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First things first...we got our check in our old mailbox. My neighbor (the lady I babysit for) called me and said it here!! Before she left yesterday I said "dont forget to check my mail". lol :woot:It is so good to know I am getting some stuff paid off. Its kinda like giving myself a raise :)

Suzanne-I am so happy that you are staying with the program and losing good! I hope you all have a great time at the ranch. SNOW? oh my...

Laura-best of luck with the job (i despise corporate jerks) AND best of luck with the party! It is always SO good to hear from you! Have a fantastic weekend!

Kat-I am sorry Rick had to leave so quickly. That had to suck! When I read your story about the girl not being in there I kina laughed but then I agree with you about people being so laxed about doing their job. I am quite sure there are alot of people that would take her job in a heart beat. What do you have planned for the weekend?

Jenn-when is the party/ball/dance (whichever, lol) that you are having? I wish I had a third of your energy! How are things with you? How is your new guy and you progressing? How are your kiddos?

Michelle-YAY for you getting the tax stuff done @ work! I'll bet you are relieved! About ambien...my mom and my sister used to take it and say it works really good but when they try to stop taking it they have horrible nightmares. I hope that you feel better with your back! Mine has been hurting alot lately too.

Cindy-are you having a superbowl party? We are going to have a few friends over and put some steaks on the grill. :blink:

Everyone-those who know me best know I am a huge Survivor fan! I can not wait until the new one starts. The heroes vs villains. It is gonna be a GREAT game. :bored:

OK, I need to wake up the kids for school. I will talk to you all later!

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Getting ready to head to the gym. it's 17 degrees out with a wind chill of 3 degrees Oh My.

We are headed to the Ranch this afternoon and I'm really looking forward to it. It may be cold bit I'm sure the kids will keep us busy enough to where we don't notice it. I hope.

Found out last night that my cousins kidneys are failing. I'm hoping we have enought time today to get to the hospital before we leave. Poor thing has hung on now for 3 1/2 weeks. She has fought hard but I think her body is just too tired now. Keep her in your prayers.

I'll check in later

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Back from working out. I hate having a pulled muscle. Makes working out suck. Like it doesn't already suck enough.

Tracy, I have never watched Survivor or Biggest Loser. So I won't be able to chat with you about who is who and who is doing who and what. LOL. I hear people talk about the shows so that is how I keep up with everyone.

Kat, you hanging in there?

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I am here! And Rick is home again!

What a chaotic mess his job is. They have a moron in the lead position here---the highest position at this location. He is on his 3rd camp, the other 2 were shut down. It is very obvious why. He sent Rick and another guy down to Odessa. Rick was to organize the schedule and get things set for the rotation of the mechanics etc. He saw no reason to go as the guy he is on even par with, he job shares with, is already there in Odessa. But he went, and when he gets there, he finds out, that someone over this camp boss' head, has sent this crew to Brighton starting next week!

Well the boss got all pissy and told Rick to get home, that there was no one running the shop here. Well Duh! He told him that repeatedly when he sent him. So he headed home....in the middle of an ice storm, turning to snow. Getting shut down on the hiway right at the TX/NM border--interstate closed. So he called in to dispatch. The trucks run black boxes, so he reported in, since he was idling for so long, so it would be documented. He was shut down for 3 hours, on the side of the road, before State Police said he could go on with chains. Which he did. He finally made it in about 11 last night. He said the weather, and roads were TERRIBLE! It even took me 40 minutes to get from here to his work to pick him up, it was snowing so hard. It is normally a 15 minute drive or so. So anyway..... The boss tells him, he will sign his time, since he knew about the shut down. When Rick questioned him, the boss said he would not be paid for that down time. My husband told him he was full of Sh*t! So even tho he was supposed to be off today, he is already out of here this morning and in the bosses office, where he said he will get it settled, or he will be out of work! I told him to skip it, use a pay phone and call the 1-800 # and report the moron! We'll see!

Got my W-2 in the mail, and they were withholding at a lesser rate than I had filled my W-4 out for. I always claim single and 0, would prefer a refund. They withheld married and 2. I kept telling Rick and the witch at work it was wrong, she assured me it wasn't.....she was wrong, and I fully believe she is behind it. I am not going to let it go. I am reporting her and the accounting company if nothing else, file a BBB report on them. Just for S&G's if nothing else.

Suzanne, have fun at your Dude Ranch. Riding in the snow, sounds cold---well it IS cold! But it is soooo amazing! Around here, it hushes everything, it is quiet, and the trees are snow covered, and serene. I love it! Take a cameral!!! It has been such a yucky time here, it snows then rains, and we have about a foot of snow on the ground, in some places and a foot of mud in other places. I don't like riding in the mud----too much hoof work when I get back home! Then after you clean them, you gotta clean the stall----it is just too much work!

Keeping Kinsey for awhile tonight, while Manda goes to a team meeting dinner at work.

This is interesting.....my daughter Abbey, is trying to get a womens Roller Derby started locally. Ay yi yi........she will do it too!!! If one DD does it, I will likely have both DD's and DIL with no teeth!!! LMAO

Thank goodness I am too old! Well not to mention, I haven't been on skates in years! 3 years to be exact, and that was for a kids birthday party--not someone TRYING to take me out! LOL

Laura, I hated the high school drama, of one upmanship! My oldest DD had a girl, that for whatever reason, saw my DD as her rival. If we bought her something, the girl made a point of getting bigger and better---starting with hairbows in Kindergarten, all the way through High School. No matter what or where---Stepheny, would try to one up her. With parties, fighting over boys everything! Now she WAS Kinsey's ballet teacher, and Manda ended up pulling her out of class, because she always made comments about Kinsey being too skinny and her costume falling off....and saying she was going to put her in the little girl class, because she was too skinny for the right outfit....all the time with her size. Then it all become crystal clear, when we run into them with her daughter....who is adorable, and also a little butterball!! You know----like kids are supposed to be.....NOT skinny. Grrrr!!!

I hated it. Don't miss having kids in school.

Gonna go try to find something to eat. oatmeal maybe......Cya later

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Hi all

just a quick check in

glad to see you all posting, i'll be back to do personals in a bit.

I have decided to get an elliptical and put it in my office. That is what I was doing at the gym and I pay $80 a month for that? I can do Water aerobics in my pool in the summer and I don't go now. So I'm going to spend $500 to get something I would use every day and not have to leave and if I go back to a gym for weights I will go to one of the $20 a month places.

So that is my story and I'm sticking to it. I hate driving to the gym

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Good morning! I am a happy girl that it is Saturday...no particular reason other than i only have 2 kids here instead of 4, lol....but that is reason enough, right?

Yesterday our neighbor across the street got robbed. SO...that answered the question we had burning in our heads...should we reactivate the alarm system that was installed here. Now we know the answer is yes, we should. I called them last night and they are going to reconnect/test it with us over the phone today or Monday. I hope I can get them to do it today because Frank is on nights and it would make me feel more secure. I will only turn on the motion detector when we are gone because i dont want to have it set while we are sleeping then have one us get up when nature calls and set off the alarm, lol.

I am chatty this morning...if you are bored by now just skip the rest...lol. I just had a full size bed given to me and I am giving it to Macy....well another friend just gave me a queen size memory foam mattress that is only a year old :glare: I will put that in dss/guest room. How cool is that?! Gotta love free stuff. Now if I can find a free couch, I will be in business :wub:

If felt so good going to pay some bills off yesterday. I didn't get to pay off all that I wanted, but it sure is a step in the right direction!

Jenn I haven't gotten as good as you. An eliptical would KILL me but I wish I had a treadmill. I think I will start looking on craigslist for one.

Suzanne I hope you have a great time at the ranch! Bundle up!

Kat-after all this time you old office manager is still a thorn in your side...ugh! Well, this is the last poke she could get in on you, so that is good, right?! I know you are glad Rick is home and his boss saying he is not paying him for down time is BS. What do you have planned this weekend?

So much more I could write about but I need to do some other things on the computer and I know macy is wanting my attention so I better bolt :P

Have a great weekend everyone! :biggrin:

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Good Morning all

my crazy week caught up with me. I have a cold and slept until noon, showered and going to get stuff to finish up my project linus blankets

Tracy --I've been super lazy for the last week, I need to do something, I should look on Craigslist and/or classified ads first too,

hope you are all well

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About to go to BED! Went shopping tonight and needed 3 baskets to get it all to the van. I saved 20 buckes with my coupons :biggrin: Gotta love that!

Goodnight friends :glare:

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I bought some slimfast....so the logical part of my brain knows what I need to do. Now if I can drink it AS a meal instead of drinking it, feeling the stomach growl and go in the kitchen to get something else to eat....

I am not even going to weigh..I know enough, lol

Have a great day (((hugs)))

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Hey Girls~

Been a busy weekend. Had Rick's oldest friend from childhood here for the weekend. His Mom is dying from ALS. She is in the final stages, and the house is full, as well as having some other issues with members of his family, he usually stays with us when he is in town.

Yesterday we did the big family Breakfast thing, and then went to Becky & Gary's grandsons birthday party. Then off to the skating rink to watch our daughters, organize this roller derby thing. They have turned into such amazing women, they just impress me! Yes they can irritate me, and upset me. But watching them yesterday just amazed me. They talked to the owner of the rink, and several of the staff in regards to practice etc. Then the ease with which they approached women skating, and how they helped little kids, and give them pointers on their skating, and things like that---I was just proud of them!

Kinsey and Connor on skates was fun! Kinsey is actually pretty good--she does the windmill thing to regain balance fairly often! But she skates around the rink, not holding the wall, and she goes. She listens to the DJ, and if they reverse she does too!

They play this game, where they have several large ducks, in a circle in the middle of the rink, and when the music stops, they all race to get a duck, and hold it in the air, and everyone else leaves the floor. Then they take away a couple of ducks---like a musical chairs, no chairs.....so Kinsey wanted to play. The music stops and she is right there at a duck, and she reaches for it, about the time this big kid---16 I'd say comes barrelling at her on roller blades, just flying---and she froze---just like a statue froze! He scoops it out of her hand and swoops around her. Everyone in building boo'd. He was embarassed by that and come back to give her the duck, she looked at him and told him "that's ok, you can have it, I'm gonna get hurt out here" and come off the floor! It was funny, but she was done! They gave her a prize anyway, but she was not gonna do anymore!!

When she goes skating with Kinsey---they go on Wed. night, it is family night and costs $2.00 or $5.00 for a family. She learned to take her old pants. If she tries to skate with her regular jeans, she falls down as she is always trying to pull them up. So she takes an old pair that are WAY to short for daily wear but they fit around!!! Kinsey insists on going to the bathroom to change her skates, because she doesn't want anyone seeing her in those short pants! Vanity at 5---fun is just starting.

Connor--he had no sense of balance at all! He would go on the floor if someone would hold his one hand and let him hold the wall with the other! He is still only 3, and doesn't have that balance yet, and no natural tendency to recover it. When he slips, he just falls, there is no attempt at stopping it!

I will say, as heavy as he is, and as heavy as those roller skates are, my toes took a beating!!!

Today we might catch a movie this afternoon, Rick is putting on some new turn signals on the bike this morning. We'll see what today brings. I want to go to a movie, because I SERIOUSLY want to go riding, but the mud is horrendous! So trying to talk myself out of it!!

Well I am off to pay a couple of bills and talk to my DH!

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hi everyone

not much going on, not much to say.

been out of control eating and feel like crap with no exercise. Found my elliptical and going to get it next week when taxes come in and cancel my y membership

no one goes with me and I just can't afford it. I'm bumming when is spring here?

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Hey y'all!!

Doin' okay. Back feels a little better as long as I take it easy and don't DO a lot! :thumbup:

~Jenn, I agree w/you about getting the machine and saving the $$ on the gym.

~Tracy, yeah on the check! Must be a relief!

~Suzanne, hope the dude ranch was fun!

~Kat, glad Rick is home again. How'd it go w/the "boss man" the other day? Rick still have a job? :)

Oh and if you want to go ride, I say do it! 'Course I am not the one who has to clean up afterwards! LOL!

~Well, we have a local Christian Camp that is hiring a full time store manager w/benefits, tho I don't need those w/DH's job. I am so tempted. It sounds like a lot of fun, tho hard work too.

Problem is DD would have to go in to day care and she would miss out on our church's preschool program that she's in now. I am kinda thinking about maybe emailing them and at least seeing what kind of hours/days they are talking about. One thing is that when DH is home, DD wouldn't have to do day care. I also don't know that I'm management material. I'll think about it.

Well, DD needs me. I'll talk to you all later! Have a beautiful evening!

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Hi everyone!

I had a productive day. Started my day off by talking to God and asking for strength to get my head back in this game. I started the slimfast 3-2-1 plan and I am going to see what happens. It is 3 Snacks, 2 slimfasts, and one sensible dinner. I can do that. AND I made a conscious effort to stay off the couch today. I did end up weighing this morning...I am glad I did so I could really SEE what I have done to myself. I guess you are probably as tired of hearing me 'starting over' than I am. Hopefully this is the time I stick with it.

I will do personals in the morning. Thanks for listening.

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Just sitting here, kinda watching TV, just vegging out.

We went to town, decided not to go to the movie, we went and had some nachos. Went and bought a new food processor ---mine bit it over Christmas---and the one I bought is too tall for fitting under the cabinet, so guess I will take it back tomorrow, and find another one.

Michelle, Rick said he told his boss, that he and his employees, would be on the clock from the time they got in that truck, until they got home or to a motel, and if he didn't see it that way, they could look into it further. He changed the subject, and moved on, but signed off on the guys time. So guess he was just blowing smoke.

I have to go find a couple of boxes. I sold a couple of bike parts on ebay, and the boxes I planned on using, ended up on the porch----in the storm, and were soaked! Dangit! So now back to finding boxes to ship so they can go out tomorrow.

I have made almost as much this last week ebaying leftovers from the bike build as I did working! Probably more without the commute and clothing expenses figured in! I have tons more to go too! Now he is buying 2 bikes this week, simply for us to part out. Sounds excessive, but we got one for $50 and one for $75!!! He will utilize part of them, and we will ebay the rest, and should clear 10-20 times that amount easy! So wierd! One helluva job!!!

I have actually kinda got into it, and have my own little corner of the shop----for taking pics, and packing boxes. As it increases in volume, I will have to make changes, but for now, it takes a couple of hours on Sunday to list, and then a couple more to ready things for shipping. I don't accept any payment other than paypal, because I don't want to deal with it! Only one so far has fallen through in the sale. I wanted to leave negative feedback for them, but ours is 100% good, after 3-4 years, and was afraid if I left bad, it would bring on retaliation. What do y'all think??

Anyway---off to print mailing labels and play some games. Tomorrow, I am helping my Dad with his shop some more, and going to try to clean up his computer....I would rather take a beating......

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We survived our weekend and it was great. OMG, this place was amazing. I wish I could describe it and do it justice. Just take my word that it was awesome and who ever designed it had a feel for the old west bunkhouses(but with comforts for us old folks, lol).

The kids were great and stayed safe. We had some amazing sessions with them. Saturday was bitterly cold but the sun was shining so we took off and hiked for a couple of hours. We walked almost every inch of the property and never once saw the horses. They were hiding form us, so no one got to go riding. That was ok because we spent a lot of time in conversations with the teen and that was what we were there for.

Got a frantic call Friday night while we were there. Tehy were putting my cousin on dialysis because her kidneys were shutting down. They told me that if her kidneys didn't get to functioning soon that she would die before long. So yesterday we got home and I unpacked and than headed to the hospital. I got there and didn't realize that ICU was shut down to family and friends from 2-4pm. But they were so nice and allowed me in to talk to Gabby. Turned out that the nurse and I had a common friend. Anyway Gabby looked better than I had seen her last week. The nurse explained that the dialysis was taking alot of Fluid off of her and that was why she didn't look so swollen. They did say that it was real scary there for awhile but right now they are holding out hope that she could still pull out oof this. Bobby even went home and pulled out a funeral outfit for her. That how close it came.

Ok, I need to go in and get my hair dried and get dressed ofr work. I'll be back later today.




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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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