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Tracy, it's Trazodone. Believe or not, it's an anti-depressant but they are finding it works well for restless sleeping issues. It worked for me. At least last night. I slept nearly 12 hours! Hardly moved at all! Got a little headache and am a little sore today. Staying in bed that long does the headache thing for me and having a 12 year old bed does the soreness thing. Took a hot shower and am feeling pretty good otherwise.


Did something dumb last night and really feeling bad about it.

We're joining a Christian 4 wheel drive group and last night one of the guys posted that for the run this weekend his wife was wondering about outhouses. Well I popped off and made a joke about yes, there are trees, rocks and snowdrifts. A lot of women are sqeemish about that and so that was where I was coming from.

Got an e-mail from him this AM to tell me that he was seriously asking because his wife has MS!!!! Oh geez! Now I feel horrible! I don't know everyone really well yet. Had NO clue about his wife! I e-mailed him an apology and explained where I was coming from. Not as an excuse but more as an explanation. I'm not a thoughtless person but I sure was last night. I also went immediately to the thread and posted an apology.

I just feel absolutely awful. I'm hoping they can forgive me.


Suzanne, we'll see where my levels are. The thing is, that all of my levels always come out fine even tho I'm showing signs of having low levels. It's crazy! And irritating!

Can't wait for my new bed! Only 2 more nights! And it's a good thing I scheduled the delivery for the AM b/c we may be getting snow by the afternoon/evening! It will be raining.

Anyway, Dd is needing me. Talk to y'all later!

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Michelle, read my new tag line at the bottom of my signature. If those people cannot forgive you for being human, and making light, regardless of the situation, then there is no need to want to make them friends.

The way I see it is, MS or not, if she cannot find a way to use a restroom outdoors like everyone else, is she really capable of the outing? And if it is an issue, then he should carry a portapotty in his vehicle---end of problem---find someplace, set it up, and done deal. I think you did exactly the right thing, explained yourself, let them know you were not being thoughtless, and now let it drop. They will forget it if you let them I bet. But don't keep bringing it up and apologizing, or it will stay fresh in their minds too.

I agree we need to be politically correct to a point, but good grief, having to monitor every word we say is ridiculous too.

Took food over to our friends family home. He got in with his kids last night, not sure if they will stay here with me tonight or what will happen. The family home is VERY small, and even they don't know yet how much more family is coming in.

The family shows up to eat our friend said, and they welcomed the food. I made a pot of baked Beans to go with it, so it could be a meal on it's own. My folks took in ham, and cheese and croissants for sandwiches, and my MIL is making a cake and a pot of Taco Soup to take in tomorrow. The rosary is tomorrow---and to be totally honest, I have never been to one. The funeral service is Friday morning, and I will definitely go to that, unsure about the rosary. I have been totally lost at both catholic services I ever went to, I feel kinda out of place when they begin kneeling, then sit, then kneel, and I never know what to do!!! And they started reciting the Apostles Creed, and I know it, we say it as well, but they stopped in the middle and did something, and I almost spoke ALL BY MYSELF!!! Oh well----I'll go anyway. Rick is really upset at not being here. She took good care of him when he was a kid and spent the night there and all. She was a sweet, sweet woman. Little bitty thing, about 4'10"!!! Her sons are short too---Ricks friend, is maybe 5'6", he was shaving with a full beard in 4th grade, and was totally bald by graduation! Both he and his brother!!!

Has anyone seen the advertisement on HGTV for the new show called "Tough As Nails"? It is a show about a female contractor/builder. Always makes me think of you Jenn!!

Well I am off to start a fire, we are to be hit with a snowstorm tonight. Got my wood in, stove cleaned, and fire ready to start.

Everyone take care!

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Thanks, Kat.

After I posted and thought about it, I got mad. Now I'm over it. Told DH and he was like "WTH! How are you supposed to know that and even if you did, it's a big joke up here." Made me feel better.

They might be the more "victim" types than the "okay, I've got it so I continue to live my life to the best I can" types. I definitely prefer the latter! Hate "victim" attitudes. The extreme ones. I understand there is a "victimness" to horrible things, BUT there is a difference living as the victim, vs. having been a victim and attempting to move on from that and not BE that.

I think you are a perfect example of the latter! You have been through hell and yet, you have made a great life for yourself and live as "well" as you can! YOU are a role model!

I am truly sorry for your friend and his family. You and Rick as well. I feel sad that Rick can't be there for his friend. It's got to be hard on him. I'm sure his friend understands but that doesn't make it any better for Rick.

You are so thoughtful taking all that food over. What a wonderful thing to do. I hope he and the kids decide to stay with you. I think it would be a good break for him with the whole family stuff.

Be safe with that storm coming in. We've got one now. It'll move out today/tonight then we've got another colder one coming in for Friday. You'll probably have that one by the first part of the week!

Oh and I like your sig line. Always have. Need to remember it!

Thanks again!

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Michelle, I agree with Kat. I would let it drop now that you have apologised. Hopefully they will also. When everyone gets together if it brought up again by them then you know that they are not someone that you really want in your life. Who knows you guys might end up all being good friends some day.

I have one of theose one sided people in my life. It's my older sister. She is constantly at the Doctors or is reminding us how much pain she is in. I do understand pain and know what it feels like, she just acts like she is the only one who has it and that no one cares. She calls all the time to tell us what her ailment for the day is and never once asks us how we are doing. Right now she has no idea about my condition as I have chosen not to tell her at this time. I need to know exaclty what they are going to do with me before I tell her. But I can tell you right now that when I do tell her that she will somehow turn it back over to a whoa is her thing. How sad it will be that she can't rely on me to take her to her appointments or shopping or whatever else she needs. What cracks me up when she calls me is she always tells me that no matter what it is that "she will be just fine". Don't worry, I'll be fine. LOL. Does it look like I am worried, LOL?

Isn't life wonderful.

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Tracy, it's Trazodone. Believe or not, it's an anti-depressant but they are finding it works well for restless sleeping issues. It worked for me. At least last night. I slept nearly 12 hours! Hardly moved at all! Got a little headache and am a little sore today. Staying in bed that long does the headache thing for me and having a 12 year old bed does the soreness thing. Took a hot shower and am feeling pretty good otherwise.

That is exactly what my dr gave me! My antidepressants were making me really restless and i was not sleeping well and he gave me Trazodone to take in addition to my Celexa. I only take 1/2 of one and sleep like a baby. :eek: I am worried that it is making me hungry all the time though.

Kat-I like your new signature too. :wink:

Suzanne-I can not wait until at least spring! I am really ready for some outdoor time!

Jenn-make an appearance!!! I miss you!

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Good morning everyone!!

SO, what is everyone planning for the weekend? I am not really sure yet what we are going to do but I would like to do something outside. Even if it is throwing something on the grill and sitting in the sun. The Houston rodeo is in town and believe it or not, I have never been. People that live around here can not believe that i have never gone but I haven't. Guess I was just always too embarassed to go. Now I am at the age that I do not really care what they think. Growing older has its perks. :smile2:

I want to go see shutter island too. Who knows. I think dsd is going to her moms this weekend. Macy will be home. I am glad because I want to spend some time with her since she was gone last weekend.

Well, the baby just woke up so I better get off here. Have a great day everyone!!

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Good Morning all

Kat - You really have a huge heart, you are always making sure everyone is taken care of. Now, saying that, I love pulled pork and baked Beans. LOL

I have not seen that show but I'm glad you think of me. I am done, I have a friend coming to frame out my laundry room for me, I just don't have it in me.

Michelle, I have trazadone to sleep, I should take some, I have been a mess all week

Suzanne, wow it is still that cold there. It has been 38 here and we are getting our entire winter's worth of snow this week so it is wet heavy yucky snow.

Tracy - I'm here and alive, all is well, I think I might have to take out my grill this week

I have managed to screw something else up... it is fixable, but I messed things up with Billy, I am working on fixing it and as much as i hate to admit it. I do like him, but it is just a good speed for me. We have just enough of each other and just enough space and can not ee each other and yet he is just so happy to see or hear from me. We keep saying not in a relationship and it works. Everyone knows we really are together as much as we both can be, both of us getting out of long long relationships. Anyway, he makes me happy and is taking really good care of me, and is not touchy feely when we are out together, and Kev Destroyed me, I am at a point where I don't want anyone touching me at all. So this is a good thing, and if Billy and I don't work, we will always have a special thing and I would want his blessing on whatever path I take, as he knows no matter what he has mine as long as there are no lies and he is happy.

Stupid right?

I made a mends with my neighbor. I've tried and tried randomly texting her, but yesterday with the snow it all worked out, we actually went to dinner last night and just talked and it is all good

so that has been where I'm at in life. Just trying to make things right

I may have had hurt in my heart the last year or so with Kev but I have total anger and hate towards him and it is eating me alive. I am not an angry person and I know that is not the seeds I should be planting. I am working hard to make things right and plant good seeds because I want things to be different for the next part of my life.

Well, off to make something to eat. Going to try healthy, I'm pms and bloated and have been throwing up so have gained a few from self distruction but know it is bloat

I'm heaing back to the gym for real this time... swear I feel lazy

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Healthy food.....wow what a concept! Who woulda thought food could be healthy!!! Not anyone looking in my cupboards and cabinets that's for sure!!! LOL

Jenn, you may well be on to something. I believe that you do reap what you sow. If you plant seeds of anger and hatred, it is hard to get past the evil growing to get to anything happy. Where as like you are doing, setting things right, and working to make others happy, planting those seeds protects you with a surrounding of happiness.

It is like the saying that whether you plan to fail or succeed, you will be right. If you plan to be angry and hurt, you will be.

At the same time, you have to be allowed to go through the emotions involved in the break up. It happen due to circumstances not normal in relationships. While you HAVE to move on, without the accident, you may not have had to move on. Dealing with him now is not like dealing with a "normal" person. He is never the same day after day so dealing with him is never the same day after day. And when he is on a good swing, it reminded you of days gone by, and give you hope, only to have it dashed again, and again.

Time has passed, and you have faced it and moved on at the speed that is right for you. No one else was invested emotionally as you. Even the kids, they were young, they didn't know him the way you did.

In years to come, the relationship between you and Kev will continue to morph, and who knows how his mental injury will figure into that. But as with all exes, the anger and hurt fades, once you are ready to allow that to happen.

As your friends we hate seeing you struggle through it. But you have done it. You are working through the stages, and will come out the other side stronger. And when you get there, we'll still be there!

Til then, say what you are feeling, and cry when you need to cry, and Celebrate when it feels right. And as for those around you.....those that matter, won't care what you say, and those that care....well they don't matter anyway!

Go plant happy seeds!!!

I am going to go see about buying a pair of boots this afternoon. I saw a pair I want, not a high heel, but more of a narrow wedge...over the calf. I want to see what material they are made of. The funeral tomorrow, then the burial is here in town, and will likely be muddy, as we got more snow last night. I do not want to buy new boots then ruin them the first wearing!!! Wish me luck!!

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Thanks Kat

that is pretty much just how I feel right now. I'm making things right what I feel I need to do in my heart. Billy was a big one. He is scared of relationship too, and I know he cares much more than he wants me to know. I can tell by the light that shines when I walk in, and for that I know i hurt him last week, but we had a nice talk Monday night and I think we are good. I left him alone and just called to say goodnight last night and he was just happy to hear from me. So hurting him in any way did not make me feel good. So I am going to just continue to follow my heart and try to forgive Kevin for what he did to me. He is going to have to live with himself and I don't have to do it anymore.

Good luck with the boots!

I've got a ton of paperwork to do tonight for court and then going to apply for the financial assistance for the Y so I can keep my membership. My mom is buying me my elliptical with her tax return so I should have it in 2 weeks, so I cleaned out the room it is going in and going to paint in there so once it is in I won't have to move it.

I had a bite of Breakfast and threw up very badly so I have had 2 sf pops and a cup of broth. Going to stick to liquids for the next week to get it undercontrol. It hurts so much to be sick like that

Lets hope to get the loss rolling again, I was up7lbs this week

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Kat took my fav quote:

Be who you are & say what you feel

Because those who mind, don't matter

And those who matter, don't mind

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Morning Girls.

Kat, you have such wonderful insight. That's what I love about you. And you have such a way with words. I always seem to jumble it up and juts can't put into words what I'm feeling in my heart.

Jenn, I'm so happy to be reading your great post. You sound so much better now than in the past. Looks like you might be headed in the right direction. Good luck and I hope things work out for you in court and with Billy. And I'm glad to hear about you making amends with your neighbor. Life is to short to live it with hatred in your mind or heart.

Tracy, If you get a chance, go to the rodeo. You'll have a good time. And the people watching is awesome.

Right now I'm getting ready to get on to ticketmaster to try to get tickets to see George Strait and Reba in concert. Wish me luck.

Be back soon to let you know how it went.

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Update. Got the tickets. George and Reba, Here we come.

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Update. Got the tickets. George and Reba, Here we come.

That is AWESOME!!! I am SO envious!! :eek:

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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