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Upper GI is not a big deal. You go in to the radiology dept, with an empty stomach---they give you a large glass of gunk (VERY technical term) to drink. They have you lie down on the Xray table, and the gunk shows up as it follows the path of your digestive tract. It shows how much can gather in your pouch, and how fast it is dripping or pouring through. Then shows if there is any motility problems with your upper, large intestine. Then they lose the contrast. So if you need it looked at in the lower intestine---you get the much loved LOWER GI-----same process, only by enema! No thank you!

I have some issue with the cantrast solution, I drink so much of it, and lay flat, it wants to just come back up! And it kinda messes with my system, and it takes me a day or so to work it all out of me---but nothing too terrible.

The UPPER is pretty easy to take.

Have a meeting with an a news reporter later today! I have been (along with many neighbors, my parents, lots of people also on this route) having issues with my newspaper delivery. I am not getting my paper. It is supposed to be here by 7 AM---and IF I get it, maybe once a week the last couple, it is after noon. They extend my subscription is how they "make it right" . And it is NOT making it right by me!

They come after my business---I did not go asking them to deliver me a paper---I have been a paying customer for over 20 years, been in this same home as a steadily subscribed customer for 20 years. If I did not pay my bill, they sure as hell would not deliver anyway, and yet even tho I pay, they are not upholding their end of the business deal. They keep losing carriers, and that is not my problem, pay them more! In this day of unemployment, they cannot tell me they can't find a responsible employee! I wrote a letter to the editor, mailed it certified, it was never printed--SURPRISE!!! So I spoke with both the circulation manager, and eventually the editor. When I get them, I get the paper delivered late, and to my door, by someone from the office. When they give the no paper notice to my delivery person I get an extension. If I am not getting it today, why do I care if they say they will give me one next December (I am paid thru then)? So I told the editor, if it happens again, I am going to the TV station. So I did, the local guy is coming to talk to me, a neighbor and a local attorney who has her office on this route, and is not getting her paper either. She said she will represent all of us on the route who are having problems ---- in a breach of contract suit. Could be interesting. They are going to film between my neighbor (the handicapped cat lady---sympathy angle---and I, the ANGRY one, and the attorneys office. All outside, no indoor filming. So I used the air compressor and blew off the porch, and made sure it all looked decent. Now I am gonna be a STAR!!! LMAO

That is not supposed to happen until later this afternoon. And just FYI----I did NOT get a paper this morning! grrrrrrrrrrr

Kinsey is going to stay with me for a bit while Manda gets her taxes done and her hair cut.

After the TV thing, I have to go to Walmart, and get Rick stocked up on things to take to eat. etc. Some of the small towns they work in, close things up early, and if he comes in and has not eaten, he is out of luck. So we pack a tote with microwavable shelf stable things.....

Will check in later.

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Kat the Angry one. LOL, LOL, LOL. Now that's funny. But I do agree with you, that is one of the reasons I hated getting the newspaper here. For over 20 years we were loyal customers. How come I have to call and get my name back on their throw list. At one time we did have this one couple that went out of their way to bring the paper garage door so my Mom didn't have to walk very far to pick it up. But after 20 years you would think that I would be a priority.

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Back from noon Mass and getting my Ashes. Now it's time to get dressed and head to the hospital.

You know what I will be doing when I get home........Olympics.

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Kat, you would think with all of the newspapers having problems and cutbacks they would try to keep their loyal customers happy.

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Hey, Hubby and I got home from our shift at the hospital and there was a message from the Doctor that had done my physical last week. He said that the chest x-ray still shows the same as before but he wasn't sure if there had been a big change in the size since he couldn't find the last x-rays. Silly me, I haven't sent them back yet. So I will call him tomorrow and tell him I will be sending them out ASAP.

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Morning all

Suzanne - so if no changes that is good right?

I'm up getting ready to put Dylan on the bus and shower, going to take care of some more business today

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Good morning again everyone...

Wow, the days seem to race by! I guess that is what having 2-4 kids around the house can do for ya! lol

I am feeling better today than yesterday. My ears arent hurting anymore which is fantastic news. My head is still plugged up but I can breathe out of one nostril periodically :thumbdown:

Kat-are you a TV star now? Can you send me a copy of the news? I wonder if I can watch it on the computer :thumbdown:

Suzanne-lol, no wonder your doc could not find the x-rays. I'll bet he didn't really like to say he could not FIND them. LOL Sounds like good news, eh?

Jennifer-did you get my e-mail about talking to Frank about coming to see you? If not the summary is that he would like to go! Now all we have to figure out is when and save some money !!! I am so excited :thumbdown:

Cindy-how are you feeling? Is yours in your chest with the bad cough or is it all neck & up? I have barely coughed but when I do I hear a little rattle, but not much (so far, thank God). My dr gave me some strong antibiotics and said that should fix me up.

Michelle-congrats on getting a new bed! That is so exciting. I wish I could have a dog. Our landlord says absolutely no pets whatsoever. I would love to have a rottweiler or a golden lab. As an sdult I have never had a dog. I had a cat for 14 years though. I sure miss him! I would love to have a dog to play with my dd. I want a big dog that she can not intimidate, lol. I want one that can weat HER out! lol

I am so proud that I was able to get this much posted, lol. So I better not push my luck.

I am losing weight again. When I see that I am back on track really well again, I will talk about it on here again. In other words, I can't handle admitting to everyone how much I fall off the wagon. SO, when it is REAL, and I am 100 percent back on track again, body & mind, I wiull post my losses.

Have a great day everyone!

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Wow Tracy, that was a long post from you. And I enjoyed it.

There's nothing I can do about it this year but I suggest that next spring we try to make a trip to Jenns. Maybe that would give us all time to save up for it. We can either do it just girls or families.

I'm off to go take my Sis to her Doc appointment. Then we will go to the store and then home. Plus I have to work this evening.

Everyone have a great day.

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Well they come and did the interview with us all, and said they would call and let us know when it would air.

He said the first step of the piece was done at the newspaper office, and that they were cooperative.

Before he got here, we had a man come to the door, both my neighbor and I, and introduce himself as the NEW route person. Said he was new in the area, brought in from somewhere else, and was going to be studying maps to figure out the best plan. Was a nice man, give us a card with his cell #. I told him point blank, that it was no offense to him, but his new employers had simply shoved us to the back burner for too long, and it had moved on to the next level!

The reporter ask us how we had tried to resolve the issue, and said each time we used names, that they would give that person notice, and if they would not sign a release, they would blurb the name, but it would show that we did know who we talked to. He talked primarily to the attorney. Hit the obvious high points of each of us....my neighbors handicap, showing that she has handicap placcards for her cars, and has a handicap pick up on her trash bins, but the newspaper has not even offered her a paper box to help her. And with me, he seemed to want to highlight, that we were steady customers in one place for 20+ years, showed that we are well lit in regards to our house number, and scanned over the desk calendar I had marked with missed papers and late deliveries.

We mentioned the visit from the new delivery driver---and Karen, the attorney popped in with it may very well be, too little, too late, and questioned why in a county with such a high unemployment rate, of people familiar with the area, did they bring in someone from out of the area. And then she in true lawyer fashion (!) brought up, that he come to her as well saying he was new and not from the area, but he was driving a car with local plates---that the state issue plate was simply New Mexico, but the front had a local car dealership advertising type plate....so either he is here using someone elses vehicle or he is not completely "new" to the area, and they are again giving us another excuse.

Then they left.......so who knows!!!

Suzanne, it seems like good news to me too, and I totally RESPECT your Dr. for admitting that he could not find the Xrays. Many would have faked their way through it I believe! I agree with Tracy, actually SAYING he could not find them, could not have been an easy thing, but he did it, he was honest! That counts!

Look forward to hearing what he says when he gets them back! Silly you!

Not sure what today holds. Rick went in to work late, he is sick....which is not good. Looks like he might not be going to TX, which is nice, but it is because they are all but shutting down local operations, so looks like either he moves out to work, or faces lay off. No wonder my stomach is trashed and I want to eat everything in sight!!!

Anyway........to wrap up this post....I got my newspaper this morning about 7:30, and Rick is off to work, we'll see if he makes it through the day!


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Home from all my running around. And Kat you will so proud of me. The weather is really nice here today so I grabbed the dog and went for a long walk. I wore him out. It felt good and I enjoyed the weather. Came home and cleaned up around the wood pile and then swept the garage. Whew.

Fixed me a baked potato with a little cheese and sour cream. Only able to get down about half of it.

The grocery store is have a 3 day fish sale. I was only going to pick up 3 things and ended up buying fish and shrimp.

Going to work now. Be back later this evening.

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:musical_note:Happy Birthday to Tracy.:cake:

Happy :eek:Birthday to Tracy:present:

:cake:Happy Birthday Dear Tracy.:thumbup:

Happy Birthday:rose: to You.:confused:


:cheers2:Love Ya Girl.:wink:


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Awww, thanks Suzanne! Made me smile to see that this morning :confused:

I have lots to do right now but I will be back on later to post.

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Hope you have a great day my friend! Enjoy it and know we are wishing great things for you this year!!

Off to get the last of the things ready for Rick to go. Things are in such chaos there, they changed him to take the crew to Grand Junction CO. So he was planning for that, then this morning, he finds the frac crew blew a motor in the blending machine---which is a blender so huge it fills a semi!! It blends sand by the ton with chemicals. So he is probably staying here until that gets ready to go. No one knows what it going on, and they tell the guys nothing...

But he is out of some of his meds, so I am going to go get them, and have everything on hand, so I can get him ready to go in a matter of minutes, then quit worrying about it.

My Mom is going to have her gall bladder taken out next week it looks like. It does not have stones, but is not functioning. Same thing happen with my Grandma's. Guess I will remember that so if I begin having problems....

I'll check back in later today, it is snowing, so I won't be spending any extra time outdoors today. I AM proud of you Suzanne! I hit the elliptical for probably only a total of 13-15 minutes---in 2 sets. I am SO beyond out of shape it is pathetic! I got off all spaghetti legged!!! Will keep at it.

Once again, Tracy--hope you are treated as specially as you deserve today!! Happy Birthday my friend!

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Not much going on today. I think I forgot to tell y'all that I got more holes pierced in my ears the other day. Three more holes. Makes for 4 in each now. I had three on the left and two on the right but now I'm all evened up and have added!

What a PITA! First, the damn things hurt! The right still aches a little but that's b/c I've got 2 new holes right next to each other. I keep catching them on my clothes b/c I forget I've got earrings in. AND I never sleep with earrings in and I have to keep these in for 8 weeks! I'm not used to it and keep landing on the pillow wrong before I remember they are there! Sheesh! My poor ears! LOL!!

I am so excited about my new bed! It should be here next Friday. I've got a new mattress pad and sheets all ordered for it. Hopefully they'll be here before the bed is! :w00t:

We're headed in to town later. Need to pick up a door for the fire station. They are housed in a very old little house. They have a laundry room but access is from outside. The old door, literally, fell apart! They had used an indoor, hollow-core door, instead of an exterior door! Between the heat and sun in the summer and the wet, cold and snow in the winter and the constant use and abuse, the poor door just couldn't handle it! They've been using a sheet of plastic in the doorway for the last month or so!

They finally got permission to replace the now non-existing door so DH went and ordered a new one last week and it's in. They can't put the door on the engine to get it back to the station so I told them I'd go get it today for them.

Tuesday and Wednesday we walked a little. About 20 minutes or so. Discovered that we can't go far or too fast. DDog hurts too much. Didn't get out yesterday but I did get in my bedroom and spent about 2 1/2 hours cleaning, moving furniture and re-arranging. UGH! Felt pretty good when I stopped. For about 5 minutes! I hurt my back again! Darnit! Room looks good tho! And it's CLEAN! Well, until we move the old bed! :cool:

Well, better finish my oatmeal and get moving for the day! Hope y'all have a wonderful day! Rain forecasted of us later! :sad: TTFN!

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Had my upper GI this morning and all went ok. Not that I ever want to go thru that again, but it wasn't that bad. I was however reaching my limit on drinking that stuff. One more swallow and I may have had to spew it out. Now to wait and see what they say.

We left there and went to visit my cousin in the hospital. By that time it was snowing out. It was the hugest flakes I have ever seen. It was so pretty out. But it was also warm and it was just turning to slush on the roadways. We stopped for a quick bite to eat and than came home. I tried to take a nap but the phone kept ringing and I finally gave up.

Now I feel like I may be coming down with something. It may have been the lack of sleep and being out in the cold, damp weather. So I am off to bed.

Tracy, I hope you had a wonderful day.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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