopping on their way to take them home....so I can get pictures. Even with his early schedule, Rick said be sure to wake him up! This little girl is part of our lives and part of our hearts!!

When she was little our son would take off with her shoes, especially her favorite "hello kitty" platform sandals, and she would go nuts! Rick would rescue them for her, and she still acts like he can fix anything!!! But she also loves giving him a hard time! I guess she is going to Denver with us when we take Kinsey. Talked to my SIL there, and she said we could get one of her grandsons, that Kinsey gets along with really well to go ride things at the 6 flags there. We were going to take her and Connor, and that fell apart, so we will move on to plan B!!! She will be happy with it, she and Brandon played together really well, he is older, but small. Will be better anyway, they will both be tall enough to ride most things I think.

Oh I will send you the info to look at her pics. You will laugh at the fake smile in some of them!!!

The ones with the pink netting I had made into a collage---and also the last one, a close up of her face, I had a collage made with it large in black and white, and the 3 bright ones with all the flower backgrounds and the rock, in small ones down one side. That one is going to be a surprise for her Mommy from her for Mothers Day. It is soooo cool looking!! I am excited. I cannot see the collages on the website, or the highlighted pics.

One of them, the same large one, we had just some flowers, and her eyes colored....the rest is b&w.

FIL is doing better---he had some pretty serious bleeding, but MIL said tonight he was better. I have avoided going out, my cough is sooooo bad. The last thing he wants to do with how he is bleeding is be coughing like I am! YOWCH!

Talked to my nephew who is going to be a Daddy today. He is kind of shell shocked, and shy about it, but happy too. His picture is in todays paper, he is a volunteer with Special Olympics, and shows him helping a boy in a volleyball game. He will make a great dad----which is really surprising, he had no role model. His Dad is a nice guy, but just not around much, and has an alcohol problem.

Rick is hoping to be off early tomorrow too---but not holding our breath! We have a few things we want to do....but we'll see. Is his last day in the field. He likes his job so much better, it is a relief. I hope it remains something he likes as things are starting to pick up again.....

I would have looked into the sleeve if it had been an option at the time Tracy, simply to avoid the trips involved with fills. Lucky for me, I have not needed but 3 since I had my band surgery--but even check ups are so far. Never adjusting would be nice!!

DH changed jobs didn't he? What is the new insurance????

You mentioned part time work. I have 3 different people I know who went to work for Starbucks just for the insurance coverage for WLS....

I just hate seeing you unhappy!

Think I will go get my jammies on and wait for the kids. My baby Megan, at prom....with a boy no less!!! UGGGHHHHHH

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Tracy, when I read your post I just wanted to get in my car and drive 12 hours to come and hug you. I'm so sorry you are having problems with your head and your band. I totally understand the struggle between the two. I've had my days, weeks and months where my head wants to rule and not allow the band to do it's work. I would like to think that my band is broke and not working but reality is that it is all fine and I need to make my head understand that the band is in charge. I finally had to go back to WW's to help me with this issue. How sad is that. Al the time and money spent on this band and I have to go back to WW. But I find that it also keeps me accountable not so much for the amount of food I shove into my mouth but also the RIGHT food. I think twice about the ice cream and candy and go for the fruits and veggies. It helps me. Maybe you can find something like that. Have you ever tried Overeaters Anonymous? They are free. Check out some books at the library on eating disorders.

Money is also a issue here in this house. I would like to think that Hubby and I have endless buckets of dough. Reality is that he is retired and we are on a fixed income. I mention all the time about getting a full time job and hubby gets mad at me. I really like to work, keep myself busy and the extra money would give us the oppurtunity to do the little extras that we would like to do. Right now I just have this little PT job working about 12 hours a week not even making minimum wages. This trip we are making is going to cost us about 4 thousand and it just kills me to think about what else I can be doing around the house here with that kind of money. But the trip will be doing us both some good. I will get to see people I have not seen in over 25 years, some in over 33 years. And a few on the way home that I have never met but look forward to seeing, hint, hint.

It's a cloudy cool day here today. No yardwork because the grounds are soaked. Guess I'll get to crackin on the quilts and get them done. I'm also making some banana bread, need to use up the 3 that I have left that are starting to stink up my kitchen.

Have a good one and I'll check in soon.

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Megan looked so beautiful......made me cry! She is such a good kid, sadly I am not sure anyone at home fully appreciates that. She pays for a lot of her sisters "mistakes". And her sister may not have done things the way her parents would have liked, but she is doing ok....she is trying to move ahead in the right direction. They always talked, well Mom always talked like Manda made such poor choices, by marrying young, and not getting education first. Which she did get, but she thought she should be single and have the experience! I heard all about the college funds, etc. Well I did not have the $$$ she did!! Then Liz, the older sister, got pregnant just before HS graduation. Got married, living with her parents, finished HS, tried to start college, had her baby, and tried going back, got pregnant again.....and they continued to live with Mom and Dad. Well now, her husband is in school in AZ, and she is working, and they are going it alone. But they stuck it out together. They are giving it the best shot they can!

Unfortunately for Megan, they watch her like a hawk, and she is not allowed to do a lot because they want better for her. She is a good kid, I hope they don't shortchange her. I am soooo proud of her!

And she looked soooo beautiful.

Rick is working. Hopefully not ALL day.

We watch our finances here pretty close. Rick is not ready to retire. Some days he says he is, but he would not last long! Right now, we have our income cut pretty seriously packing it into retirement accounts. We both max out Roth IRA's each year, and we put a full 25% into his 401K. That 25% would not be such a big deal, but we also pay back a huge 401K loan each month, at a tune of over $600.00 a month!

Rick is not totally trusting of the 401....so he pulls the money out in a loan, we put it into other things---that WE manage, not the company. Then pay ourselves back.....so to speak. We have done it repeatedly. Makes our paychecks much smaller....but we could survive if need be for awhile!

Our house is paid for, and right this minute we have no car payments, and CS will be done in 2 months, as well as the medical we pay in addition. So....that alone will help.

Rick is being extra cautious after watching his parents retire. His Dad was a self employeed consultant in the oilfield, had his own drilling company for awhile even. He retired on what should have kept him living at his normal style for 20 years. It did not last. Inflation hit them hard! They NEVER bought on credit....anything! They cannot even get a cell phone! They paid cash for their homes, their cars, everything! But when he retired, gas was cheap, and you could buy a small car for under 10K. No one could have predicted the way things were going to go! And he found himself stressing about money at 80! I think he also did not see himself living this long! He went back to work! Dry watching wells, and watching flow back in drilling rigs, at over 80 years of age. Kinda scares Rick, he wants to be sure we can survive whatever happens.

Well I am off to call and check on Manda, she is not doing great, we are worried it tore the rotator cuff, she still cannot move her shoulder socket. Dislocations usually don't seize up for that long......

Will check up on y'all later!

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Kat & Suzanne-he (dh) still has Aetna. Their philosophy is not no but HELL no! I dont' know...it is a head game and I am just trying to keep my head above Water. Ugh, ya know what, I can't even talk about this right now. Thanks for caring, i really really appreciate it....love ya'll!!

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Michelle, I'm sending my best wishes for you and saying my prayers that all goes well tomorrow. I know in my heart it will, you just need to tell yourself that all will be good. As soon as you can, have some one post and let us know.

Good Luck and my little angel is on her way to watch over you for me.

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