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Good morning

I'm heading out to the gym this morning, other than that quiet day. Have my committee meeting tonight.

Suzanne, at least it is only 12 days into the year and not 12 days left of the year. LOL You are getting your head back in the game.

Kat - thinking about you and sending you good thoughts and prayers

hi Tracy

Cindy - Hi, thinking about you too


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Paula-welcome! I have heard alot about you and read some of your posts but have not introduced myself. Hi..I am Tracy :smile2: I hope you stay around and talk to us...we would love to have you.

Kat-I would write to you in prison! Some things are just worth going to jail over, right?! I doubt very seriously you would end up in prison though. OK, so that Boo thing on the grill would have made me go #2 in my drawers! I am a scaredy cat. lol

Suzanne-oh my, I feel so sorry for your sister. Poor thing! I will keep her in my prayers.

Jenn-hi there sista! I have been a really bad girl the past few days eating but in my defense, I am having tom right now, so, I love to eat at that time. Excuses...Excuses..Excuses lol I am so glad you are sticking to your regimin. I will get there. I will jump on it probaby Saturday when we move to the new house.

Hi everyone! my neighbor asked me to keep her kids until the middle of february. I said yes...I am a sucker but I love the kids and I know that their mom is having a rough time right now. This 2 month old has grabbed onto my heart. :D

Have a great day everyone. I will try to check in later!

Cindy-prayers still going for Erica.

Edited by TracyK
spelling errors due to lack of coffee

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hi ya'll

I should be in the shower but I'm watching UP with Alexandra. Taking her to the Dr at 1, I am afraid she has Mono

I just finished up my Mortgage and deduction part of my taxes, just waiting for my w-2's to confirm my year end paystubs and submit... and then firm up FL trip and all is well, i'm so excited it is all going to be ok

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A trip to florida sounds wonderfull, it's still so cold here.

Got home with a little time to spare. Neighbor and I are going to her sons BB game. It's at a small school about an hour from here. I'm looking forward to spending time with her. A time for me to get some laughing in.

Just wish I had time for a 5 hour nap, LOL. LOL.

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Awww thanks Paula! I am hanging in there, the unknown is scary---I take the old plan for the worst, hope for the best tactic. I have not told my parents, and have only alluded to having to have more tests to the kids. They will have time to deal with it later if it comes to that. Expecially with my parents, they will be heartbroke---no need to prolong the worries.

Your welcome Kat. I don't blame you for not telling your parents and kids yet. If it is, then they will have time to deal.

The itching and burning, have eased. I am using oil on it, nothing else. Quit using it after my shower last night, and will use nothing now until after my appt. on Wed.

I am glad the itching is easing up some. Still no idea what caused it?

DD is sick, so I am going after Kinsey, who just got over it!

I pray you don't get it. You don't need to be sick right now.

Rick is cleaning the folks chimney after work. They never called so he called them, and they were using electric heaters.....hello! They have a fully functioning heat system in their home! They have the funds to run it for something like this! Iknow it is expensive, but it's better than freezing! I swear those two will drive me nuts!

The older people get the more strange we become. My father used to drive my DS and me nuts. Now I miss the nuts!

I feel better with Rick home. Before he left we had some minor vandalism (?) in our backyard. Nothing bad, but someone took a cigarette and burned the strings attaching the clappers to my windchimes off---all 4 of them. Did the same to the things holding my birdhouse, and birdfeeder. Left them all lying in a line on the ground. Cigarette was crushed out on the patio. No one here smokes anymore. I thought that was all, then when Rick and DD were out there checking it out, my DD says "Oh sh*t" we turn to see what and she is staring at the BBQ grill which is just outside the back door, and someone had used the chalk I have out there for the kids and wrote BOO on the grill. It is right next to my big window. 2 nights before finding all this, I saw something flash out there, figured one of our solar lights was blinking (which they do if they catch another light source) or a firefly or something....bothered me enough tho at the time, I closed the blinds, then forgot about it. Guess I shouldn't have.

Knowing what you have gone through with your EX, I would have been scared S%$# you get the idea! I would call and check to see if he is still incarcerated. Could he have someone else do this to scare you?

So when he was gone, I was a bit stressed. The last time someone messed in our yard, the messages were much more sinister, and it ended up being my ex. To the best of my knowledge my ex remains in prison---------but these charges he is in on now are not against me, so I am not notified of his release.

So I loaded the gun, and I carry it. Not a huge deal, I have no issues whatsoever about shooting him. I know that sounds extreme. But I know in my heart of hearts, it will come down to him or me if it ever comes to it. I have been the receiver of his out of control anger before, and will not be again. Will not have him here to threaten and hurt my family again.

Y'all have no problem writing me in prison right???

I have no problem visiting, writing or anything else. Chances are you would get off anyway.

But yeah, I am very glad Rick is home!!! I am sleeping, and eating, and feel much more relaxed.

I am glad he is back.

Jenn, leaving to go get his kids, is not ignoring you---it is what was in his plans BEFORE you! What he plans from this point out will be telling, does he include you, want you to meet his dd's etc. But same as you made your plans for today before meeting him....he likely had done the same. Don't take it personally.

Ditto on what Kat say's. She is very insightful.

I AM needy!!! My DD's are so not! Rick is somewhere in the middle, but he has patience that I have none of! I want to hear he loves me on a daily basis! Not a big deal, I do hear it very often, and I am not a basket case if he hangs up without saying it or anything like that. I am not movie crazy! BUT, I am comforted by KNOWING. I do not act crazy, but pull into myself if I feel let down by anyone. My girls say screw 'em and move on. I question MYSELF! I do not have anywhere the self esteem they do, nor the confidence in myself they do.

If I did nothing else right, I am proud they are capable and know their own worth. I was raised by a very traditional 1950"s homemaker, and it shows!!! Wierd!

Gotta go get the girl and the meds, see y'all later!

Stick around and get to know the girls Paula!

Hi Paula, nice to meet you.

Nice meeting you Suziecat.

Home from work, out to Breakfast with friends and over to the hospital to check on Sis. It's amazing how much a person can puke who hasn't eaten in 3 days or even had anything to drink. They keep pumping her wit IV fluids, trying to keep her hydrated. Poor thing. We both managed to snooze for about 20 minutes before they came in to take more blood. Hopefully she will be home in the next day or 2.

Hopefully your sister gets better soon.

Paula-welcome! I have heard alot about you and read some of your posts but have not introduced myself. Hi..I am Tracy :thumbup: I hope you stay around and talk to us...we would love to have you.

Thank you Tracy. Nice meeting you also.

Hopefully y'all have had a good day.

Kat..is your DD doing better? Are you ready for tomorrow? My thoughts and prayers are with you hon.

Suzie...how is your DS doing now?

Tracy..good luck with the move. Especially with extra children.

Have a blessed night everyone.:)

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I am such a night owl, a 5 hour nap, is a nights sleep for me!!

Suzie, you are so right, having Rick is such a comfort, but marriage is hard work sometimes, and blending families is even harder! I do believe the aging parents are as difficult as the kids were to be honest. It is the old thing, that YOU can say anything you want about your kids, siblings and parents, but you don't want anyone else saying them, even if it is your spouse! So we kind of tip toe around issues, until the other one recognizes them, then we deal with it! LOL

I kept thinking about the "needy" vs "not needy" thing, and I am not sure now where I fall!!! I was perfectly comfortable being alone, I never felt a need for a man in my life. Rick come BACK into my life following the bad marriage, but if he hadn't I would not have taken a chance on a complete stranger, I would not have trusted my own judgement. As I thought about it, I decided, I don't need to HEAR the I love you's everyday, as much as I need to know those I am hearing them from are happy. It comforts my soul, to know those I love are happy---and when I sense they are not, or know there is a problem, is when I stress.

Had lunch with Rick, DD, DIL, and 3 grandsons today! Was chaotic and fun, and I think Taco Bell was probably glad when we left!! Not really!

Tracy, the BOO on the grill was kinda tame, if it is my ex, the last time he was here, he erected 3 GIANT (think 2"X4"X10 ft) crosses in my back yard--with a written message mounted on deer antlers, that showed me being stabbed with the message "You're gonna die bit*h". So....I just can't imagine prison tamed him down to Boo!!!

I agree, with his record, his time served for my attempted murder, etc, I would get off------but I would still likely be arrested and all, which I have never done! And would prefer to keep it that way!!!

I keep my concealed carry permit on me now, and when I am coming and going alone, I am armed. However nothing new has happen. And there has been inches of snow in the yard, and no new footprints! Nice way of keeping track when I was here alone!

Going to the inlaws to see BIL tonight. Will check in later!

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I am such a night owl, a 5 hour nap, is a nights sleep for me!! I am usually the same way, but I'm so content with a lot of things, overall life choices, and have been able to sleep. Or maybe it is becaue it is cold and I'm so warm in my cozy bed with a fire all night?

Suzie, you are so right, having Rick is such a comfort, but marriage is hard work sometimes, and blending families is even harder! I do believe the aging parents are as difficult as the kids were to be honest. It is the old thing, that YOU can say anything you want about your kids, siblings and parents, but you don't want anyone else saying them, even if it is your spouse! So we kind of tip toe around issues, until the other one recognizes them, then we deal with it! LOL And that is what I'm afraid of, I may be what I am, but my kids are respectful and kind and I don't know if i could deal with someone else's disfunction. LOL

I kept thinking about the "needy" vs "not needy" thing, and I am not sure now where I fall!!! I was perfectly comfortable being alone, I never felt a need for a man in my life. Rick come BACK into my life following the bad marriage, but if he hadn't I would not have taken a chance on a complete stranger, I would not have trusted my own judgement. As I thought about it, I decided, I don't need to HEAR the I love you's everyday, as much as I need to know those I am hearing them from are happy. It comforts my soul, to know those I love are happy---and when I sense they are not, or know there is a problem, is when I stress. yea, it is scary out there, and it is my judgement I don't trust either. and when I have someone telling me how beautiful I am, i run because I don't believe it

Had lunch with Rick, DD, DIL, and 3 grandsons today! Was chaotic and fun, and I think Taco Bell was probably glad when we left!! Not really! that is funny! Speaking of... did you all see the commercial for the Taco Bell Drive Thur diet? come on...what next

Tracy, the BOO on the grill was kinda tame, if it is my ex, the last time he was here, he erected 3 GIANT (think 2"X4"X10 ft) crosses in my back yard--with a written message mounted on deer antlers, that showed me being stabbed with the message "You're gonna die bit*h". So....I just can't imagine prison tamed him down to Boo!!!

I agree, with his record, his time served for my attempted murder, etc, I would get off------but I would still likely be arrested and all, which I have never done! And would prefer to keep it that way!!!

I keep my concealed carry permit on me now, and when I am coming and going alone, I am armed. However nothing new has happen. And there has been inches of snow in the yard, and no new footprints! Nice way of keeping track when I was here alone!

Going to the inlaws to see BIL tonight. Will check in later!

Good Morning everyone

yesterday was a strange day, just all over the place. I ended my night at my committee meeting for Patriot Hills. They were so happy with my planning and results, we are having a spring fling on April 23 and having it up in Saratoga. I am going to the hotel with one of the board members Friday morning to look at the banquet room and get menu information.

Next week I am taking my safety class so it is going to be crazy, but good.

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HI PAULA, nice to have you here with us

Cindy -how are you? How is Ericka?

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Ok Last post

Hi Tracy - how the heck is the packing going? You must be busy, and taking care of your neighbors baby while moving. God bless.

Suzanne - we are having a heat wave this week, going to get up to 30 by the end of the week, unheard of, almost scares me, it is usually -15 this time of year with the wind chill. Waiting to finish my taxes and pray for the best with FL in Feb, would love heat!

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Jenn, we are having out heat wave now. It's supposed to get up to 38 today. I'm so excited. If we didn't have to work at the hospital tonight I would be grilling outside.

Hubby and I just got back from the gym. Now I need to go take my shower and than I will head to the hospital and see if they now what they are going to do with Sis. I hope the will be transfering her soon. When I talked to her late last night, she said that she hadn't thrown up since I had left around 2pm. That's so good. Poor thing.

Neightbor and I went to the high school basketball game last night. Her son will be graduating this year and he plays for them. So sad but they lost. Oh well, we had fun talking anyway.

A big hello to everyone and I hope you all have a great day. I'll check in when I can.

Need to go take my shower now. I can smell myself. ;)

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Good morning everyone-busy busy busy. Kids, packing, change of addresses, learning bus routes, you name it!

Kat-I woke up thinking about you today. (((hugs)))

I will be back later to do more personals. Love ya'll.

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OK, I am out of here, Rick is stoking the fire, and we are leaving. It is going to be all good today, I refuse to believe anything else!

I have to drop Kinsey with my Mom. She got sick last week, and had a high fever-----from that she ended up with a mouthfull, and I do mean FULL of canker sores. The inside of her upper lip is nothing but a mass of blisters. And the entire right side of her tongue, top tip and bottom, are all covered in blisters. She cannot eat, we have her drinking all kinds of things, and she wants to eat. She managed some rotisserie chicken and potatoes last night. The pediatrician, give her some meds for herpes simplex and it did not touch it, and the culture come back finally that is is not a herpes virus. So.....what is it? The culture was not run for anything but that. DUH!!!!! So we have her rinsing her mouth with benadryl liquid, mixed with liquid Maalox. That is a battle unto itself. Getting her to use it.

OK Rick is giving me the "look" he knows I am stalling!!! Silly man, why would I do that????


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KAT - it is going to be all good today

sending you such good thoughts and energy! Hope you can feel it.


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Let me catch up quickly.............

New Years with sons friends worked out

All my friends are in a crisis mood...... so I am a person without a head...lol

Now I am hosting another party for DS soon.......OMG where are my brains

I really need to exercise and had DS find my DVD player,...so today.....this evening...I will start again

I want to lose forty pounds in 40 days

why.......my back is killing me....went to help friends and forget to take care of ME......

Tracy.........congratrs on your new home...viewed your pictures....gorgeous.....as for the kitchen cabinets...more is better,,,I wish I had so many..we use our extra room as a closet

I never thought of tiling the bedroom floor...previous owner could have had asthma.....since I have controlled asthma lets switch homes....seriously, tiled floor is a good thing especially if bedroom is insulated :0)

Jen.....my neice is in college there,,,,,just bring some northern clothes aka coats...enjoy

Everyone else.......lets pray for everyone who is not well

OMG...forgot to tell you all.....got my HUSBAND to watch the new season of biggest loser...he watched week one and snored thru week 2.......gotta love him

I hope all is well, son will be home soon

I have decided to go thru my clothes and pass on excess clothes

have a great day

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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