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Tracy, that is scary about falling asleep at the wheel. I'm ashamed that I have even gotten behind the wheel when I shouldn't have. I just want to get home and want to keep going. So usually what I do is roll the windows down and turn the music on real loud. Wake myself up.

Going over to the nephews this evening for dinner. He's just going to cook hamburgers and hot dogs. I've made a few little side salads to take.

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hello all

how goes it

What a great dream Tracy, wish I was there

I don't know why i'm torturing myself with these books. I am on my 2nd book by Nicholas Sparks, all I can say is that this one hits home in many ways too. I have done nothing buy cry, but on a happy note, helping me to do more soul searching and trying so hard to have a life for me.

I am angry and sad. Everytime I think I'm ok I'm not. I am so angry at Kev for what he did to me, he kept me from being happy because he didn't want anyone else to have me and now I'm so screwed up I don't know what is right or what is wrong anymore. I just know I don't feel worth much of anything

anyway - i guess good will come out of this when I clear my soul, I'll be free to be happy

off to put dylan in the tub, finish my book and medicate so I can get some sleep, its been about 2 weeks with a couple hrs here and couple hrs there

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Hey Girls.

Michelle, I got your friend invite. Thanks.

I ended up staying up too late last night and then had a very hard time getting to sleep and staying asleep. Ugggg. So when the alarm went off this morning I just wanted to smash it. Got up and went to work and then went out to Breakfast with a bunch of friends. From there I went over to my sisters to drop her laundry off. She's up and really getting around good.

Came home and took a good hour nap. I feel like I could sleep for another hour at least.

I have class tonight and trying to get up the gumption to make a batch of cupcakes to take for the kids. Right now I just don't feel like doing anything. But I'm sure the kids would love it.

The weather here is beautiful. Supposed to get up to 67 today and each day a little warmer till we hit the high 70's by friday. I am so ready for a little warmth.

Make it a good one.

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BEAUTIFUL Day today!!!

I wish it stayed this way all year round.

Went walking around, at car lots of all places, but at least it was some exercise. THAT is great!

I need to get up and start some supper. I will check back in later :thumbup:

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Hi y'all!

Busy day! Good one tho. We cleaned up the area where the wood lean-to is next to the wood shed. Moved my container garden to that spot. It was out front where you saw it as you walked up to the house. Not bad but it's in a chain-link dog kennel that we've had for more than 20 years. Kinda ugly but it serves it's purpose which is to keep the deer from decimating my garden!!!

We're cleaning up that whole area and re-arranging it b/c the dogs' kennels are going out that way. Off of that area we are then going to fence in part of the property to make a dog/play yard.

From the back to the front, along-side of the house this was the layout:

wood lean-to, wood shed, potting bench, recycle cans, BBQ, table/chair set, sandbox, garden.

Now it's going to be:

potting bench & recycle cans, garden, wood-shed, kennels, BBQ, table/chairs, sandbox, log swing.

If you are standing with your back to the house, the potting bench is to the far left with the swing to the far right.

Behind that is where the yard is going to go. Part of the fencing will be the kennels.

Don't know if any of that makes sense!

Oh and now I've got 6 SOAKED bales of straw that we need to somehow move and dispose of! They are SO heavy. They are falling apart when we try to move them even tho they're still tied. We were going to use them for a compost pile edging but we can't now. Bummer!

Supposed to get more snow and rain this week. Looking forward to it.

Will be working at the yarn shop again on Wednesday. I enjoy it!

Getting my teeth cleaned in the AM.

I'm sore!!!!


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Hey girls~

Long day here....son is on a rampage. Not sure what REALLY set him off, but he chose to blame it on everyone and everything else, which sad to say is pretty normal for him. I would not admit this to just everyone, but I know you all know I love him, I just totally and completely dislike how he acts sometimes. It scares me, I see the bi polar issues his Mom has manifesting in him, and he refuses to see it......scares me, all the while his actions infuriate me.

So.....spent the day dealing with his drama. Took my FIL to the urologist today, they do not think it is prostate cancer, they think he just basically needs it roto rootered. Sounds painful....but they say it is minor as far as procedures go....

My inlaws are on my "do not call" list right along with son, they enable him. They rely so much on him, and he knows it, and they baby him and allow him to act out with no consequences. His wife puts up with it, and so do they, so he feels it is us at fault. So for awhile I am avoiding contact with any of them. Poor Rick is wavering between upset and totally furious.

Won't bore you with all the details....just bare with me for a few days while I have a break down!

Going to lunch with my friend Marie tomorrow, then Wed. my Mom and I are going to take Kinsey to buy new Easter shoes.

Got the kids Easter baskets put together today---spoiled little beasts!!! LOL

Guess I will go play some Solitaire---y'all have a good one, will check in tomorrow!

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EASTER CANDY.............:thumbup:

Good morning everyone! Today is payday so it will be a busy day...errands & shopping and bill paying. I need to go and get Macy a pair of sandals. Hard to believe we are able to wear shorts & sandals again. Weather has been wonderful!

dsd is asking for a yearbook from school. 60.00 now or 75.00 if we get them after 04/15. omg...i remember when they were 25 dollars!! lol OLD AGE!

Hope you all have a fantastic day!

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Good Morning all

Suzanne it is going to be near 80 here friday and saturday, I am so excited!

Hi Tracy - when you coming to visit me? :thumbup:

we need each other!

Kat - I'm glad FIL is going to be a simple fix and not cancer

Michelle - friend me? LOL

I have my spring fling in 25 days so I have decided that I am going to focus all my energy on that - which is good, but is also part of my sad days. Kev was retired Seabee and it brings up a lot of memories but at the same time is helping me understand a lot and have closure

Ok got to run, dad is on his way

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Kat - My dad had the 'roto-rootering' done a few weeks ago after they had to catheterize him after foot surgery. He still had another catheter for a week and then all clear!! I didn't ask how painful it was.....figured I didn't want to know.

Talked to Gia's teachers yesterday (finally!) and they said that she has a lower IQ. Not low enough to be mentally disabled, but it does cause learning issues. So while I do research to see how to help her best, we continue with homework and reading. She is 2 grades behind her current 5th grade classmates and has already been held back twice. Hopefully having a parent that makes her do homework, etc will help!!

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Kat - My dad had the 'roto-rootering' done a few weeks ago after they had to catheterize him after foot surgery. He still had another catheter for a week and then all clear!! I didn't ask how painful it was.....figured I didn't want to know.

Talked to Gia's teachers yesterday (finally!) and they said that she has a lower IQ. Not low enough to be mentally disabled, but it does cause learning issues. So while I do research to see how to help her best, we continue with homework and reading. She is 2 grades behind her current 5th grade classmates and has already been held back twice. Hopefully having a parent that makes her do homework, etc will help!!

Suzy: if they are telling you this, have they done a full sped referral yet? If so, they should be moving toward writing an IEP for her. If not, ask for a 504 plan until something is done. With a 504, you can request extended time for testing so she has time to finish. It is also a good idea to ask for a reduced amount of items on tests and homework. If she can do 10 problems, she can do 20. It shouldn't be necessary to torture her by asking her to complete more than is necessary. So, basically, ask them if they are testing her for special ed services, and if they aren't, ask them why not? If they are saying she has a lower IQ, they must know she needs extra help. They should be making an effort to help her. Gia is really lucky to have someone like you on her side .

Update: my new "angel" in my class is a little better and I am surviving him. I am going to the gym to relieve stress, so I am acutally losing a little weight now. That is a plus!

My friends, I read your posts every day, but I have been so busy, I can't respond. Luckily, it is spring break here and I have a week off. I am, however, working tomorrow. My friend and I are planning. Today, it is time to clean...ugh:unsure: I will check in again later.

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She does have an IEP and she does get extra help with standardized testing. I am very new to all this however. I was one of those annoying kids who never studied until I got to college.

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Suzy, I think that Cindy can give you valuable insight and help in helping you to get what all Gia should have available to her. Much of the time that is our barrier, simply not knowing what to ask for and what should be done for us. I am so thankful she chimes in on that! Thanks Cindy!!!!

I also think Gia is VERY lucky to finally find herself in an environment conducive to her learning, and one that is consistant. Homework first today, as well as tomorrow and Friday---not dependent upon crazy Dads mood. Hard to say if she has help, and has the supplies she needs how she might excel. I hope she does, she has a hard life, I hope it is not harder than it has to be.

With kids like that, I always wonder if they were called names at home, or even at school, because they are fully understanding of what they mean.

Glad things are still going well for the 2 of you.

Cindy, has your student mellowed out at all, I know you were hoping he would when he felt welcome and accepted in your class. I worried about you whether something had happened with him! I am such a chicken~~ I would likely have thrown in the towel. Glad you are braver, and can make a difference in their lives!

Jenn, enjoy your planning on the Spring Fling. There will always be reminders of Kev. ALWAYS. But as each day passes, now that you have really put it behind you, it will change how those memories affect you. Someday down the road, you will smile at memories of him before his accident, and be able to place him into 2 different people categories. Before the accident and After the accident. You'll get there, and someday you will be truly happy where you are at, and be able to look back at it differently than you can at this point. It is like death, and there are many stages to go through.

Suzie, are you still planning to be through here in Sept.? So exciting!!!

Tracy, how is Macy doing with her school stuff? Cindy and Suzy, made me think of how she was doing as well.

Sandals, would be ok maybe today but we are due to drop back into the high 40's & low 50's later in the week. Besides I need a pedi BAD after winter!!!

But our grass is getting green, and daffodils, and hyacinths, and tulips are all coming up. YAY!!!!

Michelle, you selling yarn today? Or building fence?

No change on the son situation. Trying very hard to not be snarky and post something on my FB!!! DIL usually does that kind of thing to me, and it pisses me off so bad, I am restraining myself. I hate when she does--airs everything, and puts me to having to defend us as all the family is on both our friends list.

She will do it today when he is at work, just waiting for it........

Well I am off to shower so I can go have lunch with Marie. Then I think I will come home and try to clean some in the laundry/pantry area. We have new cabinets for the pantry.....what a mess that is going to be to change out!!!

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It must be getting close to Spring. Michelle doing all kinds of yardwork, Tracy buying sandals, Kat cleaning the laundry room and pantry and Hubby and I just getting done rearranging the garage and sweeping out all the road dust. We put all the winter stuff away and got out the mowers and weedeater. Hubby is going to make sure they are all tuned up and ready to go by this weekend. Looks like we will be cutting grass. Snow 2 weeks ago and grass cutting this week. Who knew?

I finally got around to taking our taxes in. Tony came out as I was dropping them off and we had a good laugh about how I didn't exactly wait till the 15th. to bring them in. Never in a hurry because I always tell myself that we wil owe and I really don't want to pay anymore than I already do.

The winds are blowing really hard right now but it is right around 70 degrees. They are calling for the 80's tomorrow and Thursday. NICE.

Last night I went to the freezer to pull out a package of polish dogs to fix for dinner. I noticed that they weren't as hard as they should have been. I also noticed that there was Water on the ice maker. What? Oh crap. The freezer part finally quit working. It had been making a noise for the last few days. So I got on the phone at 6pm and called my nephew who called his ex who called her BIL and he came over to see if he could fix it. He got here right as I was leaving for class. Hubby called me about an hour later and said that it was fixed. He had to replace a switch and a compacitor. Total cost was $135.00. We paid for the parts and than he charged us $40.00 to do the work. He saved us about half. I feel better knowing that the money is going to feed his 2 boys and wife and not into some companyies pockets. Thanks Troy.

Well, time to get some lunch and then head into work. Doing a double shift today.

Kat, as far as I know we will be coming thru your area around Septmeber 16th-ish. We will be in a little town right outside of Scottsdale Arz. for a few days visiting some friends from here that have a new winter home there. We will spend the night and then head on to Texas to meet up with another friend(hmmmmmm).

Have a great day.

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Kat, neither!! LOL! Poured rain today. Snow expected tomorrow night with lots more rain this week and then starts up again next week. DH is mad b/c he's on vacation this week and had all these plans for stuff outside, like getting the kennels moved and set up as well as at least marking for the new fence. Ummm, yea, not happening right now.

Sooooo, he and DD went with me to Fresno for my appt w/my gyno. We are going to do the full hysterectomy. Looking at within the next couple of months. I go see him again on the 20th for a good talk and a couple of exams. He's hoping the new surgery schedule will be out by then and we can go ahead and schedule it. We'll see.

In the meantime, I'm going to talk to my herbalist about what I need to get on-board now for any menopausal "issues" I might have after surgery. I am NOT doing HRTs!!!!

Ideally I should only be down a week or 2 after surgery but if they have to open me up, then I'm looking at 6-8 weeks of recovery.

I'm going to have to find some help. DH won't be able to get any time off and I'm not waiting til the end of fire season to do this. I'm kinda thinking about having DD's babysitter (and best friend's DD) move in with us on the days DH is at work. She can keep DD occupied and we may just board the dogs with my trainer friend. Need WAY more info before I really start making plans but I'm one to always start doing that when there is a possible... whatever that might happen. LOL!!

Anyway, that's where I'm at right now.

Cindy, it's good to "see" you!

Hi to everyone!!! Hugs!

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Michelle. I had my surgery about 10 years ago and the best thing I ever did for myself. Of course I had no choice in it. Doc said everything need to come out so there would be no chance of it coming back. But I'm still glad I don't have to mess with the monthly anymore.

There is a huge incident of breast cancer in my family and the Doc did not want to put me on any HRT's. I begged with him because I was going thru a 10 day cycle. For no reason what so ever, I would ball. Cry worse than a baby. So finally he agreed and I stayed on it for about 5 months, long enough to get my emotions under control. I haven't had to take anything since. And with the eggs being gone I don't have to worry about menopause or hot flashes. Amen.

Good luck with everything you will be going thru. Some of the things I did was to line up a little help. Rides to my appointments etc. I also got all the grocery shopping done, laundry. Just think of things that you think you might need help with.

Keep us posted.

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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