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we are walking around here in NYS with no coats on....no joke



As for a tutor for Macey is fine?

But the high school and the local colleges sometimes will send you a student who needs the credits (in my area it is called public service)

also...on your school site they have links to some really cool sites.........and you should ask her teachers if she can have a class homework buddy........believe it or not,,,my DS was one............and our local library tutors for free...

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Good Early Morning girls.

Kat. I am so glad to hear your good news and I hope that it stays that way. Keep us posted on any changes.

I was reading your post about shoveling snow and just couldn't muster up any sympathy for you guys, lol. We had our share of shoveling and don't want any more for the season. But the storm that is in Arizona right now is headed our way and it looks like we might be getting some snow out of it in a couple of days.

Sister and I had a little blow out the other day. Didn't do any good, she still doesn't see that she is such a needy person. It's all abotu what she wants and what she needs. Not just her but her kids also. They are sucking me dry. We'll see how things go in the next few days. I've made her make a doc appointment so that they can send her to a pshyc doc. See if they can straigthen her out.

Next weekend hubby and I are going to a Dude Ranch for the weekend. It's about a 2 hour drive from here and I'm really excited about it.

Well, off to work. I'll check in later Have a great day.

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good morning

dealing with more than I can right now

been in class this week, today is the last day.

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Good morning ladies!

TGIF, right?! This weekend dsd is going to her grandmas for the weekend. Tomorrow my sister is coming to see the house. Maybe she will bring Macy home with her? Wishful thinking? Probably. lol

Yesterday I was here alone for about 10 minutes. Forgot how wonderful silence is! ha!

I wish the kids mom worked part-time. Now that would be right up my alley. :)

Have a great day everyone. Jenn, sorry you are having a tough time. ((hugs))

:biggrin: ttyl friends

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Hey girls~

Taking a minute while dinner is in the oven.

Yes we have snow! Measured in the back yard yesterday at 22" it has snowed off and on all day, but when it quits the temp goes way up, so it has all melted off that fell today. We have piles of snow that will take awhile to melt!

I know exactly what you mean Suzanne, I am not enjoying the shoveling either, but we don't get enough snow to even think of a snow blower or anything usually. We are doing the neighbors, he is improving, but not enough to exert like that in the cold. She always opens the door and thanks us. We are in the middle of that AZ storm. Sorry you will be sharing it! Hope you guys have a BLAST at the dude ranch. Go! Forget about the family at home and the problems with them! Enjoy 1 on 1 time with hubby doing something fun!!!

Have to say that the last few weeks I have been really down about not getting the last of this weight off. Today for some reason, doing laundry, I was folding jeans, and I looked at my jeans, and was totally overcome with JOY!!! I looked at this pair of jeans I was folding, and they were not huge, they are low rise, non stretch denim, stylish, and are smaller than my husbands! Not quite as small as some in my closet---and I CAN get them on, but they are TIGHT! But the ones I am wearing now are mostly 10's----and I thought, there is not one thing in my laundry I would be ashamed to have anyone else fold. For many years, I would have croaked if anyone saw the size or state of my panties, or bras, and the size of my jeans, and how the inner thigh was worn on ALL my pants. None of that is an issue now. I am healthy (give or take a few ailments age has attributed to!), and I have come a long way! So if not for tomorrow, but at least for today, I was HAPPY with how I am.

I was playing some games on line, and met a woman from Durango, which is 30 miles from here. She mentioned meeting up for lunch. I agreed without a second thought. That is something I would have never done before. I was always self concious.

I lost this weight once, and I WILL do it again. Maybe not today, but I have the ability, I know I do!

I know you all do too!!!

Tracy, the little Megan I took care of for all those years, she was an August baby, and we (her Mom and I) struggled with the same dilemma, about holding her back. The school ultimately refused, but I still believe it might have been the best for her. We thought it would be better for her self esteem to lead rather than always play catch up. But she settled in. She is a junior in HS now, and is not struggling, with either school work, nor self esteem. So whatever you do.....you will make it work for her!

Gotta go get my peppers out of the oven and put some garlic bread in.

See y'all later!!

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Kat - thanks for the info :)

I just finished designing our ID's for Patriot Hills, I'm going to have 1 laminated and bring to the meeting next week. I'm actually going to laminate my extra drivers license on the back of it so they are both together, since I will need both to get on to base.

I got our local country station to donate air time and going to do a "30 second public service announcement" for us. So basically a commercial, and they are going to donate 4 country fest tickets for our give away the night of my semi-formal.

We got a $1000 donation today, we just need to raise $3000 more by April First. It is the only thing exciting right now, and keeping me going.

I am going to reach out to a celeberty to join us the night of our event, and support. I'll post the info when I have something to say, but it is someone who is huge and a huge military supporter! Keep your fingers crossed that next week I can tell you all who it is and that I'm taking a road trip!

I'm going to finalize everything with the Hilton on Tuesday and going up north to meet the people from the community we are going to be working with.





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I know what you are saying, i love doing laundry just knowing i don't think i ever wore a size 12!

they look so normal

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We've lived in our house about 25 years so it was about 23 years ago that I bought Hubby a snowblower for Christmas. One of the best investment I've made. Especially this year, yikes we've had a lot of snow.

Today I took sis to have her blood drawn and to the grocery store. For the over hour that I was with her it was still the all me and what I need attitude. Not once did she ask how I was doing or how was our other sis doing. Not even how was her kids doing. So next week I will take her to her doctor's appointment to see if we can get her set up with a psychatrist. I will take her to get her grocerys set up for the weekend and than I am coming home and packing a suitcase for hubby and me and we are "gone", and not looking back. We are going to have a very cold but very good weekend.

Seriously, who would schedule a weekend at a dude ranch the last weekend in January??? I guess if I hadn't had a hysterectomy I would probably end up pregnant from trying to stay warm all weekend. OMG, LOL. NOT. Anyway, I am so looking forward to this. One reason is that hubby has never been on a horse, maybe this might be his first time. I will be taking the camera so I will post pics of all that we do and see.

Here we are 22 days into the new year and I'm still not down any weight. What with the pressure of sister stuff and nephew stuff. And not to mention that it's a daily struggle to keep my mind off of my lung issue. Well it's a wonder I haven't gained 20 pounds. Maybe I have. I haven't weighed in probably 2 weeks now.

We will all do it this year. Isn't that all of ours' goal? Be it 5 pounds or 100 pounds, we will all make a dent in it. I know I will eventually get my head back in this.

I do have another incentive to help me along. For 2 weeks now the girl that we work with on Wednesday night at the hospital has been talking to me about getting the band for herself. She needs to loose about 120 pounds. So last wed. she told me that her hubby has finally agreed to her doing it. Her hurdle now is her insurance. I have given her all the websites to look at and eventually I will tell her to come to our little chat site. It's been fun to see smeone with that gleam in their eyes like I did when I first started out.

Tomorrow is a work day for me and than we are going over to Bob's to play cards. It's still weird not having Kathy there to play with us. But her kids will be there alos, so that will be fun.

Have a good evening.

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I have to admit that all of this talk about size 10s and 12s is making me sad BUT...it does not mean I am not happy for you ladies, you know that I am. Just reminds me of how I was there and now I am far from it.

I wish I could turn the clock back about 2 years. Oh well, I can't so what I need to do is make sure this time next year I am not saying the same thing....right?!

Goodnight friends :)

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Good morning!

Today I promised myself hat I am going to make a conscious effort to watch what I put in my mouth. I have put myself on a one day at a time program. I guess I outta call it one hour at a time program, lol. I nboticed my new years get up and go...got up and went without me, LMAO. Anyway, I am gonna wait a day or 2 before I weigh and see what I am dealing with.

My sister is coming over to see the house then later since it is just me & macy we are having a momma/daughter day. I am going to bring her to see the chipmunks and to play at McDonalds and have some nuggets :)

I cleaned the house yesterday and LOVED waking up knowing I wasn't going to trip over anything or have to look at what needs to be done. Love it....now if I can keep it this way I will be in business.

What are you lovely ladies doing this weekend? I see football in my future......


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Football is in my future, but I don't know who I'm rooting for yet. lol.

One hour at a time is exactly what I need to do. Well, actually I need to tie my hands behind my back.

Looks like a little nap is coming on.

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Hi gals

thanks for sharing the info, I'm so lost with all my stuff being in my old phone.

Suzane, you should be sainted and I was up last week, back up to 188 and today was 180. I don't know why or how but I'll take it. I need to get back to the gym this week, I have 25lbs to lose and I'll do it this year

Here is the thing, I didn't realize I missed Dec ins payment so I don't have health insurance right now, slightly freaking out.

I'm going to medicade Monday to see if I can get state insurance. Now that I have pre existing condition, I don't get a Tummy Tuck until next spring if I get ins to cover it. That is ok, this is going to be a year about being healthy and I'm just getting my hair back so didn't want to have surgery soon anyway. I am slightly freaking out though.

I also have to go to family court and not by my request, so lets just say things have been ugly around here.

I so need my tax return and a job. I wish i didn't need his money because I have to deal with him - he doesn't give a shit what he did to not only me, but our children, I wish i could write him off, but I need the money

well, I spent the day cleaning, house is almost back to being mine since mom is gone. so nice to have clean organization.

hugs to you all

i'm sorry i have not really turned on my puter, and well, youknow my phone iissues.

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Hi Everyone!

Kat, I am so thrilled with your news! Much better it be an infection than the alternative!! Tho having an infection sucks too!

Suzanne, You have got to cut the apron strings, girl! Get everyone out of the house, change the phone number and the locks, do what ever you have to do. You need to focus on YOURSELF right now and your health, not every one else's. Especially if it's to your detriment!!! And I know, it's WAY easier for ME to say it, then it is for YOU to execute it. Take good care of yourself. I hope you have an awesome time at the ranch! Sounds wonderful!!!

Tracy, I'm thrilled that you love your new house. I would seriously think about keeping Macy back a year. Wouldn't hurt and could only help! Luckily my DD was born at the end of May but even then, if she needs too, we'll hold her back. It's too important.

Jenn, I don't know what to say to you, hon. I wish I could give you a big hug. Have you thought about investing in one of those spectrum lamps? They make light bulbs that will fit regular lamps too. Maybe that would help a little? Seems you've been sliding downhill since the weather changed. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Hi to every one!!


Went to my doc on Thursday and he gave me Ambien for 30 days to see if it would help me sleep. It's sorta working. I do sleep but it's pretty restless and I do wake up tho I don't seem to have an issue going back to sleep. I've only taken it 2 nights tho so I have great hopes that it will work for me and get me out of this terrible cycle I've been in.

If it doesn't seem to be helping then he wants to UP my Prozac in addition to more Ambien! :scared2: Sheesh! Never thought I'd even be taking the stuff in the first place let alone have to increase my dose! I'm already taking 20mgs!! Seems to be working for my Migraines and mood swings for the most part tho. I'm liking it so want to keep it! :cursing:

Next week is going to be my heaviest week at work. Quarterly taxes are due, W-2s and 1099s are due as well as regular payroll and bills. Blech! I'm going to try to knock as much of it out as I can Monday and Wednesday. I'll be able to work on it some Tuesday AM but have a doc appt w/my Gyno in the city that afternoon.

Our 4 wheel drive club went up the mountain to go play in the snow. I wanted to go too but I don't have much experience with ME driving and we haven't really put my truck to the test so begged off. They're going to call when they get back in to town and DD and I will meet them for dinner. DH called this AM and asked if we wanted to meet up with him and some of his firefighters for lunch at the local fav Mexican place. Well, DD and I were all over that! LOL!! So we're going to be eating out for both lunch AND dinner!!! :cursing:

I managed to lose a lb this week. Still, wish it'd been more BUT it's more than I had been doing before my fill! So I'll take it!

We've got lots of snow. Loving it! Had to use the push broom to get the snow off of the truck so we could go into town for lunch. Almost needed to put it in 4WD to get out of the driveway and up our street but I managed fine. The main road is plowed but they haven't made it to us yet. It'll take awhile. Things are a mess around here.

Well, need more Water. Better go drink it! Talk to y'all soon! HUGS!!!

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you hit the nail on the head with me, I always have a hard time in winter, but if you even knew what has happened in the last 3 weeks you would wonder why i have not taken the bridge.

I'm better than past years, and as soon as i get my tax return I'm going back to tanning

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Morning Girls.

I'm up early because I have to work at Church this morning. Father wants the ladies from the Women's Ministry at 9am mass so we can do a "HI, I'm so & so and Welcome. And your name is?" It's a time to meet our neighbors.

We went and played cards last night and had a great time. We got home around 11:15 and headed straight to bed. As I had just dozed off, the power went out. I got out of bed and made it to the kitchen to get the flashlight. Sis hollered upstairs to tell us that there was no "Pop" from the breaker box. I opened the front door and for as far as you could see, no one had power. It was funny to see the people that were up and the flashlights in the windows. So I headed back to bed and layed there and listened to the quiet. I miss my fan going drowning out the cars. I don't know how long I had been asleep when all of a sudden the smoke alarm beeped and my fan came back on. I grabbed the flashlight and my watch and I reset my clock and alarm and went right back to sleep. Still no word as to why the power was out for 1 1/2 hours. Nothing on the news so far about it.

Michelle, that sounds like it would be a lot of fun. 4 wheeling in the snow.

I pulled some stew meat out so I guess the crockpot is the next to come out. It'll be good for a cold blustery day. You know we haven't seen the sun in almost a week now. They say that it will be here Tuesday. The cats all have cabin fever. lol.

Have a great day.

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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