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Hi everyone....lonnggggg day and now it is BED TIME :laugh:

Have a great night everyone!

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Good Morning everyone. Sorry I didn't check in over the weekend. No excuses.

I didn spend Saturday evening for about 6 hours next door. We played cards, dominoes and dice and had a great time. She has a 9year old and we really like playing games together. By the time I had left there it had snowed around 6 inches. Good thing I drove my car. I would have had a terrible time walking home.

Yesterday I went and turned in my blankets for our Disney trip and I also had them look over the quilt tops I'm making. I've had problems piecing them together and found out why. They didn't give me enough material. We had a good laugh over it.

Today I'm doing a double shift again and I have class tonight. I work my regular shift tomorrow morning, Than I am off work till next Monday. Thank You. What will I do with myself.

Well, I know my sister will have me moving alot. She is actually having a knee scope done on her left knee wednesday morning. I will have her till the afternoon and than my younger Sis gets her. She said she would go over and spend the night with her. I'll be back over there the next morning to chec to make sure all is ok. They are just going to scrape some cartlidge in her knee, she has a slight tear in her miniscus(sp?). She'll be fine but be a big baby.

Have a great day and I'll check in later.

Jeen, good luck on your first day at work.

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morning all

Job is not starting today, they would not let me on site because I didn't have enough experience for the site GC. It is BS and long story, but remember the Marine I dated... yea... he knew I'm family and is a bigshot on that site.

I got my elliptical put together last night and I'm going to work out, raining here

I'm glad court is over, it was a very emotionaly draining on Friday and I just cried, it was like the final goodbye but I can move on, free of him.

I'll be back to read and catch up, i need to get moving before I get distracted

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Jenn, do you still have the job? I hope so.

I'm home and completely exhausted. I woke up at 3:30 this morning and have been going ever since. So after work and running around, I stopped at Wendy's and got Hubby some lunch and I bought a couple of side salads for me. I've eaten one and now it is nappy time so I can go to class tonight.

I'll check in soon.

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Good Mornng all

Suzanne - I don't know what is happening with job, I will not be on that site - that much I do know

I wanted to check in and say hi, did 50 mins on elliptical and just had Breakfast, going to shower and head to the army base... mmmmmmmmmmmmmm ya'll know how I love those military men, have to go doll myself up :confused:

Hi Tracy :redface: It's Tuesday

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Hi all~

Wanted to check in and update. We took MIL to the oncologist yesterday--the actual one who will be treating her case. He is not as pessimistic as the other. He said the one large spot is problematic. With her age, she is not a surgical candidate. He is not concerned with the small areas, and disagrees that there is liver involvement, due to the recent blood work, her liver function is spot on normal, so he says he is going to leave it alone and allow it to continue functioning as normal. Since she had never had it scanned before, the lesion they found may be something she has had for years and be uninvolved. He is also approaching the small lesions in the lungs that way. But the big one which is aver 5 cm....has to be dealt with, and found out what its make up is. If you make an OK sign with your thumb and index finger that is approximate size. It is on the peripheral side of her right lung--which means it is not on the inside near the heart, it is on the outside, nearer her armpit. So the plan is to sedate her, and do a needle biopsy through the back. Problem is she is on coumadin for the blood clot! So I am giving her a shot---forget the name, it is a new one, much like the Lovenox I gave her before, only this one only needs given once a day--I give it for 4 days, beginning this weekend, then they will biopsy then I give it for 3 days, then she goes back on her coumadin, and we see him on the 1st of April for the results. As of now the plan is to use radiation only for treatment. He said he can quite easily see the ability using the radiation to extend the previous 3-6 months to live, to 1-2 years. Which at 82 is good. He said with her not being an active person, due to age, she can get by with less lung capacity. Surgical removal is ideal, but opening her chest is ill advised with her age, and blood clot history. So there is where we are. Good news as we all see it.

Family has went back to Denver for now. BIL will be back this weekend, and will be here to take FIL to the urologist this week, to find out about the blood in the urine issue. We figure he too has cancer, likely of the prostate---he has had prostate issues before. So will figure that one as it comes at us!

I have fixed enough food they are ok for a day or so. We will be popping in and out, but let them settle back into a routine of NOT having someone with them 24/7. Then SIL and I will take turns bringing food in.

I am on the hunt today for plastic plates with sections, and lids. So I can fill them and deliver them, and pick up the used ones. Something like a lunch tray with a lid would be PERFECT! That is my quest!!!

Rick worked late last night, got home about 9. He ate, we went to bed about 10 and I slept til the alarm rang at 5:30 this morning, got up with him for about 45 minutes, then went back to bed! Slept until almost 9:30!!! I was totally exhausted! I feel pretty doggone good right now!! LOL

I better get myself dressed though and get on with all my stuff for today. I have to take the swing canopy frame to the canvas place today to get a new cover put on it....and buy a cushion for it. MIL said she sure missed her swing, so Rick and I are revamping it for Mothers Day, a bit early, so she can sit in the sun, and get better!

Thanks for all the well wishes guys here and on FB. Miss chatting with you all!

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Work, Wal-Mart and now my housework is done. Seriously. The weather is beautiful here and supposed to get up to 60. So I did windows. It was so funny, I pulled down one of the windows and my curious kitty tried to jump on it and slid back down. Hubby and I laughed. Anyway, windows are done till we have a good storm.

Now I'm getting caught up on DWTS. Also I'm going to try not to fall asleep. I'm so tired. But I have to get up at 4:30am again. My older sis is having a knee scope in the morning. You would think she is having a leg amputee. She is so dramatic. Has her self all worked up and knows it won't be good. Driving my younger sis and me crazy. I will take her to the hospital in the morning and stay there till it's time to take her home. Once I take her home I will stay with her till my younger sis gets there then I will head home and let her have her for the rest of the day. She is also going to spend the night with her just to make sure she will be able to go potty by herself.

Besides that, I'm off work till next monday. Hello.

Back to Stars.

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Kat, I was so glad to read your post. Looks like everyone can take a deep breath and look at this differently. I realize that the out come is still the same but this does seem to give her more time and gives the family more time to accept what is going on. I will continue to keep her and your FIL in my prayers.

My sister is taking the Lovenox shots right now. She has a genetic blood clotting disorder. Not sure if my younger sis and I have it, we have never been tested.

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Well another day, and more DRASTIC changes!

The oncologist, was still uneasy about the "look" of the lesion on my MIL's lung, so he got together with the radiologist who read the CAT scan, and the oncology phlebotomist, and they are questioning whether the spot could be a blood clot. So....the new plan is not to biopsy it...they do not want to take a chance if it is, of dislodging it. So they are going to work up some medication changes, and up her dose of blood thinners, continuing the coumadin, while adding Plavix, and lovenox shots bi weekly, and are going to rerun the scan in 2 weeks.

Meanwhile, my SIL in Denver who is with the insurance company hired an attorney to deal with the Dr. who told her it was without question cancer, and she had between 3 and 6 months to live. He told her if she had a biopsy it would cause it to spread, and chemo or radiation would kill a woman her age, that her best option was to go home and be made comfortable, and gave her hospice information. So when we heard, we went to the oncologist, and all this has transpired since. It shook the family, and we are not looking to get rich, but he gave outright FALSE information! She has the picture he drew for her of where the lesions are, and there is nothing supporting the things he wrote on it, or told her.

So....we are cautiously optomistic.

The oncologist told us, lung cancers are one of the most commonly misdiagnosed cancers there are, because there can be so many types of benign growths in the lungs due to the fact we breath them in. And we all have to breath!! Made me think of you Suzanne!!

So.....hoping to get good news. I know she is 82 and will not live forever, but heck her Mom lived to be 98! And the issue of predisposition to similar cancers, I want to know, if Rick is more likely to develop lung problems, ya know!?

I know that everyone has to pass away, I hope for her as for anyone, dear to me, that it is easy and pain free. So hoping this is very good news, how they will deal with the blood clot has not been fully decided, IF it proves to be such. Will let ya know!

Rick is in bed, he has to leave at 2:30 AM! This is his week in the field under the new breakdown at work. He has not worked in the field, in over 5 years! Now he will be out one week a month. He said the hours kinda suck, but he is enjoying the being out there a lot, and is going to hate going back to the shop! Hope it all works out ok. Having to pack a lunch again.....forgot what all I used to put in it! LOL

Supposed to rain and snow tomorrow. I am going to cook something for us and the inlaws, then I plan on doing NOTHING!

I ended up taking Mom to town today, she has been feeling neglected I think! Not consciously so, but she was I think!!! She likes to go once a week or so, and she had her surgery 2 weeks ago, then I have been at the inlaws non stop, and she was sure glad to go shopping again! LOL

Talked to my SIL, she said when she got home yesterday, it was well over 60 degrees out still....a little windy, but nice, they went out to dinner, and wore no coats. Tonight there is a foot of snow in her yard!!! YUCK!

Well I am off to bed. Not feeling real sleepy, but just want to veg!

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Good Morning

Kat - that is just all crazy, your family is in my prayers!

I'm in a funk, I am not horrible but slipping back. I have been having nightmares about kev for a couple weeks and its hard to explain, we were so close that we use to feel each other when we were apart and I would feel him in my sleep. It is starting agin and i don't know why - I don't want him in my head - out of my life. He is haunting me and I don't know how to make it stop

I am going to shower and go to breakfast with my friend for her birthday, I'll hit the elliptical after lunch, it is freezing here!

Hope you have a good day everyone -

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Hi everyone-

Kat-sounds like a reason to be optimistic as far as your MIL goes. I will keep praying for all of you.

Suzanne-What are you gonna do with yourself with all this time off? I know you are a happy camper! Let us know how your sister does this morning with her knee scope.

Jenn-its Wednesday :smile: :thumbup:

Ladies...I am SO down in the dumps. Lately I do not even know how to function. I am in a blur. I am now officially back to my surgery day weight. I got 4 pounds away from goal and here I am, right back where I started and I am way beyond sad. I know I need to pick myself up and dust myself off but I need to mourn right now.

I hope you all have a great day :)

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Well Tracy, do you need a fill? Maybe if you get one, you can "start over". Tell yourself you were JUST banded. Do the liquids---like in a 5 day pouch test---then work back into it. I personally will do better when our weather changes. I sit here at the computer if I am at home. If I can get outside, I DO something. I can work in the yard etc. You have a nice new house, with a nice new yard, so you have somewhere to work!!!

I understand the depression. I also understand a bad back. I have been extremely lucky with mine, and since I have lost weight, it has made a huge difference in it. I herniated L4 L5 at the S1 station. I did several weeks of PT with it, and have done stretching exercises almost every day since PT. I do them in the morning, in bed, before rolling out, just limber up the muscles a little bit, so they don't spaz out. That was a non medical suggestion given to me by my PT therapist. She said most of her patients reported better days if they stretched and warmed the muscles before putting strain on them by getting upright.

So every morning I lay in the warm bed, on my back knees bent, and allow my legs to fall to the left and hold, then push a little further and hold, you know just push it a bit. Then to the right, same thing. Then I curl my knees up to my chest and hold. Opens all the vertabrae up. Then I just stretch, arms above the head---open it all up. Then I roll my top half--shoulders to the right and then to the left. Then one more time I bend the knees and let them drop to each side. Takes less than 2 minutes.

I no longer do the daily exercises she gave me. But I faithfully believe in the morning ones! On the days I jump up without them---if someone comes to the door, or whatever, I have headaches, or backaches that day. Might be in my head, but it seems to be so.

The last MRI I had of my back, the herniation had retreated by over 37%. Nerve paths have regenerated, and I am no longer in constant pain with it, but it will flare occasionally, but has not been BAD in years now. I remember the pain, and refuse to stop the stretches and find out if it helps that way!!!

If I can help you reclaim your MOJO in any way, let me know, I will do it gladly!!!

Put a call in to my Uncle, he is my voice of reason in the medical field. He said blood clot is not good. The proximity to the brain is scary. But he said if it is, it could have been there for awhile, and be causing pain and inflamation only when it is getting bigger. He was kind of iffy about the treatment plan, but said, it is all a sort of guessing game due to her age, and the inability to withstand some of the more invasive tests. So....we will enjoy the time, and go as close to back to normal as we can. In other words she can go back to annoying the crap out of me!!! LOL

Rick is very relieved, I do not plan to share the info I got with him, or the other siblings. It is good for them to relax some.

DIL wants me to go with her to the grocery store. I don't really want to go. I am going to stay home and do laundry, strip the bed, all the things I have let slide. Might keep Kinsey tonight while the girls practice.

Will check in with everyone later today since I am gonna stay home!!!!

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hugs and kisses

I second what Kat says...

I'm in a funk too. Went out and got some slim shots today, they have worked for me in the past - I need to control the emotional eating. Defeats working out like a crazy person

I am mentally and physical ehausted and think I'm going to soak in the tub and go to bed... I should clean my room - I have clothes everywhere and never made my bed today because I was going to flip my mattress but nope, none of it happened.

i lost my thoughts, i'm so tired... i'll see ya all in the am

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morning all

so quiet hope you are all well

just did my hr on the elliptical and going to shower in a few.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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