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Good morning friends!

I am so ready for the weekend! I need to rest my brain. I also need to go see my dr about my Celexa. Doesnt seem to be working like it used to. I know if I were back in the game and losing weight that I would not be as sad...but I just dont know what the problem is. My addiction to food is getting the best of me and for some reason I can't snap out of it.

I will talk later....baby is crying

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Up and running late. Off to get a bunch of stuff done.

Have a good day and I check in later.

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I am off for the day too. It snowed again last night, and it is FREEZING! There is ice everywhere---Rick chipped my car out for me, so it is sitting out there warming up.

I go today for my follow up to see if the antibiotics did anything for my mass. Keeping my fingers crossed--makes it really hard to type! lol

In all seriousness, my fingers really do not want to work right now, I have been out in the cold, and my left index finger is totally useless, the arthritis in it is sooo bad.

I am losing my hair again. No sudden weight loss, no change in diet, no surgery.....maybe stress? I don't know, I am sick of it tho!

It is sooooo foggy outside, it looks like a winter wonderland. Everything is white. Each branch, and each twig is icy white.....so pretty. And so friggin miserable!!! LOL, I actually don't mind it most of the time!

Well it is time for me to leave, the drive is going to take longer on this ice. Will let ya know what I find out.

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Hi all

we can make it through this rough patch! I have been eating like a pig myself too

I have to get it back under control this weekend!

Tracy, my military fling is April 23, want to come???


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Morning! Well on the west coast it's still morning! :)

Windy and cloudy, expecting a couple of storms. Hoping for lots of rain and some high country snow.

DD has to go see her doc in the AM. I think she might have a UTI. Not sure tho. She doesn't have all of the symptoms except having GO all the time! And she was crying last night saying some thing was wrong with her butt. But she means the front. Poor thing. Tomorrow was the earliest I could get her in. We'll see what happens.

I'm fine. Tired. Back still hurts but I'm sick of not doing anything. Did a little cleaning and moving some of DD's stuff yesterday. Ouch! And I didn't DO that much! Irritating!

Well, I need to get and finish some stuff up before getting DD from preschool. Talk to you later!

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Michelle, you might call ahead, and ask if you can pick up sterile supplies and try to get a urine sample at home. Usually they will be ok, with her peeing in a "hat" that sits in the toilet, and it being poured into a sterile specimin cup. It can be done in the morning---which is MUCH less traumatizing than them taping a bag to her, or even worse catheterizing her to get the sample.

If your DH shares dept. at all with ambulance services, they might have the sterile speciman bottle.

My granddaughter had a UTI, and my DD spent 45 minutes in the bathroom with her at the Dr. doing everything imaginable to get her to relax and pee, but she has performance anxiety I gues. Finally I talked to her on the phone for a good 15 minutes, and she relaxed, while sitting there, and tinkled without even thinking about it. And sure enough, she had an infection! We really PUSH her to drink now. She was used to having a bottle (not a baby bottle, but like Aquafina or Dasani) of Water all the time, here. But at school, they cannot do that. So we push her all the time to drink now.

Well saw my Dr. And the mass is still there, he believes it to be less evident is how he put it. So we are going to give it another dose of antibiotics, this time he poked me with a needle!!! Give them to me that way!! Then we are going to look at it again in 2 weeks.

Also had my yearly exam done, and he did not laugh, nor scream, so I am assuming it was all pretty normal!

Left there, met up with my DH for lunch. We went to a little local burger joint. Was so good, but I am soooo full!

I ask him what did he want for Dinner----and you guys will not believe how hard he wants me to cook and work, after dealing with the Dr. today. He wants.......a bowl of cereal!!! Seriously! He said Saturday we went out with the family to Breakfast, and then Sunday I cooked him Sausage and eggs, etc. And he was craving Cereal. Okey Dokey Smokey! Bought a fresh gallon of milk and we are having cereal!!! He is so friggin' hard to deal with!!!

I am off to stoke the fire, it is freezing cold!!!!

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Boy Kat, you got lucky. Just having to pour milk over cereal. Hope you idn't hurt yourself lifting the milk bottle, lol.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the antibiotics will still help out with the mass. It's still a spooky thing.

Michelle, Hope your little girl gets to feeling better. That just tears at your heart when kids are sick.

Slept like crap last night. Usually do when they call for snow and I don't know if I have to go into work in the morning or not. Well, of course they got the weather wrong again. They were calling for several inches this morning and right now it's just barely misting. So now I have to go into work just barely awake. Good thing is I only work 3 hours and can come home and go right back to bed. Bad thing is that I have to do some baking for our Bake Sale at Church this weekend.

Last night I went to our monthly Women's Ministry meeting and they had a Taco Bar set up for us. It was really good. I love tacos could have eaten 6 of them but kept it to just one.

Still need to keep myself on track. I have a fill appointment coming up on the 15th. I won't be getting a fill, right now I feel comfortable. It's just that it keeps me accountable if I know I have to go see the Doc. I know I said I feel comfortable with what restriction I have. I also still find myself pushing my band to the limit. I hate that I do that.

Everyone have a great day.

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Good morning! I am so glad it is Friday.

DH started days today and dsd is spending the weekend with her mom. It'll just be me & macy so we will do something fun together. We never have any 'just us' time anymore. I am really looking forward to it.

What is everyone doing this weekend?

Michelle-I hope your dd doesn't have a UTI. My dd had one when she was about 3 and it was HORRIBLE! I hate to see babies in that much pain.

Have a good one today :sifone:

GO SAINTS!!!!!!!

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Got up this morning to a nice surprise!! I logged the computer on a bit ago and saw a deposit notice for the bank--which I expected, today is payday for Rick, and our direct deposit lets us know when it hits the bank. I clicked on it to check how much it was for, and it wasn't his check, it was our income tax refunds!!! We had them figured a week ago today! They were e filed, but they come in already! So did his check, but was surprised and happy. Now our rework of the laundry room can begin, and that makes me nervous!!! Remodel of anything is SUPER stressful for me. I am getting a new washer/dryer tho!!! Not sure which ones I will settle on, but they are going to be front load stacked. Which will allow me to move the freezer where the dryer is now, and add a 8 foot counter top, with both under and over cabinets. We are also enclosing the pantry with new cupboards, and adding a closet--a HUGE closet! It will be the width of the room which is 12 foot, and take about 4 feet off the length of the attached garage. We do not park cars in the garage, we park bikes, so we can afford to lose it to storage space.

I know it sounds as though we will be spending a fortune.....but we aren't. All the cupboards and cabinets were given to us! They are nice oak cabinets. My friend Becky had them in her kitchen. Her brother designs kitchens and builds cabinets for a living, and she wanted cherry wood, so he come and redid her kitchen, and laid new floors for her. She give us all the old cabinets. So to get all this done, we will have to buy the Washer and Dryer, and flooring, and counter top-----the rest is all donated to the poor----me!!! LOL

Will sure make my laundry area nicer, and more inclusive in the house.

Our only other purchase is going to be a new TV. Ours is VERY outdated, but still worked fine until the cable companies all went digital, and it is not HD compatible....so our picture quality was really diminished. We found one we plan on buying. Will do some last minute comparisons I imagine.

I wonder if we would get a better deal waiting for clearances AFTER the Superbowl.....anyone have any connections to ask???

Suzanne, the mass concerns me too. I have spoke to my Uncle, who is a Dr. and he is totally supportive of how the procession of treatment is being handled. My CA125 is raised, but is holding at the higher number, it is not changing. So along with the monitor of the breast issue, I now have to go redo my bone scan, to check the tumors they know I have. He says it is likely I am developing another somewhere. It seems I have some sort of disorder that causes them to form, but only to a certain point. They grow but stall out. He says he has seen it before, and in fact believes my Grandmother -he and my Dads Mom---may have had the same thing.

He said it is also shown that CA125 raises during an RA flare. I was diagnosed with RA at 16. There was very little really known about it in comparison to now--but they predicted me a future in a wheelchair. Well the original flare calmed,and I have NEVER had another. We always thought it a misdiagnosis. Then I had the arthroscopic miniscus repair on my knee, and the arthritis is normally very white----RA is red. I do have it. Have never had issues with it. Not thinking I do now. But it is a possibility for the number being high.

Well I am off to see if my granddaughter might want to go see ToothFairy.....Manda is sick, cold I think. She has been worn down. She has been working out hard every night, and has been totally into the formation of the Derby team. Now she is sick.....so will see if Kinsey wants to spend the day with me!


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Kat....what is RA? Rhuemetoid Arthritis?? (Gosh I hope that didn't sound like a dumb question) lol

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Not a dumb question, Tracy and you are right. Nasty stuff!

Kat, as always, my prayers are with you. Both you and Suzie are on my daily list. Actually, ALL of you are!

And, Kat, your re-do sounds wonderful!

Suzie, hope you got some sleep when you got back home!

DD does NOT have a UTI. They said to just push the fluids and watch for pain or fever. I'm relieved. I feel bad tho b/c she's very red. I checked last night and she wasn't, this AM, she is! I'll get some ointment on her and monitor her better. It's so hard when she wants to DO everything herself!

Rain has stopped for now and the sun is peeking thru. It's pretty. Another storm coming in overnight.

I was horribly restless last night and woke up to find I'd re-injured my back. What a mess! I'm falling apart! :lol:

Need to go for now. TTFN!

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Yeah, I came home to a fire and than fell asleep in front of it. We eventually got about 3/4's of an inch of snow.

Woke up and got started on making cupcake, brownies and fudge. Got all of that done and than made a big pot of chili. I fixed me a couple of tacos for lunch and than cleaned the kitchen. Now I'm back in my chair watching recorded shows and enjoying the fire.

Kat, how lucky that you got those cabinets. I would love to have a laundry room. My sister in law has a great one. I have a closet in the front bathroom. There's lots of room but I would like to have room to hang things to dry and Iron things.

Michelle, glad to hear that your daughter doesn't have an UTI. I wonder what is causing her problems. Keeping my fingers crossed that it clears up fast and that she doesn't have to much more pain.

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Yep Tracy it is Rhuematoid Arthritis, and it is a horrible disease often times, and in others like mine, one would not know without tests that it is an issue. I am VERY lucky. My DD has it as well, and it is much more of an issue, she has flares and residual problems from them. She has an enlarged ascending aorta from hers already.

I would have still opted to have a child, because mine is so non eventful, and I was young and dumb too-but I HATE that this is something I feel I gave to her, that she has problems with.

Suzie, that is exactly what I want in this laundry room. I want an ironing board to fold against the one set of cabinets, and to have a place-which will be the open end of the closet area, to hang dry things. The long cabinet will have a deep sink in one section. It isn't something I will use much right now, but I used to want it to bathe the dog in---and who knows, I might up and decide I need another dog!!! And we have a gray Water permit for it--so we will put it in.

My laundry area now is in the front part of the attached garage. Rick insulated, drywalled, and taped it a couple of years ago. At that time the plumbing was on one side, and the gas fitting for the gas dryer was on the other side of the room. Since that time we have gone to an electric dryer, so he has the 220 wired in, he will just move the plug, and we can stack them, freeing up the space, and modernizing all in one move. I have a large pantry space out there as well as a mishmash of cupboards and shelves that hold my overflow of small appliances, and roaster pans and all. I also have a small area out there that I keep all my wrapping supplies. Ribbons, paper, gift bags, and more recently packing supplies, so he is going to build me in a couple of conveniences for that too. A drop down table area, and spool racks. Space that will be MINE!!! I helped him do all this stuff in his shop, and now I need some improvements for what I do! Should be nice, I am excited! Wish I just had thousands to spend and not worry about tho!!! Don't we all!

We are supposed to go look at TV's tonight. Rick has to work tomorrow. They have a crew leaving, and he has to have his guys there to make sure they are all legal to go through the different ports of entry. He will not ask his guys to go in on their day off without going in himself......respectful, but a drag for us!!! LOL

I need to go get busy and drink some water. I am down 2 pounds this morning. Not sure it will last, but I have not seriously sabotaged myself, so maybe!!!

Will check in later or tomorrow!

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DD does NOT have a UTI. They said to just push the fluids and watch for pain or fever. I'm relieved. Thank God! I feel bad tho b/c she's very red. I checked last night and she wasn't, this AM, she is! I'll get some ointment on her and monitor her better. It's so hard when she wants to DO everything herself! The little girl (3) that I watch is in the I wanna do it myself stage. It is difficult, right?!

Rain has stopped for now and the sun is peeking thru. It's pretty. Another storm coming in overnight.

I was horribly restless last night and woke up to find I'd re-injured my back. What a mess! I'm falling apart! :ohmy: Oh no! I am so sorry that you are hurting! I will say a prayer for ya!

Need to go for now. TTFN!

Yeah, I came home to a fire and than fell asleep in front of it. We eventually got about 3/4's of an inch of snow.

Woke up and got started on making cupcake, brownies and fudge. What for? Got all of that done and than made a big pot of chili. Yummy :tt1:I fixed me a couple of tacos for lunch and than cleaned the kitchen. Now I'm back in my chair watching recorded shows and enjoying the fire.

Kat, how lucky that you got those cabinets. I would love to have a laundry room. My sister in law has a great one. I have a closet in the front bathroom. There's lots of room but I would like to have room to hang things to dry and Iron things. We have a room that we can use for that...hmmm, Kat mentioned it before. She is right...I think I will see if dh can hang a rod for me in there. Sure would be nice! I have my sewing machine in there too.

Yep Tracy it is Rhuematoid Arthritis, and it is a horrible disease often times, and in others like mine, one would not know without tests that it is an issue. I am VERY lucky. My DD has it as well, and it is much more of an issue, she has flares and residual problems from them. She has an enlarged ascending aorta from hers already. Really? I knew someone that had it but his had gotten really bad at one point. I didn't even recognize him! I didn't know you and your dd had it!

I would have still opted to have a child, because mine is so non eventful, and I was young and dumb too-but I HATE that this is something I feel I gave to her, that she has problems with. I can understand you feeling bad about it. I would too but...I am quite sure she is very happy that you decided to have her :wink5: So dont feel too bad!

Suzie, that is exactly what I want in this laundry room. I want an ironing board to fold against the one set of cabinets, and to have a place-which will be the open end of the closet area, to hang dry things. The long cabinet will have a deep sink in one section. It isn't something I will use much right now, but I used to want it to bathe the dog in---and who knows, I might up and decide I need another dog!!! And we have a gray Water permit for it--so we will put it in. My mom has a sink in hers. It is so deep I bathed macy in there when she was a baby!

My laundry area now is in the front part of the attached garage. Rick insulated, drywalled, and taped it a couple of years ago. At that time the plumbing was on one side, and the gas fitting for the gas dryer was on the other side of the room. Since that time we have gone to an electric dryer, so he has the 220 wired in, he will just move the plug, and we can stack them, freeing up the space, and modernizing all in one move. I have a large pantry space out there as well as a mishmash of cupboards and shelves that hold my overflow of small appliances, and roaster pans and all. I also have a small area out there that I keep all my wrapping supplies. Ribbons, paper, gift bags, and more recently packing supplies, so he is going to build me in a couple of conveniences for that too. A drop down table area, and spool racks. Space that will be MINE!!! I helped him do all this stuff in his shop, and now I need some improvements for what I do! Should be nice, I am excited! Wish I just had thousands to spend and not worry about tho!!! Don't we all! someone sounds a tad spoiled, LOL. (just my envy talkin'). I wish I could get that organized! I have a great idea, you can come help me get organized, Jenn came come decorate it and Suzanne can bake while we are working! :thumbup: The others that come can supervise, cook dinner, then when we are all done, we can have drinks at my bar :thumbup: I can dream...

We are supposed to go look at TV's tonight. Rick has to work tomorrow. They have a crew leaving, and he has to have his guys there to make sure they are all legal to go through the different ports of entry. He will not ask his guys to go in on their day off without going in himself......respectful, but a drag for us!!! LOL

I need to go get busy and drink some water. I am down 2 pounds this morning. Not sure it will last, but I have not seriously sabotaged myself, so maybe!!! Way to go! :thumbup:

Will check in later or tomorrow!

Hello everyone! I am sitting here this morning enjoying the peace & quiet. I am bringing Macy to see toothfairy today. I hope its good! Kat did you go see it?

Jenn-I would love to come to the dance. Frank would crap on himself! (unless he is invited) lol

I am so excited for the game tomorrow! I can't wait! We are going to grill and relax! I wish the superbowl was on a Saturday instead of Sunday. Or at least earlier in the day Sunday. Oh well, it is what it is...I will jsut have to have macy bathed early and all the Sunday evening rituals complete so I can watch it uninterrupted. :wink2:

Have a great day everyone!!

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I am so excited for the game tomorrow! I can't wait! We are going to grill and relax! I wish the superbowl was on a Saturday instead of Sunday. Or at least earlier in the day Sunday. Oh well, it is what it is...I will jsut have to have macy bathed early and all the Sunday evening rituals complete so I can watch it uninterrupted. :thumbup:

Tracy, my dh is grilling ribs tomorrow in the cold windy weather for the super bowl. New Orleans has school off on Monday, I am thinking a few more districts will have to cancel if too many people call-in "sick". My district, however, does not think that our beloved Saints going to the Super Bowl is holiday worthy...whatever!

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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